Ni Putu Larassati Ayu Anggrina
English Department
Faculty of Letters Udayana University
Jurnal ilmiah yang berjudul “Morphological Processes On Adjective Formations With Referent To A Screenplay Of The Movie The Truman Show” ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis proses morfologi yang ditemukan di dalam kata sifat pada naskah film tersebut dan untuk menjelaskan fungsi dan arti proses morfologi yang terkandung di dalam kata sifat di dalam naskah tersebut.
Sumber data yang menjadi bahan analisis dalam laporan ini adalah naskah film yang berjudul “The Truman Show” yang disutradarai oleh Peter Weir dan ditulis oleh Andrew Niccol. Metode dokumentasi digunakan dalam pembuatan laporan ini. Untuk mengumpulkan data, penulis membaca naskah terlebih dahulu, menandai data dan mencatat kalimat lengkap yang berisikan data tersebut. Lalu data dianalisa dengan memisahkan antara derivational dan inflectional morfem. Pada derivational morfem, dibagi lagi menjadi class maintaining dan class changing untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses morfologi berlangsung. Naskah ini dipilih sebagai sumber data karena di dalam naskah ini termuat banyak sekali kata sifat yang bias digunakan sebagai data.
Kata Kunci: morphology, adjective, types, functions, screenplay, analysis
Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined into words. Words are combined sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into thought. Word formation refers to word as a phonological or orthographical unit and also the actual words that we speak or write. The study of word formation in English is discussed in Morphology subject.
When studying morphological process, the addition of affixes can change the class of word which is concerning the structure and relationship between words. Morphological process can be found in such word classes of Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb.
This study focuses on the analyzing morphological processes on adjective formations in a screenplay of the movie The Truman Show. It is focused to find and identify the types of morphological process which occur in adjectives formation in this screenplay and to explain the functions and meanings of morphological process which occur in adjectives formation found in this screenplay. It is important to know the morphological process of word formations in order to know and understand how a word is formed either by changing its own meaning and word-classes, or not.
Based on the background above, there are two problems that are discussed in this analysis. They are : 1). What types of morphological processes into adjective are found in a screenplay of the movie “The Truman Show”?, 2). What are the functions of morphological processes on adjective found in a screenplay of the movie “The Truman Show”?
The aims wanted to be achieved related to this analysis are as follows: 1). To explain the types of morphological processes into adjective in a screenplay of the movie “The Truman Show”, 2). To describe the functions of morphological processes on adjective found in a screenplay of the movie “The Truman Show”.
In this study, the data was taken from a screenplay of the movie “The Truman Show” directed by Peter Weir and written by Andrew Niccol. The screenplay was chosen because it contains various kinds of adjective with different functions which can be used as the data.
The method and technique of collecting data in this research was documentation method. First, the writer read the screenplay carefully and several times to find and identify the data samples. Then found out and gave marks or underline each word indicating the adjective words in the novel. Next, record the data by note taking to make it easier to be analyzed.
In analyzing the data, the collected data was analyzed by using descriptive method. It means that the data described and explained in detailed based on the relevant theory to the topic of discussion. First, the data was classified based on their derivational and inflectional affix morphemes. After the classification of the affixes, for the derivational morphemes the data was divided into class changing and class maintaining affix morphemes to specify and find the morphological process occur to each data example based on the theory proposed by Katamba, Spencer, and Quirk.
Katamba (1933) in his book of morphology states that affix morphemes can be divided into two major functional categories, derivational and inflectional. Derivational morpheme has a function to create new word by either changing the meaning of the base to which they are attached or by changing the grammatical category or the word class of the word. Derivational morpheme is divided into two: class maintaining and class changing. Unlike derivational morphemes, inflectional morphemes do not change referential and cognitive meaning. Inflectional morphemes are only able to modify the form of a word so that it can fit in to a particular syntactic slot (Katamba, 1993:51).
This journal presented one example of types of morphological process in the data source. The type is class changing derivational morpheme. In changing the class of word, derivational morpheme produces a new word or lexeme which belongs to the different word class of the base and cause a shift in the grammatical sub-class of a word by moving it into a new word. The example is:
Truman gives the homeless man half of his sandwich, reconsiders and gives him it all, his appetite gone. (page 8)
Process: Noun + -less = Adjective
Home (noun) + -less
Homeless (Adjective)
In the example above, the combination of the word home function as root and suffix – less gain the output word homeless. The word homeless belongs to an adjective class.
However, the base of this word (home) belongs to a noun class. This changing is caused by the addition of suffix –less to the base causes the grammatical of the base to change. This suffix also alters the meaning of the base when they are combined each other. The meaning of this word on the context above is ‘having no home’.
The second problem of this analysis is to explain the function of morphological process on adjective found in the screenplay. Generally, the function of morphological process itself is to find how the adjective is formed. Derivational morphological process that occurs to adjective formation is to create adjective by modifying the meaning of the base without changing its grammatical category (class maintaining) or by modifying the meaning and the grammatical category of the base (class changing) as seen in the example above. The base of the word is noun (home), attached with class changing derivational suffix –lessbecomehomeless which is an adjective words. Unlike derivational morpheme, inflectional morphological process occurs to adjective function is to modify the new word which shows comparative and superlative degree in regular and irregular forms without changing the word’s grammatical category.
Based on the explanation above about the analysis of morphological process of English adjective in the previous chapter, the conclusion can be formulated as follows:
There are two types of morphological processes in English adjective formation namely derivation and inflectional processes. In the morphological process occur to English adjective, there are some classes of word which can be modified by either derivational or inflectional affixes to form the grammatical category of adjective. They are from adjective to adjective, noun to adjective and verb to adjective.
The function of morphological process itself is to find how the adjective is formed. Derivational morphological process occurs to adjective formation is to create new words by modifying the meaning of the base without changing its grammatical category or by modifying the meaning and the grammatical category of the base.
Unlike derivational morpheme, inflectional morphological process occurs to adjective function is to modify the new word which shows comparative and superlative degree in regular and irregular forms without changing the word’s grammatical category. The most word class that can be formed into adjective in this study is Verb. Because of the existence of suffix –edas past participle adjective and can occur in form of regular. As long as Verb+-ed is before noun or modify noun.
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