Alih-Kode adalah fenomena bahasa yang terjadi dalam masyarakat multibahasa. Tulisan ini berjudul "Code Switching Digunakan oleh pembawa acara pada "Black in News" Trans 7 Program TV”. Ada dua tujuan dari tulisan ini. Pertama , untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi dan jenis alih kode dalam "Black in News" Program, dan kedua, untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan presenter untuk memilih alih-kode dalam percakapan pada program "Black in News". Data dikumpulkan dari internet, terutama yang di unduh dari YouTube. Data kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan teori-teori yang diterapkan dalam penulisan ini. Pertama, tentang jenis alih-kode, analisis ini didukung oleh teori tentang jenis alih kode yang diusulkan oleh Poplack. Kedua, mengenai fungsi alih kode, analisis ini didukung oleh teori tentang fungsi alih kode oleh Appel dan Muysken.
Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa kejadian alih kode dalam artikel digunakan sebagai sumber data. Mereka termasuk tag-switching, inter-sentential dan intra-sentensial switching dengan fungsi seperti fungsi referensial, fungsi ekspresif, fungsi phatic, dan fungsi metalinguistik. Dari analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kode -switching dapat ditemukan dalam wawancara yang disajikan dalam program TV ini . Hal itu dapat menyebabkan beberapa masalah tentang penggunaan bahasa praktis, tetapi juga dapat memperkaya kosakata bahasa kita. Alih-Kode tidak dapat dihindari. Jadi, kita harus tahu bagaimana menerapkannya dengan tepat tanpa melanggar aturan bahasa.
Kata kunci: komunikasi, bilingual, multikultural.
Language as a means of communication plays an important role in everyday life. English as a second language and official language in many countries in Asia, with at least about more than million people speaks it. The most important thing of English language is as a lingua franca to all of the countries and the entire mother tongues that different from each other in this world (Evelyn, 2008:2).
Based on the background of this writing presented above, the problems can be formulated as follows:
a) What are the types of code-switching found in the bilingual conversation of the presenter in “Black in News” program TV?
b) What are the functions of code-switching found in the bilingual conversation of the presenter in “Black in News” program TV?
c) What are the factors that caused the presenters to choose to use CodeSwitching in their conversation in “Black in News” Program TV?
This study was aimed at:
a) Finding out the types of code-switching in the conversation of the presenter in “Black in News” program TV.
b) Finding out the function of code-switching in the conversation of the presenter in “Black in News” program TV.
c) Finding out the factors that caused the presenter to choose to use the codeswitching in a conversation of the presenter in “Black in News” Program TV.
The methodology is very important in a scientific writing. Besides as a way to solve the problem, methodology is used to show that the writing has scientific characteristic and is very important to make this writing successfull. The procedures of conducting this research have a very important role to determine the success of this writing. The research method in this writing was divided into three points, including data source, how the data were collected, and how the data were analyzed.
4.1 Data Source
The data that used in this study, were taken from the conversation on the “Black in News” television program. This program was run once a week. Its conversation was recorded for about five until ten minutes on CD format. This data were taken from the internet that starts from 2006 until 2013. For example, the topic of the conversation was about the basketball community. It was between the presenter and the basketball player. The conversation on that program was using code-switching to make their programs more colorful and usable for many audiences who watched this program.
4.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data
The data were collected directly from the conversation in the television by downloading the conversation from the internet, and then the data which had been downloaded was transcribed into written form. Their conversation was recorded when the program was run on the Trans 7 Corporation television program on Wednesday. The downloaded data was transcribed into written form, further the data were collected four videos from 7 videos of the conversations. On each episode, one section from that episode was taken. In each episode, we found some sections of the conversation. It means that we had to take only one section to be analyzed.
4.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data
The transcribed data in written form were analyzed according to their classification and the factors that caused the code-switching to be occur. To analyze this data the classification was based on the function of the code switching, such as the following: Referential Function, Directive Function, Expressive Function, Phatic Function, Metalinguistic Function and Poetic Function.
5. Analysis of Code Switching used by the presenters of “Black in News” Trans 7 TV Program.
5.1 Types of Code Switching
5.1.1 Tag Switching
Tag Switching involves the insertion of a tag in one language into an utterance which is entirely in other language. In this study the tag is in English which is inserted in the utterance in Indonesian. Specifically tag switching can be in the form of an exclamation, a tag, or a parenthetical in another language within a sentence which is in different language. There were some examples of tag-switching found in the data source. The data analysis below shows the use of this type of switching in that program.
a) Ok, lu bisa jelasin dikit itu sebenarnya apa sih?
This utterance is categorized as a tag switching because there is an exclamation word “OK” in the beginning of the utterance. This exclamation is used by the presenters to impress and draw the attention of the audience. The presenter also tries to provoke the audience to quickly respond to the question. The function of this utterance is directive function.
5.1.2 Inter-Sentential Switching
This type of code switching occurs between sentences, as their name indicates. This kind of switching may also occur between the speaker turns.
a) Tapi untuk sekarang ini, in new era high technology you can do more.
The data above shows the switch at the sentence level. The Indonesian sentence “Tapi untuk sekarang ini” followed by English sentence “In new era high technology you can do more” which belongs to inter-sentential switching at sentence level.
5.1.3 Intra-Sentential Switching
Based on the theory about the types of code-switching proposed by Poplack, intra-sentential switching occurs within the clause or in the middle of a sentence.
a) Jadi kalau mau join langsung aja setiap hari kamis malam di Senayan.
In the data above, the English word “join” in the middle of the Indonesian sentence shows the switch at the level of word. So it can be categorized as intra-sentential switching. It can be replaced by using its Indonesian translation gabung/ikut.
(So if you want to join just any Thursday night at Senayan)
5.2 Functions of Code Switching
5.2.1 Referential Function of Code Switching
The referential function occurs because certain subjects may be more appropriately discussed in one language or in this case English
a) Tapi makanan ini agak sedikit spicy di bagian ini.
In the data above, the English word “spicy” was inserted within the Indonesian sentence. This switching serves the referential function, because of the use of this word is more appropriate to convey the idea of the sentence, and also it has a usual use in the society rather than its Indonesian translation.
5.2.2 Phatic Function of Code Switching
Phatic function indicates a change in tone of conversation.
a) OK, lu bisa jelasin sebenarnya itu apa sih?
In the data above, the word “O.K.” in the beginning of the sentence indicate a change in tone of conversation.
5.2.3 Metalinguistic Function of Code Switching
a) Menjauhkan remaja dari free sex bukanlah perkara gampang.
The use of the English phrase “free sex” in the data above seems to be more appropriate to be used in the given topic.
5.3 Factors of Code Switching
According to Hymes (1974) on ethnographic framework, there are various factors affecting speakers. Such factor also occurs in the broadcasting in
which the announcers produce the utterance to the audience. We analyze the factors one by one bellow:
a) Setting and Scene (S)
In this program English is very important and used as an alternative language that is often used especially for conversation.
b) Participant (P)
The participants are the speaker (the presenter) and the viewer (the guest star)
c) End (E)
In this TV program of course the goals are to give information, to entertain and to get the advantages from the advertising if the program is good enough.
d) Act Sequence (A)
In this TV program, it refers to the topic along the broadcasting, such as the entertainment, working info, business, community, socio-cultural, science and technology, sports, health, etc
e) Key (K)
In relation with code switching in this TV program, it has an important role in order the audiences understand what the presenters say, to avoid the boredom of the audiences and to make the audiences feel joyful.
f) Instrumentalities (I)
The instrumentality of this TV program is in spoken or oral terms, mostly using code switching from Indonesian to English. The presenters use code switching to inform, read something, tell a joke, and ask something and to change the topic.
g) Norms of Interaction and Interpretation (N)
In the relation to broadcasting, especially that of TV program, because of the communication is face to face, the presenters have to present the topic clearly. They have to be audibly clear, quite, loud and of course comfortable to both presenters and viewers. In the relation to broadcasting, especially that of TV program, because of the communication is face to face, the presenters have to present the topic clearly. They have to be audibly clear, quite, loud and of course comfortable to both presenters and viewers.
h) Genre (G)
Genres in this TV program are interviews, sharing knowledge and conversations.
There are some points that can be taken as conclusion from the analysis above. Firstly, based on analysis of types of code switching, Intra-Sentential is the most often used in “Black In news” TV program. Secondly, about the functions of code switching, there are three functions found in this analysis. Metalingistic,
Referential and Phatic Function are the most often used in this TV program. And the last about the factors of code switching that caused the presenters used the code switching in this program. They are setting and scene, participants, ends, act sequence, key, instrumentalities, norms of interaction, interpretation and genre as factors of code switching. But of all of these factors sequences are the most influencing factors of code switching in this program.
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Http:// (Black in News on 2007) Http:// (Black in News on 2010) Http:// (Black in News on 2013) Http:// (Black in News on 2009)
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