Jurnal iniberjudul “Derivational Suffixes found in Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love”.Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa jenis-jenis proses morfologi yang terjadi pada kelas-kelas kata yang dapat berubah menjadi kelas kata lain yang ditemukan dalam novel karya Elizabeth Gilbert yang berjudul Eat Pray Love. Teori yang digunakan dalam jurnal ini adalah teori morfologi yang dikemukakan oleh Bauer (1984) dan Katamba (1993).Teori pendukung lainnya juga diambil dari buku karya Frank(1072) dan Quirk(1973). Dalam menganalisis jurnal, metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Pembahasan data di awali dengan membaca, memberi tanda dan mencatat kata benda,kata sifat,kata kerja dan kata keterangan yang ditemukan.Hasil dari pembahasan menunjukan bahwa ada dua jenis proses morfologi yaitu proses derivasi dan infleksi. Kelas-kelas kata yang dapat di modifikasi oleh kedua jenis proses morfologi tersebut adalah kata kerja, sifat, benda dan kata keterangan.

Kata kunci: morfologi, derivasi, infleksi.

  • 1.    Background

Words as the main elements of a sentence can be divided into some classes such as : noun, verb, adverb, adjective, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and interjection. In some cases, a word in English may change its form, for example; the word drive (verb) when it is attached by suffix –er, it becomes driver (noun). But when the word boy (noun) is attached by suffix –hood, it becomes boyhood (noun). In this case, suffixes can change the class of words and they maintain the class of words after they are attached into a word. The aims of this writing are identifying the forms of derivational suffixes in English used in Eat Pray Love and analyzing the functions of derivational suffixes in English used in Eat Pray Love.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Base on the fact mentioned above, the problems of this study can be formulated as follows:

  • 1)    What are the forms of derivational suffixes in English as found in Eat Pray Love?

  • 2)    What are the functions of derivational suffixes in English as found in Eat Pray Love?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

This study was aimed at :

  • 1)    Identifying the forms of derivational suffixes in English as used in Eat Pray Love

  • 2)    Analyzing the functions of derivational suffixes in English as used in Eat Pray Love

  • 4.    Research Method

Research is one of the efforts involved to find and examine the truth of a phenomena. Methodology is a procedure required to do the research well. In this case, methodology includes the determination of the data source, method and technique of collecting the data, and method and technique of analyzing the data .

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data of this study was taken from the novel Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert printed in Great Britain in London, published by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc in 2010 . This novel, provides data of the changes of word classes as due to the process of suffixation. The story of this novel is very interesting which reflect life in reality.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data for this study was collected by using library research method. The data was taken from the written source containing construction that relate to the topic of this study. Data was collected in the following steps :

Determining the subject of the research, looking and reading the novel, collecting the data in accordance with the parameters concerned, and looking for words in the data sources that have class changing and class maintaining suffixes.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

There are some steps taken in data analysis.

First, separating the words found in the data source from their suffixes, second, the suffixes were classified into their functions; third, the functions of those suffixes found in the data source were analyzed; and finally, the condition of class changing and class maintaining suffixes were presented in the table form.

  • 5.    Analysis of Derivational Suffixes found in Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love

    5.1    Class Changing Suffixes

Suffixes that can change the class of words are called class changing suffixes. There are some suffixes in English that can be categorized into class changing suffixes. They are suffixes forming nouns, suffixes forming verb, suffixes forming adjectives, and suffixes forming adverbs. In conjunctions with the theory which is applied in this thesis, these four types of suffixes are the main topic of this section.

  • 5.1.1    Type of Suffixes Forming Nouns

Based on the data source in this research, the types of suffixes forming nouns that have been found are : -ation, -ure, -al, -ary, -er/-or, -ment, -cy, -ness, -dom, -ity, -ee, -ant, -ion, -y, -age, and –ance/-ence. These suffixes when attached to the base verb and adjective will produce new lexeme, a noun.

  • 1.    He was a folk hero, handsome enough to be a movie star, daring enough to have captured everyone’s imagination (Gilbert, 2010: 151).

  • 2.    And yet, she had never know such happiness, such euphoria. (Gilbert, 2010: 156).

Table 1. The Process of Word Class Changing Suffixes Forming Noun


The Base Form

The New Lexemes

Class Changing Suffixes




Verb to noun




Adjective to noun

  • 5.1.2    Types of Suffixes Forming Verbs

In this writing, the type of suffixes forming verbs that have been found are suffixes –ify, ize and –fy. These suffixes when attached to the base nouns and adjectives will produce new lexemes, verbs.

  • 3.    No one was allowed to get near him, for Stela’s willingness to testify rested on his belief that District Attorney Di Silva was capable of protecting him from the vengeance of Michael Moretti. (Gilbert, 2010: 123).

  • 4.    She saw a battery …, and before Jennifer realize what was happening, she was surrounded by reporters. (Gilbert, 2010 : 58).

Table 2. The Process of Word Class Changing Suffixes Forming Verbs


The bases

The New Lexemes

Class Changing




Noun to verb




Adjective to verb

  • 5.1.3    Types of Suffixes Forming Adjective

Based on the data source in this writing, the type of suffixes forming adjective that have been found are: -al, -able, -less, -ful, -ous, -y, -ic, -ish, and –ial. These suffixes when attached to the base nouns and verbs will produce new lexemes adjectives.

  • 5.    She put the number of Adam’s personal physician in her private telephone book… (Gilbert, 2010: 156).

  • 6.    It was the most luxurious apartment Jennifer had ever seen. (Gilbert, 2010: 155).

Table 3. The Process of Word Class Changing Suffixes Forming Adjective


The bases

The New Lexemes

Class Changing




Noun to adjective




Verb to adjective

  • 5.1.4 Types of Suffixes Forming Adverbs

Based on the data source in this research, the type of suffixes forming adverb that have been found are: -ily, -ly, and –y. All of these suffixes are attached to adjective and form adverbs.

  • 7.    When Jennifer arrived, a lone photographer from the Daily News was waiting. (Gilbert, 2010:


Table 4. The Process of Word Class Changing Suffixes Forming Adverb


The bases

The New Lexemes

Class Changing




Adjective to adverb

  • 5.2 Class Maintaining Suffixes

Suffixes that do not change the class of words are called class maintaining suffixes. There are some suffixes in English that can be categorized into class maintaining suffixes. They are, suffixes forming nouns from nouns, and suffixes forming adjective from adjective.

  • 5.2.1    Type of Suffixes Forming Noun from Nouns

Based on the data source in this research, some suffixation from noun that form noun have been found. The suffixes that have been found from the data source are -hood, -ship, -ese, -er, -ist, -ism, -an, -y, and –cy.

  • 8.    She moved into my neighbourhood a few months ago and some damned computer lost all her records, may it rust in hell.” (Gilbert, 2010: 76).

Table 5. The Process of Word Class Maintaining Suffixes Forming Noun


The Bases

The New Lexemes

Class Maintaining




Noun to noun

  • 5.2.2 Type of Suffix Forming Adjective from Adjective

Based on the data source in this research, there is only one suffix from adjective that forms the adjective. This suffix is suffix –al .

  • 9.    He gave speeches at political rallies and fundraising dinners, and his opinions on national issues were quoted more and more frequently in the press. (Gilbert, 2010: 218).

Table 6. The Process of Word Class Maintaining Suffixes Forming Adjective


The Bases

The New Lexemes

Class Maintaining




Adjective to adjective

  • 6    Conclusion

There are some points that can be taken as conclusion from the analysis above. Suffixes that are used in the data source are mainly the suffixes that belong to class changing suffixes. There are few examples of suffixes that belong to class maintaining suffixes used in the data source.

Suffixes that belong to class changing suffixes can be categorized into four types: suffixes forming noun (-ation, -al, -er/-or, -men, -cy, -ness, -th, -ity, -ee, -ion, -y, -age, and –ance/-ence). Suffixes forming verb ( -ify, -ize and -fy ), suffixes forming adjectives (-al, -able, -less, -ful, -ous, -y) , suffixes forming adverbs (-ily, -ly, -y). The base form to which these suffixes are attached are verb, nouns, and adjective.

Looking at the frequency of use, these suffixes can be put into the following order.

Suffix forming nouns ( -ation, -ness, -er/-or, -ity, -ment, -ion, -ant, -cy, -ance/-ence, -ary, -y, -ure, -al, -dom, -ee, and -age.)

Suffix forming adjectives ( -ful, -less, -al, -able, -ous, -y, -ic, -ial and -ish )

Suffix forming verbs ( -ize, -ify and -fy )

Suffix forming adverbs ( -ly, -ily, and -y )

Suffixes that belong to class maintaining suffixes can be categorized into two types : suffixes forming nouns from nouns ( -hood, -ship, -ese, -er, -ist, -ism, -an, -y, and -cy ) and suffixes forming adjective from adjective ( -al).

  • 7    Bibliography

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