PUSTAKA VOL. 23, NO. 2 • 67 – 72

p-ISSN: 2528-7508

e-ISSN: 2528-7516

Terakreditasi Sinta-5, SK No: 105/E/KPT/2022

A Personality Study of The Main Character In Luca Movie

Ni Putu Dian Ayu Lestari1, Ida Bagus Gde Nova Winarta2

Mahasaraswati Denpasar University1,2

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia1,2

[email protected]1, [email protected]2


Nowadays we can meet people with various types of personality that are diverse and sometimes unique. Therefore, this research entitled "A Personality Study of the Main Character in Luca Movie" has the main objective to analyze the personality of the main character in a movie entitled ‘Luca’. The method used is the documentation method to capture every scene and dialogue, which will be used as data in this study, and after that it will be continued by describing each data obtained in order to get a clearer understanding. This research uses the personality type theory proposed by Jason Gale in his book entitled ‘How to Analyze People Ultimate Guide; Learn Psychology, Body Language, Perception, Types of Personalities, and Universal Rules’. This movie has three characters as the main characters; Luca Paguro, Alberto Scorfano, and Giulia Marcovando. The results of this study indicate that Luca Paguro is the protagonist of this story and he also has introverted and feeler nature. While his friend, Alberto Scorfano is an adventurer, he is an extrovert who is also a censor. And lastly, Giulia Marcovando is an extroverted censorship type girl and a defender as seen from how she tries to protect Luca and Alberto.

Keywords: Personality study, Main character, Movie, Luca, Fiction.


Saat ini kita sering menjumpai orang-orang dengan berbagai tipe kepribadian yang beragam dan terkadang unik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian yang berjudul “A Personality Study of the Main Character in Luca Movie” ini memiliki tujuan utama untuk menganalisis kepribadian tokoh utama dalam film berjudul ‘Luca’. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode dokumentasi dengan mengabadikan setiap adegan dan dialog yang akan digunakan sebagai data dalam penelitian ini, setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan mendeskripsikan setiap data yang diperoleh agar mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih jelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori tipe kepribadian yang dikemukakan oleh Jason Gale dalam bukunya yang berjudul ‘How to Analyze People Ultimate Guide; Learn Psychology, Body Language, Perception, Types of Personalities, and Universal Rules’. Film ini memiliki tiga karakter sebagai karakter utama; Luca Paguro, Alberto Scorfano, dan Giulia Marcovando. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Luca Paguro adalah protagonis dari cerita ini dan dia juga memiliki sifat introvert dan perasa. Sedangkan temannya, Alberto Scorfano adalah seorang petualang, dia adalah seorang ekstrovert yang juga seorang sensor. Dan terakhir, Giulia Marcovando adalah seorang gadis tipe sensor ekstrovert dan seorang pelindung seperti yang terlihat dari bagaimana dia mencoba melindungi Luca dan Alberto.

Kata Kunci: Personality study, Main character, Movie, Luca, Fiction.


Literature is a work of art and it is debated that no one can understand art except by the person who wrote it himself (Wellek and Warren, 1993). But in today's era there are many who can understand art and can even modify the work of art in their own style but still does not eliminate the characteristics or original intent and purpose of the original author. Based on Wellek and Warren (1993) in their book entitled ‘Theory of Literature’, along with the statement above they also say that literature represents social life which is mostly a social reality, although the natural and inner world

is something subjective. Some other experts also have different opinions about what literature is but it does not change the meaning of literature itself. Literary theory is the study of principles, categories, and criteria used as a benchmark for studying literature. Literary theory can only be compiled based on a direct study of literary works. It is impossible to make criteria, categories, and general schemes of literary works without being based on concrete literary works.

Yoseph (1997) stated that conceptually, literature is a fiction or systematic knowledge which is a pattern of regulating the relationship

between observed phenomena based on a certain point of view. Similarly, a theory can also be educated logically and verified or refuted on an object or phenomenon it observes. In the Middle Ages, English literature was divided into three types; poetry, prose, and drama. And continues to develop along with the times, until now drama is not only played directly, but can be watched repeatedly which is made digitally called a series or movie.

Movie is a continuation of the development of photography that continues to grow, until finally creating an illusion that looks like a living image. The development of movie began to be recognized after the birth of many movie artists in each country and each movie has a specific target audience. For example, a feature movie produced with made-up stories played by actors and actresses along with elements of literary works such as plot, setting, characterization, structure, and theme in the form of a scenario script or sometimes a narrative. Movie shows are also equipped with sound, music, lighting, camera angles, and editing so that images or stories become more real and dramatic to create a good movie (Sumarno, 1996). In addition to movies that are played by actors and actresses, there are also types of animated movies which are edits by combining many images into one, but still following the existing literary elements.

This study uses an animated movie entitled Luca. According to Wikipedia (2021) Luca is an American computer-animated movie produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The movie was released on June 18 2021 and directed by Enrico Casarosa, written by Jesse Andrews and Mike Jones. Luca is not just a looker; it is also a funny, entertaining, and deeply emotional story about friendship and acceptance. Set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera (Liguria), Disney and Pixar's original feature movie Luca is a coming-of-age story about one young boy experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta, and endless scooter rides. Luca shares these adventures with his newfound best friend, but all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held secret: they are sea monsters from another world just below the water's surface.

The main purpose of this study is to analyze and identify the type of personality possessed by the main character in this movie. In the Luca movie, there are three characters who are used as the main characters, they have different

characters from each other. This study uses the personality type theory proposed by Jason Gale (2017) in his book entitled ‘How to Analyze People Ultimate Guide; Learn Psychology, Body Language, Perception, Types of Personalities, and Universal Rules’ as a reference to analyze the personality characteristics of each main character.

As stated in Jason Gales's theory about type of personality. Personality can be analyzed after meeting or seeing how the character or person behaves and acts. In addition to meeting in person, using certain tests can also help to determine a person's personality. Based on Gale (2017) provides several types of personality characters, namely; The Architect, The Logician, The Commander, The Debater, The Advocate, The Mediator, The Protagonist, The Campaigner, The Logistician, The Defender, The Executive, The Consul, The Virtuoso, The Adventurer, The Entrepreneur, and The Entertainer. In his book also added some character personality that we often encounter such as; Extroverts, Introverts, Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, Feeling, Judging, and Perceiving. This theory is used as a reference by the researcher to determine and describe the types of personality types possessed by the three main characters in the Luca movie.

As a further reference, the researcher will take several articles as examples and references in conducting this research. The first article is an article entitled “Finch's Conflicts and Personality Analysis as The Main Character Portrayed in All the Bright Places” written by Dewi et al., (2022). The researchers wrote this study with the aim of providing insight into conflict and Finch's personality in the movie ‘All the Bright Places’. Using William Kenney's conflict theory (1966) and Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis (1896), the researchers observed the actions and conversations performed by Finch as the main character in the movie. The researchers found that finches deal with internal and external conflicts, and from describing these conflicts, the researchers found that finches have three main personalities; id, ego, and superego.

The second study is an article written by Afkarina and Wardhani (2019) entitled “Psychoanalysis of Main Character's Personality in the Movie Moana”. This study aims to determine the main character's personality and personality development factors in the Moana movie. This study uses the personality theory stated by Sigmund Freud to determine the type of personality

and the theory of Kuravati and Malipati (2017) to identify the personality development factors of the main character. The results of this study indicate that there are several factors that cause the personality development of Moana's character, there are, heredity, individual, and environmental factors.

The third article is written by Khairunas et al., (2018) entitled “Personality of Main Character in Jobs Movie Directed By Joshua Michael Stern” which has the aim of knowing a person's personality from a movie and contains Steve's personality in a movie entitled 'Jobs' Directed By Joshua Michael Stern. By watching this movie repeatedly, the researchers obtained data that was used in this study and was based on several theories of researchers obtained through library research. The results of the study show that there are five personality data displayed, seven personality types data based on Oldberg's theory of Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extroversion and Neuroticism, and several moral values that can be used as lessons.

The similarity of each article with this research is that both research using a movie as a data source and analyze the personality of the main character in the movie. Using descriptive qualitative method in explaining and describing the data obtained in order to get a clearer understanding of the topic being discussed. The main difference between the previous research and the research in this article is the theory used, two of which use the personality theory proposed by Sigmund Freud and one uses more than one theory as a research reference, but this study only uses the personality theory proposed by Jason Gale in his book entitled "How to Analyze People Ultimate Guide; Learn Psychology, Body Language, Perception, Types of Personalities, and Universal Rules" as a research reference. The second difference is in the type of movie used, two of the previous studies have different genres, only the second study has a theme that is almost similar to this research. The researcher uses the movie "Luca" as a data source because Luca has a clear story and an appropriate character description so that it can make it easier to do research.


The data source used in this study is a movie entitled 'Luca'. By using documentation and library research methods in collecting data, which

includes identifying and locating sources that contain real information or are facts (George, 2008). The steps taken by the researcher are (1) looking for a movie that will be used as a source of data in this study, then (2) watching the selected movie carefully, (3) doing a note taking to record important scene and dialogues that occur, and (4) the last is reading the script from the movie to help understand the dialogue between the characters. After the data collection stage was completed, it was continued by describing the data obtained using a qualitative descriptive method based on the personality type theory of Jason Gale (2017) in his book ‘How to Analyze People Ultimate Guide; Learn Psychology, Body Language, Perception, Types of Personalities, and Universal Rules’ which is used with the aim of obtaining and providing a clearer and easier to understand explanation of the topic that being discussed.



In this session there will be results from the data that has been collected with a predetermined data collection method. The table below will contain the personality types of the three main characters that have been obtained based on the theory that has been stated by Jason Gale in his book.

Table 1.1 Personality Type of Each Character





Luca Paguro

Protagonist Introvert Feeler Mediator





Extrovert Sensor Thinker Commander





Extrovert Sensor Campaigner Entertainer

To find out more about the personality types possessed by the three main characters in the Luca movie, the researchers will make a discussion session that discusses the most dominant personality possessed by the main characters.


In this discussion session, it will be discussed and explained further about the personality types possessed by the three main characters based on the personality type theory proposed by Jason Gale by taking the most dominant personality to explain, accompanied by evidence of dialogue and screenshots of the scene.

  • 1)    DATA 1

Luca Paguro – The Protagonist

Based on Gule (2017) the protagonist is the speaker in a group. Those who are the protagonist are usually the liaison between the people in the group. Sometimes the protagonist likes to talk without thinking so he/she looks like an idiot. But they never hesitate to voice their opinion.

Picture 2.1

Luca      : Okay. I’ll go.

I’ll go win the race.

Alberto   : What?

Luca     : Yeah! And then the vespa will

be ours!

And we’ll ride away together!

Alberto   : Luca, that’s crazy.

Luca     : Well, maybe I’m crazy.

In this movie, Luca Paguro is the protagonist. From the beginning of this meeting of the three main characters, it was Luca who told Alberto to start a conversation with Giulia so that they could become a group to do a race, so he was the liaison in the group. In his conversation with Alberto, he also seemed like a talkative person, he wanted to win the race alone to get the Vespa they wanted even though it was a very dangerous thing to do, but he really did it anyway.

  • 2)    DATA 2

    Alberto Scorfano – The Adventurer

The adventurers are people who cannot be put in a box. They always have a desire to explore the world and try out all kinds of

experiments without worrying about the consequences. Always do things spontaneously and always be the first to try something new. This is what makes people who have this type of personality quickly stand on their own feet (Gale, 2017).

Picture 2.2

Alberto : You ready to ride it?

Luca : Oh well, thank you, but no thank you.

I mean, I just think maybe I would die.

Alberto : Okay. I’ll ride it. You hold the ramp.

Luca : Uh…

Sir… maybe we should sleep on it?

Alberto : Whatever you do, don’t move!

Luca : I’m not the guy you want for this.

I’m more of an idea man…

Alberto : Take me gravity!

Alberto Scorfano is the type of character who likes to try something new and exciting without thinking about the consequences. Like in the scene above where he and Luca have managed to make a Vespa replica from the things he owns. He offers Luca to try to ride that, but Luca refuses because he thinks that he can die if he rides it. In contrast to Alberto who still insisted on trying, even though he did not know whether the object was safe to drive or what risks he would face when driving it. Alberto continued to drive that Vespa replica confidently from on top of the hill to the ocean, this is what makes Alberto to be categorized as a character who has the personality type as the adventurer.

  • 3)    DATA 3

    Giulia Marcovando – The Defender

According to Gule (2017) about personality analysis, the defender is someone who will stay on the side of the people they

love even though they know that the person is wrong or has a problem. People with this type of personality will also stand up for their loved ones when they are in trouble and save them. They are the type who has a very high concern for others.

Picture 2.3

Giulia : Of all the places for sea monsters to visit, Porto Rosso?

Have you seen this town?

My father hunts sea monsters!

Luca, you have to get out of here.

Luca : But I thought we were underdogs.

Giulia : Do you think I want you to leave?

This is the happiest I’ve… Look, it’s just not worth it. Luca    : You don’t understand.

Giulia   : No. I don’t.

Risking your life for a vespa?

In a movie called Luca, Giulia Marcovando is a defender type. After he found out that Luca was a sea monster, she told Luca to immediately leave the town because it was a dangerous place for him, moreover Giulia's father was a sea monster hunter, so she did not want her friend to be in danger if he stayed in the city. At the end of the story, when Luca and Alberto are hunted by one of the antagonist characters in this story, Giulia tries to help them, not caring that the whole community is after them and she is also hurt. Giulia still wants to help her friends so they can leave safely.


This study has the aim that focuses on analyzing the type of personality the main character has in a movie entitled 'Luca' which has three characters as the main characters in the story. By

using a theory of personality analysis from an expert named Jason Gale with his book entitled “How to Analyze People Ultimate Guide; Learn Psychology, Body Language, Perception, Types of Personalities, and Universal Rules”, the research uses documentation and library research methods in collecting data and then describes the data using descriptive qualitative methods and get the results of research which shows that; (1) Luca Paguro has a personality as a protagonist who is introverted, feeler, and also a mediator. (2) the character of Alberto Scorfano is an adventurer who has extrovert, censorship, thinker, and sometimes behaves as a commander. And finally (3) Giulia Marcovando is the female main character who has a personality as a defender, extrovert, sensor, and sometimes also as a campaigner and commander. This story is a story with a light but full of meaning and lessons that we can learn.


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