PUSTAKA VOL. 22, NO.2 • 102 – 106

Terakreditasi Sinta-5, SK No: 105/E/KPT/2022

p-ISSN: 2528-7508

e-ISSN: 2528-7516

On The Observance of Grice’s Maxims in Nathan Greno’s Movie Script Tangled

Ida Ayu Made Wulan Sri Dewi

Udayana University

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia Email: [email protected]


This study entitled “On the Observance of Grice’s Maxims in Nathan Greno’s Movie Script Tangled” discussed about the obedience conversational maxims that are found in the conversations that occurred in the movie script. This study aims at finding and analyze the type of Grice’s maxims are applied by the characters in the movie script, along with the meaning of the types are applied by the characters in the movie script Tangled by using Grice (1975) theory. The data were collected by using documentation method and note-taking technique, and were analysed by using a descriptive qualitative method. Based on the result of the data analysis, it showed that the analysis of Grice’s maxims in the Tangled movie script applied all types of the maxims; which are maxim of quantity, quality, relation, and manner.

Keywords: conversational rules, maxims, movie script.


Penelitian yang berjudul “On the Observance of Grice’s Maxims in Nathan Greno’s Movie Script Tangled” ini membahas tentang maksim percakapan kepatuhan yang ditemukan dalam percakapan yang terjadi dalam naskah film. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan menganalisis tipe maksim Grice yang diterapkan oleh para tokoh dalam naskah film, beserta makna dari jenis maksim yang diterapkan oleh para tokoh dalam naskah film Tangled dengan menggunakan teori Grice (1975). Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan teknik catat, serta dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa analisis maksim Grice dalam naskah film Tangled menerapkan semua jenis maksim; yaitu maksim kuantitas, kualitas, relasi, dan cara.

Kata kunci: kaidah percakapan, maksim, naskah film.


Communication does not only serve as the foundation for how people convey information but also plays an important role in human life and society. Particularly in our daily lives, communication is not only facilitating the process of sharing information and knowledge with others but also assists people in developing relationships with others. However, not only in our daily lives, but we also need good communication to be applied in other applications, one of them is a movie.

Movie is one of literally works from the language creation that has a function mostly to entertain the audience. Because, in the movie, we can find many interesting things such as the gestures of the actors, conversations, and points of the message inside the movie seem more certainly to those who watch it. There are movies produced for the purpose as a way of education, like

amusement, even a few movies produced with the intention of political pastimes. There are many forms of movie, including comedy, romantic, movement, dramatic comedy, horror, and any other movie genre.

However, to meet the standards of society, it takes several parts to complete a movie. One of them is characters. To build a story, characters are needed as the main element of the storyline of a movie. In the movie, the characters are also expected to be able to carry out their roles by communicating well with one another. Then, the most important element or the part that created the movie is the movie script. Movie scripts will help the addressee to have a better understanding of the storyline of the movie because people need to think further to get all the messages of the dialogue or the story inside the movie script just like the speaker’s attended, which means of his utterances, the mindset of the speaker while he talks to the

addressee as referent honorific, the gesture that is used by the speaker and addressee, and so forth.

However, in order to make a good movie script, some rules must be included in the movie script. That rules are under the pragmatics study called Cooperative Principle theory. Linguist Herbert Paul Grice (1975) refined the Cooperative Principle (CP) and its maxims based on ordinary language philosophy as a mode of interaction for successful communication. According to Yule (1996:37), people will have a successful conversation if they fulfill the Cooperative Principle that is elaborated into four sub-principles or maxims; the maxim of quantity, quality, relation, and manner.

It is possible to conclude that the cooperative principle, which leads to conversational maxims, is very important in conversation. The decision to study Grice's maxims in the movie script was an excellent way of explaining the connection between utterances and what others understand. The above explanation is the motivation for analyzing the Cooperative Principle, specifically about Gricean maxims. On the observance of Grice's maxims in the movie script, "Tangled" will be examined to determine whether the conversations in the movie are obeying the maxims. It is very interesting to conduct this study to analyze Grice's maxims and the meanings that occur in the conversations in the "Tangled" movie script to prove that conversational communication is still successful.


The data source of this study was taken in the form of the movie script from a movie entitled Tangled. Tangled was an American computer-animated, three-dimensional musical adventure story. The data was taken from the internet, from https://www.princessmovies.io/disney-princess/tangled/. The movie script was also from the internet, it was from https://www.scribd.com/document/450012408/Ta ngled-Movie-Script. The movie was well-known and contains a lot of conversation. Therefore, this movie was chosen as the data source of this study.

This study collected the data information through the documentation method and using the note-taking technique; there were three steps in data collection that were completed by the writer. First, the script and the movie Tangled were obtained by downloading it from the internet;

Second, note-taking and collecting the sentences or utterances that indicated and were thought to be Grice's maxims; Last, to identify each sentence that has been gathered.

This study used a content analysis method to analyze the data, which was using a descriptive technique. There were three steps in analyzing the data of this study. The first step was to identify the movie's characters' utterances as data related to Grice's maxims and eliminated them to obtain the best data; the second step was to classify the data into types of Grice’s maxims that were applied in Tangled movie; the Last step, all representative data collected, and the selected data were further analyzed to determine each meaning.

The data from this data source were descriptively analyzed using a descriptive technique based on Paul Grice's theory (1975). Then, all of the dialogue containing Grice's maxims were bolded and were made into a dialogue between the speaker and the hearer, as well as the meanings of Grice's maxims that were applied by the characters in the movie based on Grice's theory (1975).

In analyzing the data, this study will apply the Cooperative Principle theory proposed by Grice (1975). Grice (1975: 26–30) presumed a common Cooperative Principle and four maxims that specify how to cooperate. He asserted that people often follow these rules for effective communication. These maxims are; Grice's four maxims are: first, the maxim of quantity, in which the speaker tries to give as much information as possible; second, the maxim of quality, in which the speaker tries to be honest; third, the maxim of relation, in which the speaker tries to be relevant; fourth, the maxim of manner, in which the speaker tries to give information clearly to avoid ambiguity.


Based on the dialogues that have been selected, it was found what maxim the characters in the movie Tangled have applied. Tangled’s genre is a three-dimensional musical adventure story that shows a lot of scenes where the characters only sing, it made only few data points of the total found that applied the four Maxims with the maxim of relation is being the most frequent maxim, followed by the maxim of quantity and maxim of quality, and the maxim of manner is being the least maxim applied by the character. The procedures of the analysis are as follows: the scene of the movie is

first presented it is then followed by the dialogue and the analysis.

This part discussed about Maxim application which is maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner that are found in the movie script Tangled.

(Data 1)

Rapunzel: hello, welcome back, mother.

Gothel: Oh, Rapunzel. how you control to do that each single day without fail, it appears certainly exhausting, darling.

Rapunzel: Oh, it's nothing.

Rapunzel’s response applied a Maxim of quantity, as Grice (1975:45) stated the speaker must not give an informative answer contributed more information than is necessary. So as what Mother Gothel asked Rapunzel, she just responded without following the unnecessary information.

(Data 2)

Flynn: Why in the world might I need your hair? look, i was being chased, I noticed a tower, I climbed it, give up of the tale.

Rapunzel: you are, telling the truth?

Flynn: YES!

Flynn’s answer to Rapunzel applied a Maxim of quantity because as Grice (1975:45) stated the speaker must be contributed as informative as is necessary for the current exchange, and Flynn has given an informed answer as is needed.

(Data 3)

Rapunzel: [sobs] You have been right, mum. You have been right approximately the whole lot.

Gothel: I understand, darling. I understand.

As Mother Gothel’s answer, it applied a Maxim of quantity rules. Because she answered Rapunzel as informative as it is required as the theory stated by Grice (1975:45) to not make our contribution more information than is necessary.

(Data 4)

Gothel: Rapunzel, mother’s feeling a little run-down. might you sing for me, darling?

(Rapunzel sings quick)

Gothel: Rapunzel!

Rapunzel: So, mom, earlier i was saying day after today’s a quite massive day, and you did not surely reply, So i am just going to inform you. it is my birthday! TADA!

From the utterance made by Rapunzel, it shows that Rapunzel applied a Maxim of quality. As the function of Maxim of quality is that every speaker provides accurate information or contribution to their audience; and Rapunzel was telling Mother Gothel true information about her upcoming birthday, proved by the celebration she got every year.

(Data 5)

Rapunzel: that is all my fault. She was right, I in no way must have done this. i am so... i am so sorry, Flynn.

Flynn: Eugene.

Rapunzel: What?

Flynn: My actual name is, Eugene Fitzherbert. so that you would possibly as well know.

According to Grice (1975:46), this utterance consists of two rules of the maxim; the first means don't lie and the second says don't say things you're not sure about. Regarding the theory, Flynn has given true information about his true name that made him apply a Maxim of quality. It has been also mentioned in the narration of the story about Flynn’s true name.

(Data 6)

Rapunzel: i had magic hair that glows after I sing.

Flynn: What?

Rapunzel: i had... magic hair, that glows after I sing! Flower gleam and glow. allow your energy shine.

From Rapunzel’s utterances it could be concluded that her utterances conducted a Maxim of quality, based to Grice (1975:46), the maxim of quality must not say what you think is wrong and not saying what you lack suitable evidence, and Rapunzel was telling the truth and proved it by did it immediately.

(Data 7)

Stabbington: Now assist us up, beautiful boy.

Flynn: Sorry, my arms are full.

Flynn’s response to the stabbington brothers conducted a Maxim of relation. Flynn’s answer was related to the utterances the brothers said; according to Grice (1975:46) in this maxim, the rule is related and Flynn was referring to the stabbington’s order without failing to bring up the topic of an extended conversation.

(Data 8)

Rapunzel: [she threatens him with the pan again] i can use this. Is it, ruffians, thugs? Have they arrive for me?!

Flynn: stayed calm, it may possibly smell worry.

Rapunzel: Oh, sorry. Getting only a little bit, jumpy.

Rapunzel’s answer applied a Maxim of relation. As the function of Maxim of relation is trying to be relevant; then looked by Rapunzel’s answer referred to Flynn, she admitted that she was a little bit jumpy when Flynn said to stay calm. It showed as a Maxim of relation category as the utterances were related to one another.

(Data 9)

Flynn: Are you hungry? I knew a excellent place for lunch.

Rapunzel: Wherein?

it showed that Rapunzel was giving a Maxim of relation answer to Flynn. As Grice (1975:46) mentioned, points out that when you engage in communication, the maxim of relation assumes you to be relevant; in the context, Flynn was asking Rapunzel to a restaurant he knew, then as that is pertinent to the discussion Rapunzel answered it by “wherein” referred to Flynn. It proved that Rapunzel was giving a relevant answer to Flynn. She replied with the answer that still had the same subject as the speaker.

(Data 10)

Hook Hand: Oh, it is him all right. Greno, move discover some guards. That reward goes to buy me a brand new hook.

Attila: I could use the money.

Referring to the hook hand’s utterances. It could be concluded, the hook hand friend’s answer applied a Maxim of relation. He used a relevant answer shown as the Maxim of relation. The meaning of "relevant" is that the connection between what the speaker says and what the receiver hears is related. As the explanation, the hook hand was talking about the price he could get for Flynn’s reward, then his friend responded in a relevant way, saying he could also use the money without talking about another subject as the response.

(Data 11)

Rapunzel: Why cannot i'm going outside?

Gothel: The outside world is a risky place. packed with horrible, selfish humans. You should live here, in which you're safe. Do you understand, flower?

Rapunzel: Sure, Mommy.

In Mother Gothel’s explanation, she applied a Maxim of manner. Grice (1975:46) stated that Maxim of manner should avoid obscurity, and Mother Gothel explained to Rapunzel well-orderly that the world was very cruel as Mother Gothel answered in a firm and unambiguous answer made it into the category of this maxim.

(Data 12)

Rapunzel: All i was gonna say, mom, is that... I understand what I need for my birthday, now. Gothel: And what's that?

Rapunzel: New paint. That paint crafted from the white shells you once brought me.

Rapunzel’s answer applied a Maxim of manner, as the function of Maxim of manner when the speaker asks a question, the listener should answer as clearly and unambiguously as possible. Then, referring to Rapunzel’s utterances she has given a clear answer, she explained in detail the present she wanted for her birthday to make the listener understand what the meaning of the utterances was told.


Based on the previous data analysis, it can be concluded that the analysis in the Tangled movie script is applying all types of the maxims; found twelve data consisting of three data of maxim of quantity, three data of maxim of quality, four data of maxim of relation, and two data of maxim of manner. The explanations are as follow:

The characters in the movie Tangled were found using all types of maxims. The type of maxim which is mostly found obeyed by the character is Maxim of relation. These were proved that the characters always tried to answer the speaker or the hearer as relevance as possible. Then, the maxim of quality and the maxim of quantity is the second most obeyed by the characters. Because the characters replied to each other as informative as possible without telling something that lack of evidence truthfully. Lastly, the maxim of manner is the fewest found obeyed by the characters. However, the characters are still

tried to be brief and more orderly to avoid ambiguity in their utterances.


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