
I Ketut Adi Atmika, I Gusti Agung Kade Suriadi


“Belakangan ini berkembang kendaraan niaga yang berbasis sepeda motor yang digunakan untuk berdagang atau pengangkutan sampah. Kurangnya akselerasi dan beberapa kali ditemukan kecelakaan kendaraan sepeda motor roda tiga karena tidak mampu mengatasi kondisi jalan belok maupun dipaksakan mengangkut barang yang berlebih, membutuhkan kajian dan analisa performa traksi kendaraan sepeda motor roda tiga. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menguji karakteristik daya torsi engine kendaraan sepeda motor roda tiga pada chassis dynamometer. Karakteristik tersebut menjadi bagian simulasi pada system drive train sepeda motor roda tiga untuk mendapatkan kinerja traksi kendaraan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya traksi yang tidak terpakai dari perpindahan transmisi pertama sampai kelima. Analisa traksi kendaraan model tanpa muatan mampu mengatasi tanjakan maksimum sebesar 20,590, sedangkan tanjakan maksimum dengan muatan 100 kg mencapai 15,840 dan dengan muatan 150 kg mencapai 14,200. Kendaraan model tanpa muatan mampu melewati berbagai medan jalan sedangkan dengan beban 100 kg hanya mampu melewati jalan aspal basah dan kendaraan model dengan beban 150 kg tidak mampu melewati berbagai kondisi jalan Recently, there has been a development of commercial vehicles based on motorcycles that are used for trading or transporting garbage. The lack of acceleration and several three-wheeled motorcycle accidents were found because they were unable to cope with turning road conditions or forced to carry excess goods, requiring a study and analysis of the traction performance of three-wheeled motorcycles. The research was conducted by testing the characteristics of the engine torque of a three-wheeled motorcycle on a chassis dynamometer. These characteristics are part of the simulation on the three-wheeled motorcycle drive train system to obtain vehicle traction performance. The results showed that there was unused traction from the first to the fifth transmission shift. Traction analysis of an unloaded model vehicle is able to overcome a maximum incline of 20,590, while the maximum incline with a load of 100 kg reaches 15,840 and with a load of 150 kg it reaches 14,200. The model vehicle without a load is able to pass through various terrains, whereas with a load of 100 kg it is only able to pass through wet asphalt roads and a model vehicle with a load of 150 kg is unable to pass through various road conditions.”


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How To Cite

ATMIKA, I Ketut Adi; SURIADI, I Gusti Agung Kade. Kinerja Traksi Sepeda Motor Roda Tiga Pada Berbagai Kondisi Jalan dan Muatan.Jurnal Mettek: Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional dalam Bidang Ilmu Teknik Mesin, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 73-82, nov. 2021. ISSN 2502-3829. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 7 No 2 (2021)



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