Analisa Korelasi Nilai Konduktivitas Air Pendingin Terhadap Efisiensi Turbin Uap PLTP Karaha
Ernanda Ginting, Aryantono Mortowidjojo, Priyono Atmadi
“Uap yang digunakan sebagai penggerak turbin berasal dari sumur produksi dua fasa dengan karakteristik water dominated. Selain water dominated, uap dari sumur mengandung banyak mineral dari perut bumi seperti Silika, Klorida, Sodium, Kalsium, Sulfate, Potasium, Magnesium, Boron dan Iron. Mineral tersebut ikut terlarut bersama uap yang terkondensasi menjadi kondensat, kondensat yang didinginkan untuk dipakai kembali sebagai air pendingin mengandung zat-zat pengotor yang mempengaruhi proses heat mass balance PLTP Karaha 1x30MW.Kondisi tersebut merupakan masalah yang diangkat pada penelitian ini dengan melakukan uji analisa korelasi konduktivitas air pendingin terhadap efisiensi PLTP Karaha 1x30MW dengan menggunakan software orange 3.27.1.Dari hasil analisa pearson correlation, scatter plot dan distributions didapatkan korelasi yang cukup kuat antara konduktivitas air terhadap efisiensi turbin dengan nilai koefisien pearson correlation yang sebesar -0.436. Konduktivitas air pendingin dengan nilai rata-rata 1181 µS/cm memiliki efisiensi turbin diatas 71.5%, sedangkan konduktivitas air pendingin dengan nilai rata-rata 1248 µS/cm memiliki efisiensi turbin dibawah 66.4%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan kenaikan dan penurunan konduktivitas air pendingin memiliki korelasi dengan efisiensi turbin uap PLTP Karaha 1x30 MW. The steam used to drive the turbine comes from a two-phase production well with the characteristic of being water dominated. Apart from water dominated, steam from the wells contains many minerals from the bowels of the earth, such as Silica, Chloride, Sodium, Calcium, Sulfate, Potassium, Magnesium, Boron and Iron. These minerals are also dissolved with the steam which condenses into condensate, condensate which is cooled to be reused as cooling water contains impurities that affect the heat mass balance process of PLTP Karaha 1x30MW.This condition is a problem that is raised in this research by analyzing the correlation analysis of cooling water conductivity to the efficiency of Karaha 1x30MW PLTP using orange 3.27.1 software.From the analysis of the pearson correlation, scatter plot and distributions, it was found that there was a strong correlation between water conductivity and turbine efficiency with the pearson correlation coefficient value of -0.436. The conductivity of the cooling water with an average value of 1181 µS / cm has a turbine efficiency above 71.5%, while the conductivity of the cooling water with an average value of 1248 µS / cm has a turbine efficiency below 66.4%. So it can be concluded that the increase and decrease in cooling water conductivity has a correlation with the efficiency of the Karaha 1x30 MW PLTP steam turbine.”
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How To Cite
GINTING, Ernanda; MORTOWIDJOJO, Aryantono; ATMADI, Priyono. Analisa Korelasi Nilai Konduktivitas Air Pendingin Terhadap Efisiensi Turbin Uap PLTP Karaha.Jurnal Mettek: Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional dalam Bidang Ilmu Teknik Mesin, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 19-27, apr. 2021. ISSN 2502-3829. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:
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Vol 7 No 1 (2021)
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