
Muhammad Nasihin, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantari


“ABSTRAK PT. United Indobali Denpasar merupakan penyalur resmi suku cadang merek Suzuki wilayah Bali. Banyaknya pesaing yang masuk membuat persaingan semakin ketat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi bisnis dan implikasinya pada strategi pemasaran suku cadang di PT United Indobali Denpasar. Responden penelitian diambil dari pengambil kebijakan di perusahaan berjumlah 7 orang. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan matrik IE. Berdasarkan matrik IE posisi perusahaan berada pada sel V maka strategi yang sesuai adalah pertahankan dan pelihara. Implikasi pada strategi pemasaran yaitu penetrasi pasar, pengembangan pemasaran produk, peningkatan kualitas layanan. Kata kunci: strategi pemasaran, penetrasi pasar, pengembangan pemasaran produk. ABSTRACT PT. United Indobali Denpasar an authorized parts dealer of Suzuki brand of Bali. The number of competitors who entered the competition gets tougher to make. The purpose of this study was to determine the business strategy and its implications on the marketing strategy of spare parts in PT United Indobali Denpasar. Respondents were taken from policy makers in the company amounted to 7 people. Data analysis techniques in this study using IE matrix. Based on the matrix IE position the company is in cell V then the appropriate strategy is to keep and maintain. Implications for marketing strategy that is market penetration, product development marketing, service quality improvement. Keywords: marketing strategy, market penetration, product development marketing.”


strategi pemasaran, penetrasi pasar, pengembangan pemasaran produk. ABSTRACT PT. United Indobali Denpasar an authorized parts dealer of Suzuki brand of Bali. The number of competitors who entered the competition gets tougher to make. The purpose of this study was to determine the business strategy and its implications on the marketing strategy of spare parts in PT United Indobali Denpasar. Respondents were taken from policy makers in the company amounted to 7 people. Data analysis techniques in this study using IE matrix. Based on the matrix IE position the company is in cell V then the appropriate strategy is to keep and maintain. Implications for marketing strategy that is market penetration, product development marketing, service quality improvement. Keywords: marketing strategy, market penetration, product development marketing.


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How To Cite

NASIHIN, Muhammad; GIANTARI, I Gusti Ayu Ketut. PERUMUSAN STRATEGI PEMASARAN SUKU CADANG PADA PT. UNITED INDOBALI DENPASAR.E-Jurnal Manajemen, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 11, nov. 2014. ISSN 2302-8912. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 3 No 11 (2014)



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