p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419

Vol. 29 No.1

Reiteration Used by the Participants of Warmadewa University Reading News Contest

Dewa Ayu Kadek Claria

English Department, Warmadewa University, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract--This paper discusses about reiteration used by the participants of reading news contest conducted in Warmadewa University. Reiteration is part of lexical cohesion. The lexical cohesion has two functions; first to link between word and word, phrase and phrase within a text and second to indicate co-occurrence of words in which their meaning related in the same environment. The reiteration refers to first function of lexical cohesion. The theories applied to support this paper are the theory of cohesion from a book entitled Introducing Discourse Analysis by Nunan (1993) and a book entitled Cohesion in English by Halliday and Hasan (1976). The data of this paper taken from six texts made by the participants of the contest. The text contains with the participants’ perspectives on Indonesian culture in the globalization era. The data was analyzed by using qualitative method. Based on the result of the analysis, it is found that reiteration used in the text by the participants of reading news contest consists of repetition, synonym/nears synonym, superordinate and general word.

Keywords: Text; Lexical Cohesion; Reiteration

Abstrak--Makalah ini membahas tentang reiterasi yang digunakan oleh peserta lomba membaca berita yang diadakan di Universitas Warmadewa. Reiterasi merupakan bagian dari kohesi leksikal. Kohesi leksikal memilik dua fungsi; pertama untuk menghubungkan antara kata dan kata, frasa dan frasa dalam teks dan kedua untuk menunjukkan hubungan terjadinya kata-kata di mana maknanya terkait dalam lingkungan yang sama. Pengulangan mengacu pada fungsi pertama kohesi leksikal. Teori-teori yang digunakan untuk mendukung tulisan ini adalah teori kohesi dari buku Introducing Discourse Analysis by Nunan (1993) dan buku Cohesion in English karya Halliday dan Hasan (1976). Data dari tulisan ini diambil dari enam teks yang dibuat oleh peserta lomba. Teks berisi pandangan peserta tentang budaya Indonesia di era globalisasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diketahui bahwa reiterasi yang digunakan pada teks yang digunakan untuk membaca berita terdiri dari repetisi, sinonim/mendekati sinonim, superordinate dan general word.

Kata Kunci: Teks; Kohesi Leksikal; Reiterasi

Vol. 29 No.1

  • 1.    Introduction

Lexical cohesion is the cohesive effect achieved by selection of vocabulary (Halliday and Hasan, 1976:274). It holds a text together and has meaning. Lexical cohesion refers to the relations of meaning that exist within the text. It means that the selection of vocabulary can build a connection within the text. Lexical cohesion occurs when two words in a text are semantically related in some way – in other words, they are related in terms of their meaning (Paltridge, 2008: 133). Those statements are in line with Nunan (1993:21) which believes that cohesion can show the unity of the text. Lexical cohesion basically is relationship between the elements semantically (Antony, 2012).

According to Halliday and Hasan, the classification of lexical cohesion can be divided into two, they are 1) Reiteration which consist of repetition, synonym, superordinate and general word, and 2) Collocation as lexical items which is achieved through the association that regularly cooccur. Lexical cohesion has two functions. First, to link between word and word, phrase and phrase within a text then it can be divided again like to indicate a repetition, to indicate synonym or near synonym, to indicate superordinate, and to indicate general word; second, it is used to indicate cooccurrence of words in which their meaning related in the same environment. According to Sari and Anindita (2020: 22), by using reiteration, the audience or listener will have different impact based on what kinds of reiteration used the most in the text. They said that by using repetition on the text will emphasis the meaning of the word and what the author wants to convey can be further clarified. Meanwhile, Tambunan (2019) said that the use of lexical cohesion brings the text to the harmony so the text has meaning.

This topic was chosen because reiteration as part of lexical cohesion often appear in speeches and due to the complexities of the cohesion, most of the listener or audience found difficulties to understand when it is used. Beside those reasons, the high school students who participated in English Contest were the selected students who

represented their school. They created the news by themselves so the cohesiveness of the text can be seen by the use of reiteration in the text and the text can be said to be cohesive if it is successfully understood by the listener. By analyzing the reiteration used by the participant of the contest, the message of texts will be easier to understand for the listener.

  • 2.    Research Method

This research is qualitative descriptive research. The purpose of the qualitative research is to explain about the central phenomenon (Creswell, 2016). The data source of this paper is taken from six news texts made by some of high school students in Bali who joined the English Contest conducted by student comitte Faculty Warmadewa University especially in news reading. The data are collected through qualitative method. After that, the collected data are classsified refers to its kinds whether it is reiteration or collocation as a part of lexical cohesion and then clasiffied the reiteration which consists of repetition, synonym/nears synonym, superordinate and general word in their types to be analyzed based on the theories applied according to the scope of discussion. The analysis was done by giving some examples and explanations using a descriptive method.

  • 3.    Result and Discussion

The concepts are described based on the theory of lexical cohesion which is proposed by Nunan in his book entitled “Introducing Discourse Analysis” (1993:28) as the main theory and supported by the theory of cohesion which is proposed by Halliday and Hasan in their book entitled “Cohesion in English” (1976:4). The problem which is discussed here are the kinds and functions of reiteration used by participants of reading news contest conducted in Warmadewa University found in their reading news texts. The kinds of reiteration found in the news reading texts are: repetition, synonymy or near synonym, superordinate, and general word.

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The concept of cohesion is a semantic one; it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as a text. Cohesion occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another (Halliday and Hasan, 1976:4). It means that the concept of cohesion is closely related and cannot be separated from the concept of text. There are two kinds of cohesion namely; grammatical cohesion which is recognized through the grammar and lexical cohesion which is recognized through the vocabulary.

Lexical cohesion is a group of words which is lexically cohesive when all the words are semantically related. Halliday and Hasan state that Lexical cohesion is the cohesive effect achieved by selection of vocabulary (1976:274). According to Nunan in his book entitled Introducing Discourse Analysis, lexical cohesion occurs when two words in a text are semantically related in some way – in other words, they are related in terms of their meaning (1993:28). Lexical cohesion is the central advice for making texts hang together experientially, defining the aboutness of a text (Halliday and Hasan, 1976:276)

We can conclude that lexical cohesion holds a text together and it has meaning. Lexical cohesion refers to the relations of meaning that exist within the text. It means that the selection of vocabulary can build a connection within the text. Lexical cohesion has two major categories namely; reiteration and collocation. The kinds of lexical cohesion that are found in the speech texts are: first, reiteration including repetition, synonymy or near synonym, superordinate, general word, and the second is collocation.

  • 3.1    Reiteration

According to Halliday, reiteration involves the repetition of lexical item, the use of general word where its function is to refer back to a lexical item, the use of synonym or near synonym and superordinate. (1976:278). The item of reiteration can be divided again, such as: repetition, synonym or near synonym, superordinate, and general word.

  • 3.1.1    Repetition

Repetition is the first type of reiteration. It has the cohesive effect when it refers to the same lexical item. Repetition is the act of repeating the exact same lexical item that has been mentioned before. It can be said that repetition is a word that exists in the first sentence is repeated in the second sentence. From the data source, some examples of repetition are found as follow:

  • 1)    We are no doubt that the youth today are much modernized and IT dependent. Not just the youth, young adult also. (Fitra Ariesta Wismaningrum, 2017:1)

  • 2)    There are many efforts to perpetuate Indonesia’s culture, but that efforts aren’t maximum yet. (Genijayendra Sahya, 2017:9)

In the example number (1) above, we can see that there is a type of lexical reiteration namely repetition. There is a repetition of a noun. The repetition type can be seen through the word “youth”. It is called repetition because the word “youth” in the first sentence here is repeated once by the same lexical item “youth” in the second sentence without any variations added. The repetition itself has its own function. The function of repetition in the example number (2) above is to show the cohesiveness of the text by repeating the same word. In this case, to emphasizes and focuses only to the word “efforts”.

  • 3.1.2 Synonym or Near Synonym

Synonym or near synonym occurs the words within the text have the same meaning or closely related meaning, whenever a lexical item is substituted with another lexical item without losing the meaning. According to Crystal, synonym is lexeme which has the same meaning – a definition which sounds straight forward enough (1995:164). From the data source, there are some examples of synonym or near synonym, as follow:

  • 3)    The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded and famous for its traditional foodculture. (Grathia Putri Millana, 2017:6)

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  • 4)    We have to recognize our own culture first, how do we conserve it while we don’t even know what are our culture is. (Grathia Putri Millana, 2017:7)

In the example number (3) above, we can see that there is a type of lexical reiteration namely synonym or near synonym. The synonym or near synonym type can be seen through the word “road” and the word “street”. Both of these words can be categorized as synonym or near synonym type because they almost have the same meaning. This example above shows that the word “road” and the word “street” almost have the same meaning, which is a long piece of hard ground which is built between two places so that people can drive or ride from one place to another. It is said to be near synonym because there are some differences between the word “road” and the word “street”. Streets connect people for interaction and they have sidewalks, while roads connect towns and cities for travel and do not have sidewalks.

In the example number (4) above, we can see that there is a type of lexical reiteration namely synonym or near synonym. The synonym or near synonym type can be seen through the word “recognize” and the word “know”. Both of these words can be categorized as synonym or near synonym because they have the same meaning. This example above shows that the word “recognized” and the word “know” have the same meaning, which is like identify someone or something from having encountered them before.

3.1.3 Superordinate

Superordinate is a general term for words that refers to the upper class of the word itself. Superordinate can have a hyponym which means a term for words that refers to the lower class of the word itself. As Nunan mention in his book that the word “pneumonia” is considered as one kind of illness which strikes lungs. The word “illness” is the superordinate of the word “pneumonia” and the word “pneumonia” itself is the hyponym of the word “illness” because the meaning is more

specific. (1993:29) From the data source, there are some examples of superordinate, as follow:

  • 5)    Before I deliver my speech, I would like to give a proper Hindu salutation, Om Swastyastu. (Fitra Ariesta Wismaningrum, 2017:1)

  • 6)    Such as the beautiful beach with the white sand in Bali, Tanah Lot, Uluwatu, and many more. (Anggun Putri, 2017:24)

In the example number (5) above, we can see that there is a type of lexical reiteration namely superordinate. The superordinate type can be seen through the italic words. The words “Om Swastyastu” refers back to the preceding words “Hindu Salutation”. As we know that Om Swastyastu is one of many Hindu salutation, so Om Swastyastu is in the lower class of the word comparing to Hindu salutation. Here, the words “Hindu salutation” can be categorized as the superordinate of Om Swastyastu, and Om Swastyastu is the hyponym of Hindu salutation.

In the example number (6) above, we can see that there is a type of lexical reiteration namely superordinate. The superordinate type can be seen through the italic words. The words “Tanah Lot” and the word “Uluwatu” refers back to the preceding word “Bali”. As we know that Bali is an island which has Tanah Lot and Uluwatu in it, so Tanah Lot and Uluwatu are in the lower class of the word comparing to Bali. Here, the word “Bali” can be categorized as the superordinate of Tanah Lot and Ulluwatu. Meanwhile, Tanah Lot and Uluwatu are the hyponyms of Bali

3.1.4 General Word

General word is the forth and the last type of lexical reiteration. It is the word in level of generally. This type is commonly used with the cohesive force. They are on the borderline between lexical items and substitutes (Halliday and Hasan, 1976:280). General word is used to show the general relation within the text in other to create the cohesive effect. General word is the word in level of generally. In the other word, it is the use of the word in the text that shows general relation.

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From the data source, there are some examples of general word, as follow:

  • 7)    As a proof, there are a lot of tourist come to visit Indonesia because they are interested in Indonesia’s culture. If our culture has no value, tourist doesn’t come to visit our country. (Ni Putu Wahyuni, 2017:4)

  • 8)    Bali is frequently referred to as “The Paradise Island” because its reputation in the world as a tropical paradise of untold beautiful nature, idyllic mood, and never ending fascination. (Grathia Putri Millana, 2017:6)

In the example number (7) above, we can see that there is the last type of lexical reiteration namely general word. The general word type can be seen through the italic words, the word “Indonesia” and the word “country”. It is called general word because the word “country” refers back to the word “Indonesia” within the text and the word “country” is considered as the general word of Indonesia. It is clear that the word “Indonesia” has more specific meaning than the word “country”. In the example number (8) above, we can see that there is the last type of lexical reiteration namely general word. The general word type can be seen through the italic words, the word “Bali” and the phrase “The Paradise Island”. It is called general word because the phrase “The Paradise Island” refers back to the word “Bali” within the text and the phrase “The Paradise Island” is considered as the general word of Bali. It is clear that the phrase “Bali” has more specific meaning than the word “The Paradise Island”.

  • 4.    Conclusion

Based on the previous chapter, it can be concluded that there are two kinds of lexical cohesion found in speech texts that are used by particpants of English Contest conducted in Warmadewa University, they are reiteration and collocation. In the pattern of reiteration, this research found four different types namely repetition, synonym or near synonym, superordinate, and general word. All these findings also have different functions. The

function of repetition is to show the cohesiveness of the text by repeating the same word. Synonym or near synonym such as The function of synonym or near synonym is to show the cohesiveness of the text by using two or more words that have the same meaning or closely related meaning. The function of Superordinate is to give a cohesive tie by showing the generic-specific relation. The function of general word is to show the general relation within the text in other to create the cohesive effect.

  • 5.    References

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