p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419

Vol. 29 No.1

Modality in the Novel of The Lord of The Rings and its Translations in Indonesian Language

Komang Adi Maendra

Denpasar, Bali e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract--This study aims to identify the meanings and techniques used in translating the modality from SL (English) to TL (Bahasa) in the novel of The Lord of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien. The data in this study were taken from the original novel of The Lord of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien in English version and its translation in Indonesian language. The theories applied to analyse the data are the types of modality proposed by Kreidler (1998) and the translation procedures proposed by Newmark (1988). The data in this study were analyzed using qualitative descriptive approach to find out the result of the problems. The observation method was chosen to apply in this study by reading the SL and TL novel carefully to get the general idea of the content of the story and then observing closely the data consist of modality. The data in this study were presented descriptively used informal method. It meant the data would be presented by giving some descriptions to convey the meanings and translations of the modality. The results are the modality expressed some meanings and used some translation procedures. Modal must expressed unavoidable obligation and strong advice or orders to oneself, it used modulation procedure. Modal should expressed criticism and giving an opinion about something, it used reduction and couplets procedure. Modal have to expressed idea of obligation and used modulation procedure. Modal ought to expressed desirability and used modulation procedure. Modal can expressed ability and giving permission, it used modulation and shift procedure. Modal could expressed ability and used reduction and expansion procedure. Modal may expressed permission and used couplets procedure. Modal might expressed permission and possibility, it used reduction and literal translation procedure.

Keywords: Auxiliary Verb; Modality; Novel; Translation

Abstrak--Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi makna dan teknik yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan modality dari SL (Inggris) ke TL (Bahasa) dalam novel The Lord of The Rings karya J. R. R. Tolkien. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari novel The Lord of The Rings karya J. R. R. Tolkien dalam versi bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data adalah jenis-jenis modality yang dikemukakan oleh Kreidler (1998) dan prosedur penerjemahan yang dikemukakan oleh Newmark (1988). Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengetahui hasil permasalahannya. Metode observasi dipilih untuk diterapkan dalam penelitian ini dengan membaca novel asli dan terjemahannya secara cermat untuk mendapatkan materi utama tentang isi cerita dan kemudian mengamati data-data tentang modality tersebut dengan

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seksama. Data dalam penelitian ini disajikan secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode informal. Artinya, data akan disajikan dengan menggunakan beberapa deskripsi untuk menyampaikan makna dan terjemahan modality tersebut. Hasilnya adalah modality mengungkapkan beberapa makna dan menggunakan beberapa prosedur penerjemahan. Modal must menyatakan kewajiban yang tidak dapat dihindari dan nasihat atau perintah yang kuat kepada diri sendiri, modal must diterjemahkan menggunakan prosedur modulation. Modal should menyatakan kritik dan memberikan pendapat tentang sesuatu, modal should diterjemahkan menggunakan prosedur reduction dan couplets. Modal have to mengungkapkan gagasan tentang kewajiban dan diterjemahkan menggunakan prosedur modulation. Modal ought to menyatakan keinginan dan diterjemahkan menggunakan prosedur modulation. Modal can menyatakan kemampuan dan memberikan izin, modal can diterjemahkan menggunakan prosedur modulation dan shift. Modal could menyatakan kemampuan dan diterjemahkan menggunakan prosedur reduction dan ekspansion. Modal may menyatakan izin dan diterjemahkan menggunakan prosedur couplets. Modal might menyatakan izin dan kemungkinan, modal might diterjemahkan menggunakan prosedur reduction dan terjemahan literal.

Kata Kunci: Kata Kerja Bantu; Modality; Novel; Terjemahan

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  • 1.    Introduction

Language is very important for connecting people around the world. Language can be used as the means to convey the meaning of the message from some sentences on the text or conversation among one person to another. The message can be interpreted into many different meanings according to the form of sentences and the person you are talking with. The meanings of a language cannot be translated freely because it can make us produce bad communication with everybody. Everybody has their basic vocabulary and they know how to combine the words to make the sentence meaning. To understand the different meaning of the sentences and conversations, we have to be a good translator for getting the true meaning from the message. To be a good translator we have to learn the process of translation itself.

The translation is a process in which the concept of meaning in one language is transferred to another language. It plays an important role as there are many translation products in everyday life. As translation is a dual act of communicating; then it presupposes the existence of not a single language but at least two different languages, the source language (SL) and the target language (TL) and it requires a sophisticated knowledge of both the source language and the target language. The purpose of translation is to transfer the concept of meaning of the SL into the TL text which is done by going from the form of the SL to the form of the TL byways of semantic structure. The concept of meaning is generally expressed in the form of sentences.

A sentence is a group of words that expresses the statement and question or command from everybody. A verb and a subject are usually had by a sentence and maybe a simple sentence has consisted of just one clause or a complex sentence.

The complex sentence maybe consisted of two or more clauses. (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1990: 231) explains that sentences are divided into four major types of syntactic. They are declaratives, interrogatives, imperatives, and exclamations. Declaratives are sentences that the verb is present and precedes by a subject. Statements are primarily associated with the sentences. Interrogatives are generally associated with a discourse function of questions that are used to get information. Imperatives are sentences that normally have not grammatical subject because the base form is a verb. A directive is primarily their discourse function because these sentences aim to instruct someone to do something. And exclamations are sentences that use the words what and how in their initial phrases. Exclamations are primarily expressed in these sentences that show the extent to which the speaker is impressed by something. The verb in a sentence is usually helped by an auxiliary verb to make its meaning clear.

An auxiliary verb is a verb that helps another verb for making a complete structural sentence. The modal verb cannot stand alone without another verb or we know it as a full verb in a sentence. There are many modals in English such as can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should, ought to, have to, etc. All the modals above can be found in some literary works such as the novel.

The word novel comes from the Italian which is called Novella, it means the new staff that small. The novel has developed in some great countries such as America and England. The novel naturally expanded in the area from other forms of narrative non-fiction such as letters, biographies, and history. The novel is not only based on the data nonfiction, the author of novel can replace the data according to the desired imagination. Modality in

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the novel have similar functions with the modality found in the students writing or corpus data, their functions are to help another verb for making a complete structural sentence.

  • 2.    Research Method

The data in this study were analyzed using qualitative descriptive approach to find out the result of the problems. The observation method was chosen to apply in this study by reading the SL and TL novel carefully to get the general idea of the content of the story and then observing closely the data consist of modality.

The data in this study were taken from the original novel of The Lord of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien in English version and its translation in Indonesian language. These novels were chosen as data source because it is one of the famous novels around the world and it is also an interesting novel to be analysed. There are many kinds of modality in this novel which fulfil the need for the data in this study.

Documentary method was applied in collecting the data in this study. The relevant data in each chapter from the novel were documented then they were sorted out and identified based on its classifications. The data were conducted by doing these following steps: First, collect the data from both novels. Second, find out the relevant data based on the topic study by reading and understanding the idea. Third, read the data several times in order to be understood and get the meaning to identify and classify the modality. The observation method was applied in this study by reading the SL and TL novel carefully to get the general idea of the content of the story and then observing closely the data consist of modality.

Data analysis is a process of collecting, modelling, and transforming the data with the goal

of highlighting the useful information, suggesting the conclusion, and supporting to make the decision. First, the data were identified. Second, the data were classified into some groups to find the meaning easier. Third, the data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively based on the main theory of Kreidler (1998) and the supporting theory of Newmark (1988).

The data in this study were presented descriptively used informal method. It meant the data would be presented by giving some descriptions to convey the meanings and translations of the modality found the novel of The Lord of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien.

  • 3.    Results and Analysis

This analysis aims to identify the meanings and techniques used in translating the modality from SL (English) to TL (Bahasa) in the novel of The Lord of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien.

  • a. Necessity and Obligation

  • i.    Meanings and Techniques in Translating Modal Must

(3-1) SL; “In an envelope, if you must know,” said Bilbo impatiently, “there on the mantelpiece. Well, no! Here it is in my pocket!” he hesitated. “Isn’t that odd now?” he said softly to himself. “Yet after all, why not? Why shouldn’t it stay there?”

TL; “Di dalam amplop, kalau kau mau tahu,” kata Bilbo tak sabar, “di sana, di atas perapian. Oh tidak! Ada di sini, di saku bajuku!” ia ragu. “Bukankah aneh rasanya sekarang?” kata Bilbo perlahan kepada dirinya sendiri. “Ya, bagaimanapun, kenapa tidak? Kenapa cincin ini tidak tetap di sini saja?”

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  • >    “In an envelope, if you must know.” The modal must in this sentence expresses the unavoidable obligation. It is something unavoidable from the above conversation quote. Where the ring is in an envelope and it might be somewhere, if you want to know about the ring you must wait the speaker find it then give it to you.

  • >    The sentence “In an envelope, if you must know.” which is translated into “Di dalam amplop, kalau kau mau tahu.” uses the modulation procedure. It shows the translator used different perspective in conveying the message by changing the point of view. The word “must” has closest meaning to the word “harus”, “mesti”, and “pasti” rather than “mau” in Bahasa.

  • ( 3-2) SL; “Very well,” said Bilbo, “it goes to Frodo with all the rest.” He drew a deep breath. “And now I really must be starting, or somebody else will catch me. I have said goodbye, and I couldn’t bear to do it all over again.” He picked up his bag and moved to the door.

TL; “Baiklah,” kata Bilbo, “cincin akan beralih pada Frodo dengan semua barang lain.” Ia menarik napas panjang. “Dan sekarang aku benar-benar harus pergi, atau akan ada yang memergoki aku. Aku sudah mengucapkan selamat tinggal, dan aku tidak tahan kalau harus mengulanginya lagi.” Ia mengangkat tasnya dan beranjak ke pintu.

  • >    “And now I really must be starting, or somebody else will catch me.” The modal must in this sentence expresses the strong advice or orders to oneself. The advice or order is Bilbo must leave immediately from that place because somebody else will see him if he stays too long.

  • >    The sentence “And now I really must be starting, or somebody else will catch me.” which is translated into “Dan sekarang aku benar-benar harus pergi, atau akan ada yang memergoki aku.” uses the modulation procedure where the verb phrase “must be starting” and noun phrase “somebody else” in the SL are translated into “harus pergi” and “ada” to the TL. It shows the translator used different perspective in conveying the message by changing the point of view. The verb phrase “must be starting” and noun phrase “somebody else” have closest meaning to “harus mulai” and “orang lain” in Bahasa.

  • ii.    Meanings and Techniques in Translating

    Modal Should

  • (3-3) SL; “Baggins is his name, but he’s more than half a Brandybuck, they say. It beats me why any Baggins of Hobbiton should go looking for a wife away there in Buckland, where folks are so queer.”

TL; “Memang nama belakangnya Baggins, tapi dia lebih dari separuh Brandybuck, kata orang. Aku tak mengerti kenapa seorang Baggins dari Hobbiton mencari istri jauh-jauh di Buckland, yang penduduknya aneh-aneh.”

  • > “It beats me why any Baggins of Hobbiton should go looking for a wife away there in Buckland, where folks are so queer.” The modal should in this sentence expresses the criticism. It criticizes the condition why any Baggins of Hobbiton seek for a wife from Buckland, whereas the folks there are so queer.

  • > The sentence “It beats me why any Baggins of Hobbiton should go looking for a wife away there in Buckland, where folks are so queer.” which is translated into “Aku tak

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mengerti kenapa seorang Baggins dari Hobbiton mencari istri jauh-jauh di Buckland, yang penduduknya aneh-aneh.” Uses reduction procedure where the verb phrase “should go”, article “a”, and word “there” in the SL are omitted to the TL.

  • ( 3-4) SL; I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. This was unexpected and rather difficult. There was some scattered clapping, but most of them were trying to work it out and see if it came to a compliment.

TL; Sebagian dari kalian tidak aku kenal sebaik yang kuinginkan, dan aku menyukai kurang dari separuh dari kalian sebesar separuh dari yang pantas kalian peroleh. Ini agak tak terduga dan rumit kedengarannya. Ada bunyi tepuk tangan di sana-sini, tapi kebanyakan dari mereka berusaha memikirkan ucapan Bilbo tadi, dan mereka-reka apakah itu suatu pujian.

  • >    “I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.” The modal should in this sentence expresses giving an opinion about something. The opinion is he did not know well half of you.

  • >    The sentence “I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.” which is translated into “Sebagian dari kalian tidak aku kenal sebaik yang kuinginkan, dan aku menyukai kurang dari separuh dari kalian sebesar separuh dari yang pantas kalian peroleh.” uses the couplets procedure where two different procedures combined to the TL. Modulation procedure is applied to change from active into passive form in “I don’t

know half of you” in the SL into “Sebagian dari kalian tidak aku kenal” to the TL, and using different perspective in conveying the message “as well as” into “sebesar” but actually it has closest meaning to “sebaik” in Bahasa. Reduction procedure is applied to omit the word “should” to the TL.

  • iii.    Meanings and Techniques in Translating Modal Have to

(3-5) SL; “I did mean to but I have had to change my mind. I may be away for a good while; but I’ll come and see you again, as soon as I can. Expect me when you see me! I shall slip in quietly. I shan’t often be visiting the Shire openly again. I find that I have become rather unpopular. They say I am a nuisance and a disturber of the peace. Some people are actually accusing me of spiriting Bilbo away, or worse. If you want to know, there is supposed to be a plot between you and me to get hold of his wealth.”

TL; “Memang sebenarnya maksudku begitu, tapi aku terpaksa mengubah niatku. Mungkin aku akan pergi cukup lama; tapi aku akan datang dan menemuimu lagi, sesegera mungkin. Tunggulah aku! Aku akan menyelinap diam-diam. Aku tidak akan sering-sering lagi berkunjung secara terbuka ke Shire. Tampaknya aku sudah mulai tidak disukai. Katanya aku mengganggu dan merusak kedamaian. Bahkan beberapa orang menuduhku mendorong Bilbo pergi, atau lebih buruk dari itu. Kalau mau tahu, katanya ada persekongkolan antara kau dan aku untuk memperoleh harta Bilbo.”

  • > “I did mean to but I have had to change my mind.” The modal have had to in this sentence expresses the idea of obligation. Gandalf has to change his plan. He should not

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often visit the Shire again because the people there did not like him anymore and have said that he is a nuisance and a disturber of the peace.

> The sentence “I did mean to but I have had to change my mind.” which is translated into “Memang sebenarnya maksudku begitu, tapi aku terpaksa mengubah niatku.” uses modulation procedure to change the point of view in the modal “have had to” into “terpaksa” where it has the closest meaning to “harus” in Bahasa. It shows the translator used different perspective in conveying the message.

(3-6) SL; “No, but I had to badger you,” said Gandalf. “I wanted the truth. It was important. Magic rings are well, magical; and they are rare and curious. I was professionally interested in your ring, you may say; and I still am. I should like to know where it is, if you go wandering again. Also I think you have had it quite long enough. You won’t need it any more. Bilbo, unless I am quite mistaken.”

TL; “Tidak, tapi aku terpaksa mendesakmu,” kata Gandalf. “Aku ingin kebenarannya. Itu penting. Cincin ajaib memang... yah, ajaib; dan mereka langka dan aneh. Secara profesional aku tertarik pada cincinmu, boleh dikatakan begitu; dan aku masih tertarik. Aku ingin tahu di mana cincin itu, kalau kau mengembara lagi. Juga menurutku

kau sudah memilikinya cukup lama. Kau tidak membutuhkannya lagi, Bilbo, kecuali kalau aku salah.”

> “No, but I had to badger you,” said Gandalf. “I wanted the truth. It was important.” The modal had to in this sentence expresses the idea of obligation. Gandalf has to urge Bilbo to tell him about Bilbo’ s ring powers. Gandalf wants the truth because he was very interested in the ring.

> The sentence “No, but I had to badger you,” said Gandalf. “I wanted the truth. It was important.” which is translated into “Tidak, tapi aku terpaksa mendesakmu,” kata Gandalf. “Aku ingin kebenarannya. Itu penting.” uses modulation procedure to change the point of view in the modal “had to” into “terpaksa” where it has the closest meaning to “harus” in Bahasa. It shows the translator used different perspective in   conveying   the


  • iv.    Meanings   and  Techniques in

    Translating Modal Ought to

(3-7) SL; “He would come with me, of course, if I asked him. In fact he offered to  once, just before the

party. But he does not really want to, yet. I want to see the wild country again before I die, and the Mountains; but he is still in love with the Shire, with woods and fields and little rivers. He ought to be comfortable here. I am leaving everything to him, of course, except

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a few oddments. I hope he will be happy, when he gets used to being on his own. It’s time he was his own master now.”

TL; “Tentu dia akan ikut aku, kalau aku memintanya. Bahkan dia mengusulkannya satu kali, tepat sebelum pesta. Tapi dia sebenarnya belum benar-benar ingin. Aku ingin melihat alam liar lagi sebelum aku mati, dan Gunung-Gunung; tapi Frodo masih mencintai Shire, dengan hutan-hutan, padang rumput, dan sungai-sungai kecilnya. Dia akan lebih nyaman di sini. Aku mewariskan semuanya kepadanya, tentu, kecuali beberapa hal. Kuharap dia bahagia, bila sudah terbiasa sendirian. Sudah saatnya dia menjalani     hidupnya     sendiri


> “He ought to be comfortable here.” The modal ought to in this sentence expresses desirability. Bilbo wants Frodo to stay at Shire because he loves everything there; the woods, fields, and little rivers. He should feel cosy there with all the legacy have been given.

> The sentence “He ought to be comfortable here.” which is translated into “Dia akan lebih nyaman di sini.” uses the couplets procedure where two different procedures combined to the TL. Modulation procedure is applied to show the translator used different perspective in conveying the message by changing the point of

view. The modal “ought to” is like “should”,  they are often used

interchangeably. It has closest meaning   to “sebaiknya” and

seharusnya” rather than “akan” in Bahasa.    Expansion    procedure

applied to describe the addition of “lebih” where it can be found in the SL.

  • b. Possibility and Probability

  • i.    Meanings and Techniques in Translating Modal Can

(3-8) SL; “Then you’ve heard more than I can speak to,” answered the Gaffer. I know nothing about jools. Mr. Bilbo is free with his money, and there seems no lack of it, but I know of no tunnel making. I saw Mr. Bilbo when he came back, a matter of sixty years ago, when I was a lad. TL; “Kalau begitu, kau lebih banyak mendengar daripada yang aku tahu,” jawab si Gaffer. “Aku sama sekali tidak tahu tentang permata, Mr. Bilbo royal sekali dengan uangnya, dan    kelihatannya    dia    tidak

kekurangan, tapi aku tidak tahu tentang terowongan apa pun. Aku bertemu Mr. Bilbo ketika dia kembali, sekitar enam puluh tahun yang lalu, saat aku masih remaja.

  • >    “Then you’ve heard more than I can speak to.” The modal can in this sentence expresses the ability. It is all knowledge or everything Gandalf has known.

  • >    The sentence “Then you’ve heard more than I can speak to.” which is translated into “Kalau begitu, kau

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lebih banyak mendengar daripada yang aku tahu.” uses modulation procedure. It shows the translator used different perspective in conveying the message by changing the point of view. The clause “I can speak to” is translated into “aku tahu” but actually in case it means “aku bisa bicarakan”.

  • ( 3-9) SL; “Ah, but he has likely enough been adding to what he brought at first,” argued the miller, voicing common opinion. “He’s often away from home. And look at the outlandish folk that visit him; dwarves coming at night, and that old wandering conjuror, Gandalf, and all. You can say what you like, Gaffer, but Bag End’s a queer place, and its folk are queerer.”

TL; “Ah, tapi sekarang harta kekayaannya pasti sudah bertambah, lebih banyak daripada yang pertama kali dibawanya,” debat si tukang giling,    menyuarakan    pendapat

umum. “Dia sering pergi jauh. Dan lihatlah orang-orang aneh yang mengunjunginya;    kurcaci-kurcaci

datang di malam hari, dan penyihir pengembara itu, si Gandalf, dan sebagainya. Kau boleh omong sesukamu, Gaffer, tapi Bag End itu tempat yang aneh, dan penghuninya lebih aneh lagi.”

  • >    “You can say what you like, Gaffer, but Bag End’s a queer place, and its folk are queerer.” The modal can in this sentence expresses giving permission. The miller gives

permission to Gandalf where he can say anything that he wants about Bag End.

  • >    The sentence “You can say what you like, Gaffer, but Bag End’s a queer place, and its folk are queerer.” which is translated into “Kau boleh omong sesukamu, Gaffer, tapi Bag End itu tempat yang aneh, dan penghuninya lebih aneh lagi.” uses shift procedure. It is applied to describe the change of grammatical category clause “what you like” in the SL into word “sesukamu” to the TL.

  • ii.    Meanings and Techniques in Translating Modal Could

  • (3-10)      SL;     “Not     that     the

Brandybucks of Buckland live in the Old Forest, but they’re a queer breed, seemingly. They fool about with boats on that big river and that isn’t natural. Small wonder that trouble came of it, I say. But be that as it may, Mr. Frodo is as nice a young hobbit as you could wish to meet. Very much like Mr. Bilbo, and in more than looks. After all his father was a Baggins. A decent respectable hobbit was Mr. Drogo Baggins, there was never much to tell of him, till he was drownded.” TL; “Memang kaum Brandybuck dari Buckland tidak tinggal di dalam Old Forest, tapi tampaknya mereka memang keturunan aneh. Mereka suka bermain-main dengan perahu di sungai besar itu dan itu tidak wajar. Tidak heran kalau terjadi masalah,

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menurutku. Meski begitu, Mr. Frodo itu seorang hobbit muda yang sangat ramah. Sangat mirip Mr. Bilbo, dan bukan hanya dalam penampilannya. Bagaimanapun, ayahnya seorang Baggins. Mr. Drogo Baggins seorang hobbit sopan dan terhormat, tak banyak yang bisa diceritakan tentang dia, sampai dia tenggelam.”

> “But be that as it may, Mr. Frodo is as nice a young hobbit as you could wish to meet.” The modal could in this sentence expresses the ability. It is the ability that you want to meet Mr. Frodo because he is a nice young hobbit.

> The sentence “But be that as it may, Mr. Frodo is as nice a young hobbit as you could wish to meet.” which is translated into “Meski begitu, Mr. Frodo itu seorang hobbit muda yang sangat ramah.” uses reduction procedure where the clause “you could wish to meet” in the SL is being omitted and it is not translated to the TL.

(3-11)      SL; “If that’ s being queer,

then we could do with a bit more queerness in these parts. There’ s some not far away that wouldn’ t offer a pint of beer to a friend, if they lived in a hole with golden walls. But they do things proper at Bag End. Our Sam says that everyone’ s going to be invited to the party, and there’ s going to be presents, mark you, presents for all this very month as is.”

TL; “Kalau itu kau sebut aneh, ada lagi yang lebih aneh di sekitar sini. Ada orang-orang yang tinggalnya tidak terlalu jauh dari sini, yang tidak mau menawarkan segelas bir pada teman, walaupun mereka tinggal di dalam liang berdinding emas. Tapi di Bag End mereka mengikuti aturan kesopanan dengan baik. Sam bilang semua akan diundang ke pesta, dan akan ada hadiah-hadiah, camkan itu, hadiah untuk semuanya bulan ini juga.”

> “If that’s being queer, then we could do with a bit more queerness in these parts.” The modal could in this sentence expresses the ability. It is the ability that we can do something a bit more queerness around this place.

> “If that’s being queer, then we could do with a bit more queerness in these parts.” which is translated into “Kalau itu kau sebut aneh, ada lagi yang lebih aneh di sekitar sini.” uses reduction and expansion procedure. Reduction procedure is applied to describe the omission of clause “we could do” in the SL, expansion procedure applied to describe the addition of clause “kau sebut” which cannot be found in the SL.

  • iii.    Meanings and Techniques in Translating Modal May

  • (3-12)      SL; Together we score one

hundred and forty-four. Your numbers were chosen to fit this remarkable total; One Gross, if I

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may use the expression. No cheers. This was ridiculous. Many of his guests, and especially the Sackville-Bagginses, were insulted, feeling sure they had only been asked to fill up the required number, like goods in a package.

TL; Berdua jumlah usia kami seratus empat puluh empat. Jumlah kalian dipilih sesuai dengan angka ini; Satu Gross, kalau aku boleh memakai istilah ini. Tidak ada sorak-sorai. Ini konyol. Kebanyakan tamu, terutama kaum Sackville-Baggins, merasa tersinggung, karena merasa yakin mereka diundang hanya untuk melengkapi jumlah yang dibutuhkan, seperti barang-barang dalam paket.

> “Your numbers were chosen to fit this remarkable total; One Gross, if I may use the expression.” The modal may in this sentence expresses permission. He was asking permission to use the expression of One Gross for showing the number of your aged.

> The sentence “Your numbers were chosen to fit this remarkable total; One  Gross,  if I may use the

expression.” which is translated into “Jumlah kalian dipilih sesuai dengan angka ini; Satu Gross, kalau aku boleh memakai istilah ini.” uses the couplets procedure where two different procedures combined to the TL. Reduction procedure is applied to describe the omission of the adjective “remarkable” in the SL. Translation label procedure applied

in “One Gross” which is translated into “Satu Gross”, the word “Gross” is written in inverted commas signify the use of translation label procedure.

(3-13)       SL; It is also, if I may be

allowed to refer to ancient history, the anniversary of my arrival by barrel at Esgaroth on the Long Lake; though the fact that it was my birthday slipped my memory on that occasion.

TL; Hari ini juga, kalau aku boleh menunjuk pada sejarah kuno, adalah ulang tahun kedatanganku naik tong di Esgaroth di Danau Panjang; meski waktu itu aku tidak ingat bahwa hari itu hari ulang tahunku.

> “It is also, if I may be allowed to refer to ancient history, the anniversary of my arrival by barrel at Esgaroth on the Long Lake.” The modal may in this sentence expresses permission. He was asking permission to refer to ancient history.

> The sentence “It is also, if I may be allowed to refer to ancient history, the anniversary of my arrival by barrel at Esgaroth on the Long Lake.” which is translated into “Hari ini juga, kalau aku boleh menunjuk pada sejarah kuno, adalah ulang tahun kedatanganku naik tong di Esgaroth di Danau Panjang.” uses the couplets procedure where two different procedures combined to the TL. Reduction procedure is applied to omit the verb “allowed” in the

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SL, and expansion procedure applied to add the word “adalah” to the TL. Through-translation procedure is applied to translate literally in the “Long Lake” into “Danau Panjang

  • iv.    Meanings and Techniques in Translating Modal Might

  • (3 -14)      SL; “There isn’t no call to

go talking of pushing and pulling. Boats are quite tricky enough for those that sit still without looking further for the cause of trouble. Anyway, there was this Mr. Frodo left an orphan and stranded, as you might say,  among  those queer

Bucklanders,  being  brought up

anyhow in Brandy Hall.”

TL; “Tidak  masuk  akal segala

omongan tentang mendorong dan menarik itu. Perahu memang pada dasarnya    berbahaya,    kalaupun

orang-orang di dalamnya duduk diam tanpa banyak macam-macam. Pokoknya begitulah, Mr. Frodo menjadi anak yatim piatu, terdampar di antara kaum Bucklander yang aneh itu, diasuh di Brandy Hall.”

  • >    “Anyway, there was this Mr. Frodo left an orphan and stranded, as you might say, among those queer Bucklanders, being brought up anyhow in Brandy Hall.” The modal might in this sentence expresses permission. You are permitted to say that Mr Frodo is an orphan boy, stranded    among    the    queer

Bucklanders, and grew up in Brandy Hall.

  • >    The sentence “Anyway, there was this Mr. Frodo left an orphan and stranded, as you might say, among those queer Bucklanders, being brought up anyhow in Brandy Hall.” which is translated into “Pokoknya begitulah, Mr. Frodo menjadi anak yatim piatu, terdampar di antara kaum Bucklander yang aneh itu, diasuh di Brandy Hall.” uses reduction procedure because the clause “as you might say” is being omitted.

(3-15)      SL; “Elves and Dragons” I

say to him. “Cabbages and potatoes are better for me and you. Don’t go getting mixed up in the business of your betters, or you’ ll land in trouble too big for you,” I say to him. “And I might say it to others,” he added with a look at the stranger and the miller.

TL; “Peri dan Naga” kataku padanya. “Kol dan kentang lebih baik buatmu dan buatku. Jangan mencampuri urusan majikanmu, atau kau akan mendapat masalah yang terlalu besar untukmu,” begitulah kukatakan padanya. “Dan itu boleh kukatakan pada yang lain-lain juga,” tambah si Gaffer sambil memandang si orang asing dan si tukang giling.

  • >    “And I might say it to others.” The modal might in this sentence expresses possibility. It is the possibility that what had Gandalf said to the miller will be repeated to the other people too.

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  • > The sentence “And I might say it to others.” which is translated into “Dan itu boleh kukatakan pada yang lain-lain juga.”    uses    literal

translation procedure it converts the grammatical of the SL into the TL without overriding authority as the translator.

  • 4.    Conclusions

The meanings of modality found in the novel of The Lord of The Rings expressed some messages. The modal must expressed the    unavoidable

obligation and the strong advice or orders to oneself. The modal should expressed criticism and giving an opinion about something. The modal have to expressed the idea of obligation. The modal ought to expressed the desirability. The modal can expressed the ability and giving permission. The modal could expressed the ability. The modal may expressed the permission. The modal might expressed the permission and possibility.

There were some techniques used in translating the modality from SL (English) to TL (Bahasa). The modal must used modulation procedure. The modal should used reduction and couplets procedure. The modal have to used modulation procedure. The modal ought to used modulation procedure. The modal can used shift and modulation procedure. The modal could used reduction and expansion procedure. The modal may used couplets procedure. The modal might used literal translation and reduction procedure.

  • 5.    Referens

Azzar, B. S. 1989. Understanding and Using    English    Grammar.

Second Edition. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Regents.

Johansen, S. et al. 2000. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English.   London:   Edinburg


Kreidler, C. W. 1998.  Introducing

English Semantics. London: Routledge.

Newmark, P. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. London:   Prentice


Quirk, R. and Greenbaum S. 1990. A Student’s Grammar of the English Language. Harlow: Longman Ltd.

Sukur, S. G. 2007. Complete English Grammar for The TOEFL. Yogyakarta: Indonesia Cerdas.

Swan, M. 1980. Practical English Usage. Walton     Street:     Oxford


Wishon, George E. and Julia M. Burks. 1980. Let’s Write English. Revised Edition. New York: Litton Educational Publishing.