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This research was intended to describe the borrowing techniquesin the translation. The title of this research is Borrowing Technique in the Translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian.The analysis focused on the borrowing techniques used to render foreign elements into Indonesian language in a printed advertisement.The data in this analysis were cited and grouped based on the borrowing techniques used to translate the source language into the target language using the borrowing technique proposed by Molina &Albir (2000:84). In this analysis, the borrowing technique used to translate the source language into the target language included two borrowing techniques, namely: (1) full absorption of words without any modification of pronunciation (pure borrowing), (2) the implementation of naturalized borrowing technique indicating a modification of pronunciation (referred to EYD).
Keywords: naturalized borrowing, pure borrowing, absorption of words.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan teknik peminjaman dalam terjemahan. Penelitian ini berjudul Borrowing Technique in the Translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian. Analisisnya terfokus pada teknik– teknik peminjaman dalam mengalihkan unsurasingke dalam bahasa Indonesia padamajalahcetak. Data dikutip dan dikelompokan berdasarkan teknik peminjaman yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa target dengan menggunakan teknik peminjaman yang diusulkan oleh Molina &Albir (2000:84). Dalam analisisnya, teknik peminjaman diterapakan untuk menerjemahkan bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa target dengan menggunakan dua teknik peminjaman, yaitu: (1) penyerapan penuh tanpa memodifikasi pengucapannya (peminjaman murni), (2) penerapan teknik peminjaman alamiah yang menunjukkan modifikasi pengucapan (merujuk EYD).
Kata kunci: peminjaman alamiah, peminjaman murni, penyerapan kata.
Background of the Study
The term of translation includes the product (the text which has been translated), and the process (the act of translating the text). Translation is a change of form. The text from which the translation is made is called the Source Language (SL). The form into which it is changed is called the Receptor Language (RL).
Translation means transferring the meaning of SL into the RL. The translation consists of transferring the meaning. The meaning oflanguage which is transferred rather than the form (Larson, 1984:3). In A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Catford stated that translation is a textual material replacement of SL into TL (1965:56). Newmark stated that the translation is rendering the meaning of ST into TT (1988: 5). Nida (2008: 301) stated that translation is reproducing a natural equivalent in the receptor language.
According to Bell (1991:6), translation is the replacement of equivalence textual representation in the second language. The different language text can be equivalent fully or partially. The translation levels are equivalent in context, meaning, grammar, and lexicon. The other ranks are word by word, phrase by phrase, or sentence by sentence. Every language is rich in vocabulary and word variations. It depends on the culture whereby languages develop. As an illustration, some words in Indonesian language arepadi, beras, gabah, and nasi. It merely has one word in English, that is, rice.
Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2008:84) divided translation process into two terms. They are direct translation and oblique translation. There are seven techniques of translation. These techniques are used in translation. The direct translation techniques are Borrowing,
Calque, and Literal translation. The oblique translation techniques are Transposition, Modulation, Equivalence, and Adaptation.
In the present study, the researcher merely focuses on the borrowing translation technique. The borrowing translation means a word taken directly from another language. It is used to create a stylistic effect. According to Molina and Albir (2002:520), borrowing is divided in the two kinds. They are pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing. In this thesis, the borrowing translation technique is discussed proposed by Molina and Albir.
Some linguists refer to pure borrowing as loan word. Pure borrowing means the expression or word taken over purely into the RL without any change. For instance, the word melodrama in English (Lawrence, 1960: 107) is translated into melodrama in Bahasa (Achyar, 2008: 242).
Naturalized borrowing in the translation is made to fit the spelling rules in the Receptor Language (RL). Instead of the word February in English (Lawrence, 1960: 44), it is equivalent to the word Februari in Bahasa (Achyar, 2008: 146). In writing this thesis, the textbook was chosen as the data source. It is one of literary works. The translator should know how to make the reader interested. Therefore, the borrowing translation technique is needed to be a method. That is the reason why the topic of the present study is ‘Borrowing Technique in the Translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian.’ The word borrowing translation refers to the technique of translation. The translator of the text book was a team. All rights reserved is in PT. GramediaPustakaUtama. In the translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian, the researcher found many of borrowings. Another reason is that the content of magazine is very interesting. Hence, every reader will like if its translation is easily understood by the reader.
In regard toBorrowing Technique in the Translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian, there are some problems that needs answered. The problems are (1) 1.What types of borrowing technique used in the translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian? and (2) What borrowing translation techniques were applied to translate this magazine?
The present study has two aims; they are general and specific aims. The general aims is general aim is to improve knowledge, especially the knowledge of translation studies. The present study only discusses one technique, that is, the borrowing translation technique. This research has two specific aims as follows: (1) to identify the types of borrowing technique found in the translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian and (2) to classify and explain the borrowing translation techniques applied to the translation of this magazine.
Significance of the Study
It was expected that the result of the present study would be significant theoretically and practically.
Theoretical Significance
1. This study will give contribution to the translation studies. It discusses about translation technique, particularly the borrowing translation technique in printed advertisement.
2. This study will give contribution to the borrowing translation concept between two different languages, particularly English and Indonesian.
3. This study will give contribution to the effectiveness of the borrowing translation technique.
Practical Significance
1. This study will be useful to those who are interested in analyzing the borrowing technique in the translation.
2. This study was intended to be useful to translators who are concerned with the translation of printed advertisement from English into Bahasa and vice versa.
3. This study was intended to be a reference for those who are interested in translation studies.
Theoretical Framework
There is one main theory adopted in this study. It is the theory of translation by Molina and Albir (2002). According to them, technique means the strategy used to solve the problem in translating based on the purpose of translation itself. This theory was used to find out the answers to all the problems in the present study. Some other theories were also used as the supporting theories.
Direct vs. Oblique Translation
The table below shows the direct and oblique translations according to Vinay and Darbelnet. The table shows the translation techniques. The researcher is concerned with the borrowing translation technique as a direct translation technique. (See Table 1: Vinay&Darbelnet’s model of translation techniques Vinay and Darbelnet define seven basic techniques, operating on three levels of style: Lexis, distribution (morphology and syntax), and message. The techniques are classified as direct (or literal) and oblique which coincide with the distinction between direct (or literal) and oblique translations.
Literal translation occurs when there is an exact structural, lexical, even morphological equivalence between the two languages. These are merely possible when the two languages are very close to each other. The direct translation technique is Borrowing. Borrowing is a word which is taken directly from another language, e.g., the English word editor has been incorporated directly into other languages. The other example is the English word bulldozer whichhas been incorporated directly into other languages. This concept is acceptable and used.
Equivalence of word form in absorption
The absorption of foreign term into BI is processed based on the following phrases:The foreign term that will be absorbed should increase the inter translatability of both SL, and RL, and conversely. It makes the RL readers understand the terms more easily because they have already known the terms before. They are simpler than their translation equivalents. It is easier, and more practice for scientists to make decisions related to their equivalence. It will be more appropriate and efficient without having bad connotative meaning.
The absorption of foreign terms by the visual form as priority through the following process: absorbing with spelling and pronunciation of word; for example, camera → kamera; microphone → mikrofon; system → sistem.
Absorpsion with spelling adjustment without pronunciation adjustment is illustrated by design → desain; file→fail; science →sains; photocopy → fotokopi. Absorption without spelling adjustment, but there is pronunciation modification. For examples: bias → bias; radar → ra dar; nasal → nasal. Absorption without spelling and pronunciation adjustment, for examples: allegro moderato → devideetimpera; Aufklarung → dulceet utile; status quo → in vitro.
Research Approach
There are three kinds of research based on the research location, i.e. library research, laboratory and field research (Bungin, 2005: 40-41). In this thesis, the library research was applied to collect some information as data and theories.
This study applied qualitative research approach. The data was taken from a textbook particularly a magazine. The qualitative method was implemented and the analysis is explained using descriptive sentences.
Data Source
The data source of this study is a written text; the data was taken from one of the best selling magazines named Bali Live Gonzaga. The collected data were closely observed in SL and RL. The data were listed based on the borrowing translation terms. Therefore, the data were directly taken from the data source.
The research was conducted using three instruments. First the magazine, as a bilingual written textbook, was read. It is the most important thing to complete the present study. Second, a personal computer was used to input, identify, and classify the data for analysis. In addition, an internet was used to search the terms of borrowing.Third, the resources such as the theory, the dictionary (Oxford and KBBI PusatBahasa) were obtained.
Method and Technique of Collecting Data
In collecting the data, the content analysis method is applied. According to Sutopo (2006: 81):
“Teknik catat dokumen ini oleh Yin (1987) disebut sebagai content analysis, sebagai cara untuk menemukan beragam hal sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan penelitiannya”
The quotation above means that content analysis is the technique of getting some information based on the purpose of the analysis. Some books are used as references and many others related to the topic; the information was taken all in order to obtain further knowledge of the borrowing translation techniques.
The data were taken using the purposive sampling, which means that the only samples, which are concerned with the purpose of the study which were taken, as stated by Sutopo (2006: 64).
Technique of Analyzing Data
In this study, the qualitative method was used to analyze data and it was applied to describe the borrowing translation techniques including the types of borrowing in the translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian. Qualitative method means a research, which uses some instruments for collecting the data. According to Sutopo (2006: 257):
“Dalam penelitian kuantitatif proses pengumpulan data dan analisisnya terpisah secara jelas, dan analisisnya dilakukan pada tahap akhir pengumpulan data selesai. Tidak demikian halnya dalam penelitian kualitatif, yang proses analisis nyaharus dilakukan sejak awal bersamaan dengan proses pengumpulan data.”
The quotation above means that in the qualitative method, the process of analysis is firstly done in collecting data. Calculating the Pure Borrowing and Naturalize Borrowing,
Bungin’s formula in Srikandi (2009: 30) was used to find the types of borrowing in the translation techniques that occur mostly in the magazine. The following formula is:
The systematic techniques in conducting the analysis are as follows:
1. Reading the magazine repeatedly.
2. Identifying the pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing based on their grammatical categories.
3. Classifying the words into pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing.
4. Analyzing borrowing types and elaborate more about translation techniques in the translation.
6. Drawing some conclusions based on the result of analysis.
Technique of Presenting Data
The present study mainly applied one method to present the analyzed data. There is an informal method. All of the data were identified and classified. There are three kinds of research based on the location of the research i.e. library research, laboratory and field research (Bungin, 2005: 40-41). In this thesis, the library research method is applied by collecting some theories and information about a text, analysis of borrowing procedures in translation, then, internet, and other sources which support the writing.
The data source of this study is a written text taken from one of the best magazines by GNP Magazine, Indonesia, in 2012.The data was collected by closely observing the terms in SL and RL of data source. By reading the data source, all the borrowing termwas listed. Therefore, the data was taken directly from the data source.
The magazine contains 22 chapters and consists of 105 pages. Ten samples are used in this
study. Each sample was on the homogeny data.
Analysis and Findings of the Borrowing Technique in the Translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian
The analysis is based on some theories. The theory of borrowing technique is proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet in Venuti (2008:84), which is also supported by Groesjean (1982:14) and also the classification of borrowing by Molina and Albir (2002). At least, the analysis is done based on the standard integration of absorbing word elements into Indonesian system that supports the existence of the borrowing word in translation.
Types of borrowing technique found in the translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian
The present study focused on two types: pure and naturalized borrowings. They are supported by the standard integration of absorption of word-elements legalized by the Indonesian Government as stated in PUEBIYD by P3B. In regard to the magazine, two types of borrowing techniques were found. Those are pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing translation.
Borrowing Translation Techniques Applied in the Translation of Bali Live Magazine into Indonesian
For further explanation, the analysis below is based on the data related to the borrowing translation techniques applied in the translation of “Bali Live Magazine into Indonesianas.
Pure Borrowing
The table below shows the pure borrowing found in the data. In this case, the researcher merely describes and classifies the data based on the borrowing types proposed by Molina and Albir (2002).The total of pure borrowing words is 16 words, (See table 2: Pure Borrowing) Analysis:
The table shows that the technique used is borrowing translation. Those words were taken directly from the source language into the receptor language to show that the borrowing translation technique was applied in the pure borrowing.
SL tex
“…one day before the wedding to accommodate the style that you would like to achieve and expect from our hair and make up artist... (p. 33)”
RL tex
“… satu hari sebelum pernikahan, semua itu adalah cara untuk mengakomodasi agar tercipta gaya dan model yang diinginkan oleh para pelanggannya sehingga tercipta keserasian antarapelanggan dan ahli make up dan rambut di perusahaan ini nantinya…(p. 35)”
The word make up is a lexical unit in translation. The word make up in the source language has the same form as the word make upin the receptor language. Based on the meaning, the word make upin the source language is equivalent to the word make upin the receptor language. The word make up in the source language and receptor language are categorized as a common noun.
The SL word make up means put cosmetics on the face(Oxford,1995:533) which should be translated into menghiaswajah(Echols 2003:285) in the RL text which seem similar to the concept in BI. In this case, as a loan word, the translator used the specific word make up without spelling system and sound adjustment. The translation is acceptable in the RL, the word make up itself is common nowadays in the RL culture, it has been well known in the RL, and, at least, this word has become RL vocabulary. So, it is not necessary to transfer it into menghias / berhias.
SL text:
At that time he will release a new brand name for his label, that are:….(p. 31)
RL text:
Pada bulan itu dia akan rilis brand baru, yaitu:….(p.32)
The word brand is a lexical unit in translation. The word brand in the source language has the same form as the word brand in the receptor language. Based on the meaning, the word brand in the source language is equivalent to the word brand in the receptor language. The word brand in the source language and receptor language are categorized as a common noun.
The word brand in the SL text means a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name(oxford, 1995 :445) which should have been translated into merek / buatan (Echols et al,2005 : 246) in the RL text which seem to refer to similar concept in BI. Here, the translator uses the borrowing word (brand) as loan word in order to take the function, as a name of product.
SL text
Dwi Iskandar is a talented young designer, he was born in Tuban, East Java (p.30).
RL text
Didirikan oleh seorang designer muda berbakat bernama Dwi Iskandar, pria kelahiran Tuban, JawaTimur.(p.32)
The word designer means a person who plans the look or workings of something prior to it being made, by preparing drawings or plans (Oxford, 1995: 763) which should have been translated into perancang (Echols, 2005: 388) in the RL text which seem similar to the concept in BI. In this case, as a loan word, the translator used the specific word designer without spelling system and adjustment. The translation is acceptable in the RL, the word designer itself is common nowadays in the RL culture; it has been known in the RL, and at least this word has become RL vocabulary.
SL text
If we see the background, he also has a tourism school background. (p.31)
RL text
Karena dia juga mempunyai background sekolah pariwisata. (p.32)
The word background means part of a scene behind the main things or people, conditions and events that influence , person’s social class/education(Oxford, 1995: 88) which should have be translated into dasar / latarbelakang (Echols, 2005: 56) in the RL text which seem the similar concept in BI. In this case, as a loan word the translator uses the specific word bazaar without spelling system and sound adjustment. The translation is acceptable in the RL, the word bazaar itself is common nowadays in the RL culture, it has been well known in the RL. So, it is not necessary to transfer it into dasar / latarbelakang.
SL text
Nail art decoration, nail painting, design sculpture 3D, nail extension,… (p.33)
RL text
Seni menghias kuku, ekstensiakuarium, Nial art, design patung 3D, ekstensi kuku,… (p.35)
The word design refers to plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made. Therefore, there is no other specific word and it seems to be equivalent with the generic word object before made (Oxford, 1995: 260). In order not to make the meaning vague, the translator transferred the specific word of the original language design into RL text which then called a loan word or pure borrowing. It has been well known in RL culture, so it needs to be transferred into pola or model (Echols, 2005: 51).
Naturalized Borrowing
The table below shows naturalized borrowing words found in the data, (See table 3: Naturalized Borrowing). Analysis: A word can be naturalized borrowing when it can be naturalized to fit the spelling rules in the TL. The analysis bellow is the borrowing with spelling and pronunciation adjustment.
Borrowing translation are absorbedto combine double consonants into one consonant in the RL.
SL text
A. Our own gown collection (50 to 100 gowns), designer to make custom gowns,
professional photographers, …..(p. 33)
B. That’s why he choose Bali for start a fashion business. (p.30)
RL text
A. Koleksi gaun pengantin (50 sampai 100 gaun), desainer untuk membuat gaun,
Professional fotografer,….(p.35)
B. Memilih Bali untuk memulai tempat bisnis fashionnya. (p.32)
The word collection in the SL text is translated into the word koleksi in the RL text. In this case, the translator translated the word by only modifying the spelling system. Consequently, the adjustment occurs by changing double the consonant llinto s in the RL koleksiand change at the beginning element c–into k– and ending element (t) ion into si. This word is shared in BI culture and has been familiar to the readers as a kind of absorbing process; the procedure applied is naturalized borrowing. The adjustment occurs as well to the word professional which was translated intoprofesional and business into bisnis.
Borrowing translation by absorbing consonant c at the beginning of word into consonant k in the RL.
SL text
Our own gown collection (50 to 100 gowns), designer to make custom gowns, professional photographers, …..(p. 33)
RL text
Koleksi gaun pengantin (50 sampai 100 gaun), desainer untuk membuat gaun, professional fotografer,….(p.35)
In the SL the words above are translated into (→) RL words: Collection → Koleksi. From the equivalence, the concepts (between SL and RL) in those words are known in the RL culture. The RL takes the sound and the spelling system is modified as stated in PUPI; in this case, the translator replaced the SL word in the RL by giving adjustment to the RL, namely. Collection, this is a style of borrowing by modifying the spelling which changes the consonant c into the
pronunciation k, and the last letters –tion into the pronunciation –si. This is a style of borrowing by modifying the spelling which changes the consonant c into the pronunciation k. In the RL word above, the procedure applied is borrowing which commonly used in terms absorbing of word elements, which has been known by the RL readers.
The consonant –y is changed into the sound /i/ as suggested in PUEBIYD (1993:26).
SL text
… with many divisions to provide for within the Wedding industry.(p.33)
RL text
… memiliki banyak divisi untuk menyediakan kebutuhan pernikahan, kecantikan yang sudah menjadi sebuah industri. (p.35)
The word industry in the SL text was translated into the word industri in RL text. In this case, the translator translated the word by taking the sound /industri/ (Oxford, 1995: 770) and modifying the spelling system. In this borrowing procedure, adjustment occurs through absorption process into BI, such as the consonant y is changed into i. The translator used this procedure to translate that word.
Borrowing translation by absorbing the consonant –c- in the middle of word into consonant –k- in the RL.
SL text
And he used local product for his fashion label such as from Bandung or Bali itself. (p.30)
RL text
Walaupun bahkan yang dipakai merupakan produk buatan lokal seperti dari Badung atau Bali. (p.32)
The word product in the SL text was translated into the word produk in the RL text. The meaning of these two words is similar. In the SL the word product means a substance that is manufactured or refined for sale (Oxford, 1995: 772). While in the RL, that word means sebuahhasil (Echols, 2005: 390). In this case, the translator translated the word by just modifying the spelling system, and the adjustment occur by changing consonant c in the end of t which should have been changed into k in the RL (PUEBIYD, 1993:27). The same case also occurred
to the other word; such as local which becomes lokal, documentationwhich becomes dokumentasi, decoration which becomes dekorasi, collection which becomes koleksi, and architecture which becomes arsitektur. As can be seen that the process of absorbing in BI takes place; the procedure applied is borrowing.
Borrowing translation in absorbing the consonant combination of ph into one consonant f in the RL
SL text
…fashion photography and concept photography. (p33)
RL text
…fotografi fashion dan fotografi konsep. (p.35)
The meaning of the word photography means the art or practice of taking and processing photographs (Oxford, 1995: 756). Therefore, the RL takes the sound and modifies the spelling system, in this case, the translator replaced the SL word in the RL by giving adjustment to the RL, namely: photography, in which the suffix –phyis changedinto –fi. Moreover, in the RL above, the procedure applied is borrowing which is used commonly when absorbing of new technical terms.
Translation by absorbing suffix –ure into –ur
SL text
It can be from environment, architecture, culture or even… (p30)
RL text
Bisa terinspirasi dari apa saja, bisa lingkungan sekitar, arsitektur, kebudayaan bahkan… (p.32)
The word architecture in the SL text was translated into the word arsitektur in the RL text. The meaning of these two words is similar. In the SL wordarchitecture means the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings (Oxford, 1995: 901). While in the RL, that word means perancangbangunan (Echols, 2005: 440). The word architecture was translated into
arsitektur in RL, which was made by adjusting the final element –ure into –urin BI. In this case, the procedure is borrowing. It is acceptable in translation because the concept is shared and well known by the RL, as can be seen that the meaning of the two words (SL and RL) is similar.
Translation by absorbing suffix (t)-ion into –asi
SL text
…, photo video, photo documentation, fashion photography, and concept photography. (p.33)
RL text
…, studio foto, dokumentasi foto, fotografi fashion, dan fotografi konsep. (p.35)
The word documentation in the SL text was translated into the word dokumentasi in the RL text. The meaning of these two words is similar. In this case, the translator translated the word without taking the pronunciation and modifying the spelling system. According to PUPI, the adjustment occurs by changing the final element –ion into –si in the RL. In the process of affixation absorbing of foreign element into BI, the procedure applied is borrowing. Here, it can also be found in the next examples: transportation becomes transportasi, decoration becomes dekorasi, and associationbecomesasosiasi.
Based on the finding in the analysis, some conclusions can be withdrawn as follows. The lexical terms used in the RL consist of the loan words which are generally assimilated with RL, and some are new to the RL speakers. There is intentional and no intentional modification in the process of translation. It is to say that the type of borrowing is more oriented towards two types: pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing. As the equivalents, the translator mostly applied the procedures of borrowing in the translating the SL word into the RL. Applying the intentional modification of spelling and/or pronunciation with reference to PUEBIYD (1994). This kind of translation is a naturalized borrowing. Here, the affixation is absorbed into RL (such as:
changing the vowels, consonant, or suffix) which show the shared concept (that acceptable to the RL culture). Applying borrowing without intentionally modification. This kind of translation is pure borrowing. In this case, the translation takes over fully borrowed word from the SL.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Almighty God, Ida SangHyangWidhiWasa/Tuhan Yang Mahaesa for His blessing, thus this paper could be completed and my master degree in applied linguistics, particularly in translation studies could be obtained. In this good opportunity, I would like to express my special gratitude to DIKTI Scholarship (DirektoratPendidikanTinggi) that had supported my study financially. All the staff and friends of the Indonesian and Foreigner students; thank you very much for their motivation, inspiration and support. I hope that God will always reward those helping the completion of this paper. May God bless you all.
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Table 1: Vinay&Darbelnet’s model of translation techniques
Type Orientation |
Technique |
Direct TranslationSource Language |
Borrowing Calque Literal Translation |
Oblique TranslationTarget Language |
Transposition Modulation Equivalence Adaptation |
Table 2: Pure Borrowing
Source LanguageTarget Language
Background (p.31) Background (p.32)
Brand (p.31) Brand (p.32)
Casual wear (p.31) Casual wear(p.32)
Design (p.30)Design (p.32)
Designer (p.33) Designer (p.32)
Fashion (p.33)Fashion (p.32)
Hotel (p.33)Hotel (p.35)
Label (p.30)Label(p.32)
Legal (p.30) Legal (p.35)
Mainstream (p.31) Mainstream(p.32)
Make up (p.33)Make up(p.35)
Modern (p.33) Modern (p.35)
Show (p.31)Show (p.32)
Villa (p.33) Villa(p.35)
Water proof (p.33)Water proof(p.35)
Wedding (p.33)Wedding(p.32)
Table 3: Naturalized Borrowing
Source LanguageTarget Language
Double consonant One consonant
Collection (p.33), Koleksi (p.35),
Business (p.30), Bisnis (p.32),
Professional (p.33) Profesional (p.35)
Consonant c (at the beginning)Consonant k (at the beginning)
Collection (p.33) Koleksi (p.35)
Consonant –y of the sound /i/ Vowel –I
Industry (p.33)
Industri (p.35)
Consonant –c- in the middle of word Consonant –k- in the middle of word
Architecture (p.30), collection (p.33), Arsitektur (p.32), koleksi (p.35), decoration (p.33), documentation (p.33), dekorasi (p.35), dokumentasi (p.35), local (p.30), product (p.33)lokal (p.32), produk (p.35)
Fotografi (p.35)
Architecture (p.30)
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