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Interpreter has an important role in bridging communication of the people from different language and culture. Therefore, he or she should apply strategies of interpreting in rendering long and complicated utterances which is done simultaneously. It is interesting and challenging in analyzing simultaneous interpreting because it has a complexity in rendering the rendition at the same time as the speaker. The aim of this study is to analyze the strategies of simultaneous interpreting at press conference applied at the 2013 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit Conference. The methodology of this study is qualitative research through non-participative observation by observing the product of simultaneous interpreting involving the speaker, journalists and interpreter and recorded them by audio digital recorder. The audio recording data were transcribed into written texts. The relevant data were classified related to the strategies and it is analyzed through a descriptive analysis. There were ten strategies applied by the interpreter in simultaneous interpreting, i.e., reformulation, efficiency in reformulation, simplification, strategy applied if the interpreter made mistake, strategy applied if the speaker made mistake, avoids committing in rendering joke, anticipation, explanation, omission, and summarizing (addition).
Keywords: interpreting, simultaneous, conference, and strategy.
Penerjemah lisan memiliki peran yang penting dalam menjembatani komunikasi orang-orang dari latar belakang bahasa dan budaya yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, seorang penerjemah lisan harus menerapkan strategi penerjemahan tersebut dalam menerjemahkan ujaran-ujaran yang panjang dan rumit yang dilaksanakan secara simultan. Sangat menarik dan menantang dalam menganalisis penerjemahan lisan secara simultan karena memiliki tingkat kerumitan tersendiri dalam menerjemahkan ujaran yang hampir bersamaan dengan pembicara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisa strategi yang diaplikasikan dalam penerjemahan lisan simultan dalam jumpa pers pada Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Kerja Sama Ekonomi Negara-Negara Asia Pasifik 2013. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif melalui observasi tanpa partisipasi dengan mencermati hasil penerjemahan lisan simultan yang melibatkan pembicara, wartawan, dan penerjemah yang direkam menggunakan perekam audio digital. Data audio yang direkam kemudian ditranskripsi menjadi teks. Data yang relevan kemudian diklasifikasikan berkaitan dengan strategi penerjemahan lisan simultan yang diaplikasikan melalui analisis yang deskriptif. Ada
sepuluh strategi yang diaplikasikan yakni reformulasi, efisiensi dalam reformulasi, penyederhanaan, strategi dalam kesalahan penerjemah, strategi dalam kesalahan pembicara, menghindari penerjemahan lelucon, antisipasi, penjelasan, penghilangan, dan penambahan.
Kata kunci: penerjemahan lisan, simultan, konferensi, dan strategi.
Interpreting is conducted to mediate the people who wish to discuss their interests gathered in a specific event such as in a conference but unfortunately they speak different languages and culture. One of the international conferences held in Bali is the 2013 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit which attracted various civil societies and participants including mass media from around the world to cover the event and report it to the public nationally and internationally. Mikkelson (2006:3) states that interpreting for media is conducted in a press conference as one of the setting of interpreting. If the main spoken language in a conference uses English, it will be facilitated by an interpreter to render the message into Indonesian language and vice versa. Regarding to that, the interpreter indeed plays important role to facilitate them in making communication runs well. Jones (1998:6) states that interpreter works in the setting of conference must be able to conduct in simultaneous interpreting. He states that in simultaneous interpreting the interpreter listens to the beginning of the speaker’s utterance then begins interpreting while the speech continues, carrying on throughout the speech, to finish almost at the same time as the original with only few second time owned by the interpreter. Nolan (2005:3) adds that a simultaneous interpreter usually sits in a soundproof booth listens to the speaker through earphone and rendering into microphone, reproduces the rendition in the target language as it is being delivered by the speaker. It means that interpreters deal with oral language and have no time to refine their output (Gile, 1998:40). Therefore, the interpreter must apply strategies in conducting the rendition. As it aforementioned in the background, the problem is focused to
identify the strategies applied by the interpreter in simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference.
The aim of this research is to analyze the strategies applied in simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. The result of this research is expected to contribute the existing research and as a reference to fulfill the quality of an interpreter especially in a conference and for further research in interpreting.
This study is a field research using qualitative approach. Sutopo (2002) states that qualitative research has a natural setting as a data source and the researcher does not controll or affect the the subject or the situation. The data of this research were obtained from the original audio data in the press conference applied in simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference, took place in Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali Province on 1-8 October 2013. The data were in form of utterances delivered by speakers and journalists involved in press conference such as speaker as the source language (English) and its rendition interpreted by interpreter into Indonesian language or vice-versa. The data were collected by non-participative observation followed by recording the data using audio digital recorder. After the data were collected, the audio data then were transcribed into written text in the form of parallel corpora between the source language and target language. The data were analyzed based on the classification of the problem which is focused on the strategy of simultaneous interpreting, using a comparative method of the source text and its rendition in the target language, followed by a descriptive analysis.
The strategies applied in simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference were analyzed by implementing the theory of conference interpreting proposed by Jones (1998). The study is also supported by the theory of interpreting studies proposed by
Pochhacker (2004). The analysis was presented by using the informal method in form of words and explanations rather than symbols.
The analysis is limited on the product of simultaneous interpreting which is focused on the strategies applied by the interpreter in simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference. Those relevant strategies are:
Reformulation is applied in order to reformulate the wording of the original (rephrase) and to break down the long and complicated sentence into a series of easier, shorter, or relative and subordinate clauses can be shifted within a sentence, active clauses changes into passive ones to make it easier to be understood by the audience (Jones, 1998:88).
Data 1
Speaker: 02.37’ “Oleh karenanya presiden Amerika Serikat akan diwakili oleh menteri luar negerinya, yaitu Bapak John Kerry yang direncanakan akan tiba e besok sore,... ya, akan tiba besok sore di Bali Yang lain seluruhnya tetap seperti apa yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya sesuai dengan apa yang telah disampaikan kemarin kepada teman-teman sekalian”.
Interpreter: 02.43’ “He will be represented by Mr. John Kerry, the... State Secretary who will arrive tomorrow afternoon. The others... will arrive as was planned”.
Based on the italic data above in the utterance 3-5 in SL, the speaker utters the utterance in a long sentence and it is rendered in short by the interpreter as “The others... will arrive as was planned” with specific stressing on “will arrive” to ensure the arrival of the delegate. Here, the interpreter shifted the sentence form into future tense. There is also short pause of “...” indicating that the sentence is continuing and the interpreter still analyzes for the next target language. The reformulation is done without deleting the core message that is the leaders will arrive in time, as the plan has been informed to the journalist.
Seeing from the time to start rendering, the interpreter starts rendering the rendition in the TL for about six (6) seconds behind the speaker by rendering the SL phrase of “yang lain..” to the TL “the others..” as the first unit of meaning in his mind and choose it to start rendering to the next utterance. The clause yang lain above refers to the other leaders in this case, the US Secretary of State, John Kerry who will attend the summit which was arranged on a schedule. If the interpreter interprets the source language faithfully in the target language by rendering “the others will still all like what it is said before according to what it is informed to all journalists”. So, the message will not be efficient due to the long utterance which will make the target audience get confused to receive the target message.
Data 2
Speaker: 08.41 “aa.. tapi apakah kemeriahan APEC ini akan berkurang?, saya pikir tidak ya secara opini...karena juga fasilitas media centernya ini memang yang terbesar disediakan aa.. dengan kapasitas, diberikan gedung khusus di BNDCC... II. Kalau boleh tadi disilahkan agak memanjakan temen-temen awak media. Tadi saya agak guyon juga kalau fasilitas makan tiga kali sehari, aa...bebas dan apa...full goyang lidah dua kali ee satu kali 24 jam ini, temen-temen jurnalis perlu me...menimbang dulu ya berat badan sebelum masuk dan nanti setelah hasilnya bagaimana”.
Interpreter: 08.44’ “But what the APEC will be less exiting as it were?, I don’t think that will be so. We have provided the largest media center with a separate building at BNDCC II to (inaudible) even spoil I joked...because we provide three meals in one day and even more dishes that we provided. You might need to weight yourself before and after”.
From the data (2) above the utterance in SL is long and that is why the interpreter needs to reformulate into a series of easier in the target language without changing the meaning. The long vowel of “aa..” delivered by the speaker gives the opportunity for the interpreter to formulating the rendition and maintaining distance from the speaker. The interpreter has three seconds behind the speaker’s utterance in starting to render the message into the target language. Here, the word “tapi..” in SL comes first into the representation of the interpreter’s mind and it is directly interpreted into “but..” in TL. The interpreter also divides the long sentence up into a number of shorter ones by slicing up the utterance or the salami technique.
The long utterance in the line 1-3 of the source language SL, the interpreter divides it
into two sentences in TL. By the identification of “...karena juga fasilitas media centernya..”, in the source language, the interpreter renders the utterance into a sentence “We have provided the largest media center with a separate building at BNDCC II”. The same goes to the clause in SL “...kalau fasilitas makan tiga kali sehari” which is rendered into a sentence in TL “we provide three meals in one day”.
From the first italic utterance in target language, the interpreter makes a slip of tongue in rendering a rendition which is inaudible due to race with the speaker’s utterance and maintains the distance with the speaker. The interpreter tries to taking over the head of their audience to avoid the audience confused but still save the essential. In this case, we can see from the SL utterance of “fasilitas makan tiga kali sehari, aa...bebas dan apa...full goyang lidah dua kali ee satu kali 24 jam ini, temen-temen jurnalis perlu me...menimbang dulu ya berat badan sebelum masuk dan nanti setelah hasilnya bagaimana”. Then, the interpreter reformulates that utterance and renders it in the target language into “we provide three meals in one day and even more dishes that we provided. You might need to weight yourself before and after”. The figure of speech of “full goyang lidah” in the source language is related to food or dish. However it does not exist in the target language. Therefore, the interpreter rephrases “full goyang lidah” in the target language into “even more dishes” to avoid strange in target language by rendering the message into the corresponding form. If the interpreter interprets the utterance by word for word in the target language in English, it will be strange and leave the audience confused.
The interpreter also reformulates the utterance in source language of “temen-temen jurnalis” into “you” in target language, because the audience of the press conference is the journalist itself so that the interpreter reformulates that long sentence into a shorter one of you.
Efficiency in Reformulation
The interpreter of simultaneous interpreting faces under time pressure in transferring the message into the target language. That’s why he or she should render the expression of the speaker as efficient as possible to save time such as by removing useless filler words or rendering a notion or an institutional name in abbreviated form (Jones, 1998: 104). The following below are the data of them;
Data 3
Speaker: 20.30’ “Well, the only thing I would add to that is, Indonesia is one of the largest economies in the world and as a key member, for example, of the G-20, and has played a critical role in the G-20, in terms of bringing a perspective...”.
Interpreter: 20.32’ “Cara saya menjawabnya adalah bahwa Indonesia adalah salah satu ekonomi terbesar di dunia sebagai salah satu anggota utama dari G20 contohnya yang sudah berrmain suatu peran yang penting di G20 berkaitan dengan membawa perpektif...”.
On the italic quotation above we can see that the interpreter uses efficiency in reformulating the utterance. When the speaker says “Well, the only thing I would add to that is...” the interpreter then renders it directly into the utterance “Cara saya menjawabnya adalah...”. Here the interpreter seeks economy of expression delivered by the speaker by removing the useless filler word of “well” and just directly interprets the main clause because the speakers speaks fast and the rendition delivers by the interpreter is also fast. This strategy helps the interpreter to maintain the distance from the speaker which is only two seconds left behind the speaker before start rendering in the target language. In rendering the name of an organization of “G20” which is known as a group of 20 Governments, the interpreter only renders the abbreviation one in the target language into “G20” to save a lot of time. Simplification
The strategy of simplification is used to simplify the utterance with mainly discussed on technical material to make it more understood by the target audience to save the essentials without deleting the message (Jones, 1998: 108).
Data 4
Speaker: 09.24’ “aa.. Dari test drive tadi kami lakukan di media center, speed up itu aa.. dengan bantuan temen-temen Telkom dengan Telkomsel, itu aa.. up to 100 mega herz ya, ee.. 100 megabite per second, dan ini aa... luar biasa aa... dan setiap meja itu ada, fasilitas untuk langsung connect apa... sambungan internasional, voice maksudnya”.
Interpreter: 09.31’ (7) “We are also assisted by our friends at Telkomsel... Up to 100 megabit per second with regards to the internet speed. This is amazing and every table can connects internationally through v-o-i-p...”
From data above, the interpreter starts rendering the target language about seven seconds behind the speaker. It is done because there is still a continuation flow from the speaker and waits until he gets the unit of meaning from the SL. The SL utterance in italic shows a technical matters regarding with the internet speed connection. Prior to the first utterance in the SL, there is a pause of about seven (7) seconds applied by the interpreter in effort to formulate the rendition into TL.
On the line 1-3 of the first utterance, the speaker may be talking over the heads of the audience by directly mentioning the measure of the speed without explaining of what the exact speed. However, there are several pauses which are indicated by the occurrence of that it helps the interpreter to use the time to formulate the rendition. The interpreter then simplifies that long utterance and describing the speed itself into “Up to 100 megabit per second with regards to the internet speed”. The interpreter also renders the SL utterance of “...dan setiap meja itu ada, fasilitas untuk langsung connect apa... sambungan internasional, voice maksutnya” into a simpler way “...and every table can connects internationally through v-o-i-p..”. The interpreter also slices up the sentence from one long
sentence into three sentences or referred as the salami technique to get a clear rendition to the target audience.
The omission in rendering the source language utterance into the target language cannot be avoided. The interpreter applies the strategy of omission or deletion of information because of the mode of expression of a speaker, the speaker speaks too fast or a mixture of those factors (Jones, 1998: 112). The following is the data of strategy of omission:
Data 5
Journalist: 20.25’ “Selamat siang, ee.. bapak-bapak perkenalkan nama saya Desy Fitriani dari Televisi Republik Indonesia. Pertanyaan saya adalah sebuah,.. semacam ee... mungkin mencari tahu pendapat dari bapak-bapak terkait dengan ketidakhadiran Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama...”.
Interpeter: 20.28’ “I’m Desy Triani. I have a question to ask for your opinion with regards to the cancellation of President Barack Obama...”.
Based on the data above, we can see that the interpreter omits several utterances in the first to second line due to the mode of expression from the speaker which is considered as an illustrative words “..semacam...sebuah...mungkin mencari tahu..”. Therefore, it is not too important for the interpreter to interpret those utterances into the target language to save time. At the previous utterance, the interpreter also deletes journalist’s introduction and her media. “Selamat siang, ee.. bapak-bapak perkenalkan nama saya Desy Fitriani dari Televisi Republik Indonesia” and it is just directly renders into her name “Desy Fitriani” to have sufficient distance from the original due to its quite fast speaker.
Data 6
Speaker: 01.01.10’ “Terima kasih bapak pimpinan. I think we (inaudible) to the question in a way of collague. aa...Related to the prospect of the bilateral relation between Indonesia and China...”
Interpreter: 1.01.12’ “Thank you Mr Chair, berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang sudah diajukan oleh rekan kami berkaitan dengan pada prospek hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan China...”
Based on the data above, when the speaker gives the feedback to the journalist, he speaks in a low tone. Therefore, there is an inaudible voice in the first sentence in SL which makes the interpreter does not render it and delete the information by directly reformulating the SL utterance into “berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang sudah diajukan oleh rekan kami..” The deletion is not giving a serious problem for the interpreter because it is just an opening remark before answering the essential message.
The interpreter implements the strategy of summarizing to ensure full understanding by adding thing not in the sense of providing a summary that replaces the full text (Jones, 1998:115).
Data 7
Speaker: 08.59’ “The relationship between the United States and the Asia Pacific has really never been, more important than it is now. President Obama began a rebalance to this region...It is, very clear that most of the economic issues that we face /today /require the kind of cooperation that APEC makes possible..”.
Interpreter: 09.01’ “Hubungan antara Amerika Serikat dengan Asia Pasifik tidak pernah... menjadi sepenting ini. Presiden Obama memulai kembali kekuatan di wilayah ini....Sudah jelas bahwa banyak permasalahan ekonomi yang kami hadapi\, kita hadapi /hari ini memerlukan kerja sama yang dimungkinkan oleh APEC”.
Based on the data above, the interpreter has two seconds distance of time behind the speaker in rendering the source language to the target language. He starts rendering the message by the word of “relationship” as the unit of rendition and directly renders into “hubungan..” in the targe language. In the first sentence, the speaker describes that the United States relationship to Asia Pacific nations is important and wants to have a close cooperation. Therefore, the US Government wants to build a strong relationship to the Asia Pacific nations by saying “President Obama began a rebalance to this region..” and it is rendered in the target language into “Presiden Obama memulai kembali kekuatan di wilayah ini”. Here, the interpreter adds information of “kekuatan” in the
target language which does not exist in the source language utterance. In this case, the interpreter wants to ensure the understanding of “rebalance” in SL that the relation between the US Government and Asia Pacific is more and more important. Before adding the word “kekuatan”, the interpreter makes a short pauses with a low intonation “” indicating that he tries to think for the appropriate rendition in the target language.
The other summarizing performed by the interpreter also can be seen on the rendition of the repetition on next utterance“...kami hadapi, kita hadapi” in the target language with the specific stressing at the end of the word. It means that the interpreter tries to ensure understanding that the economic problem is not only happen in the US but also in the APEC countries. (Jones, 1998:115).
Jones (1998) states that the interpreter should take anticipation to alleviate the difficulty in the mode of simultaneous interpreting by anticipating specific words or phrases that usually conveyed by the speaker. The following is the data of anticipation;
Data 8
Speaker: 00.01’ “Bismilah irohmnahirohim, Assalamualaikum Warohmatulahi
Wabarokatuh. Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua. Om swastiastu”
Interpreter: 00.12’ (11) “Om Swastyastu, May God peace be with you”
Data 9
Speaker: 30.48’ “Saya rasa cukup, terima kasih, Wabilahtofik hiayah wasalam walaikum warahmatulatihwabarakatuh”
Interpreter: 30.52’ “That is all, thank you and May God peace be with you”
In rendering the utterance into the target language, the interpreter has to wait to start rendering for about eleven (11) seconds because he has already anticipate the specific phrases at the opening remarks so that he can render the source language utterance without a rush. In
two data above, the speaker says the same thing in the target language. In the beginning of the opening remarks in the source language utterance of data (7) the speaker says “Bismilah irohmnahirohim, Assalamualaikum Warohmatulahi Wabarokatuh, Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, Om Swastiastu”. The interpreter then renders it into “Om Swastyastu, May God Peace be with you”. This type of source language utterance is formally conveyed by the Indonesian speaker in opening session of an event both national and international event held in Indonesia prior to the topic of discussion get started.
The same occurrence also goes to the closing remarks of the speaker in data (8). The speaker closes the speech by saying an Islamic closing remarks “Wabilahtofik hiayah wasalam walaikum warahmatulatihwabarakatuh” and it is rendered into the same as it was in the opening remarks into “May God peace be with you”. This strategy is important when rendering a source language that has quite different syntax from the target language. By anticipating those specific utterances, the interpreter can save times and prepare to analyze the next utterance from the speaker.
Strategy Applied If the Interpreter Made Mistake
If a mistake is made by the interpreter, some possible scenarios can be made. The following is the example that a simultaneous interpreter does when they make clear and objective mistakes;
Data 10
Speaker: 58.59’ “Terima kasih bapak. Ada kelanjutan antara APEC di Vladivostok dan juga APEC di Bali begitu juga APEC dihasilkan di Bali nanti juga dilanjutkan oleh forthcoming chairman China. Untuk informasi misalnya untuk food security, itu satu isu yang diperhatikan dikembangkan dari APEC Summit yang satu ke APEC Summit yang lain”.
Interpreter: 59.02’ “Thank you sir. There is a continuation between the meeting in Vladivostok and the meeting in Bali. Like this meeting in Bali will be continued in Germany aa excuse me in China. For fues, for food security, this is an issue that is especially a focus and it is developed from one APEC summit to another APEC member”.
From the italic quotation in the line of 2-3 of the target language above, the interpreter makes a mistake due to a slip of tongue in rendering the message about the next place of APEC meeting. The speaker says that the next APEC meeting will be held in China, however, the interpreter renders it into other country that is, “Germany”. Realizing that he makes a mistake, he swiftly makes a correction and says apologize to the audience by saying “excuse me”. There is also a mistake on the next utterance when rendering the source language utterance of ”Untuk food security” into “for fues”, however, he then correct it into a right rendition “for food security” without saying any apologize. Meanwhile, based on the time of rendition, there is a three seconds distance of the interpreter before rendering the target language utterance. This is done to wait until the interpreter gets the meaning of the target language.
Strategy Applied If the Speaker Made Mistake
The speaker also sometimes makes mistake during uttering the utterance in the source language. The following is the strategy taken by the interpreter if he or she is facing wrong utterance of the speaker.
Data 11
Speaker 2: 57.24’ “Thank you am...I would like to answer your question on Bahasa ya? Boleh?”
Interpreter: 57.29’ “Saya ingin menjawab pertanyan anda dalam bahasa Indonesia” Speaker 2: 57.32’ “It’s a ...I think APEC is becoming more...oh sorry bahasa Inggris”.
Interpreter: (silent)
The interpreter doesn’t render the mistake made by the speaker due to a slip of tongue in the third utterance of “It’s a ...I think APEC is becoming more...oh sorry bahasa Inggris”. Previously on the first utterance, the speaker wants to speak in Indonesian language and the rendition has already rendered in TL by the interpreter. However the speaker still utters the
utterance in English. Therefore, the interpreter did not render because it would be waste of time to render the words that has no specific impact and just over in a silence.
When the interpreter may be faced with notions, cultural or institutional references ideally should be explained to the audience. If time is limited, the interpreter can explain its meaning the first time and refer to it in an abbreviated form (Jones, 1998:116).
Data 12
Speaker 1: 42.38’ “Jadi.... sekarang saya minta ee...Ketua ABAC ya untuk menyampaikan terkait dengan kesiapan dari KTT...”.
Interpreter: 42.41’ “Now I would like to invite the chair of ABAC, the APEC Business Advisory Council to present the regarding the preparation of the APEC CEO summit..”.
Speaker 2: 43.02’ “Terima kasih Pak Chairul. Kawan-kawan media mohon maaf saya terlambat baru menyelesaikan rapat di ABAC...”.
Interpreter: 43. 04’ “Thank you Mr. Chairul, friends of the media I apologize for being late I’ve just finished my meeting at ABAC....”
On the italic quotation above, we can see that the interpreter takes the strategy of explanation. The first speaker above asks the second speaker as the chair of the ABAC to convey several things related to the event. However, the speaker only conveys the abbreviation of ABAC without giving any explanation to it. Then, the interpreter explains the notion of ABAC as the institutional organization by giving an explanation of “ABAC, the APEC Business Advisory Council” which give more complete understanding to the target audience. On the next utterance, the second speaker again repeats the notion of ABAC and to
save time, the interpreter just says the initial of ABAC in the target language without explaining the abbreviation which the audience and the speaker would then understand.
Based on the time to start rendering, the interpreter renders the rendition from source language into target language in all of the above utterances average two seconds behind the speaker which is not too far to catch up the utterance flowing from the speaker.
Avoids Committing
The interpreter should not announce joke or pun because it is difficult to render and fulfill the target language. Therefore the interpreter should avoid rendering that kind of utterance. However, if the joke is translatable, the interpreter can do their best to render it (Jones, 1998:122).
Data 13
Speaker 2: 48.03’ “Yang dipakai pak bupati itu yang jeleknya” (Laugh)
Interpeter: 48.07’ “So mister regent here is wearing aaa...the same dress but not of the same quality”.
In data above contains a joke delivered by the speaker. This joke is related to the quality of traditional cloth worn by the first speaker compared to the leaders or the president of the APEC members. The joke conveyed by the second speaker above is translatable. Therefore, the interpreter renders it in a smooth way. The second speaker conveys “yang dipakai pak bupati itu yang jeleknya” in the source language. Here, the relative clause marker of “yang” in the source language refers to the Endek, traditional Balinese cloth. To avoid misunderstanding or offend someone, the interpreter interprets the joke in a soft way that is “So mister regent here is wearing aaa...the same dress but not of the same quality”. It is clearly seen that the interpreter analyzes it carefully seen from the short pauses by “aaa...”
indicating that he analyzes the reformulation of the joke into better form in the target language.
Based on the result, some conclusions can be drawn out. There are ten strategies applied by the interpreter in simultaneous interpreting at the 2013 APEC Summit Conference, i.e., reformulation, efficiency in reformulation, simplification, omission, summarizing, anticipation, explanation, the strategy applied if the speaker made mistake, strategy applied if the interpreter made mistake, and the strategy in avoiding commit to specific rendition such as joke or pun. Those strategies are supported by implementing the right time to start rendering to maintain the distance from the speaker, the salami technique by slicing up the utterance to make the rendition easier to be understood, intonation and pauses (analyzing the utterance while waiting extra input from the speaker), and stressing at the end of a word to ensure the understanding of the utterance, all in conjunction with those main strategies.
There are also novelties found such as the interpreter applied omission due to low tone from the speaker, the interpreter can pass in a silence if the speaker made mistake with no significant impact to the rendition and the interpreter rendered joke which is translatable in a smooth way.
The strategies found in this research can be the reference for the existing interpreters or beginner to fulfill the quality of their work especially in a conference setting. These results are also expected to contribute as supporting theories of the existing research. In other words, the finding of this study is also hoped to add the previous studies, related to the skills and competences especially how to improve and elevate interpreting knowledge.
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Jones, Roderick. 1998. Conference Interpreting Explained. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing.
Nolan, James.2005. Interpretation Techniques and Exercises. Great Britain: Cromwell Press Ltd.
Pochhacker, F. 2004. Introducing Interpreting Studies. London: Routledge.
Mikkelson, Holly.2006. Interpreting is Interpreting-or is it?. (serial online), [cited 2013 Sept.
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Sutopo, H.B. 2002. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press.
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