p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419

Vol. 30 No.2

Verbal and Visual Sign in “Encanto” Movie Posters

I Wayan Jason Karenski1, Ida Ayu Made Puspani2, I Wayan Mulyawan3 1English Department, Udayana University, Indonesia 2Udayana University, Indonesia 3Udayana University, Indonesia

e-mail: [email protected]1, e-mail: [email protected]2, e-mail:

3 [email protected]3

Abstact--This research deals with the movie poster of “Encanto” as the object of the study under semiotic theory. The aim of this research is to identify the semiotic signs that are contained in “Encanto” movie posters and to analyse the meaning of signs that are accomplished in “Encanto” movie posters. The data of this research is 6 movie posters of “Encanto”. This research employed a convenience sampling method to answer the research question. The data was taken from the Internet Movie Poster Awards on The data was analyzed based on the theory according to Dyer's concept of verbal and visual indicators (1982). Second, the meanings of the signs were analyzed according to the theory of signifiers and signified by Saussure (cited in Chandler, 2007) and supported with the colour term by Olesen (2013). There were nine verbal signs in those movie posters. The visual signs in those movie posters such as appearance, manner, otivity, background, and the colour. The application of color meaning by using the color terms of Olesen.

Keyword: Semiotic, Verbal Sign, Visual Sign, Posters.

Abstrak--Penelitian ini membahas tentang poster film “Encanto” sebagai obyek kajian teori semiotika. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tanda-tanda semiotik yang terkandung dalam poster film “Encanto” dan menganalisis makna tanda-tanda yang terkandung dalam poster film “Encanto”. Data penelitian ini adalah 6 poster film “Encanto”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode convenience sampling untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Data diambil dari Internet Movie Poster Awards di Data dianalisis berdasarkan teori menurut konsep indikator verbal dan visual Dyer (1982). Kedua, makna tanda dianalisis menurut teori penanda dan petanda oleh Saussure (dikutip dalam Chandle r, 2007) dan didukung dengan istilah warna oleh Olesen (2013). Ada sembilan tanda verbal dalam poster film tersebut. Tanda-tanda visual dalam poster film tersebut seperti kenampakan, tingkah laku, otivitas, latar belakang, dan warna. Penerapan makna warna dengan menggunakan istilah warna Olesen.

Kata Kunci: Semiotika, Tanda Verbal, Tanda Visual, Poster.

  • 1.    Intruduction

Semantics is the study of a language's meaning structure, and there are many different methods used. According to Emodi (2011), meaning is the association between a word and the idea it refers to in the outside world (referential or denotative meaning). In another, it refers to the speaker's emotional condition as revealed by a variety of personal overtones (affective or connotative meaning). The language of advertising is a specific topic of study due to the originality of the word choices. This essay offers a semantically-level analytic investigation of the language characteristics of English ads.

Language is very important for all humans around the world, it is one of the ways to express feelings. The ability to express one's feelings through language is crucial for all people in the world. People can exchange information and communicate by using language. There are many ways to say it, and employing signage, advertisements, or other forms of promotion is one of them. Because signs may be used to convey emotions without using words and because they are understandable to individuals, they are a fascinating tool to study. Any object, mark, image, poster, or other visual representation that can convey meaning is referred to as a sign. Typically, a sign is used in an advertisement to sell a product.

A sign is used in an advertisement to sell a product. In order to generate interest, engagement, and customer or consumer attention, advertising is a form of media that can assist in introducing or promoting a product or brand to a viewership. Words,

images, colour, and signs are frequently used in advertisements. They can all assist customers in understanding the purpose of the advertisement. Movie Studio Company also needs to promote their movie before they launch it. Using movie posters to alert viewers about a new film is one approach to do this.

Movie Studio Company always made their movie poster before launching the new movie. Every movie studio produces its movie poster as interesting as possible to get attention and make people want to watch their movie . For example, the movie posters of “Encanto”, this movie was produced in the United States in 2021.

  • 2.    Research Method

In this part, there are some components of the research methode, which are data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analysing data, method and technique of presenting data. The components are explained as follows:

  • 2.1    Data Source

The  dataanof this research  was

obtained from the website on the internet ml. Thereabare three movieanposters of "Encanto'' that  were discussed in this

research. This movie was produced in the United States   in   2021. Walt.Disney

Animation Studios.and Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures released this movie. This movie poster will be chosen as the data source because these posters have simple and unique

characteristics containing a lot of verbal and visual signs. The posters are very simple and mysterious that makes the viewer interesting to watch.

  • 2.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data collected through a variety of methods, including observation, comparison, and documentation. The method that was used inncollecting data in this study is the convenience sampling method. According to Crossman (2019), “A convenience sample is a non-probability sample in which the researcher uses the subjects that are nearest and available to participate in the research study”. The data presented and explained using the theories used in this study. The data of this research was obtained from a website on the internet. It was collected in several steps. To begin, get the movie poster images from the website. Second, the data of verbal and visual indicators discovered in movie posters must be identified. Third, observing the significance of verbal and visual signs in movie posters. Finally, the movie will be watched several times.

  • 2.3    Method.and.Technique of.Analyzing.Data

The method that was used inncollecting data in this study isethe convenience sampling method. According to Crossman (2019), “A convenience sample is a non-probability sample in which the researcher uses the subjects that are nearest and available to participate in the research study”. The data will be presented and explained using the theories used in this

study. The data of this research was obtained from a website on the internet. It was collected in several steps. The data analysis process was divided into numerous parts. First, the data were split according to Dyer's concept of verbal and visual indicators (1982). Second, the meanings of the signs were analyzed according to the theory of signifiers and signified by Saussure (cited in Chandler, 2007) and supported with the theory of colour by Olesen (2013).

  • 2.4    Method and.Technique.of Presenting.Analysis

The descriptive methoddused in this study to describe and explain many types of verbal and visual signs identified in "Encanto'' movie posters. The images were discussed one by one. Furthermore, the data separated into two sections: one for verbal signs and another for visual signs. Then the meanings of indications were described in detail.

  • 3.    Results and Discussion

    3.1    Result

The Verbal Signs “Disney” has denotative meanings and gives the information to the people that Encanto is a movie produced by one of the most famous entertainment companies named The Walt Disney Studios. “Magical House, Magical Family” has connotative meanings and gives the information to the audience that Encanto tells the story of the extraordinary Madrigals family, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in an amazing and enchanting place called Encanto. The verbal sign “ENCANTO” has connotative meanings and gives information about the title of the movie.

The verbal sign “NOVEMBER 2021”, and “ONLY IN THEATERS NOV. 24” have denotative meanings and this sign gives information to the audience about the date the movie will premiere at the box office. The visual signs in those movie posters such as appearance, manner, otivity, background, and the colour. The appearance in those posters consists of age, nationality, gender, race, hait, body, size, and look. The manner indicates behaviour or emotions. The activity represents the body gesture, movement, and posture. Those movie posters used many colours such as blue, white, black, silver, brown, red, green, grey, orange, pink, and yellow.

  • 3.2    Discussion

    3.2.1    Identification of Verbal and Visual Signs Found in “Encanto” Movie Posters

The semiotic signs of “Encanto” movie posters consist of verbal and visual. Verbal signs in these movie posters presented in the form of text that can give the information to the audience about the movie such as the company that produces the movie, director, and the date of the movie released. The theory of verbal sign by Dyer used to identify the verbal sign. He states that when people try to interpret or understand the text, they have their own way. The non-verbal sign can be defined as the appearance, activity, manner, colour and also background. The analysis is divided into two parts. The First part discussed verbal signs, and the second part was about non-verbal signs. Verbal and Visual Signs in Poster 1

Poster 1 ml

  • a.    Verbal Signs

From the first poster above there are four verbal signs found. The verbal signs of the slogan of the movie, company names, the title of the movie, and the release date of the movie. Those verbal signs are as follow:

  • a.    On the middle of the poster, there is the slogan of the movie, “Magical House, Magical Family”. The slogan was written in white colour to make it clear in the black background.

  • b.    The second verbal signs on inside the poster are the word "Disney". It was written in the Walt Disney Studios’ logo. The sign is located exactly above the main text of the poster and written in yellow colour. The Walt Disney Studios is an American film and entertainment studio, and is part

of the entertainment segment of the Walt Disney Company. Disney signs emphasize the “Encanto” movie produced by this company.

  • c.    Below the word “Disney”, there is the title of the movie written in capital letter “ENCANTO” with blue and yellow colours. This sign has the biggest size in this poster and was very eye-catching. It is placed below the word “Disney”. The placement and the size of the letter easily attract the viewers. It means the title of the movie in the poster above is the most important information than the other signs in the poster.

  • d.    The last sign found in this movie poster is the phrase “NOVEMBER 2021” This sign is placed at the bottom of the movie title. The word “NOVEMBER 2021” written with white colour and capital letters. The size is smaller than the title of the movie “ENCANTO”. This sign emphasizes and gives the information to the audience about the premier of the movie.

  • b.    Visual Signs

This movie poster showed a door with the magic of the house in the movie. Therefore, the visual signs found in the poster were appearance, manner, activity, background, and colour.

  • a.    Appearance

In this poster, there was a door of a house in the “Encanto” movie, named the Casa Madrigal (mainly referred to as Casita) is a location from Disney's feature film, Encanto. It is the

residence of the Madrigal family, and along with the magical gifts, the house was given to them by the candle. The building is also sentient, practically making it a character in itself.

  • b.    Manner

The door gave off light from within. In this house there was a flower plant that grew around the house. There were also animals looking at the door.

  • c.    Activity

In this poster, there were not many movements done by the animals. They only saw the door that gave off light from within.

  • d.    Background

The setting of the poster above is only the background. And the background here is in a room of the house. The background in this poster is dominated by black and yellow colour. Verbal and Visual Signs in Poster 2

Poster 2 ml

  • a.    Verbal Signs

From the first poster above there are four verbal signs found. The verbal signs of the name of the character in the movie, company names, the title of the movie, and the release date of the movie. Those verbal signs are as follow:

  • a.    On the top of the poster, there is a word, “Mirabel”. That is the name of the main caracter of this movie. It uses red colour and a big sign to make it easier to read.

  • b.    The second verbal signs on inside the poster are the word "Disney". It was written in the Walt Disney Studios’ logo. The sign is located exactly above the main text of the poster and written in white colour. The Walt Disney Studios is an American film and entertainment studio, and is part of the entertainment segment of the Walt Disney Company. Disney signs emphasize the “Encanto” movie produced by this company.

  • c.    Below the word “Disney”, there is the title of the movie written in capital letter “ENCANTO” with blue and yellow colours. This sign has the biggest size in this poster and was very eye-catching. It is placed below the word “Disney”. The placement and the size of the letter easily attract the viewers. It means the title of the movie in the poster above is the most important information than the other signs in the poster.

  • d.    The last sign found in this movie poster is the phrase “ONLY IN TEATER NOVS. 24” This sign is placed at the bottom of the movie title. The word “ONLY IN TEATER NOVS. 24” written with white colour and capital letters. The size is smaller than the title of the movie “ENCANTO”. This sign emphasizes and gives the information to the audience about the premier of the movie.

  • b.    Visual Signs

  • a.    Appearance

In this poster, there was a character in the “Encanto” movie, named Mirabel Madrigal or better known as Mirabel. She is the youngest daughter of Julieta and Agustín Madrigal and youngest sister of Isabela and Luisa, who has the distinction of being the only Madrigal by birth without a magical gift. However, when the miracle begins to fade, Mirabel takes it upon herself to save the magic, learning about hidden familial troubles along the way.

  • b.    Manner

The character in this poster wore a white t-shirt and blue skirt. She also used green sunglasses. Mirabel's expression looks very convinced and friendly with a big smile on his lips. Her eyes were full of faith.

  • c.    Activity

In this poster, there were not many movements done by the character. She only stood up and put his hand

forward. She shows a big smile on his face.

  • d.    Background

The setting of the poster above is only the background. The background in this poster is dominated by green colour. Verbal and Visual Signs in Poster 3

Poster 3 ml

  • a.    Verbal Signs

From the first poster above there are four verbal signs found. The verbal signs of the name of the character in the movie, company names, the title of the movie, and the release date of the movie. Those verbal signs are as follow:

  • a.    On the top of the poster, there is a word, “BRUNO”. That is the name of the caracter of this movie. It uses dark brown colour and a big sign to make it easier to read.

  • b.    The second verbal signs on inside the poster are the word "Disney". It was written in the Walt Disney Studios’ logo. The sign is located exactly above the main text of the poster and written in white colour. The Walt Disney Studios is an American film and entertainment studio, and is part of the entertainment segment of the Walt Disney Company. Disney signs emphasize the “Encanto” movie produced by this company.

  • c.    Below the word “Disney”, there is the title of the movie written in capital letter “ENCANTO” with blue and yellow colours. This sign has the biggest size in this poster and was very eye-catching. It is placed below the word “Disney”. The placement and the size of the letter easily attract the viewers. It means the title of the movie in the poster above is the most important information than the other signs in the poster.

  • d.    The last sign found in this movie poster is the phrase “ONLY IN TEATER NOVS. 24” This sign is placed at the bottom of the movie title. The word “ONLY IN TEATER NOVS. 24” written with white colour and capital letters. The size is smaller than the title of the movie “ENCANTO”. This sign emphasizes and gives the information to the audience about the premier of the movie.

  • b.    Visual Signs

  • a.    Appearance

In this poster, there was a character in the “Encanto” movie but in a door, named Bruno Madrigal or better known as Bruno. He is Pedro and Alma Madrigal's only son and youngest child, and he has the ability to predict the future. Bruno had become the "black sheep" of the Madrigals due to his peculiar behavior, affection for rats, and frequent prophecies of doom. As a result, the family had grown distant from him. After Bruno vanished, talking about him was frowned upon; the locals despised him as a villain until they discovered his steadfast love for his family.

  • b.    Manner

The character in this poster only draws on the door. It mantion that the character were loose or gone. Bruno's expression looks very scary. Her eyes were full of fear.

  • c.    Activity

In this poster, there were not many movements done by the character. He shows a shocked face.

  • d.    Background

The setting of the poster above is only the background. The background in this poster is dominated by brown colour.

  • 3.2.2 The Meanings of Verbal and Visual Signs Found in “Encanto” Movie Posters The Meaning of Verbal Signs

This part consists of an analysis of the meaning of verbal signs found in the movie posters by using the theory of verbal signs by

Dyer (1982), the theory of signifier and signified by Saussure and the theory of connotative and denotative meanings by Panofsky (cited in Chandler, 2007). There were four verbal signs found on six of the movie posters. Those verbal signs have meanings and massage as follow:

  • a.    Disney

The first signifier of the poster was the word “Disney” and has a denotative meaning. This word was found in all of “Encanto” movie posters. According to The Walt Disney Studios’ official site, The Walt Disney Studios has served as the cornerstone on which The Walt Disney Company has been established for the past 100 years. Nowadays, it offers consumers all over the world high-quality films, episodic storytelling, and stage plays. Disney, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Lucasfilm, Marvel Studios, Searchlight Pictures, and 20th Century Studios are all included in the group known as The Walt Disney Studios. Disney Theatrical Group, a company that creates top-notch theatrical productions, is also based there.

The designer put “Disney” in the movie poster to make the viewer know the movie was made by a famous studio company in the world. This text can also make the audience interested to watch the movie because “Encanto” was produced by The Walt Disney Studios. The viewer may want

to watch this movie because they have watched the other movie produced by The Walt Disney Studios.

  • b.    Encanto

The second signifier was the sentence “ENCANTO”. The sentence has connotative meanings. This sign is placed at the bottom of the poster. Specifically, under the word “Disney”. According to Compton (2022), Encanto, which means "charm" in English when translated from Spanish, makes for a suitable wordplay throughout the movie. A location full of wonders, enchantment, and the strength of a loving family, Casita is charming on the surface (as is the movie). Another significant method that the filmmakers of Encanto enhance the film's attractiveness is by including metaphorical references to butterflies. The architecture of Casita features several butterflies as a representation of the way Encanto's enchanted, enigmatic home serves as a type of cocoon for the Madrigals, shielding them from perils outside of their town. They live in a fascinating, lovely world inside their Casita bubble.

Encanto, the newest computer-animated musical success from Disney, is set in a wonderful and enchanted village full of wonder and amazement, and its English title is aptly descriptive. The matriarch of the multi-generational Madrigal family, Abuela Alma Madrigal (Maria Cecilia

Butero), is the guardian of a magical candle and the mother of three magically gifted triplets. Casita, the family's sentient home, serves as both a literal and metaphorical glue that keeps the unit together. Since the patriarch, Abuelo Pedro Madrigal, was lost when the family was forced to evacuate their home due to an armed conflict, Casita has safeguarded and housed the Madrigal family for generations.

The word “ENCANTO” is the biggest word on the poster and is written in blue and yellow. The designer of the poster chose the blue with yellow as the colour of the verbal sign to make it easier to read and this sign gives important information to the viewers. This verbal sign can signify the title of the movie. This sign is the main text or main focus of the poster. This sign has an important role to attract the audience to watch the film.

  • c.    November 2021

The third verbal sign found in this poster is “NOVEMBER 2021”. the signified of the sentence has denotative meanings. This verbal sign appears in all of the posters and is located at the bottom of the poster. NOVEMBER 2021, that signified that Encanto movie was released in November 2021. This sign gives the most important information to the audience about the movie released. This signifier is really important to the

viewer to know when the Encanto movie will premiere in the cinema.

  • d.    Only in theaters nov. 24

The fourth verbal sign found in this poster is “ONLY IN THEATERS NOV. 24”. the signified of the sentence has denotative meanings. This verbal sign appears in all of the posters and is located at the bottom of the poster. ONLY IN THEATERS NOV. 24, that signified that Encanto movie was released on 24th of November. This sign gives the most important information to the audience about the date of the movie released. This signifier is really important to the viewer to know when the Encanto movie will premiere in the cinema.

  • e.    Magical House, Magical Family

The sixth verbal sign found in this poster is “Magical House, Magical Family”. The sentence has connotative meanings. It means, there is a house in this movie named the Casa Madrigal, often known as Casita, is a setting from the Disney movie Encanto. The candle also gave them the house, which is where the Madrigal family resides in addition to the miraculous gifts. In a sense, the building is a character in and of itself because it is also sentient.

The movie Encanto is about families. The miraculous presents shed light on the Madrigal family's relationships with its members. The house itself crumbles under the weight of the family's combined anguish as

the movie demonstrates how intergenerational trauma is harbored.

  • The Meaning of Visual Signs

This part consists of the analysis of the meaning of the visual signs found in five movie posters that were analysed by using the theory of visual signs proposed by Dyer (1982) and the theory of colours by Olesen (2013). Similar to the verbal sign, a visual sign also has their own meaning and messages, as follow:

  • a.    Poster 1

In this poster, there was a door of a room in a house in the “Encanto” movie, The house named the Casa Madrigal (mainly referred to as Casita) is a location from Disney's feature film, Encanto. It is the residence of the Madrigal family, and along with the magical gifts, the house was given to them by the candle. The building is also sentient, practically making it a character in itself.

The door gave off light from within. In this house there was a flower plant that grew around the house. There were also animals looking at the door. It means that there is something behind the door.

The setting of the poster above is only the background. And the background here is in a room of the house. The background in this poster is dominated by black and yellow colour. Olesen (2013) states, black is a very powerful colour that represents a variety of things, including power,

formality, sophistication, elegance, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, wealth,uunhappiness, depth, style, sadness, remorse, and anger. It also represents the technical, underworld, and underground, as well as grief and death, as well as class, elegance, and wealth. Blackkis associated with death, bad luck, and evil spirits. Black isn't often chosen because it has such unfavorable associations. In fact, most individuals steer clear of this evil hue for fear that it may steal their joy. Black doesn't mean to frighten, but its gloomy aura doesn't exactly encourage optimism. Black is a colour that is utterly misunderstood. Although it inspires gloomy and melancholy ideas, it is harmless. Though it has accepted its unfavorable reputation, it still yearns to be accepted. Black is much more than just a gloomy hue; it's also strong, eye-catching, and protective. And Olesen (2013) states that “Yellow is the cheerful and upbeat colour. Yellow is a happy, upbeat colour thatmmakes everything more funbband joyful. It influences the logical portion of the brain, increasing cognition and perception, which facilitates learning. It arouses interest and stimulates cognition while enhancing zeal and self-assurance”.

  • b.    Poster 2

In this second poster, the attention of the audience will be focused on one of the main characters in the Encanto movie. The character in

this poster is a girl named Mirabel. She is the youngest daughter of Julieta and Agustín Madrigal and youngest sister of Isabela and Luisa, who has the distinction of being the only Madrigal by birth without a magical gift. However, when the miracle begins to fade, Mirabel takes it upon herself to save the magic, learning about hidden familial troubles along the way.

The character in this poster wore a white t-shirt. According to Colour Term by Olesen (2013), “White is the colour of innocence and purity. All colours are truly balanced in white. It is related to perfection, simplicity, and cleanliness. White is frequently thought of as being good, fresh, and pure”. Based on that, it can be assumed that white colour was chosen as the main character t-shirt to present a good and pure character. She also wore a blue skirt. According to Colour Term by Olesen (2013), “The colour blue symbolizes loyalty and trust. Blue, which encourages calmness and a sense of security and assurance, calms and relaxes our psyches”. Based on it, it can be assumed that the character is also loyal and confident. She also used green sunglasses. Based on the Colour Term by Olesen in 2013, “The colour green is generous and calming, reviving our body and mind. It brings our emotions into harmony and makes us feel secure”. it can be assumed that the characters present calm.

The setting of the poster above is only the background. The background in this poster is dominated by green colour. "Green is the colour of peace and health," claims Olesen (2013). The colour green is generous and calming, reviving our body and mind. It brings our emotions into harmony and makes us feel secure. Along with promising development and prosperity, it also inspires hope in us and bestows a little bit of good fortune to support us on our journey. Green can help treat sadness, tension, and anxiety as well as provide relief and physical and mental relaxation. Green evokes feelings of rebirth, liberation, restraint, and harmony.

  • c.    Poster 3

In this poster, there was a character in the “Encanto” movie but in a door, named Bruno Madrigal or better known as Bruno. He is Pedro and Alma Madrigal's only son and youngest child, and he has the ability to predict the future. Bruno had become the "black sheep" of the Madrigals due to his peculiar behavior, affection for rats, and frequent prophecies of doom. As a result, the family had grown distant from him. After Bruno vanished, talking about him was frowned upon; the locals despised him as a villain until they discovered his steadfast love for his family.

The character in this poster only draws on the door. It mantion

that the character were loose or gone. And the door was locked by a wood. It means that nobody can not come to the room. Bruno's expression looks very scary. Her eyes were full of fear.

The setting of the poster above is only the background. The background in this poster is dominated by brown colour. According to Olesen in 2013, the colour brown symbolizes dependability and stability. It is trustworthy and reassuring. A wise buddy and excellent advisor. Brown is a force to be reckoned with, radiating intelligence, firmness, and strength. Brown offers brilliant insight that is in high demand. Because it provides support and guidance, Brown truly is a guardian. Brown is a colour of many values and places a high value on family, duty, and morals.

  • 4.    Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the study, it can be concluded that the Encanto movie posters consist of many verbal and visual signs. There were nine verbal signs in those movie posters such as, “Disney”, “ENCANTO”, “NOVEMBER 2021”, “ONLY IN THEATERS NOV. 24”, “IN CINEMAS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24”, “Magical House, Magical Family”, “Mirabel”, “BRUNO”, and “LUISA”.

The Verbal Signs “Disney” has denotative meanings and gives the information to the people that Encanto is a movie produced by one of the most famous entertainment companies named The Walt Disney Studios. “Magical House, Magical

Family”, “Mirabel”, “BRUNO”, and “LUISA” have connotative meanings and give the information to the audience that Encanto tells the story of the extraordinary Madrigals family, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in an amazing and enchanting place called Encanto. The verbal sign “ENCANTO” has connotative meanings and gives information about the title of the movie. The verbal sign “NOVEMBER 2021”, “ONLY IN THEATERS NOV. 24”, and “IN CINEMAS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24” have denotative meanings and this sign gives information to the audience about he date the movie that will be premiered at the box office.

The visual signs in those movie posters such as appearance, manner, otivity, background, and the colour. The appearance in those posters consists of age, nationality, gender, race, hait, body, size, and look. The manner indicates behaviour or emotions. The activity represents the body gesture, movement, and posture. Those movie posters used many colours such as blue, white, black, silver, brown, red, green, grey, orange, pink, and yellow.

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