An Analysis of Derivational Suffixes Used in @Wetheurban Instagram Posts
p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419
Vol. 30 No.2
An Analysis of Derivational Suffixes Used in @Wetheurban Instagram Posts
Luh Devi Puspa Sari1, Ketut Artawa2, Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati3
1,2,3English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Indonesia e-mail: 1[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected]
Abstract—The title of this research is "An Analysis of Derivational Suffixes Used in @Wetheurban Instagram Posts." The purpose of this research was to identify the forms of derivational suffixes and explain their function and meaning used in Instagram posts by @Wetheurban. The data for this research was derived from Instagram posts by @Wetheurban, which created this Instagram to increase personal power by 1000%.The data was collected by reading and highlighting the Instagram account @Wetheurban. The data for this study was analyzed qualitatively. This study used Plag's (2002) theory from his book "Word -Formation in English". The analysis showed four types of derivational suffixes: 14 nominal suffixes, 2 verbal suffixes, 10 adjectival suffixes, and 2 adverbial suffixes. Derivational suffixes have two functions: class-maintaining suffixes and class-changing suffixes. Suffixes found in the data source each have their own meaning, such as person or having something to do with X, result of X, state or quality, tending to, connected with, and so on.
Keywords: Morphological Analysis, Derivational Suffixes, Instagram
Abstrak—Judul penelitian ini adalah “Analisis Derivasional Akhiran yang Digunakan pada Postingan Instagram @Wetheurban”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk sufiks derivasi dan menjelaskan fungsi dan maknanya yang digunakan dalam postingan Instagram oleh @Wetheurban. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari postingan Instagram oleh @Wetheurban, yang membuat Instagram ini untuk meningkatkan personal power hingga 1000%. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membaca dan menyorot akun Instagram @Wetheurban. Data untuk penelitian ini dianalisis secara kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Plag (2002) dari bukunya “Word-Formation in English”. Analisis menunjukkan empat jenis sufiks derivasi: 14 nominal suffixes, 2 verbal suffixes, 10 adjectival suffixes, and 2 adverbial suffixes. Sufiks turunan memiliki dua fungsi: sufiks pemeliharaan kelas dan sufiks pengubah kelas. Sufiks yang terdapat pada sumber data masing-masing memiliki arti tersendiri, seperti orang atau ada hubungannya dengan X, hasil dari X, keadaan atau kualitas, cenderung, berhubungan dengan, dan sebagainya.
Kata Kunci: Analisis Morfologi, Sufiks Turunan, Instagram
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Language is a system of conventional spoken, sign, or written communication that allows humans to express themselves. There are numerous languages in the world, with English being one of the most widely spoken. English is the most widely used language for establishing international relations. As a result, almost every country in the world includes English as one of the subjects that people must learn. People who want to master English must first understand the factors that shape the language. Linguistics is a part of study that focuses on language. Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics are two branches of linguistics. Macrolinguistics is a part of linguistics that studies larger concepts and trends in language, such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, anthropology, neurolinguistics, and philosophical linguistics. Microlinguistics, on the other hand, is a study of language that focuses on smaller and more specific elements of language such as phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and morphology.
Morphology is the study of how individual words are assembled and arranged. According to Lieber & Štekauer (2014) the definition of morphology, it is the study of the word and word formation, which includes the process of the word as well as the form in the language. There are numerous variations of words that depend on the context in the sentence. Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit that can comprise a word or portion of a word. As stated by Matthews (1991:12) a morpheme is a minimum, indivisible, or primordial unit. Morphemes are divided into two types: free and bound morphemes. Morphemes, which consist of words, word stems, and affixes, are the linguistic building blocks one step above phonemes. Despite the fact that they are frequently recognized as units of meaning, they are typically viewed as a component of a word's syntactic or grammar.
According to Sibarani (2002) An Introduction to Morphology, describes the wordformation process in morphology. Morphological development, also known as word formation technique, is the process of creating new phrases
by applying morphological rules. Despite the fact that some languages recognize only a subset of word-formation processes, morphology recognizes fourteen, one of which is affixation. Crowley (2008) Affixation is the action of forming a new word by joining morphemes with restrictions to the root, stem, or base. Prefixes are morphemes that are added to the base first, infixes are morphemes that are placed within the base, and suffixes are morphemes that are added to the end of the base.
Proposed by Wójcicki (2015) Suffixation is the procedure for adding suffixes to a word's stem, base, or root to create a new term. In contrast, prefixes change the root, stem, or base's meaning. Suffixes serve only minor semantic functions, changing the word class.
Suffixation is an enthralling topic for debate because, according to its function, it has the ability to change the meaning of words added by suffixes as well as the word class resulting from the suffixation process. These alterations follow the principle of derivational suffixation. Despite the fact that the data source contains multiple examples of words with suffixes, the words class remains unchanged. This instance will be classified using derivational suffixation.
According to Mattern (2016) Instagram posts are a type of literary work that is similar to newspaper articles, books, magazines, and movies. Because not everyone reads newspapers or magazines like they used to, the data was derived from @wetheurban Instagram posts. People are increasingly using smartphones in their daily lives, and almost everyone in various circles does.
Some studies were similar to the topic of this study. The first undergraduate thesis reviewed is written by Prasada (2016). There were two issues investigated in this study: the types of derivational suffixes and the morphological process of derivational suffixes. The theories used in this study were those proposed by Bauer & Laurie (1983) in his book, English WordFormation, and those proposed by (Katamba, 1993) in his book, Theory of Word Formation. It is found
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in both class-maintaining and class-changing derivational suffixes, according to the data.
Second study was published by Tanjung (2016) the titled “Morphological Process of Derivational Noun in Mahligai Magazine”.The issues addressed in this study were the numerous morphological processes that appeared in nouns in the magazine Mahligai, as well as an analysis of the functions of the various morphological processes.
Third study was written by Indrapranata (2016) "Derivational Suffix in English with Special Reference to Academic Discourse on Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)," This study addressed two issues: the various derived suffixes and functions, as well as the meanings found in the Academic Study on Contemporary American English Corpus. The theory proposed by Plag (2002), which is cited in his book, Wordformation in English, was used in this investigation.
Another Zainuddin (2016) article is titled "A Study on Derivational Affixes of Indonesian Noun-Formation in Newspaper Editorial: A Semantic Perspective." The purpose of this study was to look into the different sorts of derivational affixes employed in Indonesian noun-formation newspaper editorials such as Kompas. The journal article discussed the formation of words in Indonesian.
The data source came from the online edition of Instagram posts from @wetheurban. The information was obtained from the Instagram app. This Instagram account was chosen because it offers a wide range of suffixes for analysis. These Instagram posts spread a lot of positivity and selflove, and they have also been shown to increase personal power by 100%.
A documentation method was used to collect data for this study. The derivational English suffixes were gathered using the following methods from Instagram posts by @wetheurban: First, they accessed the @wetheurban Instagram account and then located the posts; second, they
paid close attention to the posts to identify any terms with derivational suffixes; third, they identified the information (words) and quoted it from the data source; and fourth, they were organized according to the word class.
The data in this study was examined qualitatively, was converted to numbers. All information from the posts was processed in the following ways: first, the data from Instagram was examined using the form of derivational suffixes using Plag (2002) theory or morphology; Second, utilizing Plag (2002) theory, the study was expanded by describing the function and meaning of derivational suffixes.; and third, the result of the analysis was presented by a descriptive qualitative methodology was used in this investigation.
In this analysis, the data was identifies the form of suffixes in @wetheuran Instagram posts and explains their function and meaning. Some Instagram posts with derivational suffixes were carefully selected and presented as data to be analyzed. The data was analyzed using Plag (2002) theory from his book "Word-Formation in English." According to Plag (2002), derivational suffixes are classified into four types: nominal suffixes, verbal suffixes, adjectival suffixes, and adverbial suffixes. Plag (2002) suffixes are classified into two types based on their function: class-maintaining suffixes and class-changing suffixes. The following is an explanation of the form, function and meaning of suffix:
Nominal Suffixes
1. /-age/; this suffix turns a verbal or nominal into a noun. For example: marriage and blockage
2. /-ance/; this suffix is mostly attached to verbs. The suffix -ance generates action nouns. For example: acceptance and importance
Verbal Suffixes
1. /-ate/; There is a type of derivate that uses chemical substances as bases. The suffix -ate
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appears to be nothing more than a verbal status indicator. For example validate
2. /-ize/; the suffix -ize is commonly attached to the base of nouns and adjectives. For example are prioritize and normalize
Adjective Suffixes
1. /-able/; this suffix combines an adjective's transitive and intransitive verbal bases. For example are available and comfortable
2. /-al/; this suffix attaches primarily to nouns. For example are emotional and personal
Adverbial Suffixes
1. /-ly/; the suffix -ly denotes the formation of adverbs from adjectives. The example are slowly, surely, and simply
2. /-wise/; this suffix was used to create adverbs from nouns. For example is otherwise personal
Class Maintaining Suffixes
Noun Forming Suffixes from Noun
Data 1
/-age/; the suffix -age functioned as a class maintaining suffix (noun producing noun) denoting "a collective entity or quality" and "the location of X."
Block (N) + /-age/ = Blockage (N)
Class Changing Suffixes
Noun Forming Suffixes from Verb
Data 1
/-age/; this suffix is a class shifting suffix verb producing noun that denotes the activity or result of.
Marry (V) + /-age/ = Marriage (N)
Noun Forming Suffixes from Adjective
Data 1
/-dom/; this suffix is added to an adjective as the basis to create a noun describing the state or condition of X.
Free (Adj) + /-dom/ = Freedom (N)
Verb Forming Suffix
Data 1
/-ate/; this suffix serves as a class-changing suffix in the formation of verbs that ‘make into X’
Valid (Adj) + /-ate/ = Validate (V)
Adjective Forming Suffixes from Noun
Data 1
/-able/; this suffix is used to form adjectives from nouns that ‘the state or the action of X’
Comfort (N) + /-able/ = Comfortable (Adj)
Adjective Forming Suffixes from Verb
Data 1
/-ed/; this suffix is added to a verb by way of an adjective that ‘possessing or having the characteristics of X’
Exhaust (V) + /-ed/ = Exhausted (Adj)
Adverb Forming Suffixes
Data 1
/-ly/; almost all adverbs are formed by appending the suffix -ly to base words that mean in the manner of
Slow (Adj) + /-ly/ = Slowly (Adv)
According to this research, there are two types of derivational suffixes found in @wetheurban Instagram posts. They are derivational suffixes that both maintain and change the class. There are a number total of forty-nine suffixes that are applied to the base to produce new words. The form of suffixes have been discovered in the category of maintaining the base word class: -age, -hood, -ism, -ist, -ment, -ship. These suffixes have the ability to change a base's grammatical subclass without transforming it into a new word class. As a result, the following suffixes have been discovered in the classification of changing the word class at the base: derivational suffixes forming nouns (suffix - age, -ance, -er, -ing, -ion, -ism, -ment, -dom, -ity, -ness, -ship, -cy), derivational suffixes forming adjectives (suffix -able, -al, -ful, -ic, -ish, -less, -ous, -ed, -ing, -ive), derivational suffixes forming verbs (suffix -ate and -ize), and derivational suffixes forming adverbs (suffix -ly and -wise). These suffixes possess the potential for change the grammatical class and
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meaning of some words. They are formed through the process of derivational suffixation.
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