Transposition in Garuda Magazine’S: English-Indonesian Translation

Gusti Ayu Oka Cahya Dewi, I Nengah Sudipa

Master of Linguistics Program, Udayana University

[email protected] , [email protected]


The aims of this study are at (1) identifying methods of procedures mostly used and (2) describing the reasons why the data belongs to those procedures occurring in the two bilingual articles of Garuda Magazine. The data was collected by note taking and comparing techniques. The classification method for translation proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti) was used to analyze the collected data. Based on the analysis, four procedures were found in translation, those are: transposition, modulation, borrowing and literal translation. The result showed that method of transposition (17 data) was mostly applied in the article, due to the pursuit to achieve a closest natural equivalent. Therefore, such procedure cannot be avoided in translation.

Keywords: transposition, modulation, Garuda Magazine.


Recently, translation process is very essential to be discussed because it involves two languages. Translation can be defined as the replacement of the textual material in one language (the source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (the target language) (Catford, 1965:20). Vinay and Dalbernet (1958) states that equivalence refers to cases where languages describe the same situation by different stylistic or structural means. However, when the form in source language has a new form or different form in the target language, it is called a shift.

Translation cannot be separated from the matter of equivalence. It is because in the process of transferring meaning from source language (SL) into target language (TL), occurrences of different product of translation are mostly aligned to the number of translator conducting it. When people write, the amount of information included in the text will depend on the amount of shared information that already exists between the writer and the reader. The application therefore requires referential, organizational, and situational meaning within the information that should be considered (Larson, 1998:43). Translation is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantics structure. It is the meaning that is being transferred and must be held constant; only the form changes. It can be explicitly stated that any translating is intended to have the closest natural equivalent. In translating a language into another language, the form of expressed meaning might be different.

Understanding meanings of words in a text becomes vital in translation, because meanings are the kingpin of translation study. Without understanding the meaning of a text to be translated for the second language users, the translator would be hopelessly lost. Furthermore, Larson (1998:10) states that there are no languages in the world having exactly the same system even though they belong to the same language family.

It is an undeniable fact that translating is possible due to the language universal. It is proven that many books have been translated into various languages. One of them is an English Indonesian magazine entitled Garuda Magazine. Garuda magazine is one of Indonesian’s leading English language publishing. Since this magazine is a kind of advertisement media, the language used contains a lot of complex grammatical, syntactical constructions and certain lexical items that cannot be easily translated. Therefore, it is very interesting to analyze the shift of translation from English into Indonesian in this magazine.

It is important for a translator to know that advertisement language has its distinctive characteristics such as word-building structure and lexical concepts, which are unknown in the source language. In addition, it is also important to realize that one word or phrase in one language can be expressed in another either by changing its grammatical category or by changing its point of view for intelligibility. The methodology of translation used in this study is the theory proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti, 2000). They proposed seven types of procedures in translation, namely: borrowing, calque, literal, transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation. The aims of this

study are to identify which method of procedures were mostly used in this magazine as well as to describe the reasons why the data belongs to those procedures.


The data were taken from a magazine created especially for the customers of Garuda Indonesia Airlines. This magazine was made as a gift and to show the appreciation of Garuda Indonesia Airlines to their faithful costumers. In this magazine, the topic is presented in both English and Indonesian language, which is a good source in translation study. This article picked two bilingual texts to be analysed. The first text entitled It’s All About the Beach and the second text entitled Sound of the Sasando. There are two reasons why these data were chosen. Firstly, as an expository text the advertisement language is used to inform and to persuade people in order to make them amazed of something (place, thing, culture, etc.), as well as describing something new. Secondly, it is because the second text describes more on culture that there must be ways of how to translate it in order to produce the text as closest equivalent as possible.

The data were collected by note taking. First, the lexical items that indicated containing the forms of methods or procedures of translation were observed. At the same time, the target language text was compared to make sure that they were equivalent too. Second, the data that have been observed then note down by listed every sentence which data belongs to each procedure by classifying those data. However, not all of the data were analysed. A descriptive qualitative method was used to analyse the translations product..



    • 3.1.1    STRUCTURAL SHIFT

  • (3-1) SL      : ...that offer tourists some simply stunning panoramas.

TL     : ...yang menyuguhkan panorama menawan.

From the text in the source language above, it is found that stunning panoramas in the source language was translated into panorama menawan. It is clear that the source language has different structure from the target language. The stunning panoramas in source language has modifier in front of head, while in target language the modifier occurred after head.

  • (3-2) SL      : The sasando is an indigenous stringed instrument....

TL     : Sasando mewakili kecintaan dan keterampilan masyarakat Pulau Rote

dalam bermain alat musik petik.

The text above shows that the source language has different structure from the target language. In source language, stringed instrument was translated into alat musik petik. The source language phrasal structure is made up of a modifier followed by a head, and in the target language the head is followed by the modifier.

  • 3.1.2    UNIT SHIFT

  • (3-3) SL      : Expanses of pure white sand fuse...

TL     : Hamparan pasir putih yang berkilau terasa sangat padu...

The text above shows that the unit shift in translation shows change of rank. The word fuse in source language was translated into sangat padu in target language. It shows that there was a shift from a low to a high unit, as a result from the fact that the target language has more meaning components than the source language.

  • (3-4) SL      : Almost any local event would feel incomplete...(second sentence on the second text)

TL     : Setiap acara rasanya belum lengkap...(second sentence on the second text)

The text on the bold type above shows that there was a change of rank between source language into target language. The changes called shift from a low to a high unit results from the fact that the target language has less meaning components than the source language.

  • 3.1.3    CATEGORY SHIFT

  • (3-5) SL      : As the island boasts an abundance...

TL     : Mengingat Pulau Rote kaya akan...

From the text above, it is seen that the source language has different class word from the target language. The word an abundance is a noun in the source language and was translated into kaya in the target language, kaya is an adjective in this case. Therefore, there is a shift in the word class.

  • (3-6) SL     : Almost any local event would feel incomplete without a musical accompaniment...

TL     : Setiap acara rasanya belum lengkap kalau tak diiringi....

From the data above, it is seen that the source language has different word class from the target language. The word accompaniment is a noun in the source language and was translated into diiringi in the target language, where diiringi belongs to the verb. Therefore, there was a change in the word class.


(3-7) SL      : Expanses of pure white sand...

TL     : Hamparan pasir putih yang berkilau...

From the text above, found that the source language was literally different from the target language. The phrase pure white sand was translated into pasir putih yang berkilau, there is a change in point of view from lexical and structural. The modulation which is used in this data is lexical dance, where the process of translation is from implicit to explicit meaning. Pure was translated into berkilau, in this case it introduces a new mode of expression.

(3-8) SL      : ...and the exotic stretches of coastlines...

TL     : ...menggambarkan eksotisme pantai-pantai...

From the data above shows that the translation between the source language into the target language was different. The word coastlines was translated into pantai-pantai. This is a kind of modulation in the lexical loose or looseness of meaning. The explicit information was made implicit by changing the view point.

(3-9) SL     : Almost any local event would feel incomplete without a musical

accompanimet from this fine instrument.

TL     : Setiap acara rasanya belum lengkap kalau tak diiringi alat musik tradisional.

As it can be seen on the data above, it shows that there is a change in point of view because the source language was literally different from the target language. The phrase fine instrument was translated into alat musik tradisional, when translated literally, fine is translated into baik while in this context was translated into tradisional which is equivalent in the target language culture. Therefore, it introduces a new mode of expression.

(3-10) SL     : The best way to experience a performance that includes this iconic

instrument is by attending a traditional Rote ceremony such as a wedding.

TL     : Cara terbaik untuk melihatnya unjuk diri adalah dengan mendatangi

upacara adat atau pesta perkawinan masyarakat Rote.

Based on the data above, it shows that the translation between the source language into the target language was different. The word a traditional Rote ceremony was translated into upacara adat. This is a kind of modulation in the lexical loose or looseness of meaning. The explicit information was made implicit by changing the view point.

  • 3.3    BORROWING

(3-11) SL      : ...and the exotic stretches of the coastlines found on islands...

TL     : yang tepat untuk menggambarkan eksotisme pantai-pantai di pulau Rote...

Based on the data above, it can be said that there is a borrowing procedure used in this process of translation. Borrowing is the simplest method of all translation methods. Exotic in the source language was translated into eksotis in the target text; this means that the borrowing used is a natural borrowing,

because it requires pronunciation adjustment of the word borrowed by natural pronunciation in target language.

(3-12) SL      : ...the island boasts an abundance of beautiful beaches that offer

tourists some simply stunning panoramas.

TL     : ...kaya akan wisata pantai yang menyuguhkan panorama menawan.

Based on the data above, panoramas that was translated into panorama shows a borrowing procedure in this process of translation. This kind of borrowing is pure borrowing because it refers to borrowing of word or expression of source language totally without any adjustment of pronunciation. Therefore, from the source text and the target text, it can be said that there is no change in the form and in the meaning, so that the equivalence of meaning is still there.

(3-13) SL      : ...who accidentally discovered an alternative use for the area’s lontar

TL     : ... yang secara tak sengaja menemukan fungsi lain dari daun lontar

From the data above, it can be seen that there is a borrowing technique used in this translating process. The kind of borrowing used is a pure borrowing because the expression used was totally the same from source language into target language without any adjustment of pronunciation.


  • (3-14) SL     : Expanses of pure white sand fuse with the shimmering blue sea

TL     : Hamparan pasir putih yang berkilau terasa sangat padu dengan birunya laut

From the data above, it can be seen that there is a literal translation procedure, which was applied on the translation text. Literal or word for word translation is the direct transfer of a source language text into grammatically and idiomatically appropriate. As can be seen on the text, the source language and the target language was directly transferred.


From the foregoing analysis it can be concluded that in this study there are four major types found on the data. The procedure of translation that mostly used in this data is by applying transposition method, which found 17 data. Transposition is the shift of word class as a change of grammatical category as a result of the two different linguistic systems and cultures. Furthermore, the second procedure is modulation, which found 16 data. Modulation is the change in point of view or in cognitive category as a consequence of the translator’s preference to make the translation have effect on its intended reader. After that, the other procedures are borrowing and literal translation; each contains 4 data for borrowing and 1 data for literal translation. Borrowing is a technique of translation used by a translator to borrow a word or expression of the source language. In addition, literal translation is the direct transfer of a source language text into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate target language.


Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press.

Garuda Magazine. 2012. Insight Itinerary: 8 Reasons to Visit Rote. Article entitled It’s All About the Beach and Sound of the Sasando: Garuda Indonesia

Jayantini, I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa (2016). The Art of Translating: Theory and Analysis. Denpasar: Cakra Press.

Larson, M.L. 1998. Meaning Based Translation: A Guide to Cross Language Equivalence. Lanham: University Press of America.

Venuty, Lawrance. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. New York: Routledge.

Vinay and Darbelnet, 1958. Methodology of Translation in Venuty, Lawrance 2000. London Bridge.


Text 1

  • 1.    Transposition


    Source Language

    Target Language



    White sand

    Pasir putih

    Structure shift


    Stunning panoramas

    Panorama menawan

    Structure shift




    Class shift (Adj-V)


    An abundance


    Class shift (N-Adj)



    Sangat padu

    Unit shift


    Ever see


    Unit shift

  • 2.    Modulation


    Source Language

    Target Language



    Stunning panoramas

    Panorama menawan

    Lexical dance


    Pure white sand

    Pasir putih yang berkilau

    Lexical dance


    An abundance


    Lexical dance


    Beautiful beaches

    Wisata pantai

    Lexical dance


    Don’t make it over


    Looseness of meaning




    Looseness of meaning




    Lexical dance


    Ever see


    Lexical dance

  • 3.    Borrowing


    Source Language

    Target Language





    Natural borrowing




    Pure borrowing

  • 4.    Literal


    Source Language

    Target Language



    Blue see

    Birunya laut

    Direct transfer

Text 2

  • 1.    Transposition


    Source Language

    Target Language



    Stringed instrument

    Alat musik petik

    Structure shift


    Local event


    Unit shift




    Class shift (N-Adj)


    Rote community

    Masyarakat pulau Rote

    Structure shift



    Belum lengkap

    Unit shift



    Kalau tak

    Unit shift



    Gembala ternak

    Unit shift



    Tak sengaja

    Unit shift


    An alternative use

    Fungsi lain



    Lontar palm leaves

    Daun lontar




    Unjuk diri

    Unit shift

  • 2.    Modulation


    Source Language

    Target Language



    Fine instrument

    Alat musik tradisional

    Lexical dance


    A traditional Rote ceremony

    Upacara adat

    Looseness of meaning


    Rote community

    Masyarakat pulau Rote

    Lexical dance




    Lexical dance



    Kalau tak

    Lexical dance


    Having started

    Berawal dari

    Lexical dance


    Envolved with the time


    Looseness of meaning


    To experience

    Untuk melihat

    Looseness of meaning

  • 3.    Borrowing


    Source Language

    Target Language





    Pure borrowing




    Pure borrowing