
Kadek Liana Satwikha Gama, I Ketut Westra


“ABSTRAKTujuan daripada penulisan suatu karya ilmiah ini merupakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tanggungjawab daripada pelaku usaha terhadap suatu penjualan produk palsu yang dilakukan dalam hal ini dalam suatu wadah platform e-commerce dan mengetahui bagaimana bentuk dari perlindungan hukum e-commerce terhadap para konsumen yang membeli suatu produk plasu di platform e-commerce tersebut. Penulisan karya ilmiah ini menggunakan suatu metode normatif bertitik berat pada aturan atau suatu norma hukum positif yang berlaku. Dengan hasil studi menunjukan bahwa bentuk dari pertanggungjawaban hukum e-commerce terhadap penjualan produk palsu tidak dapat e-commerce mempertanggungjawabkan sepenuhnya. Perlindungan yang dapat diberikan kepada konsumen penerapan dari UU Perlindungan Konsumen berhak mendapatkan suatu kompensasi penggantian barang sebagai bentuk ganti rugi akibat tidak sesuainya barang yang diterima. Kata Kunci : E-commerce, Perlindungan Konsumen, Produk Palsu ABSTRACTThe purpose of writing a scientific paper is to find out how the responsibility of business actors for the sale of counterfeit products is carried out in this case in an e-commerce platform and find out how the form of e-commerce legal protection is for consumers who buy fake products. on the e-commerce platform. The writing of this scientific paper uses a normative method that focuses on the rules or positive legal norms that apply. The results of the study show that the form of e-commerce legal liability for the sale of counterfeit products cannot be fully accounted for by e-commerce. The protection that can be given to consumers by applying the Consumer Protection Law is entitled to a compensation for the replacement of goods as a form of compensation due to non-compliance with the goods received.Keywords: E-commerce, Consumer Protection, Counterfeit Products”


: E-commerce, Perlindungan Konsumen, Produk Palsu ABSTRACTThe purpose of writing a scientific paper is to find out how the responsibility of business actors for the sale of counterfeit products is carried out in this case in an e-commerce platform and find out how the form of e-commerce legal protection is for consumers who buy fake products. on the e-commerce platform. The writing of this scientific paper uses a normative method that focuses on the rules or positive legal norms that apply. The results of the study show that the form of e-commerce legal liability for the sale of counterfeit products cannot be fully accounted for by e-commerce. The protection that can be given to consumers by applying the Consumer Protection Law is entitled to a compensation for the replacement of goods as a form of compensation due to non-compliance with the goods received.Keywords: E-commerce, Consumer Protection, Counterfeit Products


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How To Cite

SATWIKHA GAMA, Kadek Liana; WESTRA, I Ketut. TANGGUNG JAWAB PELAKU USAHA TERHADAP MARAKNYA PENJUALAN PRODUK PALSU MELALUI PLATFORM E-COMMERCE.Kertha Semaya : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. 1242-1253, may 2022. ISSN 2303-0569. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 6 (2022)



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