
Anak Agung Hari Narayana, Dewa Gde Rudy


“ABSTRAK Dewasa ini telah terjadi perkembangan teknologi di dalam dunia perdagangan, diantaranya yaitu perdagangan melalui media online atau transaksi jual beli online. Aplikasi Facebook merupakan aplikasi yang sering digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli secara online. Transaksi online ini memudahkan pihak-pihak yang bersangkutan untuk melakukan transaksi karena transaksi ini dapat dilakukan dimana saja tanpa bertemu langsung. Meski demikian transaksi online ini juga memiliki kekurangan, mengingat pihak-pihak yang bersangkutan tidak dapat bertatap muka langsung sehingga dapat terjadi penipuan didalam transaksi tersebut. Dalam penulisan jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum pada konsumen dalam melaksanakan transaksi online menggunakan media facebook serta bagaimana upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan konsumen jika dirugikan dalam transaksi online melalui media facebook. Metode penulisan dalam jurnal ini menggunakan metode penulisan normatif yaitu penulisan yang dilakukan dengan cara menelaah pustaka dan ditujukan kepada peraturan undang-undang. Hasil yang dicapai dari penulisan ini adalah mengetahui perlindungan konsumen yang terdapat pada undang-undang perlindungan konsumen dan undang-undang ITE dan upaya hukum yang dapat di tempuh konsumen Jika terjadi sengketa dalam transaksi online yaitu dapat melakukan penyelesaian sengketa melalui pengadilan dan penyelesaian sengketa diluar pengadilan. Undang-Undang yang dapat menjadi payung hukum terhadap konsumen dalam transaksi online adalah UUPK dan UU ITE. Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Konsumen, Transaksi Online, Facebook. ABSTRAK Today there have been technological developments in the world of commerce, including trading through online media or online buying and selling transactions. The Facebook application is an application that is often used to make buying and selling transactions online. This online transaction makes it easier for the parties concerned to make transactions because these transactions can be done anywhere without meeting in person. However, this online transaction also has shortcomings, considering that the parties concerned cannot meet face to face so that fraud can occur in the transaction. In writing this journal, the aim is to find out how legal protection for consumers in carrying out online transactions using Facebook as well as how the legal remedies that consumers can take if they are harmed in online transactions through Facebook media. The method of writing in this journal uses the normative writing method, namely writing that is done by reviewing the literature and is aimed at statutory regulations. The results achieved from this writing are knowing the consumer protection contained in the consumer protection law and the ITE law and legal remedies that consumers can take. If a dispute occurs in an online transaction, that is, it can resolve disputes through courts and resolve disputes outside the court. Laws that can become the legal umbrella for consumers in online transactions are the UUPK and UU ITE. Keywords: Consumer Protection, Online Transactions, Facebook.”


Perlindungan Konsumen, Transaksi Online, Facebook. ABSTRAK Today there have been technological developments in the world of commerce, including trading through online media or online buying and selling transactions. The Facebook application is an application that is often used to make buying and selling transactions online. This online transaction makes it easier for the parties concerned to make transactions because these transactions can be done anywhere without meeting in person. However, this online transaction also has shortcomings, considering that the parties concerned cannot meet face to face so that fraud can occur in the transaction. In writing this journal, the aim is to find out how legal protection for consumers in carrying out online transactions using Facebook as well as how the legal remedies that consumers can take if they are harmed in online transactions through Facebook media. The method of writing in this journal uses the normative writing method, namely writing that is done by reviewing the literature and is aimed at statutory regulations. The results achieved from this writing are knowing the consumer protection contained in the consumer protection law and the ITE law and legal remedies that consumers can take. If a dispute occurs in an online transaction, that is, it can resolve disputes through courts and resolve disputes outside the court. Laws that can become the legal umbrella for consumers in online transactions are the UUPK and UU ITE. Keywords: Consumer Protection, Online Transactions, Facebook.


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How To Cite

HARI NARAYANA, Anak Agung; RUDY, Dewa Gde. Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Dalam Transaksi Online Melalui Media Facebook.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 83-91, feb. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 2 (2021)



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