Fahrur Rozi, Gde Made Swardhana
“Penulisan studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis isu perdagangan orang (human trafficking). Pada penulisan studi ini menggunakan metode yang bersifat normatif, melalui beberapa pendekatan, dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa perdagangan orang adalah suatu tindak pidana yang dianggap menjadi tindakan terburuk dari adanya tindak kekerasan terhadapa perempuan maupun anak-anak dan juga telah melanggar hak asasi manusia. Sebagai data analisis dapat disimak pada Putusan Nomor 1922 K/Pid.Sus/2016, bahwa terdapat modus hubungan perkawinan yang disertai perjanjian dengan isi bahwa apabila korban tidak puas atas perkawinan dan membatalkan perkawinan tersebut, maka korban harus memberikan kompensasi kepada pihak suami berupa pengembalian uang sejumlah Rp. 60. 000. 000. Pada amar putusan ditegaskan bahwa unsur titik beratnya bukan dalam hal pelaksanaan perkawinan dengan warga negara asing, akan tetapi adanya nilai kesepakatan bersyarat tersebut yang merupakan bentuk eksploitasi terhadap wanita dengan cara dikawinkan dengan persyaratan yang memberatkan korban. Kata kunci: Tindak Pidana, Perkawinan, Perdagangan Orang. The writing of this study aims to analyze the issue of human trafficking. In writing this study using a normative method, through several approaches, with a statutory approach and a case approach. The results of the study show that trafficking in persons is a crime which is considered to be the worst act of violence against women and children and has also violated human rights. As analysis data can be seen in Decision Number 1922 K/Pid.Sus/2016, that there is a mode of marital relations which is accompanied by an agreement with the content that if the victim is dissatisfied with the marriage and cancels the marriage, then the victim must provide compensation to the husband in the form of a refund an amount of Rp. 60,000,000. In the verdict, it was emphasized that the element of emphasis was not on the implementation of marriages with foreign nationals, but on the conditional value of the agreement which was a form of exploitation of women by means of marriage with conditions that were burdensome to the victim. Keywords: Criminal Act, Marriage, Human Trafficking.”
Tindak Pidana, Perkawinan, Perdagangan Orang. The writing of this study aims to analyze the issue of human trafficking. In writing this study using a normative method, through several approaches, with a statutory approach and a case approach. The results of the study show that trafficking in persons is a crime which is considered to be the worst act of violence against women and children and has also violated human rights. As analysis data can be seen in Decision Number 1922 K/Pid.Sus/2016, that there is a mode of marital relations which is accompanied by an agreement with the content that if the victim is dissatisfied with the marriage and cancels the marriage, then the victim must provide compensation to the husband in the form of a refund an amount of Rp. 60, 000, 000. In the verdict, it was emphasized that the element of emphasis was not on the implementation of marriages with foreign nationals, but on the conditional value of the agreement which was a form of exploitation of women by means of marriage with conditions that were burdensome to the victim. Keywords: Criminal Act, Marriage, Human Trafficking.
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How To Cite
ROZI, Fahrur; SWARDHANA, Gde Made. TINJAUAN YURIDIS TINDAK PIDANA PERDAGANGAN ORANG (HUMAN TRAFFICKING) PADA PUTUSAN NOMOR 1922 K/PID.SUS/2016.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 1581-1589, jan. 2023. Available at: https://jurnal.harianregional.com/kerthadesa/id-96920. Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 11 No 1 (2023)
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