Ngakan Nyoman Agung Aswatama, I Dewa Gede Dana Sugama
“Karya ilmiah ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis penegak hukum dalam menentukan batasan batasan surat dakwaan yang tidak cermat, jelas, dan lengkap serta menjadi dasar pertimbangan bagi hakim dalam menentukan batasan pada surat dakwaan. Dalam karya ilmiah ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan analisis. Hal ini membahas mengenai surat dakwaan harus mencantumkan semua syarat materiil sebagaimana tercantum pada pasal 143 ayat (2) b, namun pasal tersebut hanya menjelaskan secara umum mengenai batasan batasan dalam surat dakwaan tanpa adanya pembahasan yang menjelaskan secara detail dalam menentukan batasan. Dengan adanya ketidakjelasan (norma kabur) maka Kejaksaan Agung membentuk surat edaran Jaksa Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor: SE-004/J.A/11/1993 Tentang Pembuatan Surat Dakwaan sebagai pedoman dalam membuat surat dakwaan oleh kejaksaan maupun JPU agar tidak terjadinya cacat formil dan materiil. Surat edaran ini hanya dibuat dan dipatuhi oleh seluruh jaksa dalam membuat surat dakwaan bukan untuk dipatuhi oleh seluruh hakim dalam menentukan batasan-batasan surat dakwaan. Dengan adanya keadaan tersebut, maka hakim dalam praktek menentukan batasan batasan surat dakwaan merujuk pada yurisprudensi dan melakukan penemuan hukum. Majelis hakim menggunakan yurisprudensi sebagai dasar pertimbangan dalam memutuskan surat dakwaan batal demi hukum, selain yurisprudensi majelis hakim bisa merujuk pada doktrin-doktrin yang disampaikan oleh para ahli hukum sebagai acuan dalam membuat dasar pertimbangan. Kata Kunci: Surat Dakwaan, Batal Demi Hukum, Batasan-Batasan Cacat Materil. This scientific work aims to identify and analyze law enforcers in determining the boundaries of an indictment that is not accurate, clear and complete and to be the basis for consideration for judges in determining the boundaries of an indictment. In this scientific work, the author uses normative legal research methods with the statue approach, conceptual approach, and analytical approach. This discusses the indictment must include all the material requirements as stated in Article 143 paragraph (2) b, but that article only explains in general about the limits in the indictment without any discussion that explains in detail in determining the boundaries. Due to the lack of clarity (obscure norms), the Attorney General’s Office formed a circular letter from the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number: SE-004/J.A/11/1993 Concerning Making Indictments as a guideline in making indictments by the Attorney and Public Prosecutors so that formal and material defects do not occur. This circular letter is only made and obeyed by all prosecutors in making indictments, not for all judges to obey in determining the boundaries of an indictment. Given these circumstances, the judge in practice determines the boundaries of the indictment referring to jurisprudence and making legal discoveries (rechstviding). The panel of judges uses jurisprudence as a basis for consideration in deciding the indictment is null and void, in addition to jurisprudence the panel of judges can refer to the doctrines presented by jurists as a reference in making a basis for consideration. Keywords: Indictment, Null and Void, Limitations of Material Defects.”
Surat Dakwaan, Batal Demi Hukum, Batasan-Batasan Cacat Materil. This scientific work aims to identify and analyze law enforcers in determining the boundaries of an indictment that is not accurate, clear and complete and to be the basis for consideration for judges in determining the boundaries of an indictment. In this scientific work, the author uses normative legal research methods with the statue approach, conceptual approach, and analytical approach. This discusses the indictment must include all the material requirements as stated in Article 143 paragraph (2) b, but that article only explains in general about the limits in the indictment without any discussion that explains in detail in determining the boundaries. Due to the lack of clarity (obscure norms), the Attorney General’s Office formed a circular letter from the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number: SE-004/J.A/11/1993 Concerning Making Indictments as a guideline in making indictments by the Attorney and Public Prosecutors so that formal and material defects do not occur. This circular letter is only made and obeyed by all prosecutors in making indictments, not for all judges to obey in determining the boundaries of an indictment. Given these circumstances, the judge in practice determines the boundaries of the indictment referring to jurisprudence and making legal discoveries (rechstviding). The panel of judges uses jurisprudence as a basis for consideration in deciding the indictment is null and void, in addition to jurisprudence the panel of judges can refer to the doctrines presented by jurists as a reference in making a basis for consideration. Keywords: Indictment, Null and Void, Limitations of Material Defects.
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How To Cite
ASWATAMA, Ngakan Nyoman Agung; SUGAMA, I Dewa Gede Dana. TOLAK UKUR MENENTUKAN BATASAN–BATASAN SURAT DAKWAAN YANG TIDAK CERMAT, JELAS, DAN LENGKAP DITINJAU DALAM KUHAP.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 1503-1512, jan. 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 11 No 1 (2023)
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