
Lia Satya Wibiari, Putu Edgar Tanaya


“Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan lebih memahami terkait dengan hal yang mendorong serta mengetahui dan memahami peranan dari Undang-Undang Pasar Modal dalam pelaksanaan perdagangan pasar modal pada bursa efek pasar modal di masa pandemi Covid-19. Pendekatan yang dilakukan pendekatan normatif. Data sekunder memiliki bahasan yang sangat luas yang meliputi artikel-artikel, buku cetak ataupun elektronik, jurnal, hingga dokumen resmi yang merupakan kebijakan pemerintah. Tiga hal yang mendorong adanya aspek legalitas dalam pelaksanaan perdagangan pasar modal pada bursa efek di masa pandemic Covid-19. Dari segi pengetahuan yang dimiliki seseorang mendorong terjadinya pelaksanaan perdagangan pasar modal. Ada baiknya jika memilih saham dengan potensi pengembangan yang besar apalagi dengan kualitas perusahaan yang tinggi. Dari segi pelaksanaan transaksi pasar modal di bursa mempengaruhi kebijakan modal investasi minimum dan mempengaruhi minat penyertaan modal. Jika modal yang dimiliki oleh seseorang yang ingin melaksanakan perdagangan pada bursa efek harus memiliki modal yang cukup besar sehingga saham yang akan diinvestasikan semakin besar. Dari segi pendidikan pasar modal memiliki pengaruh yang baik terhadap keinginan yang diterima untuk berinvestasi di saham bursa efek. Peran Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal dalam pelaksanaan perdagangan pasar modal pada bursa efek di masa pandemi Covid-19 yaitu dapat mengarahkan dana emiten ke kegiatan usaha produktif sehingga memungkinkan adanya perkembangan usaha yang luas. Kata Kunci: Pasar Modal, Bursa Efek, Pandemi Covid-19, Undang-Undang Pasar Modal The purpose of this study is to find out and understand more about the things that encourage and know and understand the role of the Capital Market Law in the implementation of capital market trading on the capital market stock exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic. The approach taken is a normative approach. Secondary data includes articles, printed or electronic books, journals, to official documents which are government policies. Three things prompted the existence of legal aspects in the implementation of capital market trading on the stock exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic. In terms of the knowledge possessed by a person. It encourages the impelementation of capital market trading. It’s better if you choose stocks with great development potential, especially with high quality companies. From the points of view of implementing capital market transaction on the stock exchange, it affects the minimum investment capital policy and affects interest in equity participation. If so that the shares to be invested are getting bigger. In terms of capital market education has a good influence on the willingness received to invest in stock echange shares. The role of Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets in carrying out capital market trading on the stock exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic was to direct issuer funds to productive business activities so as to enable broad business development. Keywords: Capital Market, Stock Exchange, Covid-19, Capital Market Law”


Pasar Modal, Bursa Efek, Pandemi Covid-19, Undang-Undang Pasar Modal The purpose of this study is to find out and understand more about the things that encourage and know and understand the role of the Capital Market Law in the implementation of capital market trading on the capital market stock exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic. The approach taken is a normative approach. Secondary data includes articles, printed or electronic books, journals, to official documents which are government policies. Three things prompted the existence of legal aspects in the implementation of capital market trading on the stock exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic. In terms of the knowledge possessed by a person. It encourages the impelementation of capital market trading. It’s better if you choose stocks with great development potential, especially with high quality companies. From the points of view of implementing capital market transaction on the stock exchange, it affects the minimum investment capital policy and affects interest in equity participation. If so that the shares to be invested are getting bigger. In terms of capital market education has a good influence on the willingness received to invest in stock echange shares. The role of Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets in carrying out capital market trading on the stock exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic was to direct issuer funds to productive business activities so as to enable broad business development. Keywords: Capital Market, Stock Exchange, Covid-19, Capital Market Law


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How To Cite

WIBIARI, Lia Satya; TANAYA, Putu Edgar. PERAN UNDANG-UNDANG PASAR MODAL DALAM PELAKSANAAN PERDAGANGAN PASAR MODAL PADA BURSA EFEK DI MASA PANDEMI.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 1815-1826, feb. 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 11 No 2 (2023)



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