
Agus Apriana Dwi Putra, Anak Agung Istri Ari Atu Dewi


“Penelitian ini berfokus untuk melakukan kajian yuridis normatif dari legalitas persidangan pidana online yang diterapkan di Indonesia guna menjamin terjadinya proses hukum yang benar. Penelitian hukum yuridis normative dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena peneliti akan melakukan kajian terhadap literature sekunder yang berkaitan denga peraturan dan perundang-undangan serta hukum hingga pendapat para ahli. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai salah satu negara hukum, tentu Indonesia harus taat pada sistem peradilan yang sedang berlaku. Melihat pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, pemerintah Indonesia harus mulai berbenah dalam mengimplementasikan persidangan elektronik dalam upaya menyelesaikan beberapa kasus seperti dengan memanfaatkan media teleconference. Legalitas dari kegiatan ini yakni peradilan online ini didaarkan pada beberapa Undang-Undang diantaranya adalah PERMA Nomor 1 Tahun 2019, PERMA Nomor 4 Tahun 2020, KUHP serta peraturan lain yang berkaitan. Aturan ini menjadi basis dan dasar dari pelaksanaan persidangan pidana online di Indonesia. Tujuan utama dari pelaksanaan persidangan online ini adalah untuk mewujudkan persidangan yang menjamin proses hukum yang tepat yang dilaksanakan secara efektif dan efisien yakni cepat, sederhana dan murah. Namun dalam prosesnya ada beberapa permasalahan yang terjadi terkait implementasi kegiatan ini. Masalah yang terjadi ini tidak hanya berfokus pada kendala yang sifatnya teknis saja seperti fasilitas dan sarana prasana melainkan juga adanya keraguan masyarakat atas kualitas hasil dari persidangan online yang dilakukan. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya penguatan legalitas terhadap Undnag-Undang yang mengatur peradilan online di Indonesia agar tidak hanya berfokus pada tujuan untuk mencipakan peradilan yang sederhana, cepat serta murah saja melainkan juga harus difokuskan pada penjaminan terjadinya due process of law di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Due Process of Law, Legalitas, Persidangan Elektronik This study focuses on conducting a normative juridical study of the legality of online criminal trials applied in Indonesia in order to ensure the correct legal process. Normative juridical law research was chosen in this study because the researcher will conduct a study of secondary literature related to regulations and legislation as well as the law to the opinions of experts. Indonesia must obey the current judicial system. Seeing the rapid development of technology and information, the Indonesian government must begin to improve in implementing electronic trials in an effort to resolve several cases, such as by utilizing teleconference media. The legality of this activity, namely online justice, is registered in several laws including PERMA Number 1 and 4 of 2019-2020, This rule is the basis for the implementation of online criminal trials in Indonesia. The main objective of this online trial is to create a trial that ensures the proper legal process is carried out effectively and efficiently, namely fast, simple and inexpensive. However, in the process there were several problems related to the implementation of this activity. The problems that occur do not only focus on technical constraints such as faciliteis and infrastructure, on the public’s doubts about the quality of the results of the online trials conducted. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the legality of the Law that regulates online justice in Indonesia so that it does not only focus on the goal of creating a simple, fast and inexpensive judiciary, but also focuses on ensuring the occurrence of due process of law in Indonesia. Keywords: Due Process of Law, Legality, Electronic Court”


Due Process of Law, Legalitas, Persidangan Elektronik This study focuses on conducting a normative juridical study of the legality of online criminal trials applied in Indonesia in order to ensure the correct legal process. Normative juridical law research was chosen in this study because the researcher will conduct a study of secondary literature related to regulations and legislation as well as the law to the opinions of experts. Indonesia must obey the current judicial system. Seeing the rapid development of technology and information, the Indonesian government must begin to improve in implementing electronic trials in an effort to resolve several cases, such as by utilizing teleconference media. The legality of this activity, namely online justice, is registered in several laws including PERMA Number 1 and 4 of 2019-2020, This rule is the basis for the implementation of online criminal trials in Indonesia. The main objective of this online trial is to create a trial that ensures the proper legal process is carried out effectively and efficiently, namely fast, simple and inexpensive. However, in the process there were several problems related to the implementation of this activity. The problems that occur do not only focus on technical constraints such as faciliteis and infrastructure, on the public’s doubts about the quality of the results of the online trials conducted. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the legality of the Law that regulates online justice in Indonesia so that it does not only focus on the goal of creating a simple, fast and inexpensive judiciary, but also focuses on ensuring the occurrence of due process of law in Indonesia. Keywords: Due Process of Law, Legality, Electronic Court


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How To Cite

PUTRA, Agus Apriana Dwi; ATU DEWI, Anak Agung Istri Ari. TINJAUAN YURIDIS NORMATIF LEGALITAS PERSIDANGAN ONLINE GUNA MENJAMIN DUE PROCESS OF LAW DI INDONESIA.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. 1351-1359, jan. 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 12 (2022)



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