Putu Nanda Ayu Sudiasih, I Dewa Ayu Dwi Mayasari
“Penulisan jurnal yang berjudul pertanggungjawaban nasabah yang menggunakan dana bank akibat kesalahan transfer dana dalam transaksi elektronik bertujuan untuk mengetahui kewajiban nasabah penerima dana yang menggunakan dana akibat kesalahan transfer dana dalam transaksi elektronik serta untuk mengetahui sanksi dan upaya hukum terhadap nasabah penerima dana yang menggunakan dana akibat kesalahan transfer. Penulisan dalam jurnal ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative yaitu mencari sumber hukum melalui literatur dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa pertanggungjawaban nasabah yang menerima dana hasil salah transfer adalah melaporkan kepada pihak bank dan mengembalikan dana tersebut dan sanksi serta upaya hukum yang dapat ditempuh bagi nasabah yang menggunakan dana tersebut dengan maksud menguasai adalah dengan ketentuan dari Pasal 85 Undang-Undang Transfer Dana. Kata Kunci: Pertanggungjawaban, Sanksi, Transfer Dana, Transaksi Elektronik. The writing of journal entitled accountability of customers who used bank funds due to money transfer errors in electronic transactions aims to find out the obligations of beneficiary customers who used funds due to money transfer errors in electronic transactions and to find out sanctions and legal efforts against beneficiary customers who used funds due to transfer errors. The writing of this research uses normative legal research methods which is looking for searching for wellsprings of regulation through regulation and literature. The aftereffects of this exploration show that the accountability of customers who receive funds from the wrong transfer is to report to the bank and return the funds, and the sanctions and also legitimate endeavors that can be taken for customers who used the funds with the intention of controlling are with the provisions of Article 85 of the Fund Transfer Act. Key Words: Accountability, Punishment, Fund Transfer, Electronic Transactions.”
Pertanggungjawaban, Sanksi, Transfer Dana, Transaksi Elektronik. The writing of journal entitled accountability of customers who used bank funds due to money transfer errors in electronic transactions aims to find out the obligations of beneficiary customers who used funds due to money transfer errors in electronic transactions and to find out sanctions and legal efforts against beneficiary customers who used funds due to transfer errors. The writing of this research uses normative legal research methods which is looking for searching for wellsprings of regulation through regulation and literature. The aftereffects of this exploration show that the accountability of customers who receive funds from the wrong transfer is to report to the bank and return the funds, and the sanctions and also legitimate endeavors that can be taken for customers who used the funds with the intention of controlling are with the provisions of Article 85 of the Fund Transfer Act. Key Words: Accountability, Punishment, Fund Transfer, Electronic Transactions.
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How To Cite
SUDIASIH, Putu Nanda Ayu; MAYASARI, I Dewa Ayu Dwi. PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN NASABAH YANG MENGGUNAKAN DANA BANK AKIBAT KESALAHAN TRANSFER DANA DALAM TRANSAKSI ELEKTRONIK.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 1561-1570, jan. 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 11 No 1 (2023)
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