
I Gusti Ngurah Agung Priantama Surya, Ni Nyoman Sukerti, Anak Agung Istri Ari Atu Dewi


“Perkawinan nyentana merupakan suatu bagian dari perkawinan pada umumnya yang ada dalam sistem hukum adat Bali, dimana sistem pelaksanaannya masih disesuaikan dengan budaya dan tradisi adat yang berlaku di daerah atau tempat dilaksanakannya perkawinan nyentana tersebut. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penulisan ini yaitu kedudukan laki-laki nyentana dalam perkawinan kedua dan bagaimana kedudukan waris anak-anak dari perkawinan kedua tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris serta menggunakan data primer dan sata sekunder. Untuk kasus yang terjadi di Desa Pangsan Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten Badung ini, laki-laki yang melakukan perkawinan nyentana dapat tetap tinggal dan menetap di rumah keluarga almarhum istrinya, meskipun laki-laki tersebut melakukan perkawinan kedua karena laki-laki tersebut sudah melalui proses pengangkatan status.Kata Kunci : Perkawinan Nyentana, Perkawinan Kedua, Sistem Waris ABSTRACTNyentana marriage is a part of marriage in general that is in the Balinese customary law system, where the system of implementation is still adapted to the culture and customary traditions that apply in the area or place where the bridging marriage takes place. The problem raised in the writing is how men position in the second marriage and how position of inheritance of children from the second marriage. The method used in this paper is imperical legal research and uses primary data and secondary data. For cases that occurred in Pangsan Petang Sub-district Badung Regency, the man who had married a bridge could remain and stay in the house of his deceased wife even though the process of appointment.Keywords: Nyentana Marriage, Second Marriage, Inheritance System”


: Perkawinan Nyentana, Perkawinan Kedua, Sistem Waris ABSTRACTNyentana marriage is a part of marriage in general that is in the Balinese customary law system, where the system of implementation is still adapted to the culture and customary traditions that apply in the area or place where the bridging marriage takes place. The problem raised in the writing is how men position in the second marriage and how position of inheritance of children from the second marriage. The method used in this paper is imperical legal research and uses primary data and secondary data. For cases that occurred in Pangsan Petang Sub-district Badung Regency, the man who had married a bridge could remain and stay in the house of his deceased wife even though the process of appointment.Keywords: Nyentana Marriage, Second Marriage, Inheritance System


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How To Cite

SURYA, I Gusti Ngurah Agung Priantama; SUKERTI, Ni Nyoman; ATU DEWI, Anak Agung Istri Ari. KEDUDUKAN LAKI-LAKI NYENTANA DALAM PERKAWINAN KEDUA (STUDI KASUS DI DESA PAKRAMAN PANGSAN, BADUNG).Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. 261-274, may 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 4 (2022)



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