I Dewa Made Airlangga, Ida Bagus Putu Sutama
“Perjanjian merupakan kesepakatan para pihak sebagai sarana perlindungan kepentingan para pihak dalam dinamika kedudukan hukum, kesepakatan antar pewaris dengan para ahli waris atas harta warisan, sebagai penguat posisi hukum para ahli waris dan rasa aman bagi pewaris, hal ini akan menjamin kepastian hukum untuk status kepemilikan bidang tanah. Pada saat perjanjian dibuat, pewaris masih hidup memiliki bidang tanah hak milik 3170/Desa Banguntapan dan berkeinginan agar tidak ada masalah dikemudian hari maka dikumpulkan para ahli waris dengan itikad baik agar pembagian sesuai warisan menurut Hukum Adat Bali.Berdasarkan kesepakatan tersebut, dapat digunakan sebagai dasar hukum untuk memproses pendaftaran hak atas bidang tanah pada instansi yang mempunyai kewenangan yang terkait dengan itu, bagi masing-masing pihak yang terikat berdasarkan perjanjian 28 Januari 1991, selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai jaminan kredit untuk modal usaha.Kata Kunci: Perjanjian, Itikad baik, Kepastian Hukum ABSTRACT The agreement is an agreement of the parties as a means of protecting the interests of the parties in the dynamics of the legal position, the agreement between the heirs and the heirs on the inheritance, as a reinforcement of the legal position of the heirs and a sense of security for the heirs, this will guarantee legal certainty for the ownership status of the field. soil. At the time the agreement was made, the heir was still alive and had a parcel of land that was owned by 3170/Desa Banguntapan and wished that there would be no problems in the future, the heirs were gathered in good faith so that the distribution of inheritance was according to Balinese Customary Law.Based on the agreement, it can be used as a legal basis for processing the registration of rights to land parcels at the agency that has the authority related to it, for each party bound by the agreement on January 28, 1991, which can then be used as collateral for credit as business capital.Key words: Agreement, good faith, legal certainty”
Perjanjian, Itikad baik, Kepastian Hukum ABSTRACT The agreement is an agreement of the parties as a means of protecting the interests of the parties in the dynamics of the legal position, the agreement between the heirs and the heirs on the inheritance, as a reinforcement of the legal position of the heirs and a sense of security for the heirs, this will guarantee legal certainty for the ownership status of the field. soil. At the time the agreement was made, the heir was still alive and had a parcel of land that was owned by 3170/Desa Banguntapan and wished that there would be no problems in the future, the heirs were gathered in good faith so that the distribution of inheritance was according to Balinese Customary Law.Based on the agreement, it can be used as a legal basis for processing the registration of rights to land parcels at the agency that has the authority related to it, for each party bound by the agreement on January 28, 1991, which can then be used as collateral for credit as business capital.Key words: Agreement, good faith, legal certainty
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AIRLANGGA, I Dewa Made; SUTAMA, Ida Bagus Putu. TINJAUAN YURIDIS PERJANJIAN DIKAITKAN DENGAN PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM AHLI WARIS PADA JAMINAN KREDIT.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], p. 1-8, june 2022. Available at: https://jurnal.harianregional.com/kerthadesa/id-85066. Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol. 04, No.02, Oktober 2017
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