
Christian David Sianipar, Ida Ayu Sukihana


“ABSTRAK Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan pengaturan dengan uang elektronik di Indonesiaserta mengetahui akibat hukum yang terhadap maraknya jasa modifikasi desain kartu uang elektronikyang cenderung tidak resmi dan ilegal. Metode penulisan yang digunakan dalam jurnal ilmiah ini yakninormatif dengan mengacu pada pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendekatan analisis konsep hukum (conceptual approach). Saat ini pengaturan mengenai uang elektronik termuat dalam PBI 20/6/PBI/2018, apabila dikaitkan dengan Undang-Undang Hak Cipta maka dasar hukum terkait motif pada kartu uang elektronik ada pada Pasal 40 ayat 1 huruf f. Apabila motif pada kartu uangelektronik ingin di modifikasi oleh pihak ke-3, maka Pihak ke-3 harus mendapatkan izin dari bank selakupenerbit untuk dapat memperoleh hak ekonomi dengan melakukan pembagian royalti antara bank sebagaipenerbit dan pihak ke-3. Apabila tidak mempunyai izin dari bank selaku penerbit maka modifikasi kartu emoney tersebut dikaitkan dengan UUHC (Undang-Undang Hak Cipta), maka terhadap pelaku jasa modifikasi kartu uang elektronik merupakan tindakan yang ilegal dan terhadapnya diancam sanksi pidana maupun sanksi perdata. Kata kunci: Modifikasi, Desain, Kartu Uang Elektronik ABSTRACT This paper aims to determine the relationship between regulation and electronic money in Indonesia andto find out the legal consequences of the proliferation of electronic money card design modificationservices which tend to be unofficial and illegal. The writing method used in this scientific journal isnormative with reference to the statute approach and the legal concept analysis approach (conceptualapproach). Currently, the regulation regarding electronic money is contained in PBI 20/6/PBI/2018, if itis associated with the Copyright Law, the legal basis for the motif on electronic money cards is in Article40 paragraph 1 letter f. If the motive on the electronic money card wants to be modified by a 3rd party, the3rd party must obtain permission from the bank as the issuer to be able to obtain economic rights bydistributing royalties between the bank as the issuer and the 3rd party. If you do not have permissionfrom the bank as the issuer, then the modification of the e-money card is linked to the UUHC (CopyrightLaw), then the perpetrator of the electronic money card modification service is an illegal act and isthreatened with criminal sanctions as well as civil sanctions. Keywords: Modification, Design, Electronic Money Card”


Modifikasi, Desain, Kartu Uang Elektronik ABSTRACT This paper aims to determine the relationship between regulation and electronic money in Indonesia andto find out the legal consequences of the proliferation of electronic money card design modificationservices which tend to be unofficial and illegal. The writing method used in this scientific journal isnormative with reference to the statute approach and the legal concept analysis approach (conceptualapproach). Currently, the regulation regarding electronic money is contained in PBI 20/6/PBI/2018, if itis associated with the Copyright Law, the legal basis for the motif on electronic money cards is in Article40 paragraph 1 letter f. If the motive on the electronic money card wants to be modified by a 3rd party, the3rd party must obtain permission from the bank as the issuer to be able to obtain economic rights bydistributing royalties between the bank as the issuer and the 3rd party. If you do not have permissionfrom the bank as the issuer, then the modification of the e-money card is linked to the UUHC (CopyrightLaw), then the perpetrator of the electronic money card modification service is an illegal act and isthreatened with criminal sanctions as well as civil sanctions. Keywords: Modification, Design, Electronic Money Card


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How To Cite

SIANIPAR, Christian David; SUKIHANA, Ida Ayu. PELANGGARAN HAK CIPTA PADA UANG ELEKTRONIK YANG MOTIFNYA DIBUAT OLEH PIHAK KE-3 TANPA SEIZIN BANK.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. 434-446, june 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 6 (2022)



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