
Hendra Agus Syahputra, Sagung Putri M.E Purwani


“Penelitian ini bertujuan guna membahas mengenai gratifikasi seksual yang dilaksanakan oleh oknum pemerintahan yang memiliki kedudukan yakni ASN guna memperoleh suap berbentuk pelayanan seks yang dimana gratifikasi diatur pada UU Tipikor pasal 12b yang menjadi landasan hukum gratifikasi seksual adalah frasa “fasilitas lainya” yang menimbulkan kekaburan norma hukum sebab frasa tersebut memiliki arti atau makna yang luas. Didalam pembuktiannya didalam persidangan asas yang paling tepat digunakan adalah Audi et alteram partem yaitu didalam mengadili hakim harus mendengar kedua belah pihak dengan menggunakan asas ini pembuktian dapat dirasa menjadi alternatif yang baik dalam pembuktian gratifikasi seksual. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif yakni penelitian yang mempelajari bahan kepustakaan maupun data sekunder, pendekatan yang diterapkan yakni pendekatan perundang-undangan yang menggunakan serta menelusuri segala peraturan perundang-undangan yang bersangkutan atas topik yang dianalisis. Hasil studi yaitu bagi pelaku yang memberikan atau menerima gratifikasi seksual dapat dipidana dengan UU Tipikor serta dalam pembuktiannya dapat digunakan asas Audi et alteram partem asas ini berfungsi dalam pembuktian dengan mendengarkan setiap kesaksian sehingga hakim dapat memutus suatu perkara tersebut. Kata kunci : gratifikasi seksual, asas pembuktian. This analysis aims to discuss the sexual gratification carried out by government individuals who have the position of ASN to obtain bribes in the form of sex services where gratification is regulated in the Article 12b Tipikor Law which is the legal basis of sexual gratification is the phrase “other facilities” that cause blurring of legal norms because the phrase has a broad meaning or meaning. In the proof in the trial the most appropriate principle used is Audi et alteram partem that in adjudicating the judge must hear both parties using this principle of proof can be considered to be a good alternative in proving sexual gratification. This research is normative research that studies literature materials and secondary data, the approach applied is a statutory approach that uses and traces all relevant laws and regulations on the topics analyzed. The results of the study are for perpetrators who give or receive sexual gratification can be punished with the Tipikor Law and in the proof can be used the principle of Audi et alteram partem this principle serves in proving by listening to every testimony so that the judge can decide a case. Keywords: sexual gratification, principle of proof.”


: gratifikasi seksual, asas pembuktian. This analysis aims to discuss the sexual gratification carried out by government individuals who have the position of ASN to obtain bribes in the form of sex services where gratification is regulated in the Article 12b Tipikor Law which is the legal basis of sexual gratification is the phrase “other facilities” that cause blurring of legal norms because the phrase has a broad meaning or meaning. In the proof in the trial the most appropriate principle used is Audi et alteram partem that in adjudicating the judge must hear both parties using this principle of proof can be considered to be a good alternative in proving sexual gratification. This research is normative research that studies literature materials and secondary data, the approach applied is a statutory approach that uses and traces all relevant laws and regulations on the topics analyzed. The results of the study are for perpetrators who give or receive sexual gratification can be punished with the Tipikor Law and in the proof can be used the principle of Audi et alteram partem this principle serves in proving by listening to every testimony so that the judge can decide a case. Keywords: sexual gratification, principle of proof.


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How To Cite

SYAHPUTRA, Hendra Agus; PURWANI, Sagung Putri M.E. ANALISIS PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN GRATIFIKASI SEKSUAL DALAM TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI SERTA ASAS PEMBUKTIAN GRATIFIKASI SEKSUAL.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 8, p. 718-726, aug. 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 8 (2022)



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