
I Wayan Michael Grace Astawa, Tjokorda Istri Diah Widyantari Pradnya Dewi


“Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui serta menelaah tentang pengaturan hukum mengenai kapal perang yang karam di perairan Indonesia beserta dengan implikasi hukum dan tanggung jawab negara dari hilangnya HMS Exeter. Artikel ini ditulis dengan motode penelitian yuridis normatif dan dianalisis secara deduktif. Lebih lanjut artikel ini diteliti menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dengan cara menghimpun data yang dikumpulkan melalui teknik bola salju. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Indonesia sudah mempunyai seperangkat aturan yang memberikan ketentuan dalam mengatur mengenai bangkai kapal. Aturan tersebut dapat dibedakan menjadi 2, yaitu aturan yang berdasar dari hukum internasional, dan aturan yang berdasar dari hukum nasional. Aturan-aturan tersebut juga sudah dilengkapi dengan sanksi administratif maupun sanksi pidana apabila terdapat pihak-pihak yang melanggar ketentuan didalamnya. Penjarahan HMS Exeter tidak mengakibatkan Indonesia untuk bertanggungjawab kepada Inggris karena Indonesia tidak mempunyai kewajiban, baik yang lahir dari hukum internasional maupun perjanjian, yang mengharuskan untuk bertanggungjawab apabila terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan dari bangkai kapal Inggris tersebut. Kata Kunci: HMS Exeter, Penjarahan Kapal, Tanggung jawab Negara ABSTRACT This research is conducted with the aim to find out and examine about the legal arrangements regarding warships that sank in Indonesian waters along with the legal implication and state responsibility for the loss of HMS Exeter. This article written using normative judicial research method and deductively analyzed. Furthermore this article is examined using statutory approach by collecting data through snowball technique. The result of this study show that Indonesia already has a set of rules that provide provisions for regulating shipwrecks. These rules can be divided into two, the first one is based on international law, and the second one is based on national law. These regulations also have both administrative and criminal sanction for those who violated the provision therein. The disappearance of HMS Exeter did not result in Indonesia being responsible to British since Indonesia did not have any obligation, either from international law or treaties, to force Indonesia to do so in case something untoward had happened from the British shipwreck. Key Words: HMS Exeter, Shipwreck Looting, State’s Responsibility”


HMS Exeter, Penjarahan Kapal, Tanggung jawab Negara ABSTRACT This research is conducted with the aim to find out and examine about the legal arrangements regarding warships that sank in Indonesian waters along with the legal implication and state responsibility for the loss of HMS Exeter. This article written using normative judicial research method and deductively analyzed. Furthermore this article is examined using statutory approach by collecting data through snowball technique. The result of this study show that Indonesia already has a set of rules that provide provisions for regulating shipwrecks. These rules can be divided into two, the first one is based on international law, and the second one is based on national law. These regulations also have both administrative and criminal sanction for those who violated the provision therein. The disappearance of HMS Exeter did not result in Indonesia being responsible to British since Indonesia did not have any obligation, either from international law or treaties, to force Indonesia to do so in case something untoward had happened from the British shipwreck. Key Words: HMS Exeter, Shipwreck Looting, State’s Responsibility


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How To Cite

ASTAWA, I Wayan Michael Grace; DEWI, Tjokorda Istri Diah Widyantari Pradnya. PENJARAHAN BANGKAI KAPAL PERANG HMS EXETER: IMPLIKASI HUKUM DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB NEGARA.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. 1-12, aug. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 8 (2021)



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