
I Wayan Anwar Nugraha Putra, Ni Nyoman Sukerti


“Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status perkawinan perempuan dengan keris secara Hukum Adat dan Hukum Nasional, serta mengetahui kedudukan Hukum anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan dengan keris. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian normative dengan menggunakan pendekatan Peundang-Undangan dan pendekatan Analisis Konsep Hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perkawinan dengan keris sah secara Hukum Adat namun tidak bisa dicatatan secara administrasi sehingga tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum pembuktian. Anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan dengan keris bertatus sebagai anak di luar kawin dan mengikatkan diri secara perdata dengan ibu dan kerabat ibunya. Kata Kunci: Perkawinan Keris, Kedudukan Hukum Anak, Anak di luar Kawin ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the marital status of women with kris according to customary law and national law, as well as to determine the legal position of children born from marriage with kris. The method used is a normative legal method with a statute approach and Analitical & Conceptual Approach. The results showed that marriages with kris were legal according to customary law but could not be recorded administratively so they did not have the power of legal proof. Children who are born from a marriage with a keris have the status of a child outside of marriage and are legally tied to their mother and relatives. Key Words: Keris Marriage, Legal Position of Children, Children outside of Marriage”


Perkawinan Keris, Kedudukan Hukum Anak, Anak di luar Kawin ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the marital status of women with kris according to customary law and national law, as well as to determine the legal position of children born from marriage with kris. The method used is a normative legal method with a statute approach and Analitical & Conceptual Approach. The results showed that marriages with kris were legal according to customary law but could not be recorded administratively so they did not have the power of legal proof. Children who are born from a marriage with a keris have the status of a child outside of marriage and are legally tied to their mother and relatives. Key Words: Keris Marriage, Legal Position of Children, Children outside of Marriage


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How To Cite

ANWAR NUGRAHA PUTRA, I Wayan; SUKERTI, Ni Nyoman. KEDUDUKAN HUKUM ANAK YANG LAHIR DARI PERKAWINAN DENGAN KERIS DI BALI.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 3, p. 1-11, apr. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 3 (2021)



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