
Brigitta Maria Bereklau, Kadek Agus Sudiarawan


“Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai pengertian teori efektivitas yang dikemukakan Soerjono Soekanto dan bagaimana penerapan teori itu dalam pelaksanaan fungsi POSBAKUM di PTUN Denpasar. Metode penulisan yang penulis gunakan adalah metode penulisan empiris. Metode penulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana hukum dalam tatanan norma bekerja di masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan teori efektivitas Soerjono Soekanto yang mengemukakan 5 faktor penentu bekerjanya hukum yaitu; Faktor hukum itu sendiri, faktor penegak hukum, faktor sarana dan fasilitas, faktor masyarakat, dan faktor kebudayaan. Dalam pelaksanaanya pada fungsi pos bantuan hukum di PTUN Denpasar ditemukan fakta bahwa faktor hukum itu sendiri, faktor masyarakat belum sepenuhnya terlaksana secara efektif dalam membantu masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Teori Efektivitas, Posbakum, PTUN Denpasar ABSTRACT This paper aims to examine more about the understanding of the theory of effectiveness expressed by Soerjono Soekanto and how the application of that theory in the implementation of POSBAKUM function in PTUN Denpasar. The writing method that the author uses is the empirical writing method. This method of writing aims to see how the law in the norm order works in society. The results showed that based on the theory of effectiveness Soerjono Soekanto who presented 5 determinants of the work of the law, namely; Legal factors themselves, law enforcement factors, facilities and facilities factors, community factors, and cultural factors. In its implementation at the function of legal aid posts in PTUN Denpasar found the fact that the legal factor itself, community factors have not been fully implemented effectively in helping the community. Keywords: Effectiveness Theory, Posbakum, PTUN Denpasar”


Teori Efektivitas, Posbakum, PTUN Denpasar ABSTRACT This paper aims to examine more about the understanding of the theory of effectiveness expressed by Soerjono Soekanto and how the application of that theory in the implementation of POSBAKUM function in PTUN Denpasar. The writing method that the author uses is the empirical writing method. This method of writing aims to see how the law in the norm order works in society. The results showed that based on the theory of effectiveness Soerjono Soekanto who presented 5 determinants of the work of the law, namely; Legal factors themselves, law enforcement factors, facilities and facilities factors, community factors, and cultural factors. In its implementation at the function of legal aid posts in PTUN Denpasar found the fact that the legal factor itself, community factors have not been fully implemented effectively in helping the community. Keywords: Effectiveness Theory, Posbakum, PTUN Denpasar


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How To Cite

BEREKLAU, Brigitta Maria; SUDIARAWAN, Kadek Agus. IMPLEMENTASI TEORI EFEKTIVITAS TERHADAP PELAKSANAAN FUNGSI POSBAKUM DI PENGADILAN TATA USAHA NEGARA DENPASAR.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 8, p. 1-11, nov. 2020. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 8 No 8 (2020)



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