
I. A. Trisna Eka Putri, A. Sri Sulistyawati, F. Maharani Suark, N. M. Ariani


“Sebatu village has its special characteristics of traditional foods and beverages which can be developed as culinarytourism. Besides the taste and form of the foods , the cooking process from the ingredients until become theready food, and the presentation of the foods can be the interesting attraction to offer. Organizing the traditionalfood and beverages of Sebatu Village which is the part of the daily life in this village need to be developed as theinteraction tools and media among the local community and the tourist. The activities form such as; eating andenjoy the food together ( for lunch or dinner, etc ), organizing the restaurant, coffee shop, or cafe in the strategiclocation surrounding the village, cooking courses for the women organization and the other programs. Theseprograms of course need the education, training exercise and also the workshop how to make good presentation,improve the quality according to international standard, and also the sanitation and hygiene. Since Sebatu Villagedevelopes to become a Tourism Village as one of the destination, the organized traditional food and beveragesbusiness can be developed as the culinary tourism so that the local community can interacte directly with thetourists in Gianyar. The type of culinary to be developed in Sebatu such as : Jukut Ares as a appetizer. Nasi Sela,Tipat Cantok, Betutu, Be Guling, Lawar Gedang, Jukut Urab as the main course. Tape Ketan and Jaje Uli,,Jaje Dadar, Jaje Timus, Kolak Biu/Sela as the dessert. All of these culinary can be adapted to the internationalgastronomy from the form, purpose and essence so that it can be presented and offered to the tourists”


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How To Cite

EKA PUTRI, I. A. Trisna et al. PENGEMBANGAN MAKANAN KHAS BALI SEBAGAI WISATA KULINER (CULINARY TOURISM) DI DESA SEBATU KECAMATAN TEGALALANG GIANYAR.Buletin Udayana Mengabdi, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 1, sep. 2013. ISSN 2654-9964. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 12 No 1 (2013): Volume 12 No.1 – April 2013



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