Journal of A Sustainable Global South, Vol. 1 No. 1, February 2017


Strengthening The Existence of Waste Village Bank Efforts Through The Establishment of Waste Management Network Development In District District Sukawati Gianyar

NM.Tisnawati*, IB Purbadharmadja, AAB Widanta, NLG Meydianawathi, dan NL Karmini

Staf pengajar Jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan FEB Unud *Corresponding author: [email protected],id

Abstract. Program waste bank has now become a national program that must be implemented in stages starting from the smallest unit of government, namely the village. Threats of waste management that are not managed properly, will cause environmental problems, social or economic. The economic potential that could arise from the handling of plastic waste classified mainly re-used and re-cycled actually be enjoyed by bank customers waste. Waste bank system enables to distribute plastic waste classified as re-used and re-cycled to collectors who paid in accordance with the market price. But in some other districts in the province of Bali, still has many obstacles in the establishment and sustainability. Even in some villages in Gianyar has not succeeded in establishing the waste bank for various reasons. Tn Sub Sukawati, there is a waste bank that has a variety of conditions. Different conditions have to be anticipated by organizing networks between the movement of waste banks that are currently conducted sporadically in District Sukawati. Tf implemented fully networked, it will lead to positive benefits, especially for the waste banks are still not running at maximum. The initial step to ensuring the sustainability of rural waste bank was started in the conduct Focus Group Discussion held at Banjar Kelod Pagutan Subdistrict Batubulan Sukawati on Thursday, July 14 2016. The result is the information about the existence of waste bank in District Sukawati Gianyar regency, and the formation of group's bank working waste districts throughout Sukawati, Gianyar.

Keywords-. Work Group, Bank of waste, District Sukawati

  • I.    Introduction

The nowadays Waste bank program is a national program that must be implemented in stages starting from the smallest government unit, that is the village. The threat of unmanageable waste will cause environmental, social and economic problems. Environmental issues such as pollution, unpleasant odors, health threats to plastic materials users of the loss of actual economic potential can arise from waste management. The economic potential that can arise from the handling of plastic waste, especially those classified as re-used and re-cycled can actually be enjoyed by bank customers. The waste bank system makes it possible to distribute the types of plastic waste that are re-used and recycled to collectors who pay according to market prices. The difference between the selling price and the purchase price is the economic advantage for the waste bank customers. Whereas plastic waste is reduced or not recyclable, socialization should be done so as to raise

awareness to reduce its use. Awareness to use plastic materials wisely, sorting organic and organic waste consciously and responsibly becomes a must for every household. The existence of a waste bank is very strategic to provide socialization and increase understanding of the importance of waste segregation, much more precisely and quickly when compared to the cost of using plastic with a policy of paying plastic. The presence of waste banks in regencies/cities in Bali Province has diverse conditions. Bank waste in Denpasar City, for example, with the existence of the Bali Wastu Foundation and the support of the Denpasar City government, has succeeded in having a network of waste banks. Every year is given an appreciation from the Denpasar City Government to the managers of waste banks, thus growing the interest of the community to establish a waste bank. Meeting of discussions is always held continuously so that the sustainability of plastic waste distribution becomes guaranteed. The synergy between the city government, the community of waste bank managers, the collectors (Bali wastu lestari foundation), and the UMK

that processes the plastic waste into handicrafts that have high selling value is very well established. But in some other districts in Bali Province, it still has many obstacles to its establishment and sustainability. Even in some villages in Gianyar regency have not succeeded in establishing waste bank for various reasons. Tn Kecamatan Sukawati, there are waste banks that have various conditions. The waste bank in Ketewel village with the full support of the village LPD has a very large customer in every household. Customers who come are given many benefits, such as obtaining ceremonial equipment. LPD employees directly act as waste bank officers. Directly collected funds are kept in the LPD. The waste bank at Ketewel has even launched an online system to facilitate the collection and recording of clients' waste. Similarly, the village of Samu which requires all mothers to save plastic waste once a month. The place to collect waste in bale Banjar Desa Samu and directly transported and sold to the Bali Wastu Lestari Foundation. The recording is done by the appointed officer of the village. Another case with the Central Singapadu Village, which the establishment of waste bank still can not be implemented in a sustainable manner. In the devotion of activities supported by the economic development department of FEB Unud (2013 and 2015), it has succeeded in forming a group of women waste bank "Urati Ibu Pertiwi", Since it was founded in November 2015, this new waste bank group has 60 members. Routinely trash bank members do plastic waste weighing. But in its implementation still encountered many obstacles, which leads to the absence of full support from village prajuru. Movements are still carried out individually and in groups. Whereas in other villages such as Abasan, village prajuru also took the initiative to conduct the waste bank movement. The new perjury support is limited to the official and unadulterated prebekel. These different conditions need to be anticipated by holding a network of waste bank movements that are currently being conducted sporadically in Sukawati District. If implemented in a network, it will lead to positive benefits, especially for groups of waste banks that still have not run with the maximum. The network can be realized by forming a working group that unites all managers of the waste bank in Sukawati subdistrict. Waste bank managers can share information, work together in search of collectors who can buy plastic waste, socialize together, to joint training to increase the value of plastic waste that is classified reduce to be crafted. The success of networking between waste bank managers in Sukawati District will have a very positive impact, considering that Sukawati sub-district has Banjars and villages in Gianyar Regency (12 villages and HO banjar) [1]. If the formation of the network in the form of the working group of waste bank managers in Sukawati District can be formed through this devotion activity, hence managers of waste bank which still face many obstacles can be assisted in its sustainability. On the other hand, the waste bank that has been running smoothly can further maximize

its role to be a pilot waste bank that can be imitated by other waste banks in the Sukawati District in particular. The establishment of working groups also allows the emergence of strengthening the existence of managers of waste banks, especially in terms of awareness socialization to manage and responsible the household as well as obtain the economic benefits behind the establishment of bank waste.


The success of waste bank the establishment in Sukawati District can be done by performing various methods as done in previous service activities [2][3]. Socialization, the field visit to Temesi Gianyar landfill, approach with village prajuru, to the utilization of online media to target the younger generation is done to socialize the importance of plastic and organic waste management. All these methods are still done sporadically and do not yet have sufficient bargaining power to convince the public. This creates an alternative problem-solving that brings together all waste bank managers in Kecamatan Sukawati in a forum that allows for the formation of the working group of waste bank managers in Sukawati Subdistrict. The realization of problem solving is done by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity with the theme of Strengthening Bank Waste Village Existence Through Efforts to Establish Sustainable Waste Management Network in Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. The FGD event took place at Banjar Pagutan Kelod, Batubulan Village, Sukawati Subdistrict on Thursday, July 14, 2016. The parties who have a strategic position to be involved in this activity are the managers of the waste bank in Sukawati Subdistrict, collectors and waste treatment foundation in Gianyar Regency, MSE of waste plastic processing, and related government (DKP of Gianyar Regency) and Environment Agency of Gianyar Regency. The synergy between the parties is possible to find a strategy of strengthening west bank in the Sukawati Sub - district of Gianyar Regency. The FGD (Focus Group Discussion) is between parties who have a strategic position to be involved. FGD conducted can be done with the main matter on the identification of existing waste bank in Sukawati district, weakness and potency respectively, until the formation of the working group between waste bank manager in the Sukawati District Gianyar Regency. The method used is to divide the participants into groups. Each group identifies the problems encountered during managing the waste bank. Each group is arranged in such a way that there is a waste bank that has been developed and newly established. Another thing that can be identified is the involvement of the government to sustain the existing waste bank. After being discussed in small groups, it followed by a joint discussion and the formation of working groups which became the forum where the waste bank of the Sukawati sub - district gathered and got information for the development of their waste bank.


Activities consist of three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation after implementation. Preparation of activity begins by conducting interviews with movers of waste banks, collectors, and village administrators in Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. After that proceed the next preparation of the event is planning the formation of working groups with the chairman of BLH Kabupaten Gianyar. There were 40 participants, consisting of representatives from the Environment Agency of Gianyar Regency, Gianyar Regency Cleaning and Gardening Agency, Transportation and Communications Office of Gianyar Regency, Sukawati Sub-district Head, Perbekel Village of Sukawati Sub-Village, Batubulan Village Perbekel, Ketkas Village Perbekel, Bank Trash LPD ketewel, waste bank sapta rides of the village of Guwang, and other participants. Based on the results of the group discussion can be identified problems faced by the bank waste management in Kecamatan Sukawati, among others, the existence of storage, marketing, and collectors. Transportation, operational and board costs, wages are also a problem. Capital becomes a relative issue. Because many waste banks have a lot of capital, but also ultimately not active (mangkrak). Second, human resource issues. Starting from cheating customers, willingness to sort out the waste that is still minimal, the capacity of cadre skills for social material management. There are several things that become points of support for bank sustainability Waste. Among others; High community enthusiasm, support of jero bendesa (custom), the existence of pakraman village, Support from BLH and the Office of hygiene and landscaping, Enforcement of local regulations, subsidies although not spatial, village funds can also be used as long as supervised use. To overcome these problems the managers must synergize. Must be built warehouse where the waste cannot be sold. To minimize the problems encountered, it is necessary to establish a group of waste bank managers who can synergize with the government and higher education. Each waste bank that formed can work together so that sustainability becomes guaranteed. From this FGD activity obtained information about the existence of active and newly active waste management group in Sukawati District. Consisting of;

  • 1.    Bank Dahlia Asri rubbishes Banjar Kalah Batubulan

Village Br. Pagutan Kelod

  • 2.    Bank waste LPD Ketewel Village Ketewel

  • 3.    UPST 3R Lembeng Village Ketewel

  • 4.    Bank waste Sapta Wahana Village Guwang

  • 5.    Bank waste Celuk Sami Asri Village Celuk

  • 6.    Bank waste Urati Tbu Pertiwi banjar Negari Desa Singapadu Tengah

  • 7.    Bank waste Samuest Lestari

  • 8.    Bank Waste Silakarang Lestari

  • 9.    Bank waste Kederi Lestari

  • 10.    Bank waste Strip Lestari

  • 11.    Bank waste Asri Lestari Sukawati

  • 12.    Village. UPST Batuan Village

  • 13.    Waste Bank Batubulan Village Kangin

  • 14.    Bank waste Alam Lestari Desa adat Sumampan Kemenuh

Based on the agreement of the participants, the Working Group of Waste Management Team in Sukawati District is arranged as follows:

Chairman: Mr. Ketut Wardika (LPD Ketewel)

Secretary: Sagung Sri Damayanti (Guwang)

Treasurer: Agus Abdi Putra Kemenuh)

Wayan Rundu (TPS3R)

Wayan Behind Mustiana (Cemenggon)

Ni Made Suartini (Sukawati)

Some agenda to be prepared is the formulation of working programs. Based on the results of dissemination of committee questionnaires to the participants, the following suggestions are obtained from FGD activities:

  • 1.    The sustainability of this event continues to banjar

  • 2.    For future continuation

  • 3.    To improve health

  • 4.    To upgrade elsewhere

  • 5.    To provide activities such as waste management training.

    Fig 1. The ambiance of FGD Waste Bank Manager in Sukawati District

Fig 2. Working Group of Waste Management Bank Sukawati District


From the results of the FGD activities, the following conclusions are obtained:

  • 1.    The formed of a sustainable working group of waste management in Sukawati district.

  • 2.    The working group will be a forum for information exchange and coordination management among waste bank managers in Sukawati district so that the sustainability of each garbage bank can be maintained.


Gianyar regency government, especially The Gianyar environmental initiative is expected to be consistent to support the existence of waste bank that most of the managers still survive because of ngayah principles and awareness of the importance of environmental conservation. The formation model of this working group can be replicated by adjusting conditions to other districts in Gianyar Regency.


Our gratitude is addressed to those who have involved the implementation. The honourable of the Chairman of LPPM Unud and staff, the Dean of FEB Unud, the Chairman of Development Economics FEB Unud, Sukawati district Perbekel Forum, Bali Wastu Lestari Foundation, and others we cannot mention one by one.


  • [1]    BPS Gianyar, Gianyar dalam Angka,2012

  • [2]    Tisnawati, Sosialisasi Cara Pendirian dan Manfaat“Bank Sampah” bagi Peningkatan Pendapatan dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dalam Keberlanjutan Pertanian Organik di Desa Singapadu Tengah Kecamatan Sukawati Kabupaten Gianyar, 2013.

  • [3]    Tisnawati, Inisiasi dan pendampingan kelompok perempuan pengelola sampah berkelanjutan “urati ibu pertiwi” melalui intervensi kredit mikro di Desa Singapadu Tengah Sukawati Gianyar, 2015.