Journal of A Sustainable Global South, Vol. 1 No. 1, February 2017


Traditional Balinese Food Existence and Appealing as The Culinary Tourism at Stars Hotels at Sanur Denpasar Bali

Ida Ayu Trisna Eka Putri", Putu Diah Kesumadewi

Program Studi Diploma IV Pariwisata, Fakultas Pariwisata, Universitas Udayana Jl. DR.Goris No.7 Denpasar, TelpZFax : 0361 223798

CoiTesponding author: dayutrisna satria@,

Abstract. The purpose of this study is determining the existence, appealing, and also the tourist perception OfTraditional Balinese Food at stars hotels in Sanur. The research sample is whole the four and five star hotels in Sanur. The purposive technique as used in determining the research informant by interviewed with the hotel chef. The tourist perception was collected by accidental sampling. Data collected by observation, inteiwiewed, literature study, questionnaires, and the picture documentation. The data were analyzed by descriptive method and Likert Scale for the tourist perception.

According to this research that most of the stars hotels at Sanur presents, and served with various menus, and the favorites menu is “ Ikan Panggang Sambel Matah”. The cooking process, with decreased the high spicy and add the sweet taste is the modification of the food for serving to the foreign tourist. The presentation by buffet and a la carte service. The Likert scale measurement shows that the presentation quality gets the highest score, total score is 382 (mean 4,24), and the lowest score is the variety of the menu with a total score 353 (mean 3,92).

Keywords: existence, appealing. Traditional Balinese Food, the stars hotels

  • I.    Introduction

Tourism has become one of the prominent industries that have contributed much to the development of tourism industry in Bali, one of it is a Sanur Tourism Area. To support Sanur as a tourism area, there is various kinds of tourism facilities, establishment either the basic facilities, supporting facilities or complementary tourism. Accommodation facilities such as hotels in Sanur Tourism Area, ranging from the star and non-star hotels, villas, bungalows and more are mostly located near the beach and have close access to the beach becomes one of the attractions for tourists to stay in this area. Along with the development of the tourism industry and increased competition among tourist destinations, local culture becomes a valuable thing as a product and activity to attract tourists. Gastronomy (culinary) which is one of the local cultures has an important role because the food can also be a center of the tourist experience. Culinary tourism emerges from the desire of the tourists themselves who want to experience not only from the beauty of nature but also from the traditional food products served. One of Traditional Indonesian Food that has unique in terms of taste and the

use of spices is Traditional Food of Bali. Traditional Balinese food that has been literally grown since the entry of Hindu Religion in Bali has become a native Balinese food, not only for its people, but also religiously devoted to the Gods according to Hindu religious beliefs. Since the cultural tourism has evolved in Bali, Traditional Food of Bali has also become one of the things that tourists are interested in. Various efforts have been made to improve the quality of Traditional Balinese food, among others, by packing various types of traditional foods by applying modern technology, attention to processing techniques, serving techniques, and went on sale at restaurants, restaurants, and hotels of international standard/star. The development of the era, so rapidly, especially in the field of tourism, traditional balinese food first processed in a way that is very traditional and only for internal needs of local families, but now has changes, where it processed and presented in hotels and restaurants of international standard, including in hotels Starred in the Sanur Tourism Area with its creative and interesting packaging, making it attractive to tourists. With this phenomenon, it is interesting to study about the existence and attractiveness of Traditional Balinese food at Star-rated Hotels in Sanur Tourism Area as

culinary tourism (culinary tourism) seen from the way of processing and serving in meeting the needs of tourism culture in the Sanur Tourism Area. Based on the problems that have been formulated, the purpose of this research are: 1) to know the existence/existence of Traditional Food of Bali at Starred Hotel in Sanur Tourism Area, Denpasar-Bali; 2) to know the attractiveness of Traditional Balinese Foods at Star-rated Hotels in Sanur Tourism Area, Denpasar-Bali, viewed from the way of processing and serving in meeting the needs of tourism culture; 3) to know the perception of tourists to Traditional Food Bali presented at Starred Hotel in Sanur Tourism Area, Denpasar-Bali.


The method used in this research is saturated samples by taking all four and five-star hotels in Sanur Tourism Area, Denpasar-Bali. Determination of informants using purposive sampling technique by interviewing people who considered to know the problem, in this case the head of the kitchen (chef) and to know the perception of tourists using accidental sampling technique is the way of sampling by chance without choosing or determine the member of population first by taking respondents Which happened to be in the research location at the time of the research, data collecting technique with observation, interview, literature study, questionnaire and documentation. The data collected were analyzed descriptively qualitatively and analyzed Likert Scale.


Existence of Traditional Balinese Food at Starred Hotel in Sanur Tourism Area, Denpasar-Bali

Star hotel in Sanur Tourism Area spreads in some village area like the Sanur Kaja Village, Sanur Village, and Sanur Kauh Village. Based on field observation, most of the starred hotels are Sanur Village, which is 15 units, while Sanur Kaja 5 and Sanur Kauh 2 pieces with a total of 22 hotels. The star hotel in Sanur Tourism Area there is a restaurant that will provide guests' food for the duration of the meal Stay in the hotel. One of the foods provided is Traditional Balinese Food, but not all star hotels provide Traditional Balinese Food at the restaurant of the hotel. The menu offered in several hotels located in Sanur Tourism Area, variations/types of IocalZtraditional foods offered Bali are still not so much or cannot be a host in its own region as one of the typical hotels in Sanur. The hotel offers many foreign food menu compared to the Traditional Balinese Food menu. Though there are many variations of Traditional Balinese Food menu that can be offered to guests who visit Bali. Viewed in terms of characteristics and types, Traditional Balinese Food contained in star hotels in the Sanur Tourism Area, in general, does look the same or uniform but that distinguish is the variation of spices so as to produce different tastes and become the hallmark of each

hotel. As for the types OfTraditional Balinese Food offered by star hotels in Sanur Tourism Area, among them are: 1) soup/appetizers/food berkuah; 2) rice/staple food; 3) vegetables; 4) side dishes; 5) snacks/appendages. The Traditional Balinese Food Type Offered by starred hotels in Sanur Tourism Area can be seen in Table 1. Tn Table 1. it can be seen that the Traditional Balinese Food menu offered varies as in Prama Sanur Beach Bali hotel and Segara Village is the most interesting and interesting menu By tourists that is baked sambel matah grilled fish. This menu is adapted and tailored to the tastes of tourists so it becomes more interesting and tasty. Betutu, lawar, sate, turn, also offered at Inna Grand Bali Beach and Mercure Resort Sanur. Tnjin Bubuh is a dessert that is also offered at Tnna Grand Bali Beach and Prama Sanur Beach Bali.





Offered Food



Inna Grand

Bali Beach


Lawar Klungah Lawar Nangka Sate Kakul Sate Lilit Ikan Jukut Ares TumSapi Tum Babi Turn Ayam Serombotan Bubuh Injin Batun Bedil Kelepon


(The menu is only offered for certain events)


Prama Sanur



Iga          Babi

Panggang Bumbu Bali

Ikan Panggang

Sambel Matah

Bubuh Injin



Mercure Resort Sanur

Ayam Betutu

A la Carte


Puri Santrian

Seafood Kare

A la Carte


Sanur Paradise Plaza

Tuna     Sambel


Be        Sampi


Be Pasih Suna


A la Carte


Segara Village

Nasi Campur Bali

Ikan Panggang

Sambel Matah

A la Carte

The Attractiveness of Traditional Balinese Food at Starred Hotel in Sanur Tourism Area, Denpasar-Bali

Attractiveness in Traditional Balinese Food Processing

In the processing of Traditional Balinese Food, the way of processing/cooking and cooking or technological tools are two aspects that need attention. Associated with the processing or how to cook can not be separated from the human resources factor. Human resources professionals are required in adapting Balinese culinary arts. In hotels, cooking jobs tend to be mostly done by men because the food is made in large quantities and the equipment used is modern and heavy duty equipment. The tools used in cooking no longer use traditional tools. The purpose of using modern tools is to be more productive, effective and efficient. In addition, the use of modern tools is also intended to give a more hygienic impression.

The type of food and beverage served to tourists is raw food, without any process, either simple or complex food after the cooking process. In processing traditional Balinese food to obtain a sense of comfort for tourists is equal to the processing of traditional Balinese food for the community in a special event, which is associated with traditional and religious ceremonies for both offerings and for general dishes. Traditional Balinese food presented to tourists equals traditional Balinese food presented to guests in traditional and religious ceremonies for the Balinese people. To obtain the delicious taste of traditional Balinese food, cannot be separated from the taste of food contained in the basic ingredients as well as a combination of basic ingredients with spices or bases. Overall seasoning has 6 (six) flavors called sad flavors, namely: 1) salty taste caused by salt; 2) spicy flavor caused by red onion, red chili, black pepper, white pepper and chili bun; 3) sour or sour taste caused by limes, lime and acid; 3) sweet taste arising from palm sugar ∕ balinese sugar; 4) bitter taste caused by ginger, lengkuas and lempuyang; 5) a sense of sepek or tasty caused by a harmonious and steady combination of the five flavors (kanca, 2003).

To get a sense of taste in accordance with the tastes of each, from the combination there is one that highlighted, for tourists, generally the sweet taste highlighted and the spicy taste is reduced. According to kanca (2003), the spice or base which is a standard recipe for traditional Balinese food, as contained in the book of Dharma caruban, can be classified into 4 (four) types, although there is no exact record of the size of the ingredients required for each type of spice, as well as the size of the ingredients required in forming spices for traditional Balinese food presented to tourists, classification of spices or bases such as: 1) seasoning or sweet base; 2) spice or base genep; 3) seasoning or base wangen ∕ jejaton; 4) spice or base gede.

attractiveness in the presentation of traditional balinese food

In the world of tourism, the western culture will affect the way the presentation of balinese culinary art. balinese culinary art can imitate any form of serving foreign food. There are several types of servings/servings are: 1) American service; 2) french service; 3) English; 4) Russian service; 5) banquet service; 6) family service; 7) buffet service; 8) risjttafel service. The presentation of traditional balinese food to tourists through restaurants and hotels, especially star hotels, can be seen in terms of quantity and frequency of food served, which can be divided into two types of serving patterns: buffet ∕ buffet usually served in certain events such as international seminars, Wedding and so forth, and presented in the form of order ∕ ala carte. Traditional Balinese food needs to be presented in an interesting form, both in terms of menu composition, equipment used to support the presentation, presentation situation and the person presenting should be Balinese customary and friendly. Traditional Balinese food which is one aspect of Balinese culture in its presentation must reflect its peculiarity, that is typical of Bali. To support the situation to really feel in Balinese culture also performed Balinese dance or played the Balinese musical tape through a tape recorder. Traditional Balinese food presented to tourists, either through hotels or restaurants with a menu that is still small when compared to the western menu, but has given the potential for the area of Bali in the development of tourism.

Tourist perceptions of traditional Balinese Food at Starred Hotels of Sanur Tourism Area, Denpasar-Bali

The perception of tourists to the quality of the Balinese Traditional Food Structure, the most said is good as many as 59 people (65.56%), which says very good is 27 people (30%), quite as much as 3 people (3.33%), People (1.11%). In general/overall travelers give that perception very good about the quality of Traditional Balinese Food Structuring by giving a total score of 382 with an average of 4.24. The quality of the food arrangement including Balinese Traditional Food is very important and cannot be ignored. There is a term stating that the first time enjoying food is the eye. Therefore, it is necessary to set the proper standard of presentation, both from the maturity level, the viscosity of the sauce and soup, the color combinations and the suitability of the supporting ornaments. The principle of making the food interesting to eat without eliminating the original value of Traditional Balinese Food. Food and beverage quality is a very important aspect for tourists. The perception of tourists on the quality OfTraditional Balinese Food products that include the aspects of appearance (presentation), temperature, storage (serving temperature), taste and aroma (taste & flavor), texture (texture) and decoration (garnish). Overall, the perception of tourists on the quality of Traditional Balinese Food products is good with an average of 4.02. The perception of tourists to the

uniqueness of taste and aroma OfBalinese Traditional Food with good criteria was ranked highest with 56 people (62.22%), while the lowest was 11 people (12.22%) with enough criteria. In general, the perception of tourists to the uniqueness of taste and aroma OfTraditional Balinese Food is good with an average of 4.13. The perception of tourists on the composition OfBalinese Traditional Food adjusted to international gastronomy shows that the criteria both ranked the highest with 56 people (62.22%), while the lowest with enough criteria with the number of 16 people (17.78%). Overall, the perception of tourists on the composition of Balinese Traditional Food adjusted with international gastronomy is enough with a mean value of 3.97. The perception of tourists to the variety of traditional Balinese menu choices indicates that the criterion has the highest number of 67 people (74.44%), and the lowest is very good criteria with 8 people (8.89%). Overall, the perception of tourists on the variety of traditional Balinese Food menu choices is enough with an average of 3.92. The perception of tourists on the suitability between the cost with satisfaction is 63 people (70.00%) with the appropriate criteria, and as many as 13 people (14,45%) with sufficient criteria. Overall the perception of travelers to the suitability between the costs incurred with satisfaction is quite an average of 3.98. The perception of tourists on the appearance and the friendliness of the hotel's restaurant staff in serving Traditional Balinese Foods shows that the highest score with good criteria is 67 people (74.44%) and the lowest is 6 (6.67%). Overall The perception of tourists to the appearance and the friendliness of the hotel's restaurant staff in serving Traditional Balinese Food is enough with an average of 4.12. The perception of tourists on sanitation and hygiene in the processing and presentation of Traditional Balinese Foods shows that the highest score with good criteria is 75 people (83.33%) and the lowest is enough criteria for 5 people (5.56%). Overall The tourist perception of sanitation and hygiene in the processing and presentation OfTraditional Balinese Food is quite an average of 4.12.


The result of research "Existence and Attractiveness of Traditional Food Bali As Culinary Tourism At Starred Hotel In Area Tourism Sanur" can be concluded as follows:

  • 1.    ExistenceZexistence of Traditional Food (traditional balinese food) bali at the star hotel in tourism area that is found in inna Grand Bali Beach Hotel, Prama Sanur Beach Bali, Mercure Resort Sanur, Puri Santrian, Sanur Paradise Plaza and Segara Village.

  • 2.    Traditional Balinese Food Menu served varies from appetizer to dessert, and one of the favored tourists is the sambel matah grilled fish.

  • 3.    One of the attractions in traditional Balinese food processing is to get a good taste to be served to tourists with a sweet taste highlighted and the spicy taste is reduced.

  • 4.    How to serve traditional Balinese food is with buffet/buffet and a'la carte ∕ order.

  • 5.    The result of Likert scale analysis showed that the highest score of the quality of traditional Balinese food structuring total score 382 (average 4,24), while the lowest value of the variation of menu choice of traditional Balinese food with a total score 353 (average 3,92).

  • 6.    From the menu offered in several hotels located in Sanur, Tourism area is still not so much, and should more menu variations reproduced more.

  • 7.    Restaurants that serve Traditional Balinese Food at the hotel should be more because there are still few ∕ still not many restaurants that specialized in providing Traditional Balinese Food..


We would like to extend our gratitude to the Rector of Udayana University and the Chairman of the Research and Service Institute of Unud who has provided financial support so that this research activity can be done. Thank you also to the Dean of Udayana University's Faculty of Tourism for the facilities and moral support that has been given. Thanks also to the staff of the Traditional Balinese Food Restaurant at a five-star hotel in Sanur Tourism Area who involved as the informant and input data needed in this research, as well as all the parties we cannot mention one by one that has helped a lot until the completion of this research


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