Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Application Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 39-44, June 2022 E-ISSN: 2301-7708



I Gusti Agung Ayu Kartika1*, Ni Ketut Sinarsih1, Ni Made Dwi Mara Widyani Nayaka2

  • 1Yoga and Health Study Program, Faculty of Brahma Widya, Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa, Denpasar, Indonesia

  • 2Department of Natural Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Indonesia

Corresponding author email: [email protected]


Background: Inflammation is a natural body response, but when it reaches the systemic chronic inflammation stage, it can cause more dangerous complications. Many natural ingredients have been developed as anti-inflammatory agents. One of them is sirih bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunth). Objective: This study aims to summarize and examine the research results related to the anti-inflammatory activity of the sirih bumi. Methods: Research articles were collected from various online databases such as Google Scholar, Google, Medline, Pubmed, and Science Direct. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to obtain original research articles relevant to the desired topic, published in the last ten years, the full text was accessible, and the research methods and results were well explained and valid. Results: In total, only six articles are eligible to be discussed. The research was conducted in Indonesia, Nigeria, and Malaysia. In vitro and in vivo methods with various models and parameters were used to test the anti-inflammatory activity. All parts of the plant are proven to have anti-inflammatory effects that can be presented in extracts or herbal teas. The activity of sirih bumi is determined by the dose or concentration of administration, processing process, and harvest time. The combination with other samples must be reconsidered to maintain the desired anti-inflammatory effect. Conclusion: Antiinflammatory activity of sirih bumi has been proven through various studies. The development of the sirih bumi product is expected to help handle inflammation and other diseases related to inflammation.

Keywords : peperomia pellucida, inflammation, extract, tea


Inflammation is normal because it is the body's natural response to defend against infection and injury. However, inflammation still needs particular attention, especially if it has reached the stage of chronic systemic inflammation. This condition can induce and exacerbate various diseases such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and autoimmune diseases. When it reaches this stage, disability and even death can

occur[1,2]. Therefore, potential agents are needed to cure or prevent inflammation.

Many drugs have been developed to treat inflammatory conditions. Currently, the community uses both modern medicines and traditional herbal medicines. Many plants have been studied to treat inflammation. One of the plants that have the potential for efficacy and economics is sirih bumi (Peperomia pellucida [L.] Kunth).

Sirih bumi has not been widely cultivated so it is only considered as a 39

weed. This plant is known to have many pharmacological activities, including anti-inflammatory[3–9]. This article summarizes and discusses the latest research developments related to sirih bumi as an anti-inflammatory agent.


Search and Identification Stage

Google Scholar and four other electronic databases, such as Pubmed and Science Direct, were used as search engines. The search process was carried out until the end of May 2022. The search keywords used were "peperomia pellucida", "inflammatory", "cytokine", "edema", and the word in the Indonesian version.

Eligibility Selection

The first stage is the identification stage. The author searches for related articles online using predefined keywords. The title and abstract of the original article were assessed according to keywords. The second step is to filter the abstracts from the articles obtained. Only articles with abstracts that meet the specified eligibility criteria are then downloaded in their

entirety for the third stage, which is to determine the eligibility criteria in terms of content.

The inclusion criteria in this study were original research in original articles published in the last ten years. The type of research is not limited. If the article meets all the inclusion criteria, but the test results are not clearly reported, and the text cannot be accessed entirely and free of charge, the article will be excluded.

Extraction and Synthesis Data

Data were extracted into categories: year of publication, country of origin of authors, type of research, type of sample, plant parts used, and test parameters. Data is presented in tabular form.

Data Presentation

The data obtained are presented descriptively.


The stages of searching for research articles can be seen in Figure 1. The number of articles found is quite large for research on the anti-inflammatory activity of sirih bumi.


Figure 1. Schematic of browsing and selecting articles.

Table 1. Description of research data on the inflammatory activity of the sirih bumi


Year of publication

Country origin of authors

Type of research

Type of samples

Plant parts

Test parameters





In vitro

Ethanolic extract with red ginger

Whole Plant

Cox-2 inhibition





In vivo



Volume of the foot paw





In vitro

Methanol extract

Whole plant

%        cytokines






In vivo

Ethyl acetate and ethanol extract


Number        of

polymorphonuclear cells





In vitro

Methanolic extract

Fresh vegetables (stem and leaf)

% membrane stability and inhibition of protein denaturation





In vitro

Herbal tea

Stems and leaves

Anti-arachidonate 5-

Lipoxygenase   and


antihyaluronidase activities

Six research articles that matched the search criteria and were available in the full text were analyzed further. The data that has been summarized are presented in table 1.

Many studies have been carried out on the anti-inflammatory activity of the sirih bumi. In the last ten years, six related studies have been found. Research with sirih bumi seems to still interest to researchers today. This can be seen from the number of publications in the last two years.

Table 1 shows that Indonesia is the country that has carried out the most research. This is probably due to the abundance of sirih bumi that can grow in Indonesia throughout the year. Research into the cultivation of this plant has been carried out to obtain better results than just taking it from the wild [15]. In Indonesia, as a tropical country, many sirih bumi grow well in yards, rocky areas, and rice fields so that large-scale cultivation is relatively easy.

The type of research carried out is mostly in vitro studies. This is likely due to efficiency in time, cost, and the number

of samples that must be used. However, not a few in vivo studies have been carried out. Previously in 2004, the ethanolic extract of the sirih bumi was found to significantly reduce the volume of the foot paw and the number of leukocytes in an experiment using rats[16]. Moreover, in 2010, petroleum ether extract significantly reduced carrageenan-induced hind paw edema[17].

Various types of samples from the sirih bumi plant have been tested. It has been tested in the form of extracts and in the form of herbal teas that are ready to be consumed. The type of extract tested in the last ten years is classified as a type of extract that tends to be polar and semipolar. However, the non-polar extract was tested in the previous years and proved to be effective[17]. The anti-inflammatory effect is not only shown by certain plant parts but all parts of the plant have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects.

In a study conducted by Sulistiyani et al. (2012), sirih bumi extract was proven to inhibit the cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme in vitro. At a 100 g/mL concentration, the

inhibitory power was 47.5%. This activity is even better than red ginger extract. When the two extracts were combined, the activity decreased. This finding indicates that there is antagonism between the two extracts.

The activity of sirih bumi has also been proven in vivo through research by Barung et al. (2012). Sirih bumi herb infusion at a concentration of 30% has been shown to have the ability equivalent to a standard drug, phenylbutazone, at a dose of 5.04 mg/200 g BW rats in reducing the volume of rat paw edema. Increasing the concentration of sirih bumi to 60% can increase the anti-inflammatory effect.

Sirih bumi's ability to inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines also contributes to its anti-inflammatory activity. In the study of Salim et al. (2014), sirih bumi extract at a concentration of 5 μg/mL was able to inhibit the release of TNF-α (3.9 ± 0.8), IL-1α (29.5 ± 2.31%), IL-1β (18.5 ± 5.4%), IL-6 (19.6 ± 1.2%), and IL-8 (6.4 ± 1.0%) that involved in inducing acute inflammation. However, this activity was lower than the standard dexamethasone and andrographolide at the same concentration.

In the fourth article, sirih bumi was proven to reduce the number of PMN (polymorphonuclear) cells in experiments using rats. The number of PMN cells in the post-extraction tooth socket area decreased with the administration of both ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts. The inflammatory process that proceeds faster is thought to accelerate the recruitment of bone cells so that post-extraction tooth socket healing can run faster than the duration of healing through normal physiological processes[9].

Drying the stems and leaves of the sirih bumi did not eliminate its antiinflammatory effect. This phenomenon is founded on the study of Fakayode et al. (2021), who tested anti-inflammatory activity through membrane stabilization and inhibition of protein denaturation. The anti-inflammatory activity was more

excellent in the dry sample extract than in the fresh sample extract at the same concentration.

Experiments conducted by Ng et al. (2021) using the herbal tea of sirih bumi recommended the best drying process to optimize the anti-inflammatory effect of freeze-drying for unfermented and fully fermented sirih bumi products. As for the partially fermented sirih bumi, it is better to use hot air-dried.

The anti-inflammatory activity of sirih bumi is affected by the drying process and the time of harvest. Especially for the sirih bumi plant grown in subtropical countries, the optimum anti-inflammatory effect was found in plants harvested during phenophases 1 and 2 of winter and spring[18].

The anti-inflammatory activity of sirih bumi is thought to come from dillapiol compounds. Dillapiol was found to have moderate antiphlogistic properties, so it can be used as a prototype for newer antiinflammatory compounds. This activity is thought to be caused by the presence of the benzodioxole ring and alkyl groups in the side chain and the methoxy groups in the aromatic ring[19]. Compounds with a similar structure in the sirih bumi may also be responsible for the emergence of antiinflammatory activity in the sirih bumi.


Anti-inflammatory activity of sirih bumi has been tested in various countries, including Indonesia. In the last ten years, there have been six related studies published. The anti-inflammatory activity was tested both in vitro and in vitro using various products from sirih bumi. Sirih bumi is proven to have an antiinflammatory effect determined by the dose or concentration of administration, processing process, and harvest time. The combination with other samples needs to be reconsidered to maintain the desired anti-inflammatory effect of sirih bumi.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST There is no conflict of interest.


The authors would like to thank all parts that support this research.


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