The Influence of Brand Associations and Perceived Quality on Purchase Intention: Study at Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center
Anny Nurbasari, The Influence of Brand Associations and Perceived Quality …
Vol. 16 No. 1, Februari (2022), 165-177
The Influence of Brand Associations and Perceived Quality on Purchase Intention: Study at Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center
Anny Nurbasari1), R Gegha Para Kamanda2)
1,2Universitas Kristen Maranatha
email: 1)[email protected], 2)[email protected]
The growing negative public view of Cibaduyut's pros to the production of imported brands, KW, and bootleg as well as shoes offered by local brands is of low quality, expensive, and has not provided benefits. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of brand associations and quality impressions on people's buying interest in Cibaduyut shoes and local brands. The research method uses the PLS-SEM analysis approach with the help of the SmartPLS 3.0 program. The results show that most local shoe brands are difficult to identify because the average brand colors have similarities, namely black and white, and the durability of the shoes is prioritized because, as various consumers who have bought Cibaduyut shoes and local brands say, they are easily damaged. Consumers will have a good first impression of the brand when shoes have designs that represent themselves or can be called timeless and become the pleasure of users before they buy and get information from previous consumers. It can be concluded that brand associations and quality impressions have a effect on consumer buying interest with a very strong correlation.
Keyword: Brand Association; Perceived Quality; Purchase Intention
Pengaruh Asosiasi Merek dan Kesan Kualitas terhadap Minat Beli Masyarakat: Studi pada Sentra Industri Sepatu Cibaduyut
Tumbuhnya pandangan negatif masyarakat atas pro nya Cibaduyut terhadap produksi merek impor, KW, dan bootleg serta sepatu yang ditawarkan brand lokal dianggap tidak berkualitas, mahal, dan belum memberikan benefit. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh asosiasi merek dan kesan kualitas terhadap minat beli masyarakat pada sepatu Cibaduyut dan brand lokal. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan analisis PLS-SEM dengan bantuan program SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan mayoritas merek sepatu lokal sulit untuk dikenali karena rata-rata warna merek memiliki kesamaan yaitu hitam dan putih serta daya tahan sepatu lebih diutamakan karena berbagai pengalaman konsumen yang pernah membeli mengatakan sepatu Cibaduyut dan brand lokal mudah rusak. Konsumen akan memiliki kesan pertama yang baik terhadap merek ketika sepatu memiliki desain yang mewakili dirinya atau dapat disebut timeless (tidak termakan waktu) serta menjadi kesenagan pengguna saat sebelum mereka membeli dan mendapatkan informasi dari konsumen sebelumnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa asosiasi merek dan kesan kualitas berpengaruh terhadap minat beli konsumen dengan korelasi sangat kuat.
Kata kunci: Asosiasi Merek; Kesan Kualitas; Minat Beli
Globalization today has resulted in many business actors race to win the market competition to occupy a position as a leader. It is known that currently, various types of local industries have offered products or services at relatively affordable prices, accompanied by the most superior services. The goal is to make consumers prefer a brand and build good relations between them and the organization. Currently, Indonesia has 59.2 million business actors because of the government's program to increase the number of qualities MSMEs. The program is shaded by the Creative Economy on a digital basis so that products or services can be marketed through online and e-commerce applications. As we know, the number of business actors in Indonesia is concentrated on the island of Java, which produces various household goods to luxury goods. One of them is West Java Province, which is known as a paradise for apparel producers. From this, many countries in Asia and Europe are importing products to be re-branded and resold at higher prices.
Researchers discovered that West Java has two cities with the highest number of factories producing clothing ranging from tops to bottoms and accessories. These cities are Tangerang and Bandung, which provide the highest regional income from exports and domestic trade. It is noted that the City of Bandung contributed to regional income of Rp. 5.92 trillion in 2018, while the City of Tangerang contributed to the regional income of Rp. 3.55 trillion in 2020. This study focuses on analyzing the City of Bandung, known as Paris Van Java and the trendsetter for the people. young people to maintain the existence of styling in Indonesia. In addition, Bandung, which is known as an emerging city brand, can produce new fashions in the fashion world, so people are enthusiastic about buying local products as support. The city of Bandung itself has various apparel industry centers which are very popular for the people of Indonesia and the world. One of them is the Cibaduyut footwear industry center, which produces shoe and sandal materials as well as being a producer for several brands with quite competitive quality in the prices offered. It is known that currently the number of footwear business actors recorded in Cibaduyut is 205 units with the distribution of 3 commodities, including:
Table 1. shows the number of Cibaduyut Footwear Companies
Comodity Amount
Source: DISPERINDAG Bandung City
Based on Table 1, several local Indonesian brands took advantage of the opportunity to cooperate with the Cibaduyut home industry as a supplier/producer. Meanwhile, several imported brands entrust Cibaduyut as a manufacturer to produce shoes, sandals, bags, and accessories. Due to having the 2 largest consumers, the Cibaduyut shoe IKM association simultaneously sets the conditions for ordering, namely: the more orders, the cheaper and more varied production prices, both in terms of models, sizes, and colors. On the other hand, if the order is at the minimum point, then the production is at the highest price and is not varied; that is, it only gets 2 colors, 1 model, and 5 size grades. Based on the results of interviews with several Cibaduyut home industry owners, the minimum order for shoes is 100 pcs with a choice of 3 construction techniques. Consumers can order several techniques, including cementing, goodyear welting, and vulcanizing. Cementing construction, the shoes use a whole sole/cup sole which is sanded as a base and glued to the upper with a press machine. This technique is typically used to create sneakers and sports shoes with prices ranging from IDR 80-160
thousand, depending on the materials used. Meanwhile, for the goodyear welted construction, the shoe uses a cut sole that has 3 sizes (small: 36-38, medium: 39-41, and large: 42-44) which is shaped with a blade and embroidered to the upper part. This technique is typically used to create boots, pantoffles, and oxfords with prices ranging from IDR 225 thousand to IDR 1.5 million, depending on the materials used. Then, the vulcanized construction, the shoe uses plaster on the midsole and a cut sole on the outsole. The upper will be covered with a sole that has been heated and shaped to follow the mold. Then, the shoes will be in the oven in a large tube at a temperature above 120° C for 6-8 hours. This technique is typically used to create sneakers with a higher level of elasticity and prices ranging from IDR 120-225 thousand, depending on the material used.
The rise of local brands that offer cheap sneakers with striking attributes has increased the productivity of the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center in a short time. The high market demand provides a big advantage for factories that are trusted as producers. Dr. Tirta, as an influencer and a shoe enthusiast, can encourage people to like and buy domestic products when combined with the #localpride campaign. However, this did not last long due to the entry of imported products with better quality and lower prices. Then, the threat from within the country itself that offers counterfeit products from well-known brands such as Converse, Adidas, Nike, Puma, Vans, and others at competitive prices is called the bootleg strategy movement. The high number of imported shoes and the bootleg strategy that actively attacks local brands have a negative impact on the public's view of the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center. This builds a new stigma, that the shoes produced are more expensive with lower quality. In addition, the perception formed in the public's mind is that the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center produces more imported shoe brands and makes imitations of well-known brands than for local MSME brands. Thus, the public gave the stamp of KW shoes and parodies of well-known brands as the brand association of the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center. As stated, (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p. 482), consumers remember a brand from thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, and attitudes that are tied to the brand node. This is also supported by the brand association theory developed by (Aaker, 2013, p. 208), which is something that reflects the image of a brand on a certain impression in relation to habits, lifestyles, benefits, product attributes, geography, prices, competitors, and others.
With the perception formed, the public considers the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center not pro to local brand MSMEs that are involved in the footwear industry. Thus, consumers who buy local products and know that they come from the city of Bandung will be judged as fake, expensive, and do not provide benefits. In this case, there is an impression of poor quality between consumers and local brands who entrust the shoes to be produced by the Cibaduyut home industry. Therefore, according to (Rangkuti, 2004, p. 41), the customer's perception of a product or service is related to the overall quality or expected excellence. This is also supported by the quality impression theory developed by (Simamora, 2003, p. 78), namely consumer perceptions of the quality or superiority of a product or service in terms of its function relative to other brand products. From these problems, it can have a negative impact on people's buying interest in local brand shoes produced by Cibaduyut. The experience formed in the minds of the people is getting worse because of irrelevant issues in the campaign carried out by the Department of Industry and Trade (DISPERINDAG) of West Java Province, Cibaduyut Footwear IKM Development Subunit. Increasingly, people value the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center as a branch of KW shoes for the Vans and Converse brands, as well as a manufacturer of imported reject goods such as Bershka, Zara, and Pull & Bear. In addition, it is considered as a product that has low quality at a relatively high price. From this, people call the Cibaduyut
Shoe Industry Center the king who abdicated. As stated, (Kotler & Keller, 2013, p. 137), buying interest is related to the behavior of consumers who have a desire to buy or choose a product based on their experience. This is also supported by the theory of buying interest developed by (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007, p. 201), which is one of the psychological aspects that has a considerable influence on his behavior.
According to (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p. 482), brand association is formulated as a unit consisting of all thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and so on related to the brand and associated with the brand node. Meanwhile, according to (Aaker, 2013, p. 208), brand association is something that reflects the image of a brand in relation to habits, lifestyles, benefits, product attributes, geography, prices, competitors, and others. Then, according to (Grewal & Levy, 2013, p. 319), brand association reflects the customer's mental relationship with the brand and the main features of the brand, such as a logo, slogan, or the prominent personality of a brand. Furthermore, brand association is associated with information that customers think about the brand either positively or negatively, which is connected to memory (Emari, Jafari, & Mogaddam, 2012). According to (Aaker, 1996, p. 104), brand associations have 11 dimensions, namely product attributes, intangible attributes, benefits for customers, relative prices, usage, users, famous people, lifestyle, product class, competitors, and geographic area. Based on research (Hermawan, Widiana, & Estianty, 2016) obtained the results that brand associations are the basis for influencing consumer buying interest because it can increase their familiarity with a brand. Namely, forming positive feelings in the minds of consumers, which in turn creates buying interest. This is also supported by research conducted (Gunawardane, 2015); (Jalilvand, Samiei, & Mahdavinia, 2011); (Susilowati & Sari, 2020); (Firdaus, 2020); and (Riduansyah, Suharyono, & Arifin, 2016), that brand associations have a positive and significant effect on buying interest with a strong correlation.
H1: Brand association effect purchase intention
According to (Durianto, Sugiarto, & Sitinjak, 2004, p. 96), the impression of quality is defined as the customer's perception of the overall quality or superiority of a product or service with respect to the intended purpose. Meanwhile, according to (Simamora, 2003, p. 78), the impression of quality is the consumer's perception of the quality or superiority of a product or service in terms of its function relative to other brand products. Then according to (Kotler & Keller, 2008, p. 195), the impression of quality is the consumer's perception of the overall quality or superiority of a product or service compared to alternatives and in relation to the intended purpose. Quality impressions are overall one-sided judgments based on processing quality cues in relation to relevant quality attributes (Grebitus, Yue, Bruhn, & Jensen, 2007). Furthermore, according to (Tsiotsou, 2006), the impression of quality is the consumer's assessment of the overall superiority of the product or superiority. (Aaker, 1996, p. 85) says that the dimensions of the impression/perception of quality are divided into 7 parts, namely: performance, service, durability, reliability, product characteristics, conformance to specifications, and results. According to (Firdaus, 2020) in his research, consumers are more interested in buying products that have a higher quality impression than other similar products. The greater the positive impression of quality on the marketed product, the greater the chance of increasing consumer purchasing interest.This is also supported by research conducted (Tsiotsou, 2006); (Lie, Purnomo, & Sari, 2016); (Raza, Siddiquei, Awan, & Bukhari, 2012); (Susilowati & Sari, 2020); and (Riduansyah, Suharyono, & Arifin, 2016), that the impression of quality has a positive and significant effect on buying interest with a strong correlation.
H2: Perceived quality effect purchase intention
According to (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007, p. 201), buying interest is one of the psychological aspects that has a considerable influence on behavioral attitudes. Meanwhile, according to (Kotler & Keller, 2016, p. 181), buying interest arises after an alternative evaluation process. In addition, according to (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p. 137), buying interest is a consumer behavior which has a desire to buy or choose a product based on experience in choosing, using, and consuming or even wanting a product. (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p. 568) said buying interest is divided into several stages/models known as AIDA, namely attention, interest, desire, and action. Based on research (Riduansyah, Suharyono, & Arifin, 2016), obtained results show that organizations that can utilize brand associations to influence consumer feelings and attitudes towards products will leave a good quality impression and help them make purchasing decisions. This is also supported by research conducted (Susilowati & Sari, 2020), that brand associations and quality impressions simultaneously or together have a positive and significant effect on buying interest with a strong correlation.
H3: Brand association and perceived quality effect purchase intention
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
The research method used is explanatory research. The research time was carried out using cross sectional (Sugiyono, 2011, p. 12). The research data was obtained through 2 sources, namely primary and secondary (Sekaran, 2017, p. 130). The population in the study amounted to 464 thousand people who follow the Local Pride Instagram account in Bandung and are classified specifically as active followers (Sugiyono, 2014, p. 120). Sampling from the research population used a random sampling technique through the slovin approach, totaling 204 respondents (Sugiyono, 2007, p. 76). The research design uses two analyses, namely descriptive and verification (Sugiyono, 2009, p. 244). The data that has been obtained through the distribution of questionnaires will be processed using Partial Least Square (PLS) data analysis with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model (Sugiyono, 2012, p. 11). In the PLS-SEM analysis, there are 2 measurement models, namely the outer model to test the validity and reliability of a study and the inner model to test hypotheses (Abdillah & Hartono, 2015, p. 188).
Brand association variables can be measured through various indicators, including product performance, product convenience, product durability, product enjoyment level, product quality, brand name and logo familiarity, brand color stimulation, knowledge of brand specifications, affordability, low and high prices. Product design, product fun, feelings of pride, and personality similarity to product characteristics (Gordon, James, & Yoshida, 2016). Meanwhile, the impression of quality can be measured through various indicators, namely raw materials, tactility, varied colors, product features, product convenience, minimizing product damage, function/ease of use, core product operating characteristics, ease of repair, product appearance, customer pleasure, anticipation product defects, additional features, and according to customer wishes (Pogson, 2016). Then, buying interest can be measured through several indicators, including attractive because the product is practical, useful, liked by many consumers, has more advantages, and the brand is easy to remember. Then, growing interest because of the brand message, the product is innovative, has availability, and is economical. In addition, it fosters a desire to try because the product is convenient, as needed, has features, and is popular (Budiawan, Satria, & Simanjuntak, 2017).
Description of Respondents
Table 2. Description of Respondents
Category |
Detail |
Amount |
Percentage |
Gender |
Men |
141 |
69.30% |
Woman |
63 |
30.70% | |
15-19 |
11 |
53.90% | |
Age |
20-24 |
80 |
39.21% |
25-29 |
109 |
53.43% | |
30-34 |
4 |
1.97% | |
1-2 |
160 |
78.00% | |
Purchase |
3-4 |
35 |
17.30% |
> 5 |
9 |
4.70% | |
Interest |
Import Product |
198 |
96.90% |
Local Product |
186 |
91.10% | |
Ownership |
Own |
86 |
42.40% |
Unowned |
118 |
57060% | |
Sneakers |
170 |
88.50% | |
Casual |
127 |
66.10% | |
Product Knowledge |
Sporty Safety |
63 25 |
32.80% 13.00% |
Boot |
77 |
40.10% | |
Slip On |
118 |
61.50% | |
Import and Local |
162 |
84.40% | |
Point of View |
Counterfeit products |
89 |
46.40% |
Bootleg product |
74 |
38.50% | |
Raw Material Suppliers |
36 |
36.00% | |
Campaign |
Interested |
73 |
35.60% |
Uninterested |
131 |
64.40% | |
Purchase Intention |
Interested |
57 |
28.00% |
Uninterested |
147 |
72.00% |
Source: Processed data result
Based on the results of the questionnaire, respondents have varied characteristics ranging from gender, age, number of shoe purchases in the last 1 year, interest in shoe brands, local shoe ownership, interest in local shoes, views on shoe types and associations formed by
Cibaduyut, interest in information related official campaigns and influencers as well as interest in Cibaduyut shoes after comparing with imported brands.
Outer Model Evaluation
In the evaluation of the outer model, there are several tests to test the validity and reliability of a study, including convergent validity, which requires an outer loading value of > 0.70, Average Variant Extracted (AVE) > 0.50, composite reliability > 0.60, and Cronbach alpha > 0.70, which shows the research is in the good category.
Table 3. Outer Model Evaluation
Construct / item |
Loadings |
Alpha |
CR |
AVE | ||
Brand Association |
0.971 |
0.974 |
0.880 | |||
BA1 |
BA10 |
0.618 |
0.792 | |||
BA2 |
BA11 |
0.894 |
0.901 | |||
BA3 |
BA12 |
0.623 |
0.826 | |||
BA4 |
BA13 |
0.745 |
0.851 | |||
BA5 |
BA14 |
0.834 |
0.896 | |||
BA6 |
BA15 |
0.871 |
0.876 | |||
BA7 |
BA16 |
0.903 |
0.720 | |||
BA8 |
BA17 |
0.877 |
0.901 | |||
BA9 |
0.885 | |||||
Perceived Quality |
0.948 |
0.955 |
0.623 | |||
PQ1 |
PQ8 |
0.782 |
0.872 | |||
PQ2 |
PQ9 |
0.589 |
0.681 | |||
PQ3 |
PQ10 |
0.854 |
0.869 | |||
PQ4 |
PQ11 |
0.840 |
0.822 | |||
PQ5 |
PQ12 |
0.906 |
0.688 | |||
PQ6 |
PQ13 |
0.882 |
0.720 | |||
PQ7 |
0.678 | |||||
Purchase Intention |
0.935 |
0.948 |
0.725 | |||
PI1 |
PI5 |
0.833 |
0.651 | |||
PI2 |
PI6 |
0.865 |
0.915 | |||
PI3 |
PI7 |
0.887 |
0.882 | |||
PI4 |
0.897 |
Source: The result of data processing using SmartPLS 3.0
Based on Table 3 regarding the results of the evaluation of the outer model, the results show that the brand association variables, quality impression, and buying interest have convergent validity values > 0.50, AVE > 0.50, composite reliability > 0.60, and Cronbach alpha > 0.70. These results are in the good category when referring to the interval criteria, so it can be concluded that all variables have a very good level of validity and reliability (Abdillah & Hartono, 2015).
Inner model Evaluation
The research will explain the results of path coefficient testing, goodness of fit, and hypotheses. Evaluation of the path coefficient: if the value of R2 > 0.67 on the endogenous variable, then the influence of the independent variable on the dependent is included in the good category (Abdillah & Hartono, 2015, p. 197). Then, if the R2 value is between 0.33-0.67, it is in the medium category and for the R2 value between 0.19-0.33, it is in the weak category (Abdillah & Hartono, 2015). It is known that the largest path coefficient value is indicated by the influence of brand associations and the impression of quality on buying interest of 71.269. Then, the second largest influence is shown by brand associations on buying interest of 69.806. 171
Furthermore, the smallest effect is shown by the impression of quality on purchase intention of 32.440. These data indicate that all research variables have a positive path coefficient number. That is, the greater the value of the path coefficient of an independent variable on the dependent, the stronger the influence of the two between these variables. It is known that the R-square value for the brand association variable is 0.878 or 87.8%. Meanwhile, the R-squarevalue for the quality impression variable is 0.773 or 77.3%. The goodness of fit test can be seen from the Q-square value, which has the same meaning as the coefficient determination (R-square) in the regression analysis. That is, the greater the Q-square value, the better the fit of the research data.
Q-square = 1 - [(1 - R2X1) x (1 - R2X2)]
= 1 - [(1 - 0.878) x (1 - 0.773)]
= 1 - (0.122 x 0.223)
= 1 - 0.027
= 0.972 or 97.2%
From the above calculation, the Q-square value is 0.972 or 97.2%. This shows the large diversity of research data that can be explained by the research model. Whereas the remaining 2.8% can be explained by other factors that are outside the research model, such as awareness and consumer loyalty to the brand. So, it is stated that the goodness of fit test is in the good category. In answering the research hypothesis, researchers can use the results of previous data processing. Hypothesis testing can be seen from the T-statistics and P-values. The criteria for acceptance and rejection of the hypothesis are shown from the P-values < 0.05.
Table 4. Result T-statistics and P-values
Path Between Variabels |
T-statistics |
P-values |
Conclusion |
Brand Assocaition >> Purchase Intention |
69.806 |
0.000 |
Accepted |
Perceived Quality >> Purchase Intention |
32.440 |
0.000 |
Accepted |
Brand Association and Perceived Quality >> Purchase Intention |
71.269 |
0.000 |
Accepted |
Source: The result of data processing using SmartPLS 3.0
Based on Table 4, it is known that each research hypothesis can be accepted because the effect shown has P-values > 0.05. The brand association variable has a significant influence on buying interest in Cibaduyut shoes. Based on the test results, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, with a T-statistics value of 69.806 and a P-value of 0.000 < 0.05. Meanwhile, the impression of quality has a significant influence on buying interest in Cibaduyut shoes. Based on the test results, the T-statistics value is 32.440 and P-values 0.000 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected and H2 is accepted. Then, brand associations and quality impressions have a significant influence on buying interest in Cibaduyut shoes. Based on the test results, the T-statistics value is 71.269 and P-values 0.000 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted. It can be stated that all independent variables (free) on the dependent (bound) have a significant effect. This is because consumers prefer brands with a good image rather than the perception of high-quality products. Generally, consumers are more concerned with prestige as the main factor. Thus, brand associations have a more dominant influence than quality impressions. Moreover, consumer buying interest will be higher if the two factors are combined. For this reason, the T-statistics value will simultaneously be greater than the two variables that have a partial effect.
Brand Association on Purchase Intention
Brand association is the process of positioning through experiences and stimuli in the minds of consumers. can be formed because of the similarity of personality and emotional characteristics through communication and information. Thus, brand associations can leave a
strong impression of existence because they produce an image. In addition, brand association can foster consumer buying interest because he only remembers some or even one brand. This is also supported by previous research (Jalilvand, Samiei, & Mahdavinia, 2011), that brand association is the basis that influences consumer buying interest because it increases their familiarity with the brand.
Based on the results of research (Gordon, James, & Yoshida, 2016), the biggest factor that builds brand associations in growing consumer buying interest is affordable prices. Meanwhile, the lowest factor is the stimulus from the brand color. This is different from the results of research on shoe enthusiasts who observe Cibaduyut shoes and local brands. Where, the biggest factor that forms brand association is product durability and the lowest is product performance. This is because almost all imported shoe brands have an identity that is easily recognizable by consumers. Thus, brand color is no longer the main factor in growing buying interest (example: blue is the basis for the Adidas brand and orange is the basis for the Nike brand). Consumers are very aware of the two brands, so they focus more on offering the cheapest prices and according to product functions. Meanwhile, most local shoe brands are difficult to identify because the average brand has two colors in common, namely black, and white. Thus, consumers are more focused on finding information on the durability and performance of shoes on social media. However, durability is prioritized because various experiences of consumers who have purchased say that Cibaduyut shoes or local brands are easy to "break down". Then, their perception that shoes only have one function is to protect the feet. Thus, product performance is no longer a determining factor for a brand to have a good association.
Perceived Quality on Purchase Intention
The impression of quality is the consumer's view or perception of the superiority of a product. Consumers have a positional assessment of product features with substitutes in mind. Thus, the impression of quality is not only about the durability of a product but the bond that is built. For this reason, products that function normally, useful features, appropriate specifications, timeless designs, and complete information on how to use them are the basis for forming a strong bond as a good quality impression. This will foster buying interest because, in the minds of consumers, the product is of higher quality than others. This is also supported by research (Tsiotsou, 2006), that consumers are interested in buying products with the impression of higher quality than other similar products. The stronger the impression of quality in the minds of consumers, the greater the opportunity to grow buying interest.
Based on the results of research (Pogson, 2016), the biggest factor that forms the impression of the quality of a product in growing consumer buying interest is the appearance of the product and the lowest is the user's pleasure. This is different from the results of research on the perception of shoe enthusiasts who observe the quality of Cibaduyut shoes and local brands. Where, the biggest factor that forms the impression of quality is the product function and the lowest is the operating characteristics of the core product. This is because someone has a good first impression of a shoe brand when it has a design that represents itself or can even be said to be timeless. Rather, it becomes a pleasure for users that can occur when they must buy and use these shoes before or through information obtained from various reviewers. On the other hand, previous researchers had limitations in conducting research on consumer buying interest. Meanwhile, Local Pride shoe enthusiasts judge the impression of good shoe quality only from the function of the product. For example, a local brand that offers running shoes must use an upper made of fabric/knit to be seen as shoes that have a high-quality impression. 173
In comparison, shoes that are produced with the right construction, such as sneakers that use a cup sole, must be sewn on the side of the midsole using an embroidery technique. This indicates that most shoe activists do not really understand the whole shoe and only focus on a few small parts that are visible.
Brand Association and Perceived Quality on Purchase Intention
Brand associations and quality impressions can influence consumer buying interest because they form strong memories and provide different views of one product to another. Thus, buying interest will grow very strongly if the brand association and the impression of quality that is formed has a striking identity. This is also supported by research (Susilowati & Sari, 2020), that organizations that can utilize brand associations in influencing consumer feelings and attitudes will leave a good quality impression. Thus, helping consumers to make purchasing decisions from buying interest that has grown previously. When compared to the two, brand associations have a greater influence on consumer buying interest than quality impressions when viewed on the evaluation of the inner model. This is because a strong/familiar brand is easier to remember than a high-quality product. A brand can shape a person's social status and will indirectly reflect the quality of a product. In searching for, buying, and using products, most consumers prioritize prestigious brands before seeking information about the quality offered.
Based on the results of the study, the Cibaduyut brand association was established as a supplier of shoes with substandard quality outsoles. Moreover, the outsole becomes the highest intensity in direct contact with the road/asphalt. Thus, respondents' assessment of the outsole is the lowest compared to the midsole. In addition, not all business actors have the tools and machines to combine the upper with the cup sole through the embroidery stitch technique. However, there are some business actors who have these tools and machines, as well as consumers who buy them at the right outlet. Thus, the consumer's impression of the quality of Cibaduyut shoes has 2 perspectives, namely good and bad. In essence, potential consumers prefer shoes that have functional suitability. For example, the type of running shoes that are comfortable to use when running because of their light weight and large pores. Then, the perception of tight shoes because the design of the wrist circumference is too narrow causes the appearance to be unbalanced between the laces and the tongue. Thus, the main function of the product becomes the highest indicator of ease of use on the impression of quality.
Like the results of research (Susilowati & Sari, 2020), that brand associations have a greater influence than the impression of quality in growing consumer buying interest. This is because consistency in advertising activities and product offerings will build a good position in the minds of consumers and produce a positive image. Thus, consumers only recognize the brand as a provider of products that maintain quality. Meanwhile, the impression of quality is defined as improving perceptions through after sales services. This is because, in product development, long research is needed, and organizations can take advantage of guarantee facilities to form the impression of good quality. On the other hand, both together have a very big influence on growing consumer interest because they are related to consumer emotions and personalities. Where brand associations will form emotional similarities with product characteristics, as if they are like consumer desires in depth. Meanwhile, the impression of quality conveys the message that users will feel comfortable when using the product because of the good experiences from previous consumers.
In this study, there are indicators with the highest and lowest scores of each variable based on the results of the study. So, the researcher will conclude and provide suggestions and input on the Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center and local brands working in the footwear industry. The goal is to find out and improve the brand associations that are built and the impression of quality that will be formed in growing the buying interest of potential consumers. Both local actors and brands have started to focus on their target market. For example, the characteristics of most of the skateboard community are fans of extreme sports who need sneakers with durability above the standard and old skull designs. So, it is very important to do research on rubber soles that are not easily eroded, uppers are not easily torn when exposed to friction, strong glue, ideal shoe weights, and designs that do not age (can be used in several activities). After mastering the target market, they can expand into other types of shoes by grouping new market segments with equal potential.
Local actors and brands began to conduct research on the use of raw materials that have better porous characteristics, dissect competitors' shoes to find out the designs and materials used, develop shoe patterns that have good air circulation, use minimal glue techniques but are more functional, and give out free deodorant specifically for shoes. The goal is to minimize the odor generated from the user's foot sweat. Then, BPIPI must be more aggressive in carrying out local shoe campaign activities and provide transparent reviews/experiences to prospective consumers in evaluating quality improvement and building trust.
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