
I Wayan Losen Adnyan, I Made Bakta, Ketut Suega, Tjok Gde Darmayuda


“Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common single nutrient deficiency in the world, impairs lymphocyte proliferationin humans and laboratory animals. The mechanisms are not fully understood. Cellular iron availability modulates the differentiationand proliferation of Th-1 and Th-2 subsets. Th-1 clones are very sensitive to treatment with antitransferrin receptor antibodies,resulting in inhibition of their DNA synthesis. Th-1-mediated immune effector function may be much more sensitive to changesin iron homeostasis in vivo. Th-1 produce IFN- and IL-2. The effects of iron deficiency on immunity remain controversial. Crosssectional study was performed to determine the relationship between iron status (serum ferritin) and IL-2 production in patientswith iron deficiency anemia. This relationship was assessed in 33 adult patients. Infection, malnutrition, malignancy, acute bleedingand using immunosuppressive medicines were excluded. Iron deficiency anemia was defined by Kerlin et al criteria. Serumferritin was measured by immunometric assay and IL-2 was measured by immunoassay solid phase ELISA. The mean of Hb was6.27 ± 2.19 g/dL, serum ferritin 30.07 ± 49.41, IL-2 2.26 ± 1.30. The most causes of this anemia were chronic bleeding i.e. pepticulcer, ancylostomiasis, menorrhagia, hemorrhoid and hematuria. There was not correlation between serum ferritin and IL-2 (r =0.118; p = 0.512). There was not correlation between Hb and IL-2 too (r = 0.220; p = 0.219). Lack of the correlation may be causedby some conditions i.e. without activated T cell, inadequately controlled the other trace elements or co-morbid diseases. Our datasupport that there is not correlation between serum ferritin, Hb and IL-2 production by lymphocyte without stimulation. Furtherprospective studies are needed to determine relationship between iron status and immune function.”


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How To Cite

LOSEN ADNYAN, I Wayan et al. HUBUNGAN FERITIN SERUM DENGAN KADAR IL-2 PADA PENDERITA ANEMIA DEFISIENSI BESI.journal of internal medicine, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol. 8, No. 1 Januari 2007



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