p-ISSN: 2301-5373

e-ISSN: 2654-5101

Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana

Volume 8, No 4. May 2020

Design Build Finding EO as A Web-Based Marketplace Event Organizer and Venue Apps

Muhammad Huseina1, Ida Bagus Gede Dwidasmaraa2

aInformatics Department, Udayana University

Bali, Indonesia 1[email protected] 2[email protected]


Event in Indonesia is an activity that utilizes a place or service in the implementation of these activities. Many obstacles that currently often occur when an event wants to be held either in the limited availability of information about the Event Organizer or where the event is inadequate due to limited sources. The similar information provided only display Event Organizer or Venue, but this is limited by the absence of a system that fulfills the transaction process directly. In the era of the development of science and technology as well as industry 4.0 that continues to expand, business ideas emerge that are initialized into one of the web-based marketplace application platforms that are able to promote Event Organizer and Venue also provide information and Event Organizer and Venue ordering processes for Event Users. The system, entitled Finding EO, uses the Prototyping method and its developed with PHP Programming languages.

Keywords: Prototyping, Event Organizer, Venue

  • 1.    Introduction

Along with the changing times, humans continue to make an innovation by using science and technology. Innovation in the world of technology is believed to be able to help us carry out activities more effectively and efficiently in its implementation. It is undeniable that our need for technology is increasing, especially in the era of industrial technology development 4.0, where the ease of access to an activity must be done in an efficient and innovative way. We often encounter results from innovations using these technologies, such as cashier systems, online trading systems (Toko- pedia, OLX, Shopee), ticket buying and selling systems (Traveloka, Pegipegi) and many more. This system is one of the solutions to the problems of human life. For example, an online trading system, where we can choose goods online with a large selection of goods and choose goods practically using only gadgets without the need to go to the store so that the time required is also more effective and efficient. One example of the problem that arises at this time is the lack of information about events related to the executor or service seekers about the event. The difficulty of finding an event organizer that is in accordance with customer desires often occurs because there is not much information.

So the idea arose to create an information system regarding service search, which is a mobile application-based Finding EO information system, that is useful to assist and provide event organizers in marketing the services they have. This system also provides complete and detailed information about the service products offered. Finding EO is one of the innovations in the application of technology that can help us to find the right event organizer in accordance with what is desired by the service buyer who later in this system will be a customer as a person who will hire services, event organizer as the party who will rent out his services and admin as a person who will monitor the course of transactions between buyers and tenants of services such as wedding events, birthday events, music events and other events and also processes bookings and transactions where the event is carried out with certain capacities such as 0 to 99 people, 100 to 500 people, and more than 500 people online through a mobile application.

Several studies related to the design of the event organizer have also been conducted before, Suwanto, Timothy (2018) [1], with the title scientific works “Rancang bangun sistem pemesanan jasa event organizer wedding berbasis web”. Author focused on building an event organizer service booking system for web-based weddings. The program development method uses iteration method. Each iteration phase has steps starting from problem analysis, database design and website display interface, as well as implementing features in it and testing the user and maintaining the system. The result of this final project is a website that can find the needs of prospective customers with a service package offered by a wedding organizer.

Indha Lukitaningtyas, Rachmadita Andreswari, Faisal Mufied Al Anshary (2018) [2] make research related to the Event Organizer entitled “Rancang Bangun E-marketplace ”dyland” Bagi Penyedia Jasa Event Organizer- Party Planner Menggunakan Metode Iterative In- cremental (modul Transaksi) Studi Kasus Event Organizer Kota Bandung”. The design of this application uses the concept of e-marketplace which is a place to carry out buying and selling goods or services with B2C aspects. The development of this application uses the iterative & incremental method, which will be carried out in several phases, namely conception, elaboration, construction and transition. Analysis and design of the system using UML. This application provides offers and benefits for vendors of party planner services and prospective buyers, such as registration and ease of transaction.

Novita Kusuma Wati, Fatkhul Amin, S.T., M.Kom (2018) [3] also made a study entitled

“Rancang bangun event salaam organizer semarang berbasis web mobile”. Salaam Organizer is a company engaged in services to serve wedding services. The obstacles that Salaam Organizer is facing are still using traditional methods for promotion, communication, monitoring, and conducting payment transactions by telephone and social networking. Salaam Organizer needs a mobile web application as a supporting media. The method used in this implementation uses the breakdown and weighted method. The results of the research are made, the creation of a mobile web-based e-service application system for wedding services and makes the application system interactive and multifunctional. The system created will facilitate service at Salaam Organizer office.

  • 2.   Reseach Methods

    2.1    Use case

  • a.    Use case description

The following description of the use case finding eo system

  • 1.    Use case Service Providers and Customers Login




Service providers and customers


When login to the system, service providers and customers need to input an email and password that has been registered

Successful Completion

Login successful


Users such a service providers and customers access a menu that require data profile


Users such a service providers and customers ennabled to access a menu that require data profile

2. Use case Service Providers and Customer Register




Service providers and customers


To fully have access to main menu, Actor has to register, Where actor will input username, email, password and select the category such a service providers or customers.

Successful Completion

New account


Users/actor cannot access the main menu yet


Users/actor can access to the main menu until the register data has been verified by admin.

3. Use case register verification for a service providers


Register verification for a service providers




After event organizer service providers has registered, admin would do a verification on service providers data register

Successful Completion

System will show all the data from service providers


Service providers do a registration process


Service providers has an account

4. Use case see list EO and venue services


See event organizer list and venue services




To select what kind of services that customers want to choose wether it’s an event organizer or a venue

Successful Completion

System will show all of wether its an event organizer or a venue


Customers had to login on system first.


Customers choose an event organizer or venue all they want

5. Use case order an event organizer or venue


Order an event organizer or venue




After choosing event organizer or service providers that customers need, the customers could do an order process

Successful Completion

System will show all of wether its an event organizer or a venue that customers want to order


Customers is on the main menu and choose the service that they want to use.


Customers do a transaction process

  • 6.    Use case order transaction


    Order transaction




    After the transaction had been on an agreement, customers will do a payment process in order to complete the transaction

    Successful Completion

    Payment success


    Order an event organizer service providers or venue


    Confirm order

7. Use case order confirmation


Order confirmation




Customers do a payment confirmation by sending a payment receipt to the system

Successful Completion

An event organizer service providers would check the payment receipt from customers and accept the payment.


The payment has not been accepted yet


The payment accepted and transaction successful

8. Use case report confirmation


Report confirmation




When the customer makes an order, then the order will be reported by the system and will be accepted by the admin, confirmation of payment in the form of proof or payment receipt will be a report and received by the admin

Successful Completion

Service Order Report from customers and payment confirmation


Order and payment confirmation


Service Order Report and proof of payment

  • b.    Use case diagram


    Register as customers

    Order venue

    Order transaction


    Service providers data register verification

    Payment confirmation

    View event organizer list and venue

    Eegister as an even! organizer service providers

    Order event organizer services

    z Adding an event ∖ organizer services list or venue

    Event Organizer




    2.2 Prototyping method

  • a.    Gathering needs

The developer defines the format of the software / software, identifying the needs and the system created.

  • b.    Build prototyping

Build prototype by making temporary designs that focus on serving the user (for example creating input and output formats).

  • c.    Prototyping evaluation

This stage is carried out by the user, whether the prototyping is made / built, is in accordance with the wishes and needs of the user. If it is not appropriate, prototyping will be revised by repeating the previous steps. But if it is suitable, then the next step will be implemented.

  • d.    System code

At this stage the agreed prototyping is translated into the appropriate programming language.

  • e.    System testing

After the system has become a software that is ready to use, the software must be tested before being used. This aims to minimize the errors of the software. Testing is done by Black Box, White Box, Architecture testing, Base path and others.

  • f.    System evaluation

At this stage the user evaluates the system that has been created as desired. If not, then the developer will repeat steps to d. and e. But if so, step g. will be taken

  • g.    System Usage

Software that has been tested and accepted for use is ready for use.

  • 3.    Result and Discussion

    3.1.  Program implementation

After the design process is carried out regularly, then the program is implemented in the design that has been made into a web-based application (App).

a. Register page user interface

Figure 1. Register page

Finding EO apply the principle that every customers can register also as a event organizer or venue service providers by login to the app first.

  • b. Event organizer or venue finder dashboard page user interface

Figure 2. Event organizer or venue finder dashboard page

On this page, users can search for event organizers or venues (buildings) according to the selected category.

c. Event organizer or venue provider dashboard page user interface

Figure 3. Event organizer or venue provider dashboard page

At this page, event organizer can control their event organizer or venue and adding a new type “Event Organizer” based on event organizer or venue category.

c* Finding EO

d. Event organizer or venue provider create packages fot event or venue page user interface

j Kelola Event Organizer                                                 —

Tambah Birthday EO

⅛ Keoa Gedung

EO yang dita mbaħkan


E- Logout


Balon + Souvernir + Kue + Kursi (30)

Rp. 2.250.000                                         Edit

Figure 4. Event organizer or venue provider create packages for event or venue page

At this page, event organizer can control their event organizer or venue and adding a packages based on event organizer or venue category.

e. Orders event organizer or venue page for customers user interface

Figure 5. Orders event organizer or venue page

Figure 6. Modal (Pop Up) for payment confirmation

After selecting either the package or item that customers want to order, customers can directly process the transaction and payment.

3.2. Program Testing

a. Register page user interface

Data Input




Username, Email, Password

The system will enter the homepage (landing page)

Show the homepage (landing page)


b. Event organizer or venue finder dashboard page user interface

Data Input




click on one of the event organizer categories

The system will enter the event organizer list by category

Event organizer list page by category


c. Event Organizer or venue provider dashboard page user interface

Data Input




click on one of the event organizer categories

The system will enter the event organizer list by category

Event organizer list page by category


Click the “Tambah EO” button

The system will showed modal (pop up) form for creating new type of EO.

Showed the modal (pop up) form for creating new type of EO.


d. Event organizer or venue provider create packages for event or venue page user interface

Data Input




Click (+) icon

The system will showed modal (pop up) form for creating new packages or venue.

Showed the modal (pop up)


e. Orders event organizer or venue page for customers user interface

Data Input




Click “Tambah

Pesanan” Button

The system will go to input detail transaction pages

Detail transaction pages


Click “Confirm

Payment” Button

The System will go to payment method page

Payment method page


  • 4.    Conclusion

Based on the results of the activities carried out, as for the conclusions that can be obtained are, the system (application) Finding EO is a web-based application that is engaged in the Event Organizer and Venue (Building) that developed by using a Prototyping Method. The linkage between 1 feature and other features has been proven in the system testing process which involves 5 main features that are connected so that they are able to project transactions online and display event organizers by category.


  • [1]    T.Suwanto, “Rancang bangun sistem pemesanan jasa event organizer wedding berbasis web,” Universitas Ciputra, 2018.

  • [2]    I. Lukitaningtyas, R. Andreswari dan F. M. Alanshari, “Rancang bangun e marketplace "dyland" bagi penyedia jasa event organizer-party planner menggunakan metode iterative incremental (modul transaksi) studi kasus event organizer kota bandung,” Eproceeding of Engineering 5.3, 2018.

  • [3]    N. K. Wati dan S. M. Fatkhul Amin, “Rancang bangun event salaam organizer semarang berbasis web mobile,” Unisbank.ac.id, 2018.