E-Journal of Tourism Vol.3. No.1. (2016): 45-57

Market and Stakeholders Analyses on Ecotourism in Subak Sembung, Peguyangan Village, Denpasar City

I Made Sarjana

School of Postgraduate Study

Doctorate Degree in Tourism Udayana University

Corresponding author: [email protected]



25 October 2015


19 February 2016 Available online 07 March 2016

By developing new tourism destination, governments and people Bali want to realize sustainability tourism reached higher quality of life. Ecotourism is a part of alternative tourism which is implementing sustainable tourism ideology. Used multifunction term on optimizing rice field areas, Subak Sembung, Peguyangan Village, and Denpasar City established ecotourism destination in 2015. They provide agriculture products and services to tourism who want refresh, relax, or learn farming activities in Subak Sembung’s Rice field areas by creating jogging track, pasar carik (market in rice field areas) etc. Subak sembung plants some excellent commoditie that they can grow up properly in lower areas of Bali like flower, nuts, sweet potatoes, ginger etc.

Keywords: protected, rice field, culture, ecotourism, stakeholders and marketing


Bali is known as international tourism destination with several kinds tourism activities offering for tourists so that the tourists visiting Bali increase every single year. On February 2016, total international tourists came to Bali are 375,744 personal. If the data comparing with data in February 2015 that the tourists increased up to 10.84 % (BPS Bali, 2016). As a small islands, Bali has some excellent comparative such as the islands can be one stop shopping for fulfil tourist’s need. Tourists can see romantic panorama at sea sides (Nusa Dua, Sanur, Kuta, Candidasa etc) or mountain areas (Bedugul, Kintamani, Besakih etc), or the can do biking, hiking, swimming, climbing, snorkelling, diving, or just side seeing. Others tourism activities can be done like searching local culinary, doing farming activities, watching birds or art performance.

Because of some tourists arrived in Bali want to learn local culture and daily live hosts communities so they will stay in rural areas. They will have interactive activities with local people and give a chance to local people to get additional income. This condition inspiring tourism stakeholders to create new kind tourism package is called ecotourism or agro-tourism activities. The effort relevant with argumentation that tourism is a good tools to support rural development, because it will encourage expansion in rural economies and optimize rural resources for better quality life local people (Dinis, 2011).

There are some reasons of tourists to visit rural/farming areas such as release stresses, recharging, and nostalgic activities. Most urban families want to introduce farming activities to their young generation. Nowadays, ecotourism is recognise as a part of alternative tourism to support sustainable tourism over the world. Alternative tourism occurs to substitute unfriendly environment

activities of mass tourism activities which are done by tourists. Most tourists want to consume or doing tourism attractions with less negative impact to environment and local people so that staying on farming areas or feeling a part of rural communities is popular choice for tourists in recent time (Arroyo, Barbieri and Rich, 2013; Szyguła, 2014).

Schilling and Sullivanb (2014) described that the idea to create tourism activities on farming areas firstly happens in United States of America (USA) in 1876. The activity was an exhibition of agricultural products on “Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia”. The exhibition were interested and then other recreation activities in farming (rural) areas are consumed by urban people because originally urban people came from rural areas in the past. It means that urban people have good memories with their daily life in rural areas so they will miss with rural atmosphere or rural landscape. On the other hand, urban people have high stress because of their work in industrial city. Thus, the condition make agro-tourism accepted as new trend on tourism activities.

Moreover, Cichowska and Klimek (2011) pictured that three main reasons agrotourism or ecotourism can be developed faster than other kind tourism such as temporary market trend, the changing life style to consume tourism product which is more environmental friendly and unconventional decision on choosing tourism destination that people more comfortable doing activities in farming areas (agro-tourism). Therefore, many agricultural enterprises expanded their products on tourism services in USA. This trend also occurs in some countries in Europe, Latin America, Asia and other continent. In South East Asia, agro-tourism establish in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippine, and Indonesia.

In Bali, an effort to integrate agriculture activity and tourism creates on many forms such as green tourism, ecotourism, or agro-tourism. Subak Sembung which is located in Peguyangan Village, Denpasar City started to involve in tourism network in 2014 and tourism activities that introduced as “Ecotourism of Subak Sembung” are recognised by local and international tourists.

Research Objective

This research was designed to investigate the role of stakeholders and how marketing activities on developing ecotourism in Subak Sembung.

Literature Review

Ecotourism Definition

In order to know why ecotourism more popular in recent time, it necessary to define what is ecotourism about. Some researcher described ecotourism as tourism activities in which the tourists enjoy natural scenery, learn biodiversity, bird watching, visiting farming areas etc. Surely, ecotourism will be recognized as a tool to support working on natural conservation and economic development of host community (Campbell, 1999; Gössling, 1999; Himberg, 2004). Base on WWF work, Gössling (1999) stressed that ecotourism is tourism activities that tourist minimize their negative impact to environment and hosts communities.

In simple word, The International Ecotourism Society provide definition of ecotourism is “responsible travel to nature areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people” (Blangy and Mehta, 2006; McGahey, 2012; Pearcy and Story, 2013). Base on this definition Blangy and Mehta (2006) explained that three aspects of ecotourism are (1) protect and enhance the environment, (2) respect local culture and provide tangible benefits to host communities and (3) be educational as well as enjoyable for traveler.

Moreover, Wearing and Neil (2009) said that ecotourism is a part of alternative tourism or new form tourism that tourists must have good attitude when they visit a tourism destination. It means tourists should be aware with negative impact of their activities to environmental and sociocultural of local communities. Moreover, the differences of mass tourism and alternative tourism is mass tourism as conventional form of tourism development that tourism must provide standard and large scale accommodations and services, then, alternative tourism invite tourists to enjoy nature tourism or ecotourism

so that some activities are included on it are cultural, educational, scientific, adventure, agri-tourism (rural, farm, ranch).

Buckley (1994) added that ecotourism can be seen as interrelations among some components such as natural environment, tourism management, economic activities, and attitude of tourists. In other words, to have well management of ecotourism destination need good collaboration between local people, tourists, government, industrial tourism and other tourism components. The collaboration crates harmony relationship major component of tourism business such as products and markets, management, money and people (ibid).

In addition, Campbell (1999) pictured that tourists who consume the ecotourism must have good responsibility, good effort to support environmentally friendly destination management, good participation to control profit sharing to conservation fund, and good respect to local community. Campbell found out that some challenges are faced on managing ecotourism properly such as: a) minimum support from government, b) lack participation of tourism industry, b) local people competencies on managing ecotourism need to increase because initiative of local community must be key success of ecotourism development that they will try to execute and control the process.

State of Queensland (2015) described that to support ecotourism development must be applied some principles that are: a) site plan of ecotourism must be well planned which have flexibility to reach compatible relationship between natural and cultural values of the ecotourism destination. b) ecotourism destination should provide a unique or innovative visitor experiences for tourists. c) ecotourism destination should promote variation attraction and site for side seeing. d) facilities will provide for the public interest, e) the authorization of ecotourism facilities will be consistent and transparent while protecting the intellectual property, and f) the type and duration of authorities granted will recognize the level of investment and rate of return of investment.

Barkauskiene and Snieska (2013) noted that ecotourism as an instrument of rural community to fix some problems such as natural, economical, and social development. In this context, Bali got excess of mass tourism development like water resources scarcity, conflict of interest on using lands for agriculture sector or tourism sector. Big gap between rich and poor people is also still a problem than cannot met the solution yet. The negative impact of tourism on other social and cultural impact should be managed properly. Those problems could be accomplished by ecotourism in which local people can reach sustainable livelihoods, cultural preservation and biodiversity conservation (Blangy and Mehta, 2006).

These are some ecotourism components must be considered for developing a good ecotourism destination, such as: “ a. contribute to conservation of biodiversity; b. sustains the well-being of local people; c. includes an interpretation learning experiences; d. involve responsible action on the part of tourists and tourism industry; e. is delivered primarily to small group from smallscale business; f. require lowest possible consumption of non-renewable resources; g. stresses local participation, ownership and business opportunities, particularly for rural people “(Wood, 2002).

In order to support sustainability of ecotourism destination, Pomeranz, Needham and Kruger (2013) recommended a conceptual model about indicators of (eco) tourism use and code of conduct. The conceptual is presented on picture 1 below.


Economic Dimension

Sociocultural Dimension

Institutional Dimension

Environmental Dimension

Figure 1. Prism of sustainability. Adapted from Cottrell et al. (2007) and Spangenberg (2002). (Source: Pomeranz et al; 2013)

The prism can indicate each development of ecotourism destination must consider four dimension such as: Environmental dimensions with conserving nature, minimize pollutant on ecotourism destination areas. Economic dimension that ecotourism destination must provide good opportunity of business and job seeker in local community. It means ecotourism is dedicated for new source income of hosts’ communities. Sociocultural dimension that ecotourism must contribute to respect local people on preserving their culture. Institutional dimension that ecotourism should support encouraging institution of local community to support effort on conserving nature, preserving social and cultural activities, optimizing economic opportunity.

Stakeholders Analysis Concepts

Stakeholder analysis is an equipment to identify who involved on the project so it can be accelerated to reach the goal effectively. As Babiuch, and Farhar (1994) stated that ” Stakeholder analysisidentification of key upcoming decisions and decision makers to define analysis needs and questions” thus it could be mean a study to find out some roles played by each group or individual on supporting development process. In this context, stakeholders refer to personals and institutions “who are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or successful project completion” (Yang, Zou and Keating, 2013)(Sunarsa, 2010).

Scholars mostly quoted the meaning of stakeholders is key players that can affect or be affected by a company's activities that was stated by Freeman on 1984 (Agüera, 2013; Velasquez, 2014). Stakeholders consist to kind group of people who are affected by the impact of an activity and who can guidance the impact of an activity. Moreover, Blackman (2003) explained that stakeholders include: user group or people who use the resources or services in an area; interest group (people who have an interest in, an opinion about, or who can affect the use of, a resource or service), beneficiaries of the project, decision-makers, and those often excluded from the decisionmaking process.

Market Analysis Concepts

In simple word, market can be understood as with a physical or virtual location where people buy and sell things. However, the structure and functioning of markets (e.g. global market trends, product quality, traders, pricing, seasonality, inflation, rules and regulations) and are thus valuable sources of information when it comes to understanding markets (Anon, 2014). To make it more clear, the market definition which is stated by Albu and Murphy (2007) is proper to adopt. They described that:

“We are using ‘market’ to refer to the set of institutions, rules, structures and supporting functions that enable and shape exchanges or trade between producers, consumers, traders and other intermediaries. The ‘market’ in this sense is complex system with many diverse actors. It has tangible physical components (roads, ports, warehouses, shops, communications infrastructure) and intangible social institutions (laws and social rules, protocols, social relationships and enforcement mechanisms).”

The statement pictured that activities of market activities is not easy to do because it require hard work and high understanding to apply market theory and create market network. The actor of marketing should able to make plan, execute the plan and evaluate it. To support creating a marketing plan, actors must build marketing mapping (picture 1).

Table 1

Marketing Mapping

(Source: Anon, 2014).

Bustam and Stein (2013) explained that to sell ecotourism destination need a marketing plan consisted target of eco tourist group, opportunities, and how destination of ecotourism will go about providing those opportunities. To prepare ecotourism destination, some consideration below must be kept in mind of the planner such as: 1) ensure your offerings satisfy Eco tourist desires while providing a profit to you, 2) identify strategies to help ecotourists access the opportunities you provide, 3) consider how to best market your opportunities based on how they relate to your potential market, and 4) consider public and private ecotourism competitors and strategies to diversify your unique ecotourism opportunities (ibid).

Moreover, to make clear understating on preparing marketing ecotourism, a book on “Seri Marketing Communication” with title “Era Bisnis Ramah Lingkungan: Strategi Marketing Communication Masa Depan” will be a good reference. The books was originally wrote by Kennedy (2009) mention that in recent time or future business men or women should consider friendly environmental aspect of their business. Kennedy stated that as correction of business activities past time didn’t care with carrying capacity and focused to exploit nature massively so that many kind negative impact released to environment. Thus local people will be attacked with unwise policy private enterprise or government. Because environmental awareness of people over the world arise so each business activities must show their respect to nature and local people. Base on Ducker assumption, Kennedy questioned how the enterprise can exist in future. The Ducker assumption described that business theories should reflect on three assumption: the first, care with environment (local people and their structure, market, consumer, and technology); the second, assumption of specific organization; and the third, assumption of core competition which is need to support an effort realized mission of organization. Therefore, some concepts of the book of Kennedy are implemented to analysis ecotourism market in Subak Sembung, because Subak Sembung started to drive friendly environmental business with rice field multifunction.

To reach successful effort of ecotourism marketing, management of ecotourism in Subak Sembung should have marketing skills or marketing competencies. According to Middleton and Long on de Klerk, Bevan-Dye and Garnett (2012) marketing skills are those skills that focus on facilitating, enabling and optimizing the marketing process. It means that management of ecotourism Subak Sembung is not only increase quality of internal Subak Sembung environment so it can be promoted as ecotourism destination but also the management must be actively create or involve on tourism marketing networks. In other words, it should be balance between creating good scenery or good facilities for ecotourism purpose and how to promote it to tourists or consumers.

This condition made the knowledge of consumer ecotourism is logic as essential component of skills must be had by ecotourism management in Subak Sembung. Wood (2002) pictured that consumers of ecotourism have some characteristic which are: their ages from 35- 54 years old; genders are 50% men and 50% women; education 82% graduated from university; composition: traveling with couple 60%, families (15), and travelling alone (13%); trip duration that is around 7-14 days 50%; expenditure is 50% tourists planned to spend 1,000 – 1,500 US$ for one trip; important elements trip is spending time in nature areas in three expectation such as a wilderness setting, to enjoy scenery and nature, hiking/trekking; and then motivation for taking next trip are to enjoy scenery/nature, new experience/places.

In order to provide clear understanding about marketing analysis of ecotourism in ecotourism, it can use marketing mix elements and its characteristics (table 2) that is adopted from Bustam and Stein (2013).

Table 2 Characteristics of Marketing Mix Elements




  • a.    Product, A clearly identified ecotourism product/service (i.e., ecotourism opportunities you provide for your visitors) is the first necessity in delineating your marketing plan.

  • b.    Services offered. Tourism is often considered a “service industry” therefore, what service are you going to provide?

  • c.    Timing refers to variations in consumption of ecotourism opportunities based on holidays and high/low seasons. Packaging. Ecotourism opportunities often require packaging of amenities (e.g., lodging, food service, transportation) to offer a convenient and competitive experience. Forexample, ecotour operators might combine canoe/kayak experiences with camping at local state parks, while agritour operators might package with local bed and breakfasts.

  • d.    Image. Perceptions of ecotourism operators are a result of reputation and perceived quality. Careful consideration for the image being delivered through marketing messages may result in positive ecotourist perceptions of your ecotourism business.

  • e.    Service quality. Providing exemplary customer service for quality ecotourism experiences can prove advantageous

in establishing a positive image. For example, excellent customer service includes more than friendliness and helpfulness, such as quality delivery of ecotourism services (e.g., highly qualified guides, low guest to guide training ratio, diverse lodging/food service amenities)

  • f.    Liability. A common concern of landowners interested in establishing an ecotourism venture is liability.

  • g.    Research. Research on ecotourists’ geographic, demographic, and psychographic differences is needed for ecotourism marketing success


  • a.    product quality (i.e., consistent supply of products/ services at an acceptable quality level

  • b.    competition (other private business owners as well as publicly owned natural attractions in the local area offering similar products/services),

  • c.    distribution of products/services and consumers,cost (e.g., capital and maintenance costs)

  • d.    seasonality (i.e., the annual ebb and flow of product/service consumption, and profit margin (i.e., the sum of net profit and total operating expenses).

  • e.    price skimming (i.e., charging high prices to maximize profit in the short run) and

  • f.    penetration pricing (i.e., introducing your product/ service at a low price to gain the majority of the



  • a.    Brands. A product brand is a distinguishable name or symbol (e.g., a logo) to differentiate your opportunities from those of your competitors

  • b.    Advertising is paid promotion and includes consideration of when, where, and how to promote ecotourism opportunities.

  • c.    Personal selling. This technique involves personal communication with ecotourist consumers/distribution channels and is used to create consumer demand and inspire selling of ecotourism opportunities d. Public relations. Since ecotourism is a “people business,” priority must be centered on public interest during decisionmaking. As such, fostering a philosophy that is public-centered within your ecotourism business and establishing policies for this ethic will aid in promoting your ecotourism services/products to meet ecotourist needs and wants.

e. Social media. The use of social media for communication is an increasing trend


  • a.    Distribution channels. Distribution channels (e.g., travel agents, internet sales) are used to match your ecotourism opportunities with potential ecotourists.

  • b.    Geographic area. The geographic area refers to the location of your ecotourism operation and the extent of your marketing strategies

beyond this area.


  • a.    special activities,

  • b.    themed events, c. education programs


  • a.    the market group that would use your products/services (e.g., individuals/families, particular skill levels),

  • b.    any additional services required (e.g., accessibility, food service, lodging),

  • c.    the varying characteristics influential on participation (e.g., age, interests, desired experiences),

  • d.    the location of these consumers (i.e., proximity to your business), and

  • e.    how to best communicate with them (e.g., internet, newspaper, radio, television, brochures).

Partnerships .

  • a.    Public-private. Public land management agencies (e.g., National Park Service, State Park Service, and county parks) focus heavily on conservation and protection of the lands they manage; therefore, they are unable to accommodate much of what ecotourists might desire.

  • b.    Private-private partnerships. Other options exist in delivering ecotourism opportunities and depend on the size/structure of your ecotourism business. For example, private-private partnerships consist of ecotourism operators pooling resources to offer package deals.

  • c.    Other partnerships. Additional options exist in regards to marketing partnerships. For example, many ecotourism operators

rely on their local convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs) to assist in marketing their ecotourism business.

(Source: Bustam, and Stein; 2013).

Results and Discussion

Ecotourism in Subak Sembung

The research was conducted in Subak Sembung, Denpasar City. The areas of subak is 25 m above sea level. Subak Sembung has 198 farming families as subak’s members and the farmers manage 115 hectare rice fields. The rice field area of Subak Sembung is devide into six munduk such as Munduk Umawani (20 Ha), Munduk Sapian (20 Ha), Munduk Sembung (13 Ha), Munduk Umapuan (35 Ha), Munduk Jabakuta (14 Ha), and Munduk Umapelak (13 Ha). The rice fields have been managed by farming families for planting wet rice as main commodity. Additionally, they also cultivate horticulture commodities such as watercress (kangkung), sweet potatoes, flowers, ginger etc. Thus, to support additional income farmers have side activities like manage cattle especially Balinese cow, or fishes in around their rice field.

Historically, Subak Sembung has been exist for more than one millennium so farmers practice their activities in rice field just followed their ancestors. It means to be a farmer is a way of life, farmers rarely consider the activities in rice field must be reached good income. Ideally, farmers apply business management on managing rice field, so they can increase their income. Unfortunately, many factors made subak mission to help farmer good standard quality of life is difficult to realize. Implementing green revolution with use inorganic agriculture input made their land broken and decline quality and quantity rice production so farmers’ income were decreased from time to time. On the other hand, bad habit of people in Denpasar city throw water waste from industrial and house hold activities to the irrigation systems bring negative impact to rice field that water pollutant disturb rice production process. This condition made many rice field land areas were chanced function and

up to now the wide rice field only 115 Ha. If in the past rice field areas from Peguyangan Village until Lumintang areas or office of Badung Regency formerly.

When environment issues occurs that people must manage nature resources wisely, Subak Sembung participate as catchment areas for Denpasar City. This decision has consequence that all farmers in Subak Sembung must planting rice in organic way and farmers shoul maintain their irrigation system for keeping clean every time. The hard work of Subak Sembung members to conserve their rice field areas appreciated by government and other institution. Subak Sembung noted got number I on subak championship on Bali Province level in 2014. Because of it, government of Denpasar City decide to support ecotourism activities in Subak Sembung. It can be said ecotourism in Subak Sembung as a bonus for good effort of subak members to conserve their socio culture and nature.

Roles of Stakeholders on  developing

Ecotourism in Subak Sembung

In order to analysis stakeholders role on developing ecotourism in Subak Sembung, that could be identified who are the stakeholders involved on it. As known there are some stakeholders must be included on planning, managing or evaluating ecotourism destination such as: small and medium-sized local business, communities and nongovernment organization, government, tourism board, transportation private enterprises, hotel and restaurant, travel agent etc. In addition, Salvado, Freitas and Carbone (2015) provided as List of Possible Stakeholders those indicated in European Tourism Indicator System Toolkit which can apply for stakeholder analysis in Ecotourism Subak Sembung are:

  • 1.    Private sector representative/s: travel agent, hotel and restaurant, etc

  • 2.    Destination management organization (Ecotourism Management of Subak Sembung, local guide, subak board, office of Peguyangan Village.

  • 3.    Tourism authority (Cultural and Tourism Department of Denpasar City)

  • 4.    Destination         marketing/Public

Relations agency

  • 5.    Local authority staff concerned with employment/economy( cooperation Department

  • 6.    Education institutions (Udayana University, 10 State Senior High School in Denpasar etc)

  • 7.    Local community organization (Kelompok tani Sayur mayor, Kelompok tani ikan, kelompok tani ternak.

  • 8.    Local authority planning department (BLH/environmental department of Denpasar City, office of Peguyangan Village

  • 9.    Organization     concerned     with

preservation of local culture/heritage (customary village Peguyangan, Subak Sembung)

  • 10. Local authority transport department

Historically, this is the background idea of ecotourism in Subak Sembung. It was the situation that farmers in Subak Sembung have been pressured by uncomfortable situation that they must sustain activities in farming areas with some big problems. Firstly, pollutant on water and soil because so many garbage in irrigation system and farmers used unfriendly agricultural input such fertilizers, pesticides, etc. secondly, the price of rice as main product is too cheap, so farmers cannot reach good income from cultivate rice. Unfortunately, selling rice with system tebasan or farmers selling rice on the land base on wide areas of rice cultivation. For example, one acre rice cultivation will be bought by collectors in 200,000 IDN. The way of marketing rice is vulnerable for farmers because some farmers faced unlucky situation that their rice has been cultivated but they do not get any money. “Around three years ago, I purchased my own rice to a collector from Gianyar Regency or Jembrana Regency, he cultivate my rice but he didn’t pay it. I got loss around 10,000,000 IDN,” said Ni Ketut Sari (perscomm, Mei 2016).Thirdly, Subak Sembung is under pressured by high tax land and changed functionality rice field to other function like properties mainly houses. For the last problem has been solved by subsidiary tax land by government, and then, to anticipate changed function of land subak members have agreements on the awig-awig (customary low)

that they can sell the land to someone but the function of the land still as rice field. To solve the situation, local leaders had some meeting to find some ideas and they agree that Subak Sembung must sustain it function as center of rice production in Denpasar City. For raising farmers income, the support Pekaseh and others subak board to create multi-function of rice field with connecting Subak Sembung to tourism networking. Therefore ecotourism in Subak Sembung established on November 2015 base on decree (surat keputusan) of Denpasar City Mayor No. 188.45/222/HK/2015.

Is the idea to build Subak Sembung as ecotourism destination came from government? Pekaseh Subak Wayan Sunarta and Management of ecotourism in Subak Sembung Made Suastika refuse this assumption. They have argumentation that the idea to transform Subak Sembung as ecotourism destination originally occurs from internal subak members that farmers want to have new income source without leaving their work as farmer. Then, local leaders included Penglingsir Puri Peguyangan and legislative member AAG Widiada agree with the idea so that they crated strategy planning with aims: (1) to reduces negative impact of agricultural and home industrial activities to environment; (2) conserving local culture especially paddy culture; (3) declining poverty; (4) providing job and business opportunities to local people. “Governments have role to support the idea with some wise public policy for creating good atmosphere to build ecotourism and its legality,” said Pekaseh Sembung Wayan Sunarta (Perscomm, Maret 2016).

Made Suastika added that on creating ecotourism plan must have mutual understanding all stakeholders who have different interests (see table 3 below). Each person or group must negotiate their ambition/view to get good agreement on reaching subak mission that supporting quality of life subak member. “The first priority we must put ecotourism in Subak Sembung for anticipate changed function of rice field or this area we can call as sawah lestari (sustainable rice field) so that we have agreement that farmer or land owner can sell his rice field but they can’t change it function,” explained Made Suastika (perscomm, April 2016).

The next process is local leaders communicate with other stakeholders to get support on realizing ecotourism development. Fortunatly, Badan Lingkungan Hidup/BLH (Environment Department) of Denpasar City. BLH give quick respond that this institution collaborate with Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH) Udayana University supervised subak members to manage their rice field areas both on applying organic technology and creating new tourism landscapes. For the last effort, subak member develop jogging track around rice field. They want to attract people to come for sightseeing and exercising simultaneously. “We adopt the idea to maximize multi-functionality of rice fields that not only use to produce rice and others food commodities but also to attract people having leisure activities in this areas,” said Ecotourism Management of Subak Sembung Made Suastika (perscomm April 2016).

Another non-government organization which is called PPLH Bali train local people to manage garbage because plastic garbage is the main problem in Bali and it disturbs farmers on planting rice in organic way. Base on PPLH Bali experience on managing garbages, Farmers in Subak Sembung have ability how to make their environment in keep in clean and green. This the basic requirements to transform rice field areas food production areas to ecotourism destination. Participation of farmers on generating Sapta Pesonal and Sadar Wisata in Subak Sembung are appreciated. There are some kind of participation form such as: a. attending a meeting, even though they do not say anything; b. taking part in the decisionmaking process; c. contributing materials, money or labour; d. providing information, and e. answering questions for a survey.

Tabel 3

Stakeholders and their interest in ecotourism development in Subak Sembung.

Stakeholde rs


Likely impact of ecotourism

Subak members

To have new source of income

Having additional income

Local leader

To open new


(lurah, bendesa adat, tokoh Puri Peguyangan )

business   and

job opportunities for        local


appreciation for creating space for local people

PPL/agent of change

To support better farming in Subak Sembung

Rewarding from famers and government.

Nongovernment Organisatio n   (PPLH


To advance awareness of plastic garbage management in Bali

Having new ideas     to

disseminate innovation to     keep

clean   and

green environment


Badan Lingkungan Hidup (Environme nt Department) Denpasar

To   conserve

Subak Sembung   as

water catchment areas        of

Denpasar City

Getting sustainabilit y        of

protected rice     field

areas     in

Subak Sembung

Dinas Pariwisata (Cultural and Tourism Department) Denpasar City

To     diverse

tourism attraction    in

Denpasar City

Holding new destination tourism for promotion in order to attract more tourist    to

visit Denpasar City.

Women group

To have new market for their products     of

economic creativity

Selling farmers and home industrial product


To have space for playing game or refreshing.

Learning farming activities and natural subjects

Tourism industries (travel agent, accommodat ion,    hotel

To diverse tour packages

Selling more packages and helping subak    to

promote ecotourism.

and restaurant, transportatio n,   tourism


Education institution (Udayana University etc)

To disseminate new technology on  managing

environment and      learn

sustainable development process in real condition.

Empowerin g      local

people    to

get    good

quality and quantity rice production

Marketing Process of Ecotourism in Subak Sembung

On marketing aspect of ecotourism in Subak Sembung face many challenges such as limited human resources who can manage tourism marketing properly, limited resources like web and others. Made Suastika said that he still thinking how can build tourism marketing strategy relevance with the need of ecotourism in Subak Sembung. “For us who work in farming areas daily, the task of ecotourism marketing is really difficult so that I ask everyone who come here to help us how to promote and sell our product and services to their relatives and freiends,” said Made Suastika (perscomm, April 2016). Made Suastika explained that he isn’t develop marketing strategies for selling ecotourism yet, because Subak Sembung still concentrate to increase environment quality so it will be interested to visit by tourists either domestic or internal tourists.

Besides door to door selling, ecotourism management of Subak Sembung penetrate tourism market in Bali with digital ways that it exist on Facebook, and it is often discussed on online mass media and blogs. Location of ecotourism in Subak Sembung is around city center so it really easy to access, so many tourists will come this area. By implementing marketing mix, ecotourism in Subak Sembung have some excellent competitiveness. In Product dimension, Subak Sembung already has some tourism attractions such as jogging track around 2,7 km, it also have organic farming area, and waterfall. Made Suastika said ecotourism management

still us volunteer donation from tourists as income and they still consider to create entrance ticket price which is applied next time. On promotion activities, it is limited cost to do it so it can’t be had good impact on selling the place. Thus, the quality of place have been increased gradually because there was built toilet, park, and meeting. On programming dimension, Subak Sembung on progress to create calendar events like establish pasar carik in future, local culinary festivals. Made Suastika explained that some tourists attraction will introduce such as outbound, local culinary (nasi sela, nasi beras organic or organic rice, sambal bongkot, herbal drink like rosella tea).

People in Subak Sembung have good awareness to be a part of tourism industry. They welcome to visitors or tourist that they provide facilities and services to fulfil tourists need. “I hope visitors feel that they on their home when they visit us, so that they will visit us any time. Recent time visitors in ecotourism Subak Sembung are dominated by domestics tourists in group like from Jakarta, East Java and others. Local people visit Subak Sembung usually student from Udayana University, student high school in Denpasar. However, international tourists are relatively slow growth to visit us, only one or two person. All visitor provide us good motivation to manage ecotourism destination well. Surely, ecotourism in Subak Sembung will be favourite tourism destination in Denpasar City in future,” stated A.A. Wisnawa, local guide (perscomm on Mei 2016).

The last effort that is still continued is creating network or partnership. Subak Sembung collaborate with some government institution to do marketing mix, private enterprise like local mass media to introduce ecotourism. Moreover, ecotourism management is still not confident to get tourism involvement to have agreement. For this situation Made Suastika said that “I still have communication to some tourism agents but there are no conclusion until now that how can we collaborate to support ecotourism in Subak Sembung.”


To sustain tourism development in Bali, government and people should be creative to create new destination. Subak Sembung, Peguyangan Village has contribution to provide alternative tourism attraction in Denpasar City with ecotourism activities in rice field areas. Some facilities are already built in Subak Sembung such as toilet, jogging track, etc. Governments, private enterprise, local leader, non-government organization, education institution are some stakeholders who are involved on developing ecotourism destination. Each stakeholder’s element has special role so that ecotourism in Subak Sembung is recognized widely by international and domestic tourists from time to time. However, on marketing dimension ecotourism in Subak Sembung needs to improve with implemented marketing mix. The marketing is not developed well yet, because the management still concentrate to transform rice field scenery as agricultural park as main attraction of ecotourism.


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