Community Based Tourism Analysis at Alamendah Tourism Village
E-Journal of Tourism Vol.10. No.2. (2023): 219-230
Community Based Tourism Analysis at Alamendah Tourism Village
Leanora Angelica Agatha Sarwani, Artin Ar. Hermawanti*, Annisa Ramadhanty, Alhilal Furqan
School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Article Info
August 26th 2023
September 20th 2023
September 30th 2023
Alamendah Tourism Village is an agronomic village, where most of the land is used for agricultural activities. Alamendah Tourism Village has begun to focus on developing product innovations and tour packages by utilizing the potential that exists in the village. The development of the Alamendah Tourism Village is inseparable from the active role of the local community. This paper aims to identify the steps in developing and maintaining CBT in Alamendah Tourism Village. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The data used in this study are primary and secondary. Primary data was used from interviews and field observations. While the secondary data used was obtained from e-books, scientific journals, news, and other documents. Based on the results of an analysis of the ten stages of community-built tourism both at the formation and development stages, most of the indicators contained in the ten stages have been fulfilled however there are still several indicators contained that have not been fulfilled in tourism activities organized by the community in Alamendah Tourism Village.
Keywords: community-based tourism; tourism village; Alamendah
Tourism Village.
A tourist village is a rural area with an original and distinctive atmosphere both from the socio-economic life, socio-cul-ture, customs, and daily life of the people. A tourist village has a typical village architecture and spatial structure, attractive economic activities, and potential that can be developed, such as attractions, lodging, food and beverages, and other tourism needs (Maraiana, Saefurrohman, N. , & Utomo , 2023). Tourism villages are the government's efforts to increase economic
growth, and people's welfare, eradicate poverty, overcome actions, restore nature, the environment, and resources, and promote culture in line with tourism development goals. The development of tourist villages is also a form of effort to accelerate village development in an integrated manner to encourage the social, cultural, and economic transformation of villages. Therefore, every village needs to pay close attention to its potential to be appointed and developed to provide added value and be developed to provide added value benefits and produce high productivity for the welfare of its people (Limanseto, 2021)
Alamendah Village, located in Bandung Regency, West Java, was designated as a Tourism Village on February 2, 2011, through Keputusan Bupati Bandung No. 556.42/kep.71-DISBUDPAR/2011. Initially, the Alamendah Tourism Village did not have any products or tour packages that would appeal to tourists, so tourist visits were limited for the first eight years. In general, Alamendah Tourism Village is an agronomic village, where most of the land is used for agricultural activities. This village is located at an altitude of 1,200 – 1,550 meters above sea level with an average temperature of 19 – 20 degrees Celsius and has a rainfall of 2,150 mm/year. The village, which covers 505.6 hectares, consists of 5 hamlets, 30 RWs, and 122 RTs with a total of 7,329 families and 22,541 people (Alamendah Tourism Village Profile Book).
However, at the beginning of 2019, the Alamendah Tourism Village management team began to focus on developing product innovations and tour packages by exploiting the potential that exists in the village. They offer various activities, such as farming, making food preparations and Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) souvenirs, practicing Pencak Silat, watching Karinding art performances, milking cows, learning coffee processing, and cycling around the village. This effort was successful, and products and tour packages which are the daily activities of the local community have become an attraction for tourists, creating an unforgettable experience. In the second semester of 2019, Alamendah Tourism Village managed to attract more than 30 visiting groups from various institutions, such as government, schools, families, and the general public, with a total of more than 2500 people. The majority of tourists take the Alamendah Trip package which offers activities such as farming, milking, SME, crafts, and art. In its development activities, Alamendah Tourism Village is inseparable from the active role of the community as a form of empowerment to improve the welfare of its people
(Alamendah Tourism Village Profile Book).
The increase in tourist visits to Ala-mendah is increasing rapidly, driven by the needs of the millennial-era community who prioritize holidays as part of their lifestyle and an escape from daily routines. Internet and social media such as websites, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide information about tourist destinations quickly and easily, while various and affordable transportation facilities make it easier for people to travel (Mardian, et al., 2022). Unlike in the previous era, information about tourist destinations can now be obtained easily via the Internet and social media. Globalization and technological advances through the Internet and transportation have had a major impact on the development of the tourism industry (Sukmadi, Goeltom, Darmawan, & Simatupang, 2023).
Community Based Tourism (CBT) is a tool that can be used as a community development tool to strengthen the ability of rural communities to manage village-owned tourism resources while ensuring community participation. CBT makes it easy for local people to earn income, diversify the local economy, soothe culture, address the environment, and provide educational opportunities (Hamzah & Khalifah, 2009). CBT focuses on strong community participation involving communities in tourism management and development, ownership, and direct financial gain. The concept of Community Based Tourism is a new paradigm in the tourism management process that is based on local community activities. The concept of Community Based Tourism can be interpreted as part of the development of a village as a tourist destination through empowering local communities, where the community is involved in the planning, management, and aspirations of decisions in the development process. The development of the Ala-mendah Tourism Village is inseparable from the participation of local communities in every process. Therefore this paper e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857
aims to identify the steps in developing and maintaining CBT in Alamendah Tourism Village.
This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative method is the collection of data in a scientific setting with the intention of interpreting an object, phenomenon, or social setting which will be outlined in narrative writing. In the qualitative method, the researcher is a key instrument, sampling data sources is done purposively and snowball, the collection technique is triangulation (combined), data analysis is induc-tive/qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather than generalization (Anggito & Setiawan, 2018). The data used in this study are primary and secondary. The primary data used was obtained from interviews and field observations. While the secondary data used was obtained from e-books, scientific journals, news, and other documents.
Step 1: Identify Potential location and community
1. Natural resources
Alamendah Tourism Village is one of the villages that has the potential for extraordinary natural beauty as the name of the village means beautiful nature. The natural potential possessed by the Alamendah Tourism Village ranges from forests, rivers, waterfalls, and the biodiversity in it.
2. Agrotourism
The main economic activity in Ala-mendah Tourism Village is in the agricultural sector. Land use in the Alamendah Tourism Village is dominated by dry fields and fields for vegetable and fruit commodities including green onions, coffee, strawberries, garlic, carrots, and celery. Ala-mendah Tourism Village puts agro-tourism activities as its superior product. There are
tourism activities offered to range from production, and processing, to packaging of agricultural and plantation products.
3. Traditional art
Alamendah Village has a variety of traditional arts. There are a variety of arts, ranging from jaipong dance, karinding music, calung music, and lute flute music, to martial arts. Even though they do not yet have a performance venue and adequate training studio, the artists in Alamendah Tourism Village are highly committed to continuing to develop these arts.
4. Farm
Apart from agriculture and plantations, some people also work as cattle breeders. One of its superior products is cow's milk produced from the traditional milking process. Apart from liquid milk distributed through cooperatives, cow's milk is also processed into other food preparations. This cow milking activity is included in the tourism activity offered by the Alamendah Tourism Village. Through this activity, tourists can experience firsthand the experience of raising cows, from milking, and bathing the cows, to trying fresh milk directly.
5. Crafts and the creative economy
In the Alamendah Tourism Village, there is a program that focuses on dealing with waste problems in the community including various activities from forming a culture of disposing of waste in its place. Alamendah Tourism Village encourages the community to participate in preserving tourist areas by improving waste management which is an innovation in tour packages. Utilization of waste into biogas, plastic waste into recycled souvenirs, and other crafts to become educational packages.
Step 2: Assess community needs and readiness for tourism
1. Action 1: Asking the right questions.
Why should the community be involved in tourism? Why should people get involved in the party? These are key questions that need to be asked and answered before a community is ready to adopt e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857
tourism. Some of the actions to support this step that emerged from the case studies include asking the right questions, defining the role of tourism, and conducting a situation analysis (Nair & Hamzah, 2015). The prospects for farming and animal husbandry in Alamendah Village are still quite good, but extreme weather changes are more frequent in Alamendah Village, increasing the likelihood of crop failure, so residents need other jobs that they can rely on when their main livelihood as farmers and breeders fail.
Why tourism?
The geographical condition of Ala-mendah Village which is at the foot of Mount Patuha makes Alamendah Village have such a beautiful landscape accompanied by pine forests and several waterfalls which make the village a favorite destination for nature lovers and mountain climbers. As well as the existence of a West Java Provincial Government program that targets the formation of several tourist villages in every district and city in West Java, making residents and initiators of village formation realize the enormous tourism potential possessed by Alamendah Village.
2. Action 2: Determining the role of tourism
In Alamendah village, the role of tourism is as an alternative source of income for residents in the village where their main source of income is farming and animal husbandry. Alamendah Village has developed several tourism products to offer tourists, ranging from trekking to educational tourism in Alamendah Village. Alamendah Village has also received various training assistance to support tourism development in Alamendah Village, such as training for residents who will become Tour Guides, as well as training for residents who are hosts or homestay owners.
3. Action 3: Carrying out a situational analysis
It is hoped that the development of the Alamendah Tourism Village will not
only generate economic benefits but also serve as a forum for cultural preservation and community development. This is realized through the inclusion of local culture in tourism products made by the management of the Alamendah Tourism Village, such as welcoming tourists with Pencak Silat performances presented by the local community.
Step 3: Educate and prepare the community for tourism
When rural communities decide to tailor tourism, providing tourism information and preparing the community is important (Nair & Hamzah, 2015). Prepare the community by providing opportunities to provide suggestions and input on plans, processes, and implementation activities. The community will be the main actor in the sustainability of tourism in the village. On the other hand, even though most local people are friendly, the emergence of tourism as a business will potentially present challenges in the form of tensions between local communities and jealousy, thus triggering the emergence of unhealthy business competition. Alamendah Village has tourism potential that can and is being developed, natural beauty is the main prestige that is packed into tourism activities. The local community of Alamendah Village also gave a positive response and participated in the development of tourism in Al-amendah Village. In the development of Alamendah Village, Alamendah Village does not have the power to stand alone for tourism purposes. Alamendah Village cooperates with the Government of Bandung Regency to periodically review the availability of resource capacity owned by Ala-mendah Village and provide direction in the form of training and outreach to stakeholders for the management and preservation of Alamendah Tourism Village. Internally, Alamendah Village formed youth organizations and a Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS) to help prepare for tourism and regular discussions held by stakeholders.
Step 4: Identify and establish leader-ship/local champion
The success of CBT cannot be separated from its leadership and organization. The essence of the ongoing support from the community is the presence of a strong leader who is respected (Nair & Hamzah, 2015). Alamendah Tourism Village is managed by a local community chaired by the chairman of the Alamendah Tourism Village. The managing chairman of the Al-amendah Tourism Village changes periodically which is determined by the general election. The management of Alamanda Tourism Village is related to a planned and coordinated process to utilize and manage tourism resources to bring tourists to Dawala through a series of integrated actions from planning, organizing, and implementing to evaluating. The management of the Alamendah Tourism Village has resources that are ready and able to manage and facilitate all activities with good planning, management, and output.
Step 5: Prepare and develop community organization
To implement successful community-driven tourism (CBT) projects, local leaders must establish capable community organizations. CBT projects have a life cycle and can decline if leadership fails to initiate as the project develops. Different organizational structures are required at different stages of a CBT project: The first phase relies on local talent, while this Phase involves professional search assistance as the project progresses (Nair & Hamzah, 2015).
Alamendah Tourism Village was formed on the initiative of local youth with stakeholders in Alamendah Village and was later ratified as a Tourism Village on February 2, 2011, through Bandung Regent Decree No. 556.42/kep.71-DISBUD-PAR/2011.
Alamendah Tourism Village is increasingly improving and getting assistance from the Bandung Regency Disparbud and several universities in 2019 formed a solid organizational structure with a goal focus on forming attractive tour packages and technology-based marketing.
Figure 1. Organizational Structure of the Alamendah Tourism Village in 2019 to date (2023). Source: Alamendah Tourism Village (2023)
-Drawing solely from the talent within the local community |
V |
-Seeking professional help without sacrificing community structure |
V |
1. Empowering women and youth | |
a. Creating specific bureau/association |
√ |
b. Appointment of office bearers |
√ |
c. Designation of roles and type of activities of each bureau |
√ |
2. Formulating a common vision but realistic targets | |
a. Provide the direction to guide the community |
V |
b. Inform the locals about the impact of tourism |
√ |
c. Formulate the common vision |
V |
d. Set realistic targets (consider factors such as level of education, skills and training gaps) |
√ |
3. Nurturing an anti handout mentality | |
- Encourage self help sense of ownership |
V |
4. Establishing a community fund | |
a. Setup the community fund (to manage the income & expenditure) |
√ |
b. Create revolving fund for community |
√ |
c. Create microcredit facilities |
√ |
Figure 2. Checklist Step 5: Prepare and Develop Community Organizations. Source: Alamendah Tourism Village (2023)
Step 6: Develop partnerships
As CBT evolves into a complex project, expanding the target market segment is essential. One of the efforts to develop and increase competitiveness is the formation of partnerships (Nair & Hamzah, 2015). The form of cooperation can be taken from 4 forms. Starting from cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), cooperation with universities, cooperation with government agencies, and cooperation with the tourism industry. Collaboration with international and local NGOs can increase community capacity in implementing conservation projects that use tourism as a tool. The collaboration between Alamendah Tourism Village and NGOs includes Geo Dipa Energy, the Alamendah Tourism Village Youth Organization, and others. The form of cooperation is financing the formation and development of the Alamendah Tourism Village and the construction of tourism facilities in the Alamendah Tourism Village. Working with universities can provide local communities with the right
framework for developing CBT. The cooperation between Alamendah Tourism Village and universities includes the Bandung Tourism College, the Indonesian Education University, and Telkom University. The form of cooperation is planning and making tour packages, marketing plans, and so on.
In cooperation with government agencies, the government can become a consulting service provider and training provider for local communities. Cooperation between Alamendah Tourism Village and government agencies, including the Government of Bandung Regency, Bandung Regency Tourism and Culture Office, and KOMPEPAR Bandung Regency. Forms of cooperation include tourism training such as tour guide training. Cooperation with the tourism industry can improve marketing and promotion. One of the collaborations between Tourism Village and the tourism industry is the Bandung Story. Cerita Bandung is a travel agency that provides tours in Bandung and other areas in West Java from the perspective of
residents. Stories Bandung provides a walking tour package that showcases the natural beauty of Endah.
Step 7: Adopt an integrated approach
Tourism should not be viewed as a one-size-fits-all solution to the economic challenges faced by rural communities due to its unpredictable nature. However, tourism has proven to be an effective catalyst for development when strategically integrated. The successful integration of tourism into an overall development strategy can take two forms. The first form involves the integration of tourism with conservation projects, sustainable development, and responsible tourism. The second form involves linking tourism with other economic sectors. By carefully considering and implementing this integration approach, rural communities can harness the potential of tourism to promote sustainable development and economic growth (Nair & Hamzah, 2015).
The Alamendah tourism village has received various pieces of training from both government agencies as well as from academics and NGOs, including organization formation training, tour guide training, homestay host training, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) teaching training, etc. The knowledge and skills that the community gains from these trainings are not only useful in running the Alamendah Tourism Village but can be implemented in other places and industries.
Step 8: Plan and design quality product
In implementing the form of business carried out by Alamendah Village in advancing quality tourism products, it is in the effort to develop tourism-supporting facilities. The development of facilities in Alamendah Village can be done by renovating lodging by applying lodging standards set based on Law No. 10 of 2009 concerning lodging standards. Alamendah Village has tourism-supporting facilities to support tourism activities for tourists. Ala-mendah Village is included in the tourism village category with the availability of a complete tourism component, such as the availability of lodging, namely step lodging, access to visiting Alamendah Village is relatively easy and can be passed by all types of vehicles, natural tourists’ attractions that offer beautiful waterfalls. coffee and strawberry plantations, bike rides, birdwatching, and culinary tours served in packaged form for souvenirs, such as strawberry chips, fried spinach, banana sale, luwak coffee, and arabica coffee. All products marketed by Alamendah Village are made directly by village MSMEs.
In developing product designs within the scope of community-based tourism in Alamendah Village, an assessment can be carried out using indicators in the product inventory matrix which contain several tourism components, namely uniqueness, activity availability, accessibility, connectivity, basic facilities, interpretation facilities, facilities treatment accommodation, service quality, promotion, and marketing.
Table 1. Product Inventory Indicator | ||||
Component |
Sub Component |
Available |
Deficient |
Not Available |
Uniqueness |
Iconic |
• |
• |
• |
Populer |
• |
• |
• | |
Activity |
Various |
• |
• |
• |
Quality |
• |
• |
• |
Component |
Sub Component |
Available |
Deficient |
Not Available |
Accessibility |
Direction |
• |
• |
• |
Basic Facility |
Parking lot |
• |
• |
• |
Tourist information center |
• |
• |
• | |
Toilet |
• |
• |
• | |
Food and beverages store |
• |
• |
• | |
Souvenir Shop |
• |
• |
• | |
Information at each region |
• |
• |
• | |
Interpretation Facility |
Interpretation center |
• |
• |
• |
Exhibition |
• |
• |
• | |
Brochure |
• |
• |
• | |
Accommodation Facility |
Villa |
• |
• |
• |
Accommodation |
• |
• |
• | |
Homestay |
• |
• |
• | |
Camping site |
• |
• |
• | |
Maintenance |
Physical maintenance |
• |
• |
• |
Cleanliness |
• |
• |
• | |
Landscape |
• |
• |
• | |
Service Quality |
Receptionist |
• |
• |
• |
Concierge |
• |
• |
• | |
Guide |
• |
• |
• | |
Security |
• |
• |
• | |
Marketing and Promotion |
Brochure |
• |
• |
• |
e-commerce |
• |
• |
• | |
Guide Book |
• |
• |
• | |
Website |
• |
• |
• |
Source: Author, 2023
Step 9: Identify market demand and develop marketing strategy
The CBT marketing strategy can be formulated based on the following six actions:
• Action 1: Matching the product with the potential market segment
The CBT organization must determine which target market will be interested in the product being offered. If you want to
attract students or students, the products offered must be rich in educational content. Likewise, if you want to attract tourists who like adventure, the products offered must be interesting adventures. Alamendah Tourism Village focuses its activities on products and tour packages ranging from agriculture, and animal husbandry, to the arts. Where the Alamendah Tourism Village attracted visits from various institutions ranging from school groups, families, and the general public.
• Action 2: Understanding the channels of distribution
A distribution channel is a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which final buyers buy goods or services. Distribution channels can include wholesalers, sales, distributors, to the internet. In a direct distribution channel, producers can sell directly to consumers. Distribution channels are very important to market themselves and sell their products. This term describes the journey of a product from producer to consumer, and it can take various forms depending on the market in which a business operates, the type of product, and their customer base. CBT tour packages are usually not sold by general tour operators.
Tour packages owned by Ala-mendah Tourism Village such as activity packages for agriculture, animal husbandry, and the arts are offered to the market by using sales calls. Sales Calls are face-to-face meetings between potential customers that have been prearranged to sell products or services. The meeting also has the role to introduce the business, product, or service they offer. Alamendah Tourism Village offers packages by visiting schools directly and making presentations about existing tour packages.
• Action 3: Embracing ICT as a promotion tool
The use of websites, portals, podcasts, Facebook, travel blogs is more effective as a means of promoting CBT projects.
The use of social media as a promotional medium has a role and impact that is quite effective in attracting consumer interest and attention to tourist villages. However, the effectiveness of using social media is supported by content and uploads that have content for marketing purposes and contain sentences that convince consumers. CBT organizations should invest in setting up hardware such as computers and internet connections as well as tools that train youth or local people to be able to carry out epromotions and e-ordering (Mardian, et al., 2022).
Alamendah Tourism Village uses social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, and websites to carry out promotions, marketing, and purchases. In these various social media, Alamendah Tourism Village shares uploads about Ala-mendah Tourism Village such as village community activities, tour packages, and event agendas to be held, as well as interesting information about Alamendah Tourism Village as well as general knowledge about agriculture and plantations in Ala-mendah Tourism Village. Alamendah Tourism Village uses e-commerce to sell products from MSMEs such as strawberry jam, strawberry dodol, and others.
• Action 4: Piggybacking on tour operators and ground handlers
When CBT has matured and started to attract tourist visits on a steady basis, tour operators and ground handlers have begun to offer to include the product in their tour packages. Tour operators and ground handlers have an excellent network with their partners. The term hitching a ride on tour operators and ground handlers like this can bring positive impacts such as promotion and market expansion.
The tourism products offered by the Alamendah Tourism Village are becoming known and attracting tourists so tour operators are starting to include Alamendah Tourism Village products in their tour packages. One example is the Bandung Story. Cerita Bandung is a travel agency e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857
that provides tours in Bandung and other areas in West Java from the perspective of residents. Stories Bandung provides a walking tour package that showcases the natural beauty of Endah.
• Action 5: CBT organization to set up in-house travel agency
Once the local community developed in terms of management, interpretation, and communication skills, they could set up their travel agency. This progress is unavoidable because this is also a form of effort to open up jobs for the community or local youth who wish to continue their careers. Apart from its aim to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in the local community, setting up an in-house travel agency can ensure sustainability in terms of local control.
Alamendah Tourism Village has various tour packages made by the people of Alamendah Tourism Village. The tour packages provided have a variety of interesting activities ranging from livestock tours, culinary tours, agricultural tours, trekking, coffee trips, and cycling. These tour packages offer the excitement of a trip up the mountain and river around the Ala-mendah Tourism Village. Then settlements and plantation residents. In addition, the packages offered also serve the customs of the local community.
• Action 6: Leveraging on awards certification to shape the branding The certification that has been obtained will provide information on positive values for the CBT project to tourists such as their commitment to environmental protection, preservation of local heritage, and others. Information on the values of these positive messages will help shape product branding because this is one of the pieces of information on the successes and achievements that have been obtained. This can provide an increase in visits from tourists compared to only using the tagline during promotions.
Some of the desired achievements that have been achieved by the Alamendah Tourism Village are:
1. 2nd winner of the Indonesian Tourism Village award
2. Nomination for the Best Tourism Village Dewi Jawara Award 2022 for the West Java Disbudpar program in the Creative Economy Category
3. The first tourist village that has a virtual tour 360 application
4. Enter Ecofest 2020 and 2021
5. And others.
Step 10: Implement and monitor performance
• Action 1: Construction of Tourist Facilities - Getting the Community Involved in the Implementation
The successful implementation and monitoring of Community Driven Tourism (CBT) project performance require two important actions. First, it is very important to involve the community in the development of tourism facilities. This engagement ensures community engagement and ownership. Second, regular performance monitoring is required to evaluate project progress and identify areas for improvement. By implementing these actions, CBT projects can thrive and contribute to sustainable tourism development (Nair & Hamzah, 2015).
After the Alamendah Tourism Village developed, several assistances began to be provided. The aid funds received are used to build tourist facilities such as tourism information centers and assistance for climbers on hiking trails. In addition, the assistance obtained was also used to improve existing homestay facilities. In the construction of this tourism facility, the community is involved in all the implementation of existing activities.
• Action 2: Regular monitoring
To ensure the sustainability of CBT projects, monitoring must be integrated into all planning and implementation processes. Often, warnings are so infrequent e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857
that it strikes an organization to take further action to improve product quality. It is very important that monitoring not only measures success and focuses in terms of monetary value but also includes non-mon-etary benefits such as local community pride, sense of belonging, increased selfesteem etc. In most of the case studies, it was non-monetary benefits that local people valued more highly than financial benefits. This can be seen from the number of local community participation in CBT project participation. Of the 22,541 people of the Alamendah Tourism Village, there are 270 people are involved in tourism activities of the Alamendah Tourism Village.
In this study, it can be concluded that tourism activities that take place in Al-amendah Village are identified as tourism activities that are supported by the community. There are 10 stages which are divided into two sub-categories. The 5 stages are the stages of forming tourism activities based on the gathered community, then the next five stages are the stages of tourism development. Based on the results of an analysis of the ten stages of community-built tourism both at the formation and development stages, most of the indicators contained in the ten stages have been fulfilled, however, there are still several indicators contained that have not been achieved in the tourism activities that the community has gathered in Alamendah Village.
Based on research on Alamendah Village, it is emphasized that Alamendah Village has tourism potential that has been successfully developed but can still be developed further to optimize the existing potential. The contribution of the local community is the biggest potential in the development of Alamendah Village. The important thing obtained based on the results of this research is that community contribution is the main potential for success in the development of Community Based 229
This research was compiled based on the perspective of the researcher as a visiting tourist to see firsthand the stages that took place in Alamendah Village. Thus, this research has not yet measured the impact that occurred in Alamendah Village based on the implementation of tourism activities entrusted by the community in Alamendah Village.
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e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857
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