E-Journal of Tourism Vol.10. No.2. (2023): 231-240

Waste Arising as An Effect of The Opening of River Tubing Tourism Place, Mayangsari City, Semarang

Fajar1*, Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati2, Juhadi2, Noviani Achmad Putri3, Laelia Nurpratiwiningsih4

  • 1    Department Sociology and Anthropology, State University of Semarang

  • 2    Department of Geography, Semarang State University

  • 3    Social Science Education Study Program, Semarang State University

  • 4    Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program Muhadi Setiabudi University

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24922/eot.v10i2.102708

Article Info


June 14th 2023


September 20th 2023


September 30th 2023


Tourism objects besides providing benefits to managers and the surrounding community, also bring new problems, one of which is the waste problem. This article aims to analyze the waste problem at the new Ma-yangsari River tubing tourist attraction, Semarang City, and find out the forms of waste management at the Mayangsari River tubing tourist attraction, Semarang City. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. This research is located in Kalipancur Village, Ngaliyan District, Semarang City. The data in this study were collected through data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The informants in this study were taken from the management of the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), the management of the Family Disaster Preparedness (KSB), the management of the River Care Community (KSP), the Rukun Warga and Rukun Tetangga groups, as well as the community, especially those who open businesses in these tourist areas. Data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis model. The opening of the Mayangsari river tubing tour has resulted in an increase in the amount of waste generation. The increase in the amount of waste occurs on holidays in line with the high number of visitors. Every week about half of the contents of the garbage pickup is waste generated from tourist sites. The most common type of waste is plastic from food scraps. Trash is still found dumped around the river. Garbage is mixed even though organic and non-organic trash bins have been provided by the manager. Waste management through the application of 3 R (reduce, reuse, and recycle) has not been carried out by the management of this tourist spot. The waste generated from this tourist location is only limited to being collected then transported and then disposed of.

Keywords: problem; waste management; garbage; places of tourism; river tubing.



Activity tourist is one contributor to trash that isn't little. Problem trash on the spot tour related with behavior visitors nor manager place tour. If the manager tour gives good facilities especially place trash, campaign or education cleanliness and activity management rubbish more continue, of course, visitors helped for behave orderly and clean place tour. Meanwhile on the side visitors of course just public diverse awareness of caring for the environment. There are visitors tours that have awareness good about the care and cleanliness environment, some are low his consciousness. Attempts to minimize trash on the spot tour not only become the attention of second parties, but the government also participates share overcome the problem of rubbish through instrument-issued laws.

The government gives attention to management rubbish through publishing policy as stated in Law (UU) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2008 concerning Management Garbage. UU no. 18 of 2008 is one of them arranged about management mandatory trash provide facility sorting waste of them by the manager area commercial (UU No. 18 RI). kindly operational rule about management rubbish poured in Regulation Government (PP) Number 81 of 2012 concerning Management Household Garbage and Garbage of a Kind Household Garbage (PP No. 81 RI). Management rubbish Specific arranged in detail in PP Number 27 of 2020 (PP No 27 RI). Regulation management rubbish operationalized in a manner technical to the rules below like Central Java Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 3 of 2014 concerning management waste in Central Java (Perda No. 3 Central Java). More carry on the area under it also makes local regulations like the city of Semarang which regulates the management of dumped garbage in Perda Number 6 of 2012 (Perda 6 Semarang City). A related aspect of

management trash in the area tour, by operational arranged in Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 3 of 2013, system management garbage that consists from aspect technical operational covering sorting and storage, collection, utilization, processing, transfer, transportation and processing final, and non-technical aspects consists on aspect institutional, regulatory/ legality, financing, and aspects role as well as public (Permen PU No. 3 RI).

though the instrument law above has been issued, in fact in the region tour Still found problem trash. Like case video case that shows how rubbish dirty area tour beaches on the island of Bali carried out by foreign media cause the damage image beauty of nature in Bali (Sutrisnawati, et al. 2018; Kristina, 2020). Contaminating trash area tour Island One thousand even not only originate from residents who live there but also come from outside the island (Sawan, 2004). It shows how the deployment of trash at sea even has happened across/inter-island and of course, just matter That bother cleanliness place tour. Production waste in the Beach Tourism Area of Pariaman City Can originate from visitors and traders around the area tour beach produce arising rubbish of 0.344 liters/per-son/ day or 3,047 m3/ day or 292,512 kg/ day (Aziz and Mira, 2019). More carry on in study this detailed composition of rubbish originates from rubbish food 30.86%, plastic 26.81%, paper 18.29%, and waste page 11.01% (Aziz and Mira, 2019). Problems with trash on the spot tour of course will impact tourists that, for one is appearance discomfort in the area and possible travel raises decrease amount visit tours (Aziz, et al. 2020). System management trash on-the-spot tours need designing and repairing Because matter the made reference in the development of every objective tourism (Vitasurya, 2014; Dewi, 2017).

Problems rubbish sort of that will become the same problem if the management process tour not enough notice aspect sustainability. One place a new tour was opened by the Mayor of Semarang at the e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

end year 2021 is water tourism that crosses the Kreo River. Tour this in the form of river tubing that utilizes water currents in the previous Kreo River has been conserved by local youths. At first, the youth felt concerned with no exists concern people on the river. Behavior throws away rubbish to rivers, and no existing activity cleaning up rivers considered will fast lower river water quality. Leave from concern for the preservation of the river then appear idea for conserving the river through activity down the river, mutual cooperation to clean up the river, planting trees, setting regulation prohibitions throwing away trash in the river along the sanction doing education through management waste and supplies place waste, procurement toilet public, and latrines House ladder, create and close sewer and do control for violating society rule (Fajar and Hartati, 2019). The flow of the Kreo River was then utilized for an interesting tour in the form of river tubing.

Enthusiastic inhabitants enjoy touring nature in the environment very high urban because seldom very tour nature can be enjoyed in a city area big. A new society can enjoy a tour of natural at least need to take a journey far from going to the area, but not with the community in the city of Semarang. Amount of tours that come to the Mayangsari river tubing tour on the weekend very. The visitors originate from various age, type gender, and variety areas. Enhancement amount visitors too with amount vendors selling around place tour. This is what can cause an increase arising trash in the area tour. If management rubbish is well done by the manager tourism, the community around nor travelers not done in a manner well and true, then matter potentially raises problems for new place tours.

Focus study This is related to the management of trash in the new tourist attraction Mayangsari river tubing. Research objectives This is to analyze the problem of trash that appears on the spot Masyangsari river tubing tour and find out from

management trash manager or the surrounding community area tour.

The Indonesian government has arranged about the problem of rubbish starting from the publication of Law (UU) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2008 concerning the Management of Garbage. UU no. 18 of 2008 defines rubbish as the remainder of activity daily human and/ or natural processes in the form of solid. The garbage in question in this law is rubbish House stairs, trash kind rubbish House stairs, and trash specific. Rubbish House ladder is interpreted as the garbage that comes from activity daily on house stairs that don't include feces and trash Specific (PP No. 81 RI). Rubbish kind rubbish House ladder interpreted as rubbish House origin of the stairs from area commercial, area industry, an area specifically, facilities social facilities general, and or facility other (PP No. 81 RI). Then, according to Government Regulation Number 27 of 2020, garbage specific is trash that's because nature, concentration, and or volume need management special (PP No. 27 RI). More carry-on component rubbish specifically consists of containing waste material hazardous and toxic (B3), B3 waste, generated waste consequence disaster, debris demolition buildings, and trash technology yet can be processed and generated waste in a manner periodic. Management rubbish specifically becomes not quite enough answer government (PP No. 27 RI).

Lately this problem environment the more increased, because of the height of number growth in population, the quality and quantity of waste, and the presence of pollution across national borders (Hardati, et al. 2016). One problem about the current environment this started surfacing is the problem of trash. exclamation for becoming more management wise rubbish expected can minimize problem environment. Rubbish is the remainder generated waste from a production process Good industry and non-industrial (Harmayani and Konsukartha, 2007 ). More carry on remainder of non-industrial waste can be e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

generated from activity House stairs, offices, restaurants, markets, place tours, shops, homes sick, and others that can raise pollution (Harmayani and Konsukartha, 2007).

Studies on the management of rubbish area tours are still limited. Aspects studied more lots focus on issues arising from garbage, the composition of garbage, characteristics, and cycle repeat rubbish tours (Aziz, et al. 2020). More carry on said that development planning system management rubbish tours too limited, if part this get attention, then believed can overcome problem rubbish tour. More carry on explained that results study shows that through scenario management trash start from sorting rubbish based on category, container classified waste as individual and communal containers, distribution receptacle trash in the area tour, system collection waste, and managing waste in TPS 3R which is applied to the area Pariaman City Beach tourism will impact positive for continuity area tour covered (Aziz, et al. 2020).

Other studies about system management trash on the spot Mountain National Park Tour Rinjani data obtained regarding the 5 aspects that are necessary There is in system management trash on the spot tour (Syaputra, 2019). Among the five aspects the namely: First, aspects operational pursuant to Law No. 18 of 2008. On aspects This countermeasures rubbish done through the 3R concept namely Reduce (reduce), Reuse (use back), and Recycle (cycle repeat). Through handling this following tourists procedures set by the manager, for example, climbers are only allowed to bring in water receptacle content repeat, so minimize rubbish discarded plastic at location tour. Every potential item become until the noted moment will climb and check reset on time traveler down the mountain. The rubbish will be collected and sorted in accordance kind through the receptacle trash provided.

In principle, tourism activities must of course be in line with environmental preservation, moreover, the tourism in question is nature-based tourism. The way humans have intervened or exploited nature has been done in various ways, therefore the beauty of nature that humans are trying to enjoy should not be damaged by human activity. This context is in line with Fritjof Capra's thoughts about deep ecology. It is said that the real man is not on top of or outside nature, as the source of all value and assumes nature only as something instrument, or use the mark to nature, but humans not a separate part of the environment nature, as well No separate all something from environment nature (Sat-maidi, 2015). Furthermore, Satmaidi (2015) said deep ecology is a paradigm of ecology new which can be used to overcome conditions of emergency ecology through the shallow ecological movement (SEM) and the deep ecological movement (DEM). How SEM works in overcoming crises environment No need to change in awareness because it is only limited to overcoming the symptoms of existing environmental issues, meanwhile in DEM tries to see the root problem of the damaged and polluted environment in a manner more comprehensive and holistic, for Then get over it in a manner deeper. Therefore, DEM sees the importance of human existence in this ecological crisis. Deep Ecology principles include: (a) an attitude of respect to all ways and shape life in nature’s universe (biospheric egalitarianism in principle); (b) humans are only one species in the middle so Lots of species other. All species This has the same value (principle of non-anthropocentrism); (c) principles realization looking self-man no only limited as creature social (social animal), but also creature ecological (ecological animal); and (d) recognition and awards to diversity and complexity ecological in something connection symbiosis (Satmaidi, 2015).


Study This uses method study qualitative (Moleong, 2004). Study This is located in the Village Kalipancur Subdistrict Ngaliyan City of Semarang. data in the study was collected through technique data collection in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation (Spreadly, 1980; Sugiyono, 2008). As for informants in the study taken from the administrator Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), administrator Family Disaster Preparedness (KSB), management Community Care for the River (KSP) group Rukun Warga and Rujun Neighbors, as well public especially those opening a business in the area tour. Data were analyzed using analytical models interactive Miles and Huberman (Miles and Huberman, 1992).


Problems trash on the spot Mayangsari River Tubing tour

Tourist attractions besides providing benefits, especially in the economic sector, especially in tourist objects. Tourist attractions also provide space for the emergence of community creativity around tourist objects. For example, the emergence of traders around tourism which, if not managed by the tourism group, will have a bad effect. The same is the case with the Ma-yangsari River tubing tourist spot, where a water tourism object that utilizes the potential of the Kreo River attracts tourist visits. The large number of visitors who come to enjoy the flow of the Kreo River using vehicle tires brings benefits to the Pokdarwis and the community. Communities around tourist objects are starting to want to take advantage of community visits by opening businesses in the form of food stalls. However, after it began to be seen that many residents wanted to take advantage of opportunities by selling, several problems arose. The management of the river tubing then makes a policy to determine how many traders sell around tourist attractions. http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot            235

Then, 15 stalls representing each RT in Mayangsari village were assigned to sell, plus 1 stall owned by Pokdarwis, bringing the total to 16 stalls. In addition, the manager also regulates the type of food sold. For example, a stall selling chicken noodle food, the stall that stands next to it does not sell chicken noodle food. So, stalls that are next to each other sell different foods.

In addition to social problems related to economic aspects as explained above, tourist attractions also often have to face problems such as the existence of garbage left by visitors from tourist activities. On weekends when the number of visitors is large, the amount of waste generated is more than usual. Some of the waste generated from this activity has been accommodated in the trash but some is scattered. The manager then cleans up the surrounding environment in the afternoon and immediately throws it in the trash. In the past, in the area of this tourist spot, assistance would be given in the form of a trash container. However, the manager refused because this container would hold large amounts of waste, which meant that there was a delay in the disposal process until a lot of waste had accumulated. This will disturb tourist attractions because it can invite unpleasant odors, therefore managers prefer to be given assistance in the form of trash cans.

Not all visitors who come to enjoy the flow of the Kreo River behave in an orderly manner. There are visitors who also leave their trash out of place. Even trash was found in the middle of the river. If such waste is found, it is immediately collected and the manager conducts a river walk to collect the waste in the river. Garbage that was thrown away carelessly and found by the manager was in the form of pampers, plastic, skewers, packets of instant noodles such as pop noodles, plastic snack packs, styrofoam, glass cups, mica, paper, and others. In addition to the waste that comes from visitors, there is also waste from businesses (warungs or stalls) around tourist sites. The traders have been urged by the e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

tourist spot, also produces waste. This bathroom service is complemented by selling soap, shampoo, and plastic crackles a place to accommodate tourists' wet clothes. Goods sold in the bathroom business will become waste generated in these public toilets. According to Mrs. Tukiyem, she provided a small bucket as a trash can which was placed inside in toilet. The garbage generated in the toilet is generally then collected for the next day every day Saturday the trash is thrown away and transported first using truck rubbish. Mrs. Tukiyem said that “every roadside stall or stall at here each there place the trash individually”. Even though trash bins have been provided, there are still stubborn visitors who take out the trash haphazardly. Seeing that there was trash being dumped carelessly, Mrs. Tukiyem gave in to pick up the trash. The reason Tukiyem's mother felt uncomfortable was if there is garbage scattered or something like that. The behavior shown by Mrs. Tukiyem is a long process in which the people in Mayangsari village have shaped their behavior in such a way as to always maintain a clean environment so that a clean environment will support the continuation of these tourist attractions.

Mrs. Ruka, a resident of the Ma-yangsari village, said that " the environment here is good, the residents keep it clean, there are lots of trash cans. Already neat, rarely throw away rubbish haphazardly”. The people in the Mayangsari village have behaved in an orderly manner and no one throws them away any more rubbish haphazardly. Before there is a place tour This waste has not been managed collectively and is still their residents who throw their garbage on the banks’ river. After holding joint deliberations at the RW level later waste began to be managed collectively. Garbage from the household is collected in the trash can in front of the house which must be provided by the household. Furthermore, garbage in front of the house will be transported using truck trash. Garbage collectors will collect 236     e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

management to provide trash bins. Most of the traders follow the rules for carrying trash cans, but there are still traders who are said by the informants with the word "ndableg" not to follow the rules. The trash bins provided by the tourism manager at the location are organic, inorganic, and B3 trash cans.

In the picture above it is clear that the trash can was provided by the tour manager. Yellow bins are used for non-organic waste such as plastic, plastic, used bottles, and so on. These bins are provided more than organic waste because on holidays the increase in non-organic waste is much more. Furthermore, the green color bin is used for types of organic waste such as dry leaves, leftover food, skins from fruits, and so on. Efforts by tourism managers to anticipate new waste problems are carried out internally within the community. Education for the people in the Mayangsari village not to throw garbage in the river or defecate had been carried out before this tourism developed. Until now the manager also continues to remind the local community through the RW and RT meeting forums to maintain clean behavior to support the development of river tubing tourism. Education carried out as a campaign aimed at visitors has not been carried out massively, only providing information in the form of writing so that visitors do not litter. According to Pak Gondorong's explanation, the waste generated at this tourist spot is " the waste here is at least half a cabbage (garbage pick-up truck) and usually the most on weekends ". The type of waste that is mostly generated in this tourist spot is a type of plastic which is food packaging. As observed, the waste is still mixed in one trash can. While the manager has provided waste for organic and non-organic types. It was said by the manager that it was difficult to urge the visitors, whose numbers were very large, to act in an orderly manner in disposing of trash.

The type of business that Mrs. Tuki-yem is engaged in, namely public toilet services at the Mayangsari River tubing http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot

household waste 2 times a week, but sometimes it is transported once a week. Through this collective mechanism, residents are starting to be ordered not to throw garbage in the river anymore. However, there are also those among the community who object to this collective waste management system, because there are costs that must be paid by the residents. In one month, each RT will deposit 200 in cash r i b u for waste transportation services. Thus, citizens will be asked by the RT officer for fewer garbage fees of more than 10 thousand per household per month. This explanation is in line with Mrs. Nurul's words that "Before exists place tour this public throw away rubbish still in the river then there is already a car that transports rubbish so the trash Already transported in the truck that and every house that it's 10 thousand per month”.

Forms of waste management at the River Tubing Mayangsari tourist spot

Garbage in river tubing tourism spots is fluctuating. This means that not every time the volume of waste in this tourist spot is always a lot. At the river tubing tour launching event which was attended by the Mayor of Semarang, the number of visitors was very large. At that time, the community had started their activities as usual after the pandemic had limited community activities for so long. Visits to river tubing tours after launching, especially on weekends, are always high. But on normal days the number of visits is not much.

During the rainy season, the water volume of the Kreo River had increased and river tubing tourism activities were stopped first. This is what Mrs. Nurul said, “before the pandemic That crowded once, go on the flood that right close too. All this hit the stalls are also hit flood”. The manager also temporarily closed this tourist spot because there were renovations being carried out to improve tourist facilities. This shows that the number of visits is sometimes in large numbers and there are also not many visits. The high or low

number of visits will also affect the amount of waste generated at tourist attractions.

As explained in the previous sub, the waste generated at this tourist spot is food waste packaging, most of which is of the plastic type. The amount of waste generated on weekends is usually up to half the volume of the garbage pick-up. Even though the tour manager has provided various trash facilities such as organic and non-organic waste, in practice the waste is still mixed. The trash bins provided in every stall in tourist sites are still one type of trash can. According to Mrs. Susiani, it was said that “waste management Not yet there is”. Efforts to manage waste using the 3R process (reduce, reuse, and recycle) have not been carried out by the management of this tourist spot. According to management information, the waste generated at these tourist spots is still limited to being collected then transported and disposed of. The process of sustainable waste management has not been carried out here. However, according to Ms. Susiana, who works as a Kindergarten Principal who lives at the river tubing tourist site, explained that “yes indeed officers at here right too diligent. So you can say after exists tour this river that is already clean already no someone playing throwing rubbish into the river again. Because before exists place tour this already there is the penalty if throw away trash in the river just how much that I do not enough understand, for how much I forgot”. In line with that, there was once a waste management with the application of 3 R carried out in the Ma-yangsari village community as a program that was promoted by the government through Village instructions. But in practice, the management is not sustainable. As Mrs. Rini said that "Actually there is just a yes no run”.

In general, efforts to maintain cleanliness at tourist sites have been carried out through various policies and actions. One of them is related to the policy so that the surrounding community maintains the cleanliness of the environment and rivers, e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857

every trader who opens a shop at a tourist location is asked to provide a trash can, and the manager also seeks assistance in procuring a place to the relevant agencies such as the Environmental Service (DLH) and the manager. make an appeal to visitors also need to maintain cleanliness. Mr. Gondrong admitted that “if (waste) management serious not yet there is”. However, in relation to the process of maintaining cleanliness, it is felt that there are no serious obstacles. It's just that when it rains, it's the garbage from other areas that makes this tourist location dirty. This is as said by Mr. Gondrong "Actually there are no serious problems, because in fact what I said earlier, the garbage is usually when the water level rises the garbage from the gutters overflows and it actually comes from the residents above, if Ciki's trash, ice, even that but after the river recedes it's cleaned up. We, Pokdarwis and KSB, are always active in cleaning up”.

The increase in the amount of waste is directly proportional to the increase in the number of tourist visits. Waste needs to be handled through a management process to distinguish which can still be recycled or waste that can no longer be used. Waste management has become a form of crucial problem in society, especially in tourist spots. The main activity of waste management is sorting waste from sources or landfills to designated landfills. The process of waste management is fully in accordance with the existing management system in the city of Semarang, such as implementing the 3R. Therefore, there is a need for citizen awareness in managing waste as a form of effort to protect the environment, especially in tourist locations like this. Although waste management has not been fully implemented at this tourist location, efforts to get there have been made. Some of the things that can be seen at this receiver tubing tourist location are the existence of various trash bins, namely trash bins for organic waste and non-organic waste. This shows that the manager has provided trash bins where visitors need to http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot            238

sort the type of waste to be disposed of according to the type of trash can. The practice of sorting waste is actually related to the most basic waste management.

Furthermore, the manager also uses gallons of unused plastic to be reused as items that can be used, such as pots that are useful for beautifying tourist attractions. This process shows reuse activities in management up to 3R. However, managers have not fully implemented the 3 R principles, especially from plastic waste generated from tourist attractions. In this way, the community actually has carried out one of the 3R principles, namely reuse, but they do not understand the concept. Community members also use reused goods, such as using used bottles that are suitable for use as places or flower pots to beautify a garden in a corner of a tourist location.


Based on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that the greatest increase in the amount of waste usually occurs on holidays when many visitors come. Every week about half of the contents of the garbage pickup is waste generated from tourist sites. The most common type of waste is plastic from food scraps.

Waste management through the application of 3R (reduce, reuse, and recycle) has not been carried out by the management of this tourist spot. The waste generated from this tourist location is only limited to being collected then transported and then disposed of. However, indirectly the manager has implemented one of the 3R principles, one of which is utilizing used gallons to be used as flower pots to complement gardens at tourist sites. In addition, through the provision of trash bins, both organic and non-organic, directing appropriate waste sorting actions. However, in practice, the contents of the trash are still mixed.


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e-ISSN 2407-392X. p-ISSN 2541-0857