Forming of Word in Justin Bieber’s Song Titled “Baby”

e-Journal of Linguistics

Available online at
Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2023, pages: 108--113
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
Forming of Word in Justin Bieber’s Song Titled “Baby”
1M. Haddad Al Qusyoi Ar, 2Emeliya Sukma Dara Damanik, 3Rafadila Asty, 4T Zunita Miha Sy
1234UINSU, Indonesia,
Email: 1[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected], 4[email protected]
Article info
Received Date: 5 April 2022
Accepted Date:11 April 2022
Published Date: 31 January 2023
Keywords: Lyric, Song, Justin Bieber, Word formation
This study aims to analyze the word formation that researchers have found in the lyrics of Justin Bieber's song entitled Baby. The method used by the researcher is a qualitative research method, where the researcher investigates the formation of words in the lyrics of Justin Bieber's song entitled Baby. The data is taken from data sources, namely from Justin Bieber song lyrics in the browser. The results of this study are the researchers found five types of forming of words, namely three words from clipping, six words from compounding, one word from blending, one word from coinage, and one word from inflection in the lyric of Justin Bieber’s song entitled Baby.
In this study, we as researchers used a qualitative method. Qualitative method also examines something in depth to get a new conclusion. Qualitative research is an investigation process using the opinions of individuals about social reality in the form of meaning or interpretation of each individual itself, which opinion is only temporary and depends on the situation. The dominant methodology to find a clear meaning or interpretation is by studying many cases or facts in the field or looking for a fact that can be seen clearly. (Awasthy, 2019). Qualitative method is more suitable to be used in this study because researchers are looking for the forming of words in Justin Bieber's song.
The data in this study is the forming of words in Justin Bieber's song entitled baby. Researchers chose singer Justin Bieber because he is one of the most famous musicians with his songs that are very pleasant to listen to and his songs are relatable to the love life of teenagers. In Justin Bieber's song lyrics, there are several forming of words.
Researchers collected data based on the lyrics in Justin Bieber's song taken from the browser. After that the researcher wrote, then the researcher analyzed the Justin Bieber song that we had chosen, namely baby, after that categorizing the words that have forming of word according to the types of forming of word, then the researcher explained the words in the song lyrics related to the forming of the word.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher found the problem of the study, it is "What types of forming of words are in Justin Bieber's song titled baby?
Word forming is something that studies words in which it deals with the rules in the formation of words in each particular language. Word forming also has a relationship with affixation which is a problem in morphology. (Asbah & Nurhayati, 2019).
In this study, researchers found and observed the forming of words in Justin Bieber's song "Baby". In this song describes the story of a teenager who broke up from his first love and he tried to return to repair their love relationship. The song was released on January 18, 2010, and is one of the most watched music videos on the Youtube platform as well as one of Justin Bieber's most popular songs throughout his career.
In Justin Bieber's song baby, the researcher found five types of forming words, namely three words from clipping, six words from compounding, one word from blending, one word from coinage, and one word from inflection.
Clipping is a word formation process which is done by cutting or removing from the words but does not change the meaning of the word. For the example, the word eatin' is eating, the word syst' is system.
The following are some of the word formation processes of Justin Bieber's song ‘Baby’.
1. Losin': the word losin' is a slang word, which comes from losing. The word losing is included in clipping because it has shortened the original word, but this word is cut from the spelling 'g'. This process takes the form: losing losin + (') = losin'.
2. 'Til: the word 'til is a slang word, which comes from until. The word until is included in clipping because it has shortened from the original word, but this word is cut from the spelling 'un'. This process takes the form: until (') + til = 'til.
3. 'Cause: the word 'cause is a slang word, which comes from because. The word because is included in clipping because it has shortened from the original word, but this word is cut from the spelling 'be'. This process takes the form: because (') + cause = 'cause.
After the researchers found the example of the word clipping above, it can be seen that all the words have quotes at the beginning and at the end of the word, because in the letter there are letters that are cut off.
Blending is the process of combining two words into the word. For example is Eurasia, which is a combination of two words, namely Europe and Asia.
In the following, the researchers found the word blending in Justin Bieber's song, entitled ‘Baby’. The word "ain't", consists of two basic words, first "ain" namely am, are, is, second "not". Then it can be 'am' and 'not', 'is' and 'not', or 'are' and 'not'.
Inflection is the process of forming words by adding the suffix 'S' at the end of the word. Example: She loves to read the book; she cooks fried chicken in the kitchen.
The following researchers found the word inflection contained in Justin Bieber's song entitled 'Baby'. The researcher makes these examples in sentences; she knows she got me dazing. The word “knows” includes an inflection whose initial sentence is 'know' -knows '.
Coinage is the process of word formation which is done by creating existing words to make new word formations, usually the word coinage is used in the mention of product names. Example: Lifebuoy, sunlight, downie, etc.
Here the researchers found the word coinage contained in Justin Bieber's song entitled 'Baby'. Example; She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks. In the sentence there is the word 'Starbuck' which is one of the names of beverage products, from the example of coinage.
Compounding is the process of word formation which is done by combining two words into one new word formation, but compounding is different from blending. Because, compounding does not cut the letters of two words like blending. Example: part time, whiteboard, background, sound track.
In the following, the researchers found the compounding words found in Justin Bieber's song 'Baby'.
1. Whenever: are two words combined into one word formation. This word is called compounding because two words have been combined into one word. The process can be seen as follows; whenever + ever = whenever.
2. Whatever: are two words that are combined into one word formation. This word is called compounding because two words have been combined into one word. The process can be seen as follows; whatever + ever = whatever.
3. Anything: are two words combined into one word formation. This word is called compounding because two words have been combined into one word. The process can be seen as follows; any + thing = anything.
4. Nobody: are two words that are combined into one word formation. This word is called compounding because two words have been combined into one word. The process can be seen as follows; no+ body = nobody.
5. Star struck: two words combined into one word formation. This word is called compounding because two words have been combined into one word. The process can be seen as follows; stars + struck = stars truck.
6. Playground: is two words combined into one word formation. This word is called compounding because two words have been combined into one word. The process can be seen as follows; play + ground = playground.
In this research, we as the researchers found that there are five types of word formation, which is consist of three words from clipping, six words from compounding, one word from blending, one word from coinage, and one word from inflection in the lyric of Justin Bieber's song entitled "Baby". We as the researchers found the dominant types of word formation in the lyric Justin Bieber's entitled " Baby" is compounding, it has six words from that lyric.
After the researchers collected and analyzed several types of word formations in Justin Bieber's song entitled 'Baby'. The researcher found 12 data from word formation found in the song 'Baby', of which there are five types of word formation, namely clipping, blending, compounding, inflection and coinage. The most common type of word formation in this song is compounding with six words.
The researchers would like to express their gratitude and highest appreciation to those who have contributed positively during the process of writing this research and for uinsu (universitas islam negeri sumatera utara), fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan, jurusan tadris bahasa inggris, so this article can be useful as a reference for the students.
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Biography of Authors

Emeliya Sukma Dara Damanik adalah seorang wanita, kelahiran Rantau Perapat. Beliau lahir tepatnya pada tanggal 26 September 1981.
Email: [email protected]
T Zunita Miha Sy adalah seorang perempuan yang lahir di kota Binjai pada tanggal 02 November 2001. Perempuan ini banyak menyukai bermacam genre music, film, novel, atau cerita pendek. Perempuan ini sedang menjalankan pendidikan S-1 nya di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Islam Negeri di Sumatera Utara, yaitu UINSU (Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara), Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Semester 6. Perempuan ini sangat menyukai aksen Bahasa Inggris yang berbeda-beda.
Email: [email protected]
Rafadila Asty adalah seorang anak perempuan pertama yang terlahir dari keluarga sederhana. Ia lahir di Medan, 05 Agustus 2000. Saat ini, wanita yang sangat menyukai drama korea dan juga Boy group BTS ini sedang menjalankan pendidikan S-1 nya di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Islam Negeri di Sumatera Utara, yaitu UINSU (Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara), di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Semester 6. Menyukai dan berinteraksi dengan anak-anak menggunakan bahasa inggris membuatnya memilih jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.
Email: [email protected]
M. Haddad Alqusyoi Ar seorang anak pertama dari keluarga Bapak Abdul Rahman dan Ibu Habsah. Beliau dibesarkan oleh orangtua yang bekerja sebagai seorang Satpam di salah satu Perusahaan di PT Belawan, dan seorang Guru Ngaji Ibtidaiyah. Sekarang ini beliau I i sedang melanjutkan Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi di Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera
7 I ’ Utara, semester 6. Beliau lahir tanggal 12 Agustus 2001. Beliau pernah menamatkan I Pendidikan TK, SD di SDN 060948, SMP di SMPN 39 Medan, juga pernah SMA di
SMAN 16 Medan. Beliau menghabiskan waktunya setiap sore untuk mengajar Les dan π⅞λi juga Ngaji di tempat tinggal beliau.
mail: [email protected]
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