The Students' Perception of Reading Examination Using Google Form
e-Journal of Linguistics
Available online at
Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2021, pages: 47-58
Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586
The Students' Perception of Reading Examination Using Google Form
STEKOM University, Semarang, Indonesia [email protected]
Article info
Received Date:20 November 2020
Accepted Date:24 November 2020
Published Date:31 January 2021
Perception, Reading Examination, Google Form.
The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of students majoring in accounting, batch 2019, STEKOM University Semarang on reading examination using google form. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative. The location of the research was conducted in the Accounting Department of STEKOM University. The study population was 80 students majoring in accounting, batch 2019, STEKOM University, all of which were used as research samples. Sources of data in this study were primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire or questionnaire and documentation study. Data analysis was carried out descriptively using SPSS 16. The results of this study stated that most students had the perception that the reading examination using google form was not good, and only a few students had the perception that the reading examination using google form was good. This is because the reading examination using google form has not been able to improve student scores. In addition, reading examination using google form is considered difficult and ineffective and inefficient.
In the development of an increasingly globalized world, English is needed to communicate and interact between various countries. English is very much needed to support the development of science and technology and the demands of an increasingly advanced and modern era. Mastery of English skills as an international communication tool aims to socialize in the era of globalization. By mastering the English, someone will have a higher selling value than others.
There are at least several important reasons for learning and mastering English, that is (Dewi and Lulut, 2018: 145-146): a) English is the language most often used by foreign language speakers around the world. b) Mastering English can increase person's value and will be more respected in the international world of work. c) English is the international language used in communication, especially in the business world, one example is communication in business. d) Many learning resources, both from books and internet media, use English. So, by mastering English, one can increase knowledge from these various sources.
One of the important English skills to be learned and mastered that is reading skill (Herlina, 2016: 29). Reading skill are an interactive process involving readers, reading and context. This skill involves the ability to derive meaning from written text (Silliman and Wilkinson in Herlina, 2016: 30). Reading skill in learning English is considered important
because it can determine how well a person is able to absorb information obtained from written texts.
The importance of reading skill in the global era makes it mandatory for everyone to master it, including students. Students as the nation's next generation and as a foundation for the development of a country should master English, including reading skill. Students are required to have reading skill because many learning sources both from books and internet media use English. So, by mastering English, students can increase their knowledge from various sources (Dewi and Lulut, 2018: 146). In addition, in the current global era, students are required to take part in many international activities such as student exchanges, conferences, summer schools, competitions, internships, and others, where these international activities require the ability to read in English.
The importance of mastering reading in English makes students have to improve their reading skills. The higher the reading ability of students, the higher the level of student understanding of a writing (Mulyadi, 2015). In addition, students will also understand the outline of a text more quickly, so that students will save more time. In measuring how much a student's reading ability, so reading examinations are held in English courses.
Reading examination is a systematic method for gathering information and making conclusions about a student's ability or quality or success in reading (Manalu., Et al. 2019: 16). In order to collect information on students' reading comprehension improvement, it is important to carry out several reading assessments. Unlike speaking and writing, the reading process cannot be seen and observed specifically. For that, all reading assessments must be done appropriately. Several considerations are needed in designing reading assessments, such as types of written text genres, components of reading ability assessments and special assignments.
There are several methods that can be used to do reading examination, one of which is google form. Google forms is one of the new methods used in reading examination because currently the world of education cannot be separated from the development of digital penetration. Digital penetration makes technology always used in everything including in the learning process, such as reading examination. Google form is a service from Google that allows someone to create surveys, questions and answers with online form features that can be customized as needed. So, by using google form, one can get answers directly from several people.
Success in reading examination using google form, apart from being dependent on mastery of the material, also depends on the interaction process that begins with the perception of educational actors, that is students on reading examination (Oktariyani and Yani, 2019: 48). Perception is a process that is preceded by a sensing process, which is the process of receiving a stimulus by an individual through the senses (Mashuri in Oktariyani and Yani, 2019: 49). Therefore, the perceptual process cannot be separated from the sensing process, and the sensing process occurs every time, that is when the individual receives a stimulus that hits him through the senses. Based on this opinion, it is clear that the perception is the assumption of a person in understanding information about their environment through the five senses like students in arguing about reading examination using google form, both in terms of goals, foundations and benefits through seeing and hearing students.
Perception is something that is quite important for everyone before that person is directly involved in carrying out every activity. This is because it needs consideration before carrying out an activity, so that something that is done is truly appropriate and profitable. Through perception, a person will continue to make contact with the environment and the activities that will be carried out. The main thing for them to do is to express their perceptions of the reading examination, which will affect their desire to increase their value in the reading examination (Oktariyani and Yani, 2019: 48).
There are several previous studies used in this research, including research conducted by Untari (2020) which states that the benefits of online reading have had a substantial effect on the knowledge of learners' comprehension, and that students have strongly focused on the educational evaluation they read. Furthermore, research conducted by Sibuea (2018), which states that Classroom was a satisfying LMS for blended learning in Pengantar Linguistik Umum (PLU) course because of its features, user-friendliness, and appropriateness in higher education program. Then the research conducted by Muhfiyanti and Siti (2018), which states that the average student gives a good perception of the learning material of specialization in English.
This research was conducted on students majoring in accounting, batch 2019, STEKOM University Semarang. The object of this study was chosen because the average reading score using google form was still low, that is 68, and there were even some students whose scores were below the average. In fact, the reading ability in English is an important component that students must have in this global era. The low reading ability is also caused by the students' perception of reading examination using google form, where reading examination using google form is still considered difficult. For this reason, research on student perception of reading examination using google form is very necessary. So, the purpose of this study was to determine the perception of students majoring in accounting, batch 2019, STEKOM University Semarang on reading examination using google form.
This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The quantitative research method according to Sugiyono (2017: 8) is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, used to research on certain populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, quantitative or statistical data analysis with the aim of testing predetermined hypotheses. While descriptive research is a research method that aims to describe and explain the conditions that exist in the research object based on the factors and data collected, then compiled systematically (Sugiyono, 2017: 238).
The approach used in this research is a survey approach (Non-Experimental). Survey research is research that takes a sample from a population and uses a questionnaire as the main data collection tool. The questionnaire contains a number of questions that must be answered by respondents (Maksum in Oktariyani and Rani, 2019: 149). There are four main characteristics of survey research, that is: 1) using a questionnaire as the main instrument, 2) a large number of research subjects, 3) not giving treatment and 4) using deductive logic as a frame of mind.
This research was conducted on students majoring in accounting, batch 2019, STEKOM University Semarang. The object of this study was chosen because the average reading score using google form was still low, that is 68, and there were even some students whose scores were below the average. In fact, the reading ability in English is an important component that students must have in this global era.
The variable in this study was the student's perception of reading examination using google form. Perception is the assumption of a person in understanding information about their environment through their five senses, like students in arguing about reading examination using google form, both in terms of goals, foundations and benefits through students' seeing and hearing. Students' perception of reading examination using google form in this study were measured by several dimensions, including: (Sibuea, 2018:8-10): a) What do you think about reading examination. b) Do you like reading examination. c) What is your opinion on using goole form in reading examination? Is it easy or difficult to use. d) What is your opinion about the implementation of reading examination using google form. e) Does google form supported you in the reading examination. f) How long did it take you to understand how to use google form in
reading examination. g) Did the lecturer used google form in reading examinatio effectively and efficiently. h) Is google form appropriate for reading examination in the next semester. i) Do you think google form can be implemented for other examination. j) What your opinion about the use of google form in reading examination.
The population of this study were 80 students majoring in Accounting, batch 2019 at STEKOM University Semarang. Furthermore, the sampling technique in this study is total sampling. Total sampling is a sampling technique in which the number of samples is the same as the population (Sugiyono, 2017: 51). The reason for taking total sampling is because according to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2017: 51) the total population is less than 100, the entire population is used as the research sample. So that the number of samples in this study were 80 students majoring in accounting, batch 2019, STEKOM University Semarang.
Sources of data in this study are primary and secondary. Primary data sources are data sources obtained directly from the original sources in the form of questionnaires, and others. Primary data used in this study is data obtained from respondents' responses to the question items in the questionnaire. Furthermore, secondary data sources are data sources obtained through intermediary media indirectly in the form of notebooks, existing evidence, or archives, both published and not generally published. Secondary data used in this study are data obtained from university documents and archives that are related to this research. Then the data is obtained from books, websites, journals, and others.
Data collection in this study was carried out using a questionnaire and documentation study. A questionnaire is a list of questions given to people who are willing to provide perceptions according to user requests. The steps used by the researcher are: a) Researchers distribute questionnaires to each sample. b) From each sample, answers are obtained in accordance with the questions given. c) All the students' answers are the data obtained in this study which are then analyzed. Meanwhile, documentation study is a data collection technique in which researcher investigate written objects such as university data, books, magazines, documents, regulations, and others.
The data obtained in this research is quantitative data which is then analyzed descriptively. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 16 which aims to describe each question item related to student perceptions of reading examination using google form. Furthermore, data analysis was also carried out by clarifying the average student's perception of reading examination using google form whether it was categorized as good, moderate, or bad.
The University of Computer Science and Technology (STEKOM University) is a private university located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Formerly known as the PAT Academy. The main campus is located in Jalan Majapahit No.605, Pedurungan Kidul, Pedurungan District, Semarang City, Central Java. STEKOM University has a career development center in the form of a 3-storey 3000 m2 building located at Jalan Majapahit No.304, Pedurungan, Semarang.
The history of the development of the University of Computer Science and Technology (STEKOM University) begins with a computer and electronics course institute PAT which was founded in 1982. The computer and electronics course institute PAT is committed to providing quality courses at affordable prices as stated in the initial slogan of the PAT course, that is "costeffective, quality guaranteed, pass ready to work".
In its development, the computer and electronics course institute PAT continues to advance and has several branches in Central Java and has received an award from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Central Java Province as the first winner in exemplary courses in
Central Java. Furthermore, this course institution continued and in 1994 changed its form to the PAT Academy with the Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 04 / D / 0/1994 with study programs in Electronic Engineering (Diploma III) and Computer Engineering (Diploma III) (STEKOM University, 2020).
s time went on, the PAT Academy made innovations and adjusted the level of education, until 2002, according to the Minister of Education Decree No. 235 / D / O / 2002, the PAT Academy changed its shape to the College of Computer and Electronics (STEKOM) or often referred to as STEKOM-PAT with three study programs, that is (1) Computer Systems, (2) Electronics Engineering, and (3) Computer Engineering. Over time, STEKOM continues to develop by adding 8 study programs, that is: (1) Graphic Design (Strata I), (2) Information Management (Strata I), (3) Computerized Accounting (Diploma IV), (4) Computer Graphics (Diploma III), and (5) Computerized Accounting (Diploma III) and added with 3 pre-existing study programs (STEKOM University, 2020).
The aspiration to change the form from a high school to a university has emerged since 2018, therefore the PAT Foundation combines 2 institutions, that is the Provision STMIK which is under the auspices of the Pelita Bangsa Provision Foundation and the Abdi Husada Midwifery Academy which is under the Abdi Sesami Foundation Semarang to become University of Science and Computer Technology (STEKOM University) through the Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 604 / M / 2020 by adding 2 new study programs, that is S1 Business Study Program and S1 Entrepreneurship (STEKOM University, 2020).
The development of STEKOM University continues to grow until there are 13 study programs at STEKOM University under the auspices of the Prima Agus Teknik (PAT) Foundation which was founded by Dr.Ir. Agus Wibowo, M. Kom., M, Si., M.M. The 13 study programs are: (1) Informatics Engineering (S1), (2) Computer Systems (S1), (3) Information Systems (S1), (4) Entrepreneurship (S1), (5) Graphic Design (S1), (6) Business (S1), (7) Computerized Accounting (D4), (8) Information Management (D4), (9) Computerized Accounting (D3) ), (10) Electronic Engineering (D3), (11) Computer Graphics (D3), (12) Computer Engineering (D3), (13) Midwifery (D3) (STEKOM University, 2020). Meanwhile, the focus of this research is the Computerized Accounting Department (D4) with 80 students in class 2019.
The vision of STEKOM University is "STEKOM University to be a superior university that produces graduates with international insight and high competence in their fields (expertise) who are accompanied by an entrepreneurial spirit and noble character". While the missions of STEKOM University are: (1) Carrying out higher education within the scope of e-business and computer technology which prioritizes excellence in science and technology and forms noble moral characters. (2) Participating in the intellectual life of the nation and advancing the welfare of the nation through the implementation of higher education by implementing the Tridarma of Higher Education (Education, Research and Community Service), to improve the quality of Indonesia's human resources. (3) Carry out community service activities, especially in the field of e-business technology and computers as a form of social responsibility. (4) Carry out cooperation with external parties within the scope of the Tridharma of Higher Education (STEKOM University, 2020).
Furthermore, STEKOM University continues to make various innovations both in teaching methods and teaching-learning processes, supporting facilities, or facilities and infrastructure, so that STEKOM University can provide as much useful provision for its graduates to be able to compete and innovate in the world of work.
Table 1
Characteristics of Respondents by Age
No |
Age |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 |
< 17 years |
4 |
5% |
2 |
17 – 18 years |
24 |
30% |
3 |
19 – 20 years |
33 |
41,2% |
4 |
> 20 years |
19 |
23,8% |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 1, it can be seen that the average age of the respondents is 19-20 years with a total of 33 respondents (41.2%). Meanwhile, the lowest average age of respondents was <17 years with a total of 4 respondents (5%). So it can be concluded that most of the respondents are in their teens, where adolescence is the age who likes to perceive everything. These perceptions will affect their performance in everyday life.
Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
Table 2
Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
No |
Gender |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 Male |
34 |
42,5% | |
2 Female |
46 |
57,5% | |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 2, it can be seen that the average gender of the respondents is female with a total of 46 respondents (57.5%). Furthermore, respondents with male gender were 34 respondents (42.5%). In this case, both male and female respondents perceived the reading examination using google form as difficult.
At the end of the semester a survey was conducted to find out students' opinions and perceptions about reading examination using google form after being used for one semester in English class 1. This survey was conducted online and distributed via google form, so that students can do it on their own gadgets. The survey consists of two parts; The first part is about the respondent's description which includes the gender and age of students. The second part consists of ten questions about student perceptions about reading examination using google form.
Questions 1 “What Do You Think About Reading Examination?”
Table 3
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 1
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 Difficult |
68 |
85% | |
2 Easy |
12 |
15% | |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 3, it can be seen that the average students stated that reading examination was difficult with a frequency of 68 respondents (85%). Furthermore, 12 respondents (15%) stated that reading examination was easy. Some respondents stated that the reading examination is difficult because they did not have many vocabulary and did not know how to pronounce well. This is evident from the class average score of only 68 and there are some students who score below the class average.
Questions 2 “Do You Like Reading Examination?”
Table 4
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 2
No Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 Don’t Like |
62 |
77,5% |
2 Like |
18 |
22,5% |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 4, it can be seen that the average students stated that they did not like reading examination with a frequency of 62 respondents (77.5%). Furthermore, 18 respondents (22.5%) said they liked reading examination. Some respondents stated that they did not like the reading examination because they considered that the reading examination is boring and difficult.
Questions 3 “What Is Your Opinion on Using Goole Form in Reading Examination? Is It Easy or Difficult to Use?”
Table 5
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 3
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 Difficult |
63 |
78,75% | |
2 Easy |
17 |
21,25% | |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 5, it can be seen that the average students stated that the using of google form in reading examination was difficult with a frequency of 63 students (78.75%), while 17 students stated that using google form in reading examination was easy (21, 25%). Some respondents stated that using google form in reading examination is difficult because google form can only be accessed through gadget or laptop so that students have to read questions on a laptop or gadget screen, and this makes it difficult for them.
Questions 4 “What Is Your Opinion About The Implementation of Reading Examination Using Google Form?”
Table 6
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 4
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 |
Very Bad |
8 |
10% |
2 |
Bad |
10 |
12,5% |
3 |
Moderate |
23 |
28,75% |
4 |
Good |
32 |
40% |
5 |
Very Good |
7 |
8,75% |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 6, it can be seen that the average students stated that the implementation of reading examination using google form was good with a frequency of 32 respondents (40%). Only 8 respondents (10%) stated that the implementation of reading examination using google form was very bad. This is because the implementation of reading examination using google form is always on time, the questions asked are easy to understand and do not cause ambiguous meaning.
Questions 5 “Does Google Form Supported You in The Reading Examination?”
Table 7
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 5
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 No |
45 |
56,25% | |
2 Yes |
35 |
43,75% | |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 7, it can be seen that the average students stated that the google form not supported them in the reading examination with a frequency of 45 students (56.25%), while the students who stated that google form supported them in the reading examination were 35 students ( 43.75%). The number of the two is not much different because they actually believe that using Google Forms has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is more practical because they can do reading examination using gadget or laptop, but on the one hand, using laptop and gadget in reading examination makes them feel difficult to read.
Questions 6 “How Long Did It Take You to Understand How to Use Google Form in Reading Examination?”
Table 8
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 6
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 |
> 2 days |
3 |
3,75% |
2 |
2 days |
7 |
8,75% |
3 |
1 day |
15 |
18,75% |
4 |
< 1 day |
55 |
68,75% |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 8, it can be seen that the average students stated that they only needed less than a day to understand how to use google form in reading examination with a frequency of 55 students (68.75%). Meanwhile, only 3 students needed time> 2 days to understand how to use google form in reading examination (3.75%). This is because the use of google forms is very common so that students do not find it difficult to understand how to use google form in reading examination..
Questions 7 “Did The Lecturer Used Google Form in Reading Examination Effectively and Efficiently?”
Table 9
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 7
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 No |
42 |
52,5% | |
2 Yes |
38 |
47,5% | |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 9, it can be seen that the average students stated that the lecturer not used google form in reading examination effectively and efficiently with a frequency of 42 students (52.5%), while students stated that the lecturer not used google form in reading examination effectively and efficiently as many as 38 students (47.5%). This is because the use of google form in reading examination has not been able to improve student scores. The use of google form in reading examination also makes students find it difficult to read questions.
Questions 8 “Is Google Form Appropriate for Reading Examination in The Next Semester?”
Table 10
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 8
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 No |
45 |
56,25% | |
2 Yes |
35 |
43,75% | |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 10, it can be seen that the average students stated that the google form is not appropriate for reading examination in the next semester with a frequency of 45 students (56.25%). Meanwhile, there were 35 students who stated that the google form was appropriate for reading examination in the next semester (43.75%). This is because the use of google form in reading examination is not effective and efficient.
Questions 9 “Do You Think Google Form Can Be Implemented For Other Examination?” Table 11
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 9
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 No |
25 |
31,25% | |
2 Yes |
55 |
68,75% | |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 11, it can be seen that the average students stated that google form can be implemented for other examination with a frequency of 55 students (68.75%), while students who state that google form can not be implemented for other examination are 25 students ( 31.25%). This is because the using of google form in other examinations is very possible, especially in exact sciences which do not require a lot of reading such as in reading examination.
Questions 10 “What Your Personal Opinion About The Use of Google Form in Reading Examination?”
Table 12
The Frequency of Respondents' Answers to Question Items 10
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 Negative |
52 |
65% | |
2 Positive |
28 |
35% | |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 12, it can be seen that the average students stated that the personal opinion about the using of google form in reading examination was negative with a frequency of 52 students (65%). Meanwhile, there were 28 students who stated that personal opinion about the use of google form in reading examination was positive (35%). This is because the using of google form in reading examination is not effective and efficient.
Category of Student Perception of Reading Examination Using Google Form
Table 13
Student Perception Category
No |
Answers |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 |
Bad |
40 |
50% |
2 |
Moderate |
25 |
31,25% |
3 |
Good |
15 |
18,75% |
Total |
80 |
100% |
Based on table 13, it can be seen that the average students have the perception that reading examination using google form is bad with a frequency of 40 students (50%). Meanwhile, 25 students had the perception that reading examination using google form was moderate (31.25%). Then, students who had the perception that reading examination using google form were good were 15 students (18.75%). This is because based on respondents' answers to questions 1-10 on average they answered negatively and stated that the reading examination using google form was difficult and ineffective and inefficient.
Research conducted by Untari (2020) entitled "Learners 'Perception on Their Online Reading Comprehension At English Education Department", stated that the benefits of online reading have had a substantial effect on the knowledge of learners' comprehension, and that students have strongly focused on the educational evaluation they read. Furthermore, research conducted by Sibuea (2018) entitled "Students' Perceptions on The Use of Google Classroom to support Blended Learning for the Introduction to General Linguistics Course", stated that
Classroom was a satisfying LMS for blended learning in Pengantar Linguistik Umum (PLU) course because of its features, user-friendliness, and appropriateness in higher education program. Then the research conducted by Muhfiyanti and Siti (2018) with the title "Student Perceptions of English Learning Material of Specialization in SMA N 15 Semarang Students", stated that, on average, students gave good perceptions of the learning material of specialization in English. Based on several studies that have been conducted, it was found that the using of google form in reading examination is new and has never been studied in relation to student perception of this matter.
Most students have a perception that reading examination using google form is bad, and only a few students have a perception that reading examination using google form is good. This is because the reading examination using google form has not been able to improve student scores. In addition, reading examination using google form is considered difficult and ineffective and inefficient.
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Muhfiyanti dan Siti Aimah. 2018. Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Peminatan pada Siswa SMA N 15 Semarang. Proceedings of the Unimus Student National Seminar (Vol. 1, 2018).
Mulyadi. 2015. Tingkat Keterbacaan Reading Materials dalam Mata Kuliah Telaah Teks Bahasa Inggris Stain Pamekasan. Nuansa 2015;12(1):135-150, DOI 10.19105/nuansa.v12i1.700.
Oktariyani dan Rani Puspa Juwita. 2019. Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Local Learning. Baturaja Journal Education Technology, Vol 3 No 1 (2019):149-151.
Sibuea, Todo. 2018. Students' Perceptions on The Use of Google Classroom to support Blended Learning for the Pengantar Linguistik Umum Course. Lingua, Scientific Journal of Language and Culture, Vol. 14 September 2018, DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v14i2.45.
STEKOM University. 2020. Data Profil Universitas STEKOM. Retrieved at Accessed on 08 November 2020, pukul 14:01 WIB.
Sugiyono. 2017. Metode Penelitian: Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Untari, Mazkhina Berlian. 2020. Learners’ Perception on Their Online Reading Comprehension At English Education Department. Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran Journal, Vol 15, No 28 (2020).
Biography of Authors
Nining Fitriani, M.Pd, M.Kom was born in Jepara on November 27th, 1984. She is a lecturer in STEKOM University Semarang, Department of Computerized Accounting, Indonesia Ph. +6285226954954. She graduated her bachelor degree in the Faculty of Letter, Semarang State University in 2009. She finished her master degree in the postgraduate program, magister program, Semarang State University in 2013. Last, She finished her master degree of information system program at Satya Wacana Christian University in 2020.
Email: [email protected]
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