
Putri Elisabet Silalahi, Dra. Luh Putu Aswitari M.Si


“ABSTRAK Jumlah impor minuman beralkohol yang tinggi di Provinsi Bali memiliki keterkaitan dengan kurs dollar AS, jumlah wisman, dan PDRB. Tingginya permintaan wisman terhdap minuman beralkohol menyebabkan pemerintah harus melakukan impor. Studi “ini bertujuan untuk Menganalisis” 1) pengaruh kurs dollar AS dan” jumlah wisman terhadap PDRB, 2) Pengaruh kurs dollar AS, jumlah wisman, PDRB terhadap impor minuman beralkohol, 3) Pengaruh tidak langsung kurs dolar AS dan jumlah wisman terhadap impor minuman beralkohol melalui PDRB. Lokasi dari penelitian di Provinsi Bali, dengan memakai teknik analisis jalur ialah ekspansi “dari analisis regresi linear berganda” akan meramalkan keterkaitan sebab akibat dari setiap variabel. Penggunaan data studi ini ialah bersumber dari “Badan Pusat Statistik, Kementrian Perdagangan dan Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Bali.” Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1)”kurs Dollar AS, jumlah wisman berpengaruh signifikan terhadap” PDRB, 2) Kurs dollar AS, Jumlah wisman, PDRB “berpengaruh signifikan terhadap impor” minuman beralkohol Provinsi Bali,” 3) PDRB memediasi pengaruh kurs dollar AS dan jumlah wisman “terhadap impor minuman beralkohol.” Kata kunci : kurs dollar AS, jumlah wisatawan, impor, PDRB ABSTRACT The high number of alcoholic beverage “imports in the province of Bali has been linked to the US dollar exchange rate, the number of foreign tourists, and GDRP.” The high demand for foreign tourists for alcoholic drinks causes the government to import. “This study aims to analyze 1) the effect of the US dollar exchange rate and the number of” foreign tourists on the GDRP, 2) ”The effect of the US dollar exchange rate, the number” of foreign tourists, GDRP on alcoholic beverage imports, 3) The indirect “effect of the US dollar exchange rate and the number of foreign tourists on the import of alcoholic beverages through the GDRP . The location of the research in the Province of Bali,” using path “analysis techniques is the expansion of multiple linear regression analysis will predict the causal relationship of” each variable. The use of this study data is sourced “from the Central Statistics Agency, Ministry of Trade and the Bali Provincial” Tourism Office. The results showed 1) “US dollar exchange rate, the number of foreign tourists had a significant effect on the GDRP, 2) the US dollar exchange rate, the number of foreign tourists, the GDRP had a significant effect on the import of alcoholic beverages in the Province of Bali, 3) the GDRP mediated the influence of the US dollar exchange rate and the number of” foreign tourists on the import of alcoholic drinks. Keywords: US dollar exchange rate, number of tourists, imports, GDRP”


: kurs dollar AS, jumlah wisatawan, impor, PDRB ABSTRACT The high number of alcoholic beverage “imports in the province of Bali has been linked to the US dollar exchange rate, the number of foreign tourists, and GDRP.” The high demand for foreign tourists for alcoholic drinks causes the government to import. “This study aims to analyze 1) the effect of the US dollar exchange rate and the number of” foreign tourists on the GDRP, 2) ”The effect of the US dollar exchange rate, the number” of foreign tourists, GDRP on alcoholic beverage imports, 3) The indirect “effect of the US dollar exchange rate and the number of foreign tourists on the import of alcoholic beverages through the GDRP . The location of the research in the Province of Bali, ” using path “analysis techniques is the expansion of multiple linear regression analysis will predict the causal relationship of” each variable. The use of this study data is sourced “from the Central Statistics Agency, Ministry of Trade and the Bali Provincial” Tourism Office. The results showed 1) “US dollar exchange rate, the number of foreign tourists had a significant effect on the GDRP, 2) the US dollar exchange rate, the number of foreign tourists, the GDRP had a significant effect on the import of alcoholic beverages in the Province of Bali, 3) the GDRP mediated the influence of the US dollar exchange rate and the number of” foreign tourists on the import of alcoholic drinks. Keywords: US dollar exchange rate, number of tourists, imports, GDRP


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How To Cite

SILALAHI, Putri Elisabet; M.SI, Dra. Luh Putu Aswitari. ANALISIS PENGARUH KURS DOLLAR AS DAN JUMLAH WISMAN TERHADAP IMPOR MINOL MELALUI PDRB PROVINSI BALI.E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 5, p. 1143 - 1170, may 2020. ISSN 2303-0178. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 5 (2020): VOL 9 NO 5, MEI 2020, PP 963 - 1199



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