E-Journal of Cultural Studies

DOAJ Indexed (Since 14 Sep 2015)

ISSN 2338-2449

Nov 2021 Vol. 14, Number 4, Page 59-65



AA PTCandra Kartika Pratiwi1, I Made Suastika2, Ni Luh Nyoman Kebayantini3

123 Cultural Studies Study Program, Udayana University

Email: 1[email protected],2[email protected],

3[email protected]

Received Date    :  27-01-2021

Accepted Date    :  26-11-2021

Published Date   :  30-11-2021


The social phenomenon of pre-wedding photos has now begun to be widely discussed by some people who are starting to be sensitive to social changes in the area of Denpasar City. Infact, in Denpasar City at this time almost all bride and groom couples carry out pre-wedding photo sessions before their wedding ceremony takes place. The bride and groom couples even really focus their attention on the results of their pre-wedding photos. This eventually became a conversation that raised pros and cons among parents whose children were going to have a wedding ceremony. Some parents feel that pre-wedding photos cost too much money and costs that they should be able to spend to bail out funds when preparing a series of wedding ceremonies. In contrast to people who feel capable in terms of costs, they will certainly take the pre-wedding costs lightly compared to the satisfaction they will get later after seeing the results of the pre-wedding photos they take. The bride and groom did a prewedding photo session with the theme and concept they specified. When going to do a prewedding photo session, the bride and groom have to prepare a lot of money. Depending on the theme, concept and place they will use later. In Bali, especially in Denpasar City, the cost for the “pawiwahan”or wedding ceremony is quite high, with the addition of a new tradition, namely pre-wedding photos, it will make people spend even more. The meaning of this prewedding photo session is still not much can explain, prospective brides who do pre-wedding photo sessions only say they take pre-wedding photos to follow today's trends. The new trend that is entering Bali is slowly making it a mandatory tradition.

Keywords: pre wedding photo, wedding ceremony, trends, traditions


The trend of taking pictures before starting the Wedding Ceremony is now like a mandatory tradition carried out by the bride and groom. The people of Denpasar City began to consume new traditions and began to make this tradition a mandatory ritual that must be

E-Journal of Cultural Studies DOAJ Indexed (Since 14 Sep 2015) ISSN 2338-2449                                             https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/ecs/

carried out. A consumption society is a society where most of us are obliged to care for others. Yet it is one of simulated cares that is coerced, bureaucratized, and faked. Although from the perspective and retrospective of le societe de comsommation satisfactory theoretically and metatheoretically, it is clear that he is above all consumption works. Although we have come into contact with various issues related to Baudrillard's consumption of thought in the process it will be more direct to direct our attention in this section. (Baudrillard:2015)

Before the 2000s in Bali, especially in Denpasar City, pre-wedding photo sessions were still unknown to the public. People in Denpasar City only capture their moments during the Wedding Ceremony. However, with the inclusion of this pre-wedding photo trend, people in Denpasar City seem to oblige themselves to do a pre-wedding photo session before the Wedding Ceremony takes place. The bride and groom prioritized their pre-wedding photo session rather than preparing the ceremony facilities which would later be used during the “pawiwahan”. From the fact that the prospective bride and groom will hand over the preparation of the “pawiwahan”ceremony facilities to their parents and the bride and groom will better prepare for the pre-wedding photo session, preparation of invitation cards and souvenirs that will be used later. In Denpasar City, it is very easy to find brides who are carrying out pre-wedding photo sessions, whether they are natives of Denpasar or residents outside Denpasar City. After carrying out the pre-wedding photo session they will display their photos on invitations, souvenirs and at the “pawiwahan”ceremony.


The research method was conducted to examine the "Social Phenomenon of Pre Wedding Photos at the Denpasar City Community “pawiwahan”ceremony" using the Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative research methods are used because this research uses observation, case study methods, analytical methods and by using interviews. The researcher hopes that if using the Qualitative Research Method, the researcher will get more real data without any data manipulation. The data analysis used is Qualitative-Verified data analysis because it is done by obtaining as much data as possible and the theory can be seconded, because the research uses Qualitative-Verified Data Analysis, the role of the data is more important than the theory itself.

E-Journal of Cultural Studies DOAJ Indexed (Since 14 Sep 2015) ISSN 2338-2449                                             https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/ecs/


In general, many parties say that this pre-wedding photo has a detrimental impact on the continuity of Hindu community traditions because the bride and groom who will hold a wedding ceremony feel that pre-wedding preparation is more important, those who feel aggrieved will also say that pre-wedding is too much. spending money they shouldn't have spent. The costs that the bride and groom spend should be used for other purposes, such as preparing for their wedding ceremony preparations. However, with the pre-wedding photo session, the bride and groom must have prepared the costs that they will incur when they will carry out the pre wedding photo session.

The family will also be busier preparing for their wedding ceremony, because the future bride and groom will definitely give greater responsibility to the family to prepare for their wedding ceremony later. That's what makes many brides and grooms not know what will be the series of their wedding ceremony later, because those who prepare for their ceremony are their families, not the bride and groom themselves. The bride and groom will only think about preparations such as pre-wedding, invitation cards, souvenirs and wedding receptions.

Preparations that are not traditional from a series of Hindu community “pawiwahan” ceremonies, are more modern preparations and are now finally a mandatory tradition carried out by most of the bride and groom couples who will perform the “pawiwahan”ceremony in Denpasar City. That's what makes many brides and grooms not know what will be the series of their wedding ceremony later, because those who prepare for their ceremony are their families, not the bride and groom themselves. The bride and groom will only think about preparations such as pre-wedding, invitation cards, souvenirs and wedding receptions. Preparations that are not traditional from a series of Hindu community “pawiwahan”ceremonies, are more modern preparations and are now finally a mandatory tradition carried out by most of the bride and groom couples who will perform the “pawiwahan”ceremony in Denpasar City. That's what makes many brides and grooms not know what will be the series of their wedding ceremony later, because those who prepare for their ceremony are their families, not the bride and groom themselves. The bride and groom will only think about preparations such as pre-wedding, invitation cards, souvenirs and wedding receptions. Preparations that are not traditional from a series of Hindu community wiwaha ceremonies, are more modern preparations and are now finally a mandatory tradition

E-Journal of Cultural Studies DOAJ Indexed (Since 14 Sep 2015) ISSN 2338-2449                                             https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/ecs/

carried out by most of the bride and groom couples who will perform the “pawiwahan”ceremony in Denpasar City.

The bride and groom will only think about preparations such as pre-wedding, invitation cards, souvenirs and wedding receptions. Preparations that are not traditional from a series of Hindu community wiwaha ceremonies, are more modern preparations and are now finally a mandatory tradition carried out by most of the bride and groom couples who will perform the “pawiwahan” ceremony in Denpasar City. The bride and groom will only think about preparations such as pre-wedding, invitation cards, souvenirs and wedding receptions. Preparations that are not traditional from a series of Hindu community “pawiwahan”ceremonies, are more modern preparations and are now finally a mandatory tradition carried out by most of the bride and groom couples who will perform the “pawiwahan”ceremony in Denpasar City.

Many brides and grooms don't even know what they mean when they do a prewedding photo session, all they know is their photowill be used on the invitation card and will be on display during their wedding ceremony. That's what makes parents regret the existence of this pre-wedding photo session, maybe for most people who have enough pre-wedding photos it doesn't cost much, but for people with a low economy the cost of this pre-wedding photo really drains their pockets. If the bride and groom do not carry out a pre-wedding photo session, then the assumption of the prospective bride and groom is outdated and does not really follow current trends. Some pairs of brides and grooms even borrow money for the sake of the continuity of their marriage, In fact, if only for the wedding ceremony, the costs incurred are not much, but because of new traditions that cause the addition of a new series before the ceremony or after the ceremony takes place. Indeed, when viewed broadly, there are more negative impacts with the existence of this pre wedding photo, because it costs a lot, the bride and groom will never learn about Hindu wedding traditions which they should learn from now on.

The tradition became a tradition that was abandoned because of issues stating that the tradition was ancient and not many people wanted to learn it. However, pre-wedding photos, which in fact are not a mandatory tradition for the Hindu community in Denpasar, have become a trend that is in great demand by the community and become a mandatory tradition for the bride and groom who will carry out the “pawiwahan”ceremony. Mandatory trend which until now is still a mandatory tradition carried out by most peopleDenpasar city.

E-Journal of Cultural Studies DOAJ Indexed (Since 14 Sep 2015) ISSN 2338-2449                                             https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/ecs/

It has been mentioned earlier that pre-wedding photos are not a tradition of the Denpasar City community's “pawiwahan”ceremony and with the trend of pre-wedding photos, wedding costs are increasing. And pre-wedding also causes the people of Denpasar City to be more lazy to learn and understand the series of Hindu wedding ceremony traditions in Denpasar City. Most people also think that pre-wedding photos are not important because before the 2000s the bride and groom did not take a photo session before their wedding ceremony took place, if those who have more costs they will only capture their wedding moment during the wedding ceremony. That's what makes parents think that pre-wedding photos are not important to do because pre-wedding photos are not a series of traditions of the Hindu community in Denpasar City. However, in modern times, people are more functional in their thinking so that pre-wedding photos become an important tradition that is carried out before the wedding ceremony takes place. Perhaps widely, pre-wedding photos are something that is not mandatory for couples in Denpasar who will hold a wedding ceremony. However, when viewed from the other side, pre-wedding photos actually have a positive impact on several parties, the parties who benefit from this pre-wedding photo trend are usually the photographers,

Here deconstruction comes with the background of post-modernism which is based on the philosophical thought that thought that is so integrated that it is neatly arranged is now sorted down to its basics. The presence of deconstruction is seen as part of postmodernism which epistemologically or philosophically of knowledge, must accept the fact that humans should not be fixated on a system of thought that is strict and so rigid. This paper tries to apply deconstruction to people's thoughts about pre-wedding which is not a Hindu wedding tradition in Denpasar City. Deconstruction is a reading theory that aims to overcome the logic of opposition in the text, deconstruction seeks to uncover the nature of a difference by showing it as a political construction. (Adian, 2006:83)

Lately, there are indeed many couples who do pre-wedding photo sessions before their wedding ceremony takes place, whether they know it or not, people do pre-wedding photo sessions without knowing the meaning of their pre-wedding photo session. Some people in Denpasar even think that pre-wedding photos don't need to be done because it costs too much and takes up a lot of time. However, for the bride and groom whowill hold a wedding ceremony, pre-wedding photos are very important to be carried out in order to capture the moments when the bride and groom have not officially become a husband and

E-Journal of Cultural Studies DOAJ Indexed (Since 14 Sep 2015) ISSN 2338-2449                                             https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/ecs/

wife couple. According to parents who previously did not hold a photo session before the wedding ceremony took place, they thought that pre-wedding photos made the prospective couple more focused on completing their pre-wedding photo session and were less willing to understand the series of ceremonies that the bride-to-be would carry out.

The deconstruction here also sees that there are positive lessons from an event or social phenomenon that occurs, such as this pre-wedding photo that indeed many say that pre-wedding photos have an unfavorable impact on the continuity of Hindu wedding traditions in Denpasar City. The positive impact that can be seen from this phenomenon can be felt by parties who have businesses in certain fields, such as photographer studios and salons who are blessed with this pre-wedding photo session. Derrida's deconstruction is a fact that the basic concept of deconstruction was theoretically developed from the point of view of language, but in later developments it turns out that deconstruction is relevant for other fields of art. The deconstruction used by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida is nothing but written works of philosophical argument. (Fredina et al,2015)

Deconstruction is a text reading strategy developed by Derrida whose thoughts are not only in the field of art but also in the field of design and his thoughts are still very influential in the world today. According to Derrida, deconstruction is also reading the text carefully so that later the premises used can undermine the arguments made on these premises. Deconstruction can develop everywhere, even deconstruction is not only developing as a strategy or method of reading texts but also developing in the practice of architecture and design as a physical work.


The conclusion is that the positive and negative impacts of a phenomenon or a social change that occurs in society cannot only be seen from the center of thought, the peripheral thinking of this phenomenon has a positive impact on those who do have expertise in the field of photographers and make-up. Another positive impact is that if you are going to take a prewedding photo session in a location that is not widely known by many people, the prospective bride and groom can be the pioneers of the location. Derrida invites us to focus more on peripheral thinking and not only focus on the center but also on the periphery of the phenomenon. Like the social phenomenon of pre-wedding photos.



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Fredinadkk, 2015. PerancanganFotografi Pre Wedding Gaya Dekonstruksi. Surabaya: Universitas Kristen Petra

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FotografiPenggabungan Antara Pre-Wedding Photography Dengan Commercial

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