
Luh Eka Widiastini Astawa, I DM Ruspawan, I Ketut Suarnata


“Pensiun guru di muka peran sosialnya di masyarakat, kantor, kekuasaan, kontak sosial, bahkan harga diri terutama guru yang pensiun, sehingga menyebabkan tekanan psikososial. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat harga diri terhadap stres pensiunan PNS guru di Desa Sangsit, Kecamatan Sawan, Kabupaten Buleleng dengan metode studi cross-sectional dan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Data menggunakan kuesioner harga diri dan skala stres yang dirasakan. Hasil penelitian untuk 32 orang pensiunan PNS guru dijadikan sampel, yang paling banyak diketahui memiliki tingkat harga diri rendah adalah 16 orang (50%). Sedangkan untuk hasil penelitian tingkat stres adalah pengulangan pegawai negeri sipil guru menunjukkan bahwa responden yang paling stres adalah 12 orang (37,5%). Analisis data menggunakan uji Sperman Rank dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% dengan hasil 0,000. Dari penelitian ini diharapkan para guru yang sedang menghadapi masa pensiun mempersiapkan formulir pengaturan yang menurunkan stres mental. Kata kunci: pensiunan PNS, harga diri, tingkat stres ABSTRACT Teacher retirement up-front her social role in the community, the office, power, social contact, even self-esteem especially teachers who retired, thus causing the psychosocial stress. This research to know the relationship between the self-esteem level of stress retired civil servants of teacher at Sangsit village, sub-district of Sawan, Buleleng Regency with a cross-sectional study method and technique of sampling purposive sampling. Data using questionnaires self-esteem and perceived stress scale. Research results for 32 people retired civil servants of teacher made sample, the most widely know are having low self-esteem level is 16 people (50%). As for the results of the research the level of stress is reitiring civil servants of teachers showed that respondents most stressed are namely 12 people (37,5%). Data analysis using test Sperman Rank with a confidence level of 95% with the results of 0.000. From this research it is expected of teachers who are facing retirement prepare the form setup ths lowering mental stress. Keywords: retired civil servants, self-esteem, stress level”


pensiunan PNS, harga diri, tingkat stres ABSTRACT Teacher retirement up-front her social role in the community, the office, power, social contact, even self-esteem especially teachers who retired, thus causing the psychosocial stress. This research to know the relationship between the self-esteem level of stress retired civil servants of teacher at Sangsit village, sub-district of Sawan, Buleleng Regency with a cross-sectional study method and technique of sampling purposive sampling. Data using questionnaires self-esteem and perceived stress scale. Research results for 32 people retired civil servants of teacher made sample, the most widely know are having low self-esteem level is 16 people (50%). As for the results of the research the level of stress is reitiring civil servants of teachers showed that respondents most stressed are namely 12 people (37, 5%). Data analysis using test Sperman Rank with a confidence level of 95% with the results of 0.000. From this research it is expected of teachers who are facing retirement prepare the form setup ths lowering mental stress. Keywords: retired civil servants, self-esteem, stress level


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How To Cite

ASTAWA, Luh Eka Widiastini; RUSPAWAN, I DM; SUARNATA, I Ketut. HUBUNGAN HARGA DIRI DENGAN TINGKAT STRES PADA PENSIUN PNS GURU.Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 31-34, apr. 2019. ISSN 2715-1980. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 7 No 1 (2019): April 2019



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