SINTA 4: Ministry of RTHE, Number: 148/M/KPT/2020
ISSN: 14:1114-1416-940690 eS-NIS:S2N5:8205-8907-393733
1. Designing and Creating an Automatic Hydroponic Plant Watering Control System Using a TDS Sensor Based on an ATMEGA328 Microcontroller, Feriandanu Hakim, I Wayan Supardi, Ni Nyoman Ratini
2. Determination of the Optical Band gap Energy from the Extraction and Evaporation of Anthocyanin Compound Sea Lettuce (Ulva . LactuTcha Le.) UDsineg sTaiugcnPlot oMfethaod, FHiaroTmri Soangtikean, HeeroyuSusyanMto, Nai gLunhePuttiucTrisFniaewladti, I PGuteunTeedyraIndtroayranafor
3. ZeroA-PpoipntlFiicelad itsitohenCsauisne foMr thee mLorbenrtzaTnraensfMormaatkioinns gan,d ILdeaads AtoyFiund PMuisctounceIpntitoensnaboGutatyheaStpreici,alNReilativity, Abouzar Bahari
4. Analysis A Water Cooler Simulator on A Solar Cell, I Wayan Teresna, I Nengah Suparta
5. Determination of

, Shinta Palupi, Ni Luh Putu
mputed Tomography Scan on Risk Factors of
ific Dose

6. Analysxiseorf the Spaecstruem, Patteerncof Hyuma MaNdeySourmyataikan, I WWayeann SdurpiardNi i W
ti, WsoinrardieTjnahyo oBanskor

Spe,ctroscopy, yAnoakmAgaunng Intaun Rpahamsasari,, Id
7. Effect of Exposure on Radiographic Image Gde Antha Kasmawan, I Wayan Supardi
uality Based on Object Thickness on Abdominal Examination, Efrensiana A
Melti, I
on the Morphology of PVA/Chitosan/Collagen
8. The Effect of Glutaraldehyde Crosslinking o p gy
DeSwua ApyueSruckomna Pdraunacsttioa, rNsi N(yYom2BanaR4upCiausi7hO, I W15a-yδa)n Suuspairndig, K WN SueatrbaMwa
9. CalcMulaatiodneof WLas
Emission, Vincent

1.0. AnaElyfsfiseocf tAstmosoph . 2021), Anin Nuril
posite Nanofibers, Ria Yuliani,
akydaowPn uSpterctaro,scWop.y PGlas.mSauTehmaperrtaatu,rePu.sinSguBaoltrzdmaannn aEqua yanto Hery, Ida Bagus Ketut Yoga
using t

Netral Cu line

dausi, I
ilityoins Hyenavtyh de Yuliara,
ReaitniEcvenAts icnttihve iStoyuth BRalai Rdegiiaont(iCoasne Stu(dPyA: FlRoo)d Evoennts 5 Ga
, Kadek Sumaja, Komang Ngurah Suarbawa, Put
Suardana, I Ketut
e6 eDencember utra
11. Study on the Relationship between Ho WeNstyKaolimmanatann, RGaaluthinUtia,mIiaWDillaa
tspots and Air Pollution Standard Index Based on Car yaati,nDwSiruiapWaahryduin,i, RYizualAidNriatu, ArzfrauldAhzwialrl,aZuhlfian
Monoxide Concentration in
12. Soil Infiltration Rate Mapping of Pontia
1.3. Identification of Metal Content in Watger Samplespfrom Natural Hot Water Sources in Ulumbu Despa Wewo Kecamatan Satar MeFseleCexnuterr aMlangSgatrraieRneggentchy, Heolenna IdTahh, eIda BPargeuspMaadreaStuiroyantika, oIdfa BaSgutsoAnlitePwaraamrareta, AC.Ae. rNagumrahicGunawan, Nyoman Wendri, N.N. Rupiasih |
-28 98-105 |
14. Biosynthesis And Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Nutgrass Rhizome Extract (Cyperus rotundus L.), Rosvita Hilbrida SulTasotrti,oNki NyNomuagnrRouphiaosih, I Wayan Supardi, I Gde Antha Kasmawan, I Gusti Agung Putra Adnyana, I Nengah Sandi |
106-114 |
15. Optical Characterization of Ferric-Doped ZnO Thin Film Deposited By Chemical Bath Deposition Method, Mohammad . ShaEhsjathiamn, Aakttairounnnahoafr ERseutan, MoUhapmmaand dAsaAdurlrHiavquael Time of Tsunami in Bali Region 29 |
115-123 -35 |
16. AnBalyasiss oefdCarobonn PThaOseAinSATctivSaitemd CuolcaontuitoShnel,l CAha.rcoAal. BDaseidaTheetShaWthritieaninPg Uusrinng aX-mRayaD,iffIr.acBtio.n (AXRlDit) Method, Muna Alfira, Made Sumadiyasa, Komang Ngurah Suarbawa, Nyoman Wendri |
124-129 |
Paramarta, Muh. Soekarno Saputra Rahman 17. Effect of Density on Water Content of Making Corn Skin and Cob Biocharcoal Briquettes, Nurul Hafiza, Masthura, Ety Jumiati |
130-134 |
135 – 141
18. Prototype of Automatic Waste Filter with Load Sensor Cell on Drainage Waters, Siti Nurlisa, Mulkan Iskandar Nasution, Nazaruddin Nasution

Vol. 25 No. 1 February 2024
Discussion and feedback