Ni Wayan Emi Liana Anggraeni, Made Pasek Kardiwinata
“ABSTRAK Upaya pengendalian secara pasif oleh petugas kesehatan masih belum dapat menekan angka tuberkulosis di Kabupaten Badung. Dibutuhkan adanya kegiatan penemuan kasus secara aktif serta pendampingan pasien selama menjalani pengobatan lengkap yang lebih optimal, tidak hanya dari petugas pemegang program namun juga dibutuhkan peran serta dari masyarakat, salah satunya adalah dengan memanfaatkan tenaga kader. Keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas kader memiliki peran penting dalam membangun kerja sama dengan petugas kesehatan untuk menekan kejadian tuberkulosis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan tugas kader TB di Kabupaten Badung tahun 2019. Desain penelitian ini adalah observasional cross-sectional deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kader TB yang ada di Kabupaten Badung berjumlah 50 orang. Data diperoleh dengan teknik wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan tugas kader TB masih kurang yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya keterlibatan kader TB dalam pendampingan pengobatan. Diantara pelaksanaan tugas yang kurang tersebut, dijumpai temuan bahwa kader TB yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki, memiliki pekerjaan selain sebagai kader TB serta memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik, cenderung memiliki pelaksanaan tugas yang baik. Disarankan bagi instansi terkait dalam perekrutan kader selanjutnya agar lebih memprioritaskan kader berjenis kelamin laki-laki dikarenakan kebanyakan tugas dari kader TB berada di luar ruangan. Kata Kunci : Pelaksanaan tugas, Kader, TB ABSTRACT Passive control efforts by health workers still cannot reduce the rate of tuberculosis in Badung Regency. Active case-finding activities are needed as well as mentoring patients while undergoing more optimal complete treatment, not only from program officers but also from the community’s participation, one of which is to use community TB workers. The successful implementation of work perfomance community TB workers has a very important role in building cooperation with health workers to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis. This study aims to determine the Implementation of Work Perfomance Community TB Workers in Badung Regency 2019. The design of this study was cross-sectional observational descriptive. The sample in this study was that all tuberculosis cadres in Badung Regency gathered 50 people. Data obtained by interview techniques using questionnaires. The results showed that the implementation of TB cadre assignments was still lacking caused by the involvement of TB cadres in treatment assistance. Among the implementation of these lacking tasks, found the finding that TB cadres who are male, have jobs other than as TB cadres and have a good level of knowledge, need to have good implementation tasks. Furthermore, further submissions for male cadres greater than the TB cadre assignments were outdoors. Key Word : Job, cadre, TB”
: Pelaksanaan tugas, Kader, TB ABSTRACT Passive control efforts by health workers still cannot reduce the rate of tuberculosis in Badung Regency. Active case-finding activities are needed as well as mentoring patients while undergoing more optimal complete treatment, not only from program officers but also from the community’s participation, one of which is to use community TB workers. The successful implementation of work perfomance community TB workers has a very important role in building cooperation with health workers to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis. This study aims to determine the Implementation of Work Perfomance Community TB Workers in Badung Regency 2019. The design of this study was cross-sectional observational descriptive. The sample in this study was that all tuberculosis cadres in Badung Regency gathered 50 people. Data obtained by interview techniques using questionnaires. The results showed that the implementation of TB cadre assignments was still lacking caused by the involvement of TB cadres in treatment assistance. Among the implementation of these lacking tasks, found the finding that TB cadres who are male, have jobs other than as TB cadres and have a good level of knowledge, need to have good implementation tasks. Furthermore, further submissions for male cadres greater than the TB cadre assignments were outdoors. Key Word : Job, cadre, TB
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How To Cite
ANGGRAENI, Ni Wayan Emi Liana; KARDIWINATA, Made Pasek. PELAKSANAAN TUGAS KADER TUBERKULOSIS DI KABUPATEN BADUNG TAHUN 2019.ARCHIVE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 52-62, may 2020. ISSN 2527-3620. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:
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Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
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