
I Kadek Abdi Kesuma Wijaya, Ni Komang Ekawati, Ni Wayan Arya Utami


“ABSTRAK Lanjut usia menurut definisi dari World Health Organization (WHO) adalah orang yang berusia 60 tahun keatas. Lansia sangat rentan untuk terkena penyakit. Beberapa penyakit yang dialami oleh lansia adalah hipertensi, rematik, diabetes mellitus, gagal jantung dan lain-lain. Selain upaya penanganan kesehatan yang dibuat pemerintah, terdapat kegiatan lain yang dapat menangani masalah kesehatan pada lansia yaitu senam yoga tertawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi tentang manfaat senam yoga tertawa terhadap kesehatan lansia di Kota Denpasar.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi yang menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dengan Focus Group Discussion dan wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sebagian besar lansia memandang di usia 60 tahun keatas akan rentan terkena penyakit serius. Lansia yang mengikuti senam yoga tertawa didorong atas 2 faktor yaitu faktor internal dikarenakan ingin sembuh dan menjadi lebih sehat, serta faktor eksternal disebabkan oleh dukungan keluarga. Tidak ada hambatan yang dirasakan lansia dalam mengikuti senam yoga tertawa. Hal ini dikarenakan mereka termotivasi untuk sehat dan sembuh dari penyakit serta dukungan dari keluarga.Kesimpulan bahwa persepsi lansia terhadap manfaat senam yoga tertawa adalah sakit yang dirasakan berkurang dan lebih sehat. Jadi dapat disarankan senam yoga tertawa dapat diterapkan sebagai alternatif untuk membantu lansia dalam mengatasi masalah kesehatan dan bagi penelitian selanjutnya dapat dijadikan dasar penelitian dalam hal kesehatan lansia dan yoga. Kata Kunci: persepsi, senam yoga tertawa, lansia, kesehatan mental, Denpasar ABSTRACT The elderly according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) are people aged 60 years and over. The elderly are very susceptible to disease. Some diseases experienced by the elderly are hypertension, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, heart failure and others. In addition to health care efforts made by the government, there are other activities that can handle health problems in the elderly, namely laughing yoga exercises. This study aims to determine perceptions about the benefits of laughing yoga exercises on the health of the elderly in Denpasar City. This research is a qualitative study using a phenomenological approach that uses data collection methods with Focus Group Discussion and in-depth interviews. Based on the results of the study, most of the elderly looked at the age of 60 years and over will be vulnerable to serious illness. The elderly who attend yoga exercises are encouraged to push for 2 factors: internal factors due to wanting to recover and become healthier, and external factors caused by family support. There are no obstacles felt by the elderly in participating in the laughing yoga exercises. This is because they are motivated to be healthy and recover from illness and support from the family. The conclusion that the elderly’s perception of the benefits of laughing yoga is a pain reduction and healthier. So it can be suggested laughing yoga exercises can be applied as an alternative to helping the elderly in overcoming health problems and for further research can be used as a basis for research in terms of health of the elderly and yoga. Keywords: perception, laughing yoga exercises, elderly, mental health, Denpasar”


persepsi, senam yoga tertawa, lansia, kesehatan mental, Denpasar ABSTRACT The elderly according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) are people aged 60 years and over. The elderly are very susceptible to disease. Some diseases experienced by the elderly are hypertension, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, heart failure and others. In addition to health care efforts made by the government, there are other activities that can handle health problems in the elderly, namely laughing yoga exercises. This study aims to determine perceptions about the benefits of laughing yoga exercises on the health of the elderly in Denpasar City. This research is a qualitative study using a phenomenological approach that uses data collection methods with Focus Group Discussion and in-depth interviews. Based on the results of the study, most of the elderly looked at the age of 60 years and over will be vulnerable to serious illness. The elderly who attend yoga exercises are encouraged to push for 2 factors: internal factors due to wanting to recover and become healthier, and external factors caused by family support. There are no obstacles felt by the elderly in participating in the laughing yoga exercises. This is because they are motivated to be healthy and recover from illness and support from the family. The conclusion that the elderly’s perception of the benefits of laughing yoga is a pain reduction and healthier. So it can be suggested laughing yoga exercises can be applied as an alternative to helping the elderly in overcoming health problems and for further research can be used as a basis for research in terms of health of the elderly and yoga. Keywords: perception, laughing yoga exercises, elderly, mental health, Denpasar


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How To Cite

WIJAYA, I Kadek Abdi Kesuma; EKAWATI, Ni Komang; UTAMI, Ni Wayan Arya. PERSEPSI TENTANG MANFAAT SENAM YOGA TERTAWA TERHADAP KESEHATAN LANSIA DI KOTA DENPASAR.ARCHIVE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 43-49, dec. 2018. ISSN 2527-3620. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 5 No 2 (2018): Desember (2018)



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