Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 7 No. 1, February 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24843/UJoSSH.2023.v07.i01.p05


The Use of Slang Words of Bruno Mars Songs

Oviana D.Y Libing1, I Nengah Sudipa2, I Nyoman Aryawibawa3

English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia [email protected]

English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University,

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia [email protected] English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia [email protected]

Abstract: This study aims to identify the types of slang words and the meaning of slang words implied in Bruno Mars songs. The researcher divides the data into two parts which are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was taken from the internet in the form of Bruno Mars songs’ lyrics. The previous study and journal were taken as the secondary data to support this research. The methods used in this study is the qualitative descriptive and documentation technique. The main theory that the researcher used is the theory of slang proposed by Eric Partridge (1954). The result of this study shows that there are two types of slang words that contained in Bruno Mars songs lyric. Furthermore the meaning of slang words that implied in Bruno Mars songs lyric is refers to him as a singer.

Keywords: bruno mars, slang words, slang words types and the meaning of slang words.


According to swan (2005) slang is a very informal kind of vocabulary, used mostly in speech by people who know each other well. Another definition comes from Eble (1996), slang words are considered as style or fashion language like cloths, it is popular, entertainment, new, accepted in group, and slang words are also identified as group members. It means that slang words are like our fashion style that must be new, famous, that people like to use in society.

According to Spolsky (1988:35), slang is a kind of jargon marked by its rejection of formal rules, its comparative freshness and it common ephemerality, and its marked use to claim solidarity in a group membership, is an important social force that has a major impact on language. Slang is primarily speech intentionally used to obtain some degree of secrecy. It may become a secret language.

Nowadays, slang can be found not only in daily conversation, and also conversations in movies, or in lyric

song. It is quite difficult to explain the reason behind it. Yet, people believe that using slang words in their literary work, such a song may attract more attention from viewers. People like using slang words because it’s efficient, simple, and expressive. Thus, the use of slang words has transformed into a mode.

As explained above the use of slang words can be found in lyric songs. Bruno Mars is one of the singers that used slang words in his songs. One example of his song is 24K Magic, 24K Magic is one of the songs that used slang words. This song has achieved Grammy awards as record of the year. 24K Magic has some slang words for the example Girls, what y’all trying to do. The slang word that is used is y’all. It comes from you all. The word y’all has become widely used by many people not only to young ones, but almost everyone around the world uses it. People already use it, but when some entertainer like Bruno Mars uses slang y’all it becomes more famous and trends of slang word are enhanced when it is being included in song lyrics.

This study aims to identify and analyze the types of slang words and the meaning of slang words that implied in Bruno Mars songs lyric. Bruno Mars songs that used in this study can be easily heard from the online sites or music application. The genre of his songs is pop and R&B. The songs of Bruno are interesting to be discussed because it contains the data needed in this study.

This topic are interesting to analyze because slang words is a unique variation of language that many people love to use in their conversation. People in this era like to use something that makes them look trendy and unique. Use slang words can make the conversation more quickly to say and easily to understand, moreover the use of slang words can make conversation more attractive. Therefore this study is conducted to analyze the types of slang words and the meaning of slang words implied in Bruno Mars song’s lyrics in order to know deeply about the slang words itself.

Finally, this study can be used as a references for the readers, especially the student of English Department. This study can be useful for those who wants to know more about slang words, especially the types of slang and the meaning of slang that implied in song lyrics.


  • A.    Research Method

Method is one of the most important points in doing a research or study. Research is a process or steps used for collecting and analyzing data or information to increase our understanding of a topic issue. The research method of this study was divided into four following aspects; data source, method and technique of collecting data, method and technique of analyzing data, and method and technique of presenting data. This study used a qualitative descriptive methods and documentation technique.

The data source used in this study are divided into two parts; primary data and secondary data. The primary data was taken from the internet in the form of Bruno Mars songs lyric 24K Magic, Versace On the Floor, Straight Up and Down, Calling all my Lovelies and Finesse. The previous study and journal were taken as the secondary data to support this research. The data chosen was the lyrics of Bruno Mars songs because it contained lingual data and it is very interesting to be discussed.

The songs used in this research belong to Bruno Mars studio album 24K Magic. The data were produced in America 2016, the year when the album was released. Bruno Mars was inspired by an album where he could capture the sounds of 1990s R&B that he listened to and danced to during his childhood.

The nature of this study is library research, in which tha data were collected by documentation method. The data

were taken from the lyrics of Bruno Mars songs. This study was followed by some technique, are:

  • a.    Downloading the data in the form song lyrics from the internet through the website https://genius.com/.

  • b.    Listening to the songs of Bruno Mars and reading the songs lyric more than once aims to understand the meaning of slang words implied in Bruno Mars songs’ lyrics. c. Finding and note taking of the words in the songs lyric which is slang words for making the process easier.

In this study the data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method and theory of slang words proposed by Eric Partridge (1954) to identify the types of slang words and analyzed the meaning of slang words that implied in Bruno Mars songs lyric. The data were listening and read all of the songs lyric, then analyzed by using concept and theoretical framework that is relevant to the topic.

In presenting the data in order to make it easier to answer the problem of this research, this study was using descriptive method. Then the data that analyzed were presented in informal descriptive methods. Therefore, the data that has been found was present in word or sentences in the form of paragraph, in order to classify the types of slang words and described the meaning of slang words that implied in Bruno Mars songs’ lyrics based on the theory by Eric Partridge.

This study discussed the types of slang words and the meaning of slang words implied in Bruno Mars songs lyric. There are some theory need to be explained to understand this study.

  • B.    Theory of Slang

Eric Partridge in his book Slang To-day and Yesterday mention a quotes from Drs. Bradley and Krapp said that “slang develops most freely, in groups with a strong realization of a group activity and interest, and group without this sense of unity.” Eric Partridge clarified that the different kind of slang are numerous, and I propose to treat of only the twenty-four most important: after all, there are limits.

  • C.    Types of Slang

As mention before this research is discussed about the types and the meaning of slang words that implied in Bruno Mars songs lyrics. Here the researcher will explained the types of slang words that contained in Bruno Mars songs lyrics.

  • a.    Public House Slang

Public house slang is considered as a public house group of words or phrases that makes up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by the nature of the subject. It is genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical. The examples are below which taken from “The

Routledge Dictionary of Historical Slang” by Partridge (2006):

  • -    Booze-shunter, means a beer drinker.

  • -    War Cry, means mixture of stout and mild-ale understood.

  • -    Round the corner, means having had something strong to drink.

The term “booze-shunter” used by the South-Western porters and guards who frequented the pubs around Waterloo station, originated the term, which soon became general among the police officers society. While the term “war-cry” has a satirical reference to the Salvation Army, which speaks stoutly in polite language. And the term “round the corner”commonly used by lower class people about the year 1895-1930. From the explanation above, it is clear that these slangs belong to public house slang because of them having relation with public house or we commonly called it as tavern.

  • b.    Society Slang

Society slang is commonly used in daily speaking and connected to society. Every society group uses some types of slang, and by association, those words or phrases become property of that group, something that defines them in a certain way. In the modern world, slang has become so much a defining trait of many groups that is impossible to ignore the impact it has had on western society. Unfortunately, much of the impact it has had is by underscoring social and class separations. Slang is part of communication in one form or the other. Even though slang usually has a negative assumption and isn’t widely used in all types of situations when people are not aware of it. They do not realize that the way they speak differs from the way that their predecessors spoke.


This chapter is concern with the analysis of the data that is the lyrics of the songs 24K Magic, Versace On the Floor, Straight Up and Down, Calling all my Lovelies and Finesse. The data used because it was interesting to be analyzed and containing the data that were needed by the researcher.

  • A. Types of Slang

There were two types of slang words from Eric Partridge found in Bruno Mars’ song lyrics. First was public house slang. In accordance with the characteristics of the public house slang and their nature of words or phrases are not gross cynical.Second, society slang is defined as a tendency of joyously, or jauntily over the object and practice of the slang user's.

  • - Public House Slang

These are some of public slang words from the lyric song of Bruno Mars songs 24K Magic, Versace on the Floor, Straight Up and Down, Calling all my Lovelies and Finesse.

  • a.    Y’all

The slang y’all found at minute 00:30. The lyric part is, girls what y’all trying to do? 24k magic in the air. The slang y all belongs to public house slang because y all here is indicate to have meaning you all.

  • b.    ‘em

The slang ’em found in minute 00:49. The lyric part is, oh they don’t know? (Go on tell ‘em) I bet they know soon as I walk in. The slang ‘em belongs to public house slang because ‘em here is indicate to have meaning them.

  • c.    Gangstas

The slang gangstas found in minute 01:37. The lyric part is, second verse for the hustlas gangstas (gangstas). The slang gangstas belongs to public house slang because gangstas here is indicate to have meaning gang member.

  • d.    I’d

The slang i’d found in minute 00:17. The lyric part is, there’s no place i’d rather be in this world, your eyes are where I’m lost in. The slang I’d belongs to public house slang because I’d here is indicate to have meaning I would, I had and I should.

  • e.    We’re

The slang we’re found in minute 00:26. The lyric part is, underneath the chandelier we’re dancin’ all alone there’s no reason to hide what we feelin’ inside right now. The slang we’re in Mars song lyric Versace on the Floor belongs to public house slang because we’re here is indicate to have meaning we are.

  • f.    I’ll

The slang i’ll find in minute 01:47. The lyric part is, I'll be right ready to hold you, girl you know you’re perfect from your head down to your heels. The slang I’ll belongs to public house slang because I’ll here is indicate to have meaning I will and I shall.

  • g.    Nobody

The slang nobody found in minute 00:22. The lyric part is, and nobody at the party droppin’it low like the way that you do. The slang nobody in Mars song lyric Straight up and Down belongs to public house slang because nobody here is indicate to have meaning no person and not anybody.

  • h.    We’ll

The slang we’ll find in minute 00:14. The lyric part is, yeah I know we’ll turn heads forever so tonight I’m gonna show you off. The slang we’ll in Mars song Finesse belongs to public house slang because we’ll here is indicate to have meaning we will and we shall.

  • i.    Baby

The slang baby found in minute 00:27. The lyric part is, ‘baby, that's what you do (baby, that's what you do)’. The slang baby in Mars song Finesse belongs to public house slang because baby here is indicate to have meaning dear.

  • - Society Slang

These are some of society slang words from the lyric song of Bruno Mars songs 24K Magic, Versace on the Floor, Straight Up and Down, Calling all my Lovelies and Finesse.

  • a.    Shit

The slang word shit found in minute 01:02. The lyric part is, ooh shit, I’m a dangerous man with some money in my pocket (keep up). The slang shit in Mars song 24K Magic belongs to society slang because shit here is indicate to have meaning swear and unpleasant word.

  • b.    Bitches

The slang word bitches found in minute 01:40. The lyric part is, bad bitches and ya ugly ass friends (haha) can I preach? (uh oh) Can I preach? (uh oh). The slang bitches in Mars song 24K Magic belongs to society slang because bitches here is indicate to have meaning with express displeasure and grumble.

  • c.    Gotta

The slang word gotta found at minute 01:49. The lyric part is, I gotta show ‘em how a pimp gets it in. The slang shit in Mars song 24K Magic belongs to society slang because shit here is indicate to have meaning got to.

  • d.    Ain’t

The slang word ain’t found in minute 01:55. The lyric part is, they ain’t ready for me, uh I’m a dangerous man with some money in my pocket. The slang ain’t in Mars song 24K Magic belongs to society slang because ain’t here is indicate to have meaning am not, are not, is not, have not and has not.

  • e.    ‘cause

The slang word ‘cause found in minute 02:03. The lyric part is, ‘cause I ain’t ever been more for real, for real. The slang ‘cause in Mars song Versace on the Floor belongs to society slang because ‘cause here is indicate to have meaning because.

  • f.    Momma

The slang word momma found in minute 00:10. The lyric part is, Girl, you bet your momma named you good lookin’ ‘cause you sure you look good to me. The slang momma in Mars song Straight up and Down belongs to society slang because momma here is indicate to have meaning mother.

  • g.    Damn

The slang word damn found in minute 00:27. The lyric part is, you got me sayin’, damn girl break it down for me. The slang damn in Mars song Straight up and down belongs to society slang because damn here is indicate to have meaning curse and swear.

  • h.    Wanna

The slang word wanna found in minute 00:26. The lyric part is, you say yo wanna go and have fun, well you ain’t the only one. The slang wanna in Mars song Calling all my Lovelies belongs to society slang because wanna here is indicate to have meaning want to or want a.

  • i.    Gonna

The slang word gonna found in minute 00:46. The lyric part is¸ if this is how it’s gonna be, I’m calling all my lovelies (calling all my lovelies). The slang gonna in Mars song Calling all my Lovelies belongs to society slang because gonna here is indicate to have meaning going to.

  • j.    What the hell

The slang word what the hell found in minute 01:18. The lyric part is, sendin’ me straight to voicemail, sugar, what the hell. The slang what the hell in Mars song Calling all my Lovelies belongs to society slang because what the hell here is indicate to have meaning what happened and what’s going on.

  • k.    Shut that shit

The slang word shit that shit found in minute 01:32. The lyric part is, shut that shit on sight, that’s right. We out here drippin’ in finesse, I don’t make no sense. The slang shut that shit in Mars song Finesse belongs to society slang because shut that shit here is indicate to have meaning be quite.

  • l.    Yeah

The slang word yeah found in minute 02:12. The lyric part is, yeah we got it goin’ on got it goin’ on

don’t it feel so good to be us? (ayy). The slang yeah in Mars song Finesse belongs to society slang because yeah here is indicate to have meaning yes.

  • B.    Meaning of Slang

This study has found and analyzed the meaning of slang words that implied in Bruno Mars songs lyric based on the theory by Eric Partridge in his book Slang To-Day and Yesterday as follow:

The slang word:

  • a.    y’all

From the lyric of Bruno Mars song 24K Magic he used this word in order to asked his friends to join the party with him and having fun. In formal words, y’all here is indicate to have similarity meaning you all. You all is a word that usually use by people to communicate with their friends, family or colleague.

  • b.    ‘em

From the lyric of Bruno Mars song 24K Magic he used this word because he wanted to show himself out to all of them that come to the party. The word ‘em here is indicate to have similarity meaning them. Them is a word that usually used by people to communicate. The word ‘em is only can use in informal situation because this word is informal word and it’s not suitable if people use this word to communicate in formal situation.

  • c.    Gangstas

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song 24K Magic he used this word because he wanted to express his happy feeling with his friends or a member of his gang. The word gangstas here is indicate to have similarity meaning a member of an inner-city street gang or a gang member. The slang word gangstas is famous in adolescent and they often use this word in their communities. Bruno Mars used this slang word because he wanted to call his gang member in this song.

  • d.    I’d

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Versace on the Floor he used this word because he wanted to express his happy feeling with his girlfriend that he can dance together with his girlfriend. The word i’d here is indicate to have similarity meaning I would, I had and I should. The slang word i’d is famous and mostly used in communities because it is simple and dashing.

  • e.    We’re

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Versace on the Floor he used this word because he wanted to express his happy feeling with his girlfriend that he can dance together with his girlfriend. The word we’re has similarity meaning with we are. The slang word we’re is famous and mostly used in communities because it is simple and dashing.

  • f.    I’ll

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Versace on the Floor he used this word in order to tell his girlfriend to feel comfortable and not be afraid because he is here for her. The word i’ll here is indicate to have similarity meaning I will and I shall. The slang word i’ll is famous and mostly used in communities because it is simple and dashing.

  • g.    Nobody

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Straight Up and Down he used this word in order to tell that she is the best one, there is no person like her and he love her very much. The word nobody here is indicate to have similarity meaning no person and not anybody. The slang word nobody is famous and mostly use in communities because it is simple and dashing.

  • h.    We’ll

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Finesse he used this word in order to show off himself that he is the best and he is the center of attention and also this word is related to him and his girlfriend. The word we’ll have similarity meaning with we will and we shall. The slang word we’ll is famous and mostly use in communities because it is simple and dashing.

  • i.    Baby

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Finesse he used this word in order to refresh his girlfriend that he adores. The word baby here is indicate to have similarity meaning dear or often used by woman and man to call each other when they have a romantic relationship. The slang word baby is famous and mostly used in communities because it is simple and dashing.

  • j.    Shit

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song 24K Magic he used this word in order to show how cool and naughty he is in this song. The word shit here is indicate to have similarity meaning swear, profanities or trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk. The slang word shit is famous and mostly used in society when they are talking.

  • k.    Bitches

From the lyric of Bruno Mars song 24K Magic he used this word in order to show himself out and insulting other people. The word bitches here is indicate to have similarity meaning difficult, or unpleasant situations or things that express displeasure and grumble. The slang word bitches is famous and mostly used in society when they are talking.

  • l.    Gotta

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song 24K Magic he used this slang word in order to refresh something that unpleasant. The word gotta here is indicate to have similarity meaning got to. The slang word gotta is famous and mostly used in society when they are talking.

  • m.    Ain’t

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song 24K Magic he used this word in order to tell people that he is the best, no one can touch him and people are not ready to face him. The word ain’t here is indicate to have similarity meaning am not, are not, is not, have not and has not. The slang word ain’t is famous in society and mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.

  • n.    ‘cause

From the lyric of Bruno Mars song Versace on the Floor he used this word in order to tell his good feeling that he had never loved someone that much before, but when he is with her he felt deeply in love. The word ‘cause here is indicate to have similarity meaning because. The slang word ‘cause is famous in society and mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.

  • o.    Momma

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Straight Up and Down he used this word in order to express that there is no one that is more beautiful than that girl, she is the one who capable to stealing his attention. The word momma here is indicate to have similarity meaning mother. The slang word momma is famous in society and mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.

  • p.    Damn

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Straight Up and Down he used this word in order to express his good feeling about that girl and only that girl can make him feel amazed and say that word (damn). The word Damn here is indicate to have similarity meaning curse, swear and often used to express

annoyance, disgust, or surprise. The slang word damn is famous in society and mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.

  • q.    Wanna

From the lyric of Bruno Mars song Calling all my Lovelies he used this word in order to tell his bad feeling to his girlfriend that she is not the only one who want to having fun. The word wanna here is indicate to have similarity meaning want to or want a. The slang word wanna is famous in society and mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.

  • r.    Gonna

From the lyric of Bruno Mars song Calling all my Lovelies he used this word in order to tell his girlfriend that she doesn’t need to contemplate what was going to haappened. The word gonna here is indicate to have similarity meaning going to. The slang word gonna is famous in society and mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.

  • s.    What the hell

From the lyric of Bruno Mars song Calling all my Lovelies he used this word in order to show his anger to his girlfriend. He get mad when his girlfriend send out a voicemail to him that doesn’t make sense and playing something he hate. The slang word what the hell here is indicate to have similarity meaning what happened, what’s going on or an extremely unpleasant and often inescapable situation. The slang word what the hell is famous in society and mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.

  • t.    Shut that shit

From the lyric of Bruno Mars song Finesse he used this word in order to not blame him and remain silent. The slang word shut that shit here is indicate to have similarity meaning be quite or stop talking a nonsense thing. The slang word shut that shit is famous in society and mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.

  • u.    Yeah

From the lyrics of Bruno Mars song Finesse he used this word in order to express his good feeling that he can achieve something because he is talented and he loved to shout out loud (yeah). The slang word yeah here is indicate to have similarity meaning yes. The slang word yeah is famous in society and

mostly used in informal situations when they are talking with someone.


From the previous discussion it can be concluded that; there are two types of slang words already found, those are public house slang and society slang based on the theory of slang word by Eric Partridge in his book Slang To-Day and Yesterday. Public house slang is told about the word that is usually used by communities, meanwhile society slang is told about the slang word that is mostly used by society.

This study also analyzed the meaning of slang words implied in Bruno Mars’ songs lyrics based on the theory of slang words by Eric Partridge too. The meaning of slang words found mostly refers to Bruno Mars as the singer of the songs. In analyzing the meaning of slang word it is based on the theory of slang words by Eric Partridge.


All praise goes to Jesus Christ for the endless blessing and strength Given to me to complete this undergraduate thesis. At this occasion I would like to extend my gratitude to some people for their true support, help, and encourage me to complete this research.

My sincereness is extended to my first and second supervisor, Prof. Dr. I Nengah Sudipa, M.A. and I Nyoman Aryawibawa, S.S.,M.A., Ph.D for their thoughtfulness and kindness in giving me guidance, and knowledge. Their


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My gratitude is delivered to my former and current Academic Advisor Drs. I Gede Putu Sudana, M.A and Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sedeng, M.Hum is also the head of English Department who has guided me during my study in English Department. My gratitude is also delivered to Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S, M.Hum. as the head of the Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University for supporting my study. In addition, I would like to extend my gratitude to all of the lectures who have generously taught me. Finally, I would like to thank all of the staff in Udayana University, especially the faculty of humanities for kindly and providing the best services.

The most important of my life, my family, I would like to extend my gratitude to my father thank you for supporting our financial, and also my younger sisters and my nephew for their help, support and their prayer. They always pray, support and help me to be a better person, I hope I can make them proud in the future. I dedicated this writing to them.

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