Judul penelitian ini adalah "CONTEXT OF SITUATION AND LEXICAL COHESION IN A TOURISM ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN NOW! BALI MAGAZINE". Konteks situasi dan Fitur kohesi leksikal yang digunakan dalam artikel yang diterbitkan dalam majalah pariwisata Now! Bali: Januari 2011 edisi, The Island of Gods adalah topik penelitian ini. Analisa ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis Leksikal Kohesi yang terjadi dalam artikel tersebut.

Teori utama diadopsi dari teori konteks situasi yang diusulkan oleh Halliday dan Hasan, dalam buku mereka yang berjudul: Language, context, and text of language in a social-semiotic perspective (1985). Ada tiga fitur dari konteks situasi. Bidang, tenor dan modus Konsep-konsep ini berfungsi untuk menafsirkan konteks sosial, dan kolokasi adalah bagian dari leksikal kohesif, sumber data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari artikel pariwisata yang berjudul. "Fun with Kids di Bali: Get Kreatif". Artikel ini ditulis oleh Suryani, dan diterbitkan dalam majalah Now! Bali edisi Pulau Dewata. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka dan proses pengumpulan data dimulai dengan membaca dan memahami isi dari sumber kalimat kemudian memilih sumber untuk mendapatkan data yang sesuai yang terkait dengan topik dan juga dengan mencatat. Data penelitian ini dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang berhubungan dengan teori-teori yang relevan sesuai dengan batas lingkup pembahasan.

Analisis menunjukkan bahwa tiga bagian fitur dari konteks situasi, yaitu; bidang, tenor dan modus artikel, ada sejumlah perangkat kohesif leksikal yang digunakan dalam artikel, semua fitur leksikal kohesif dipergunakan dalam artikel dengan 25 kejadian. Penggunaan perangkat kohesif leksikal dengan jenis yang paling sering terjadi adalah pengulangan dengan persentase 12% (Terjadi 17 kali). Penggunaan perangkat kohesif leksikal dalam sebuah artikel majalah tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dalam jumlah, jika dibandingkan dari sebuah artikel di surat kabar seperti di Amadea (2009) atau artikel pariwisata di Setiawati (2005). Ini berarti penggunaan perangkat kohesif leksikal penting untuk membuat semua jenis kalimat dapat dengan mudah dipahami oleh pembaca. Perangkat

kohesif leksikal memiliki peran penting dalam menghadirkan bentuk kekompakan kalimat. Kurangnya perangkat kohesif leksikal yang digunakan dalam kalimat akan memberikan kontribusi pada tekstur yang lebih buruk dari kalimat. Perangkat kohesif leksikal diperlukan untuk membuatnya efisien namun rinci dan mudah dipahami bagi para pembaca.

  • 1.    Background of the Study

A text is unit of language in use. Text may be either spoken or written. (Halliday, 1985: 10). Spoken text has function to confirm information directly, for example, formal and non- formal text. Written text has function to provide information and to entertain through writing system. There are three types of written text based on its function, those are; written text is used for action, for example, product labels, bills, and computer manual; written text is used for information, for example, newspaper, advertisement, and magazine; written text used for entertainment, for example, comic strips, fiction books, poetry and drama. In analyzing the text, there are still found some problems, for example, it is too hard for us to understand the meaning of the text if we do not have the ability to understand various words and their use in the text.

According to Halliday (1985), there are three features of context of situation, they are; field, tenor and mode. These serve to interpret the social context of the text, the environment in which meaning is being exchanged, in order to be able to understand what other people mean in the text. It means that the reader has to put the text into its ‘context’ that refers to the total environment and the situation in which the text including the verbal environment and the situation in the text is uttered.

According to Halliday (1976), Lexical cohesive device is a semantic relationship which is achieved through the selection of words related in some way to those that have gone, in other words, the lexical cohesion occurs when two words in a text are semantically related in some ways or they are related in term of their meaning. Lexical cohesive device, that consist of Reiteration and Collocation are a part of cohesion meaning. It can be differentiated from grammatical cohesive relations. Sometimes the readers feel confused in understanding the text that they read. It is caused by the arrangement of sentences in a text using a lot of words which replace one word related to the others.

Context of situation and Lexical cohesion are chosen as the topic of this research thesis because it is an interesting subject since it is an important element in building the meaningful whole text. By using the appropriate lexical cohesion and knowing the context of situation in every kind of text, both oral and written, misunderstanding among the speakers

and readers could be minimized. However, the presence of cohesive devices in a text is more important than the presence of it in oral communication.

Magazine is one of many printed media which can be found in daily life. It contains much information which is very valuable to improve knowledge. Its information content is arranged based on the needs of the readers and classified into several fields such as health, political, tourism, entertainment, and business. NOW! Bali Magazine is a monthly tourism magazine dedicated to visitors to Bali. The editorial in this magazine is centred on "What's on", "Where to go" and "What to do". Returning to the very roots of Bali's tourism, the magazine tries to get tourists to revisit the beautiful and unique wonders of Bali: temples, palaces, galleries and museums before turning to parks, dining, wellbeing & spa, shopping, surfing and more. Every issue starts with a Welcome Dance, as does every major event in Bali, and close with the traditions and the everyday life of Bali.

  • 2.    Problems of the study

  • 1.    What types of lexical cohesive devices are employed in tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”?

  • 2.    Which types of those lexical cohesive devices are mostly employed in tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”?

  • 3.    What are the contexts of situation at the tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

  • 1.    To find out the types of lexical cohesive devices employed in the tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”.

  • 2.    To find out which types of those lexical cohesive devices are mostly employed in tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”.

  • 3.    To analyze the context of situation at the tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”.

  • 4.    Scope of Discussion

  • 1.    The types of lexical cohesive devices employed in tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”.

  • 2.    The types of lexical cohesive devices employed mostly in tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”.

  • 3.    The context of situation of the tourism article entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”.

  • 5.    Theoretical Framework

The basic theories used in this writing are theories of the context of situation and cohesion proposed by Halliday & Hasan, in their book entitled: Language, context, and text : aspect of language in a social-semiotic perspective ( 1985 ), and Cohesion in English (1976). According to Halliday & Hasan (1985), there are three concepts of context of situation: they are field of discourse, tenor of discourse and mode of discourse.

Context of Situation Halliday & Hasan mention three features of the context of situation, they are; field, tenor and mode. These concepts serve to interpret the social context of a text, the environment in which the meanings are being exchanged.

Field of Discourse Field refers to subject matters of the text. It deals with what happening, and refers to the nature of social action that is taking place. Field is the total event in which the text is functioning, together with the purposive activity of the speaker or writer.

Tenor of Discourse The tenor of discourse refers to who is taking part, to the nature of the participants, their statuses and roles, what kinds of roles relationship is obtained among the participants, including permanent and temporary relationships of one kind or another, both of type of speech role that are taking on the dialog and the whole cluster of socially significant relationship in which they are involved (Halliday, 1885:12).

Mode of Discourse: The mode of discourse refers to what part the language is playing, what it is that the participant are expecting the language to do for them in that situation the symbolic organization of the text, the status that it has, and its function in the context and also the rhetorical mode, what is being achieved by the text in terms of such categories as persuasive, expository, didactic, and the like.

Theory of Cohesion: The concept of cohesion is separately expressed through grammar and partly through vocabulary. There are two kinds of cohesion: they are grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. The grammatical cohesion consists of reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion consists of reiteration and collocation. The theory of cohesion proposed by Halliday & Hasan in the book Cohesion in English (1076).

Lexical Meaning Lexical Meaning is a meaning which has to do with its referent.

Lexical Relation in Cohesion: In the study of text, cohesion plays the most important role, in which it shows how the components of text are linguistically connected.

Types of Cohesion The concept of cohesion accounts for the essential semantic relations whereby any passage of speech or writing is enabled to function as text. We can systematize this concept by classifying it into a small number of distinct categories which have a theoretical basis as distinct types of cohesive relations but which also provide a practical means for describing and analyzing text.

Lexical Cohesion Lexical Cohesion is a semantic relationship which is achieved by the selection of words that are related in some way to those that have gone before. It is a ‘phoric’ cohesion that is established through the structure of the lexis, or vocabulary, and hence at lexico grammatical level.

Reiteration Reiteration is the repetition of a lexical item, or the occurrence of synonym of some kind, in the context of reference, that is, where the two occurrences have the same referent.

  • 6.    Analysis of Context of Situation in Tourism Articles Entitled “Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative”

    • 6.1    Field

Because of the article consists of two subtitle that has different discussion, to find out the mode of the text must be done by dividing into each subtitle, in the first subtitle “D’Topeng Kingdom, Indonesian Heritage Art Museum” . The text describe about elly and reno halsamer’s new art museum just opened in kuta, the museum is concerned with symbolic items of Indonesian heritage such as valuable mask, dagger (kris), puppet ( wayang kulit). The mission of reno in his museum is to preserve the cultural artifact and cultural object so that they are not lost or forgotten and make it to be one of the most informative and etnic of its kind. In the text it was told that topeng mask is their proudest acquisitions; they have had over 2000 valuable masks, in the text also describe more about masks in the archipelago especially in Bali like the history of mask, the function, role, and the meaning of mask in ritual, religious, sacred ceremony and social life of Balinese culture. And the existence of the mask that is declared by UNESCO as one of the world’s oldest cultural artifacts.

  • 6.2    Tenor

The participants involved in this text were ;

  • 1.    Journalist informant Editor

  • 2.    Publisher

  • 3.    The readers of “NOW Bali” magazine.

The journalists collect official statement and information around the Reno’s art museum and Balinese Cultural Creation program. The editor is someone who edits the article before it is published, the publisher is someone or company that publishes the magazine and reader are people who read the article.

Mode of this text is written language, this text was written to be read by the readers. The text of the new art museum and Balinese Cultural Creation program consists of sixteen paragraph and thirty three sentences.

  • 7.    Lexical Cohesive Devices

This part is concerned with the finding analysis of lexical cohesive devices employed in the article. The article was separated per paragraph and the analysis was based on cohesion theory proposed by Halliday & Hasan (1976) which involve reiteration, and collocation.

Reiteration is the repetition of lexical item, or the occurrence of synonym of some kinds, in the context of reference, that is, where two occurrences have the same referent. The categorization of reiteration includes same word or repetition, synonym or near synonym, super ordinate and general word.

The term collocation is related to the idea that cohesive affect of such pairs depend not so much of any semantic relationship as on their tendency to share the same lexical environment. Collocation is often related by some meanings to build up the cohesive chains and lexical relations.

The collocation can be achieved through relation that holds two words that can express opposite in meaning (antonyms), systematic relationship between two pairs of word that express oppositeness but are mutually related (complementary), and relation of word so related that one reverses the relation denoted by the other (converses).

Example :

  • (S1)    Elly and Reno halsamer are passionate collectors of things that are symbolic items of Indonesian heritage. (S2) They have acquired over 2000 valuable masks, daggers (kris), puppets (wayang kulit), and textiles, but topeng masks are their proudest acquisitions. (S3) Their new museum, just opened in Kuta, promises to be one of the most informative and ethnic of its kind.

Data Presentation of Lexical Cohesive Devices

The data were taken from tourism article entitled Fun with Kids in Bali: Get Creative and all of lexical cohesive devices features were analyzed based on theory of cohesion proposed by M.A.K. Halliday & Hasan R (1976). The data presented in form of table.

Lexical cohesive devices

Cohesive types

Cohesive items





Synonym or near synonym


Super ordinate


General word





The data in the tables show that the lexical cohesive devices employed 25 times. It means in the article, the use lexical cohesive devices with the type that most frequently occurred is repetition with percentage 12% (Occurred 17 times)


All of those lexical cohesive devices features were employed in the article with 25 occurrences. The use of lexical cohesive devices with the type that most frequently occurred is repetition with percentage 12% (Occurred 17 times). The use of lexical cohesive devices in an article of a magazine has no significant different in total number if it is compared to the article in newspaper as in Amadea (2009) or tourism article in Setiawati (2005). It means the use of lexical cohesive devices is important to make all kind of texts easily understood by its readers. Lexical cohesive devices have important role in presenting form of cohesiveness of

the text. The lack of lexical cohesive devices used in a text will contribute to the worse texture of the text. The lexical cohesive devices are needed to make it efficient yet detailed and understandable for the readers.


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