Verbal and Visual Messages in English Printed Car Advertisement
Verbal and Visual Messages in English Printed Car Advertisement
I Nyoman Arthawan Arriawan
English Department Non – Reguler Program Faculty of Letters Udayana University
Penelitian ini berjudul “ Verbal and Visual messages in English printed car advertisements " . Pembahasan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pesan verbal dan visual dalam setiap iklan mobil dan mengetahui pesan yang disampaikan di setiap iklan mobil. Lebih spesifik , hal itu dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis makna dan fungsi tanda verbal dan visual untuk membantu pembaca memahami pesan iklan mobil yang dicetak . Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dokumentasi . Hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah mencari majalah internasional yang berisi iklan mobil dan kemudian memilih iklan mobil yang berbeda yang menunjukkan struktur yang berbeda dan karakteristik tanda-tanda verbal dan visual dan teori makna dengan Leech. Ia mengatakan bahwa secara umum iklan (a dicetak iklan ) terdiri atas komponen standar seperti berikut : judul , ilustrasi , body copy , baris tanda tangan ( logo ) , rincian berdiri , dan mengklasifikasikan artinya menjadi tujuh jenis , dan menyatakan lima fungsi bahasa dan teori warna oleh Wierzbicka katanya asosiasi warna dibagi enam warna yaitu putih dan hitam , hijau, biru , merah, kuning, coklat. Melalui analisis , itu menunjukkan bahwa pesan verbal dan visual memiliki hubungan untuk membuat iklan yang baik , berdasarkan penjelasan , kita bisa mendapatkan beberapa poin tentang iklan seperti: iklan harus memiliki tanda verbal dan visual untuk menarik perhatian pembaca , sebuah iklan yang baik harus dipilih dalam menggunakan kata-kata untuk informasi yang disampaikan dan pesan kepada para pembaca sehingga mereka bisa menjadi mengerti.
Advertisement is common word heard every day in our lives. Advertisements as a media of information. The ultimate objective of advertising is catching consumers' attention to think and feel certain things about a company, its products as well as their services, and influence their purchase behavior. There are two important signs that an advertisement must have namely verbal and visual signs.
The language in the advertisement text is different from the language we use in our everyday lives. It is usually informal; the sentences are short and simple, and contain interactive words. It is because of the advertising language function, to send a message from
the advertiser to the costumer to do something. This phenomenon makes printed advertisement interesting to be analyzed because of its creative set of wordings.
From the background given above, there are two problems required to be discussed as follows:
1) What are the verbal and visual signs used in each English Printed Car Advertisement?
2) What meaning and function exist in each English Printed Car Advertisement?
The aims of this study are as follows:
1) To find out the verbal and visual messages resulting from the verbal and visual signs in each English Printed Car Advertisement.
2) To analyze the meaning and function that exist in each English Printed Car Advertisement.
This study was conducted through three steps; they are determination of data source, data collection and how the data are analyzed. Therefore, the following aspect covers three sections, namely data source, data collection, and data analysis
5. Analysis
Verbal and Visual Messages Presented in Advertisement.
Verbal Messages
The components of advertisement based on concept of advertising proposed by Leech and the Verbal message of advertisement plate.
Saussure states that every sign consists of a signifier and a signified. The signifier and signified in verbal signs of advertisement can be seen through the explanation below:
1. The headline of the advertisement in picture 1 is a signifier itself. The sentence " Suck it up " signifies A statement about functions and capabilities of the product to filter incoming air.
2. The statement on body copy is: Want some easy, cost effective power gains? Here's the equation: Larger amounts of cold air in = more power out. The solution? Fit high energy intake on your ride. Those sentences explain briefly the ability, specialty and the characteristics of the product being advertised that are has some advantages and a solution if your vehicle has problem.
3. Signature Line (Logo) "High Energy Induction", refers to the brand name of the product and the state where the product was produced.
4. The text "For your nearest Dealer Call 03 9460 6566 or Email [email protected]" in the Standing Details signifies the website address of the manufacturer.
Visual Messages
Saussure defines the linguistic signs as a two side psychological entity: they are
concept (signified) and image (signifier). The two side psychological entity of visual signs of the advertisement in advertisement.
The image of the silver car in factory with black background and cover carburetor and the image of the product are the main attraction in this advertiser. The image of the silver car in the factory looks light in the darkness. They use a black background so it looks the power and elegance. Cover carburetor Represent the product in reality on the various types of carburetor product was being advertised. This made the cover of car with the red color looks so passion and red is generally used as a symbol of danger or warning. And the logo of High Energy with the yellow color looks most energizing, because yellow is often considered the brightest and more energize.
The Meaning and Function Analysis
The explanation about meaning and function can be seen through the explanation below:
The headline Analysis
In the headline, the advertiser usually introduces the products in general, it is done in order to persuade the readers as an introduction of the product. The first sentence of the headline in the first advertisement is in the form of the product slogan "Suck it up". The headline of this advertisement reflects the conceptual meaning because to demonstrate the quality of this product to make it look more elegant than the other products, and has the function and information about these products so that consumers want to use this product.
The headline placed at the centre top of page and written with red color, this style was used by advertiser in order to make the sentence in the advertisement easily caught by the reader.
The body copy analysis
In the body copy, the advertiser usually informs the readers about the description of the product. Every sentence in the body copy in the advertisement has their own meanings and function. They are described as follows:
a. Want some easy, cost effective power gains? Here's the equation". This sentence reflects thematic meaning and directive function. Because the advertiser wants to communicate and organize the message of this advertisement to the readers.
b. Larger amounts of Cold Air In = More Power Out". This sentence reflects conceptual meaning and informational function. Because the advertiser gives information this air quality outgoing and incoming, has the same power.
c. The solution? Fit a High Energy Intake on your ride". This sentence reflects thematic meaning and directive function. Because the advertiser wants to organize the message and orient it to words the readers.
The signature line (Logo) Analysis
The signature line of this advertisement is in the form of the brand name of the product "High Energy Induction". This reflects conceptual meaning and informational function because it shows the name of the brand / company in this advertisement. The signature line of this advertisement contains informational function because the advertiser introduced by the name of the product to the reader. With that logo the advertiser wants the readers to get and buy this product.
The standing Detail Analysis
The standing detail of this advertisement " For your nearest dealer call 03 9460 6566
or Email [email protected] " reflects conceptual meaning and informational function because the advertiser wants to inform to the readers if they want to see more information about this product they can visit their website.
. 6. Conclusion
Advertisers typically make ads look attractive because advertisers want to make the reader interested in buying the product. The verbal sign is sent through the polite words and easily understood by the reader. Therefore, the reader is interested in purchasing. Besides, Visual sign is very important in advertising. Because the image is one part of the ad that may interests readers. Besides, the picture can help advertisers convince the reader to buy the product. Generally, printed advertisement has Verbal and Visual sign which have meaning. Because both Verbal and Visual sign has signifier and signified concept in each printed advertisement support each other and thus produce mean. Every product has different advantages according to the product being advertised but has same purpose. Visually, these advertisements use background exciting cover and aim to clarify the verbal signs. Besides, visual signs aimed to increase the attractiveness of advertising through pictures. Advertising has multiple functions and meanings to make the reader understand what is conveyed by the advertisement. There are seven meanings used in this research such as: Affective meaning, Conceptual meaning, Connotative meaning, Collective meaning, Reflected meaning, Thematic meaning, Stylistic meaning. And five functions such as: Informational function, Expressive function, Aesthetic function, Directive function, and Phatic function which every meaning and function have relation to conveyed messages to the readers.
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